__----* Is Part of Plan --to Make "See --___------Clear Field in Campaign _ . MANY FARMERS _ _ . _ ONSTATE ROADS is . _« The mou tz i8" ¥ amil i. of :"the :: i4 countty ." _ Che --bhard physhboro, who had good reasoss to belierve he would be chosen to make the race agrinst Small, is now be ing placated with--the offer of the antiSmal faction's support for the: nomination for lieutenant governer. 'fihfllunmmhn u{.':&. 1¢ rin for attormey gen eral, it is rumored, in the event of Attorpey General Brundage deciding to retire from public life for the Mr. Brundage has made no secret of his desire to get out of the lime light and return to the practice of law before too many more years areé added to his life span.. ° ror;vg:h-*'m."l'lo» port of committee on can wn.smnm submitted to the board of managers probably Friday night when the date of the\ primary wi#t be Kxed. --~. . -- member of the state tax commission, will be the candidate of the Small forces for the nomination for attor-- The-- McCormick--Brundage forces, it is understood, have been consider-- ing the advisability of putting a full ticket in the Seld. By this mears, it is explained by one of their spokes-- men, practically al the aspirants for the gubernmatorial boepors can be Bpringficld, HM1J., Sept. -- 5.--A vast impovement and beautification® of farm homes where state hard 'roads have been built, is told by state--bigh way enginegrs after a tour of inspee tion over the state. Subsequently the attorney general dregped the suits against Mr. Ster When Attorney General Brundage started after Governor Small on the interest issué, Mr.' Sterling, . who had held the office of state treasurer for two years, was brought into the Jit-- igation. MANY He has been --one of the Republi-- cam wheclhorses for years and was ome of the strong"supporters: of For-- mer Governor Lowden. e "Hard © roads bring farmers n! closer touch with the outside world," sald Ralph R. Benedict, assistant chi@f highway engineer. j "Ke have noticed thruout the state where hard roads havre been built that farmers have repainted old tence a. and in some instances havre mew fepces. Others havre re palnted their homes and built or im-- proved them. Where the old shacks havte stood, now one sees new houges Oor & big perch built on the old house. where hard -- roads that farmers have : w,-dllwm new fepces. painted their home proved them. Wh ~_Umless the Brundage McCormick factionists decide to put a complete tieket in the field, headed .by Sena-- 10r Essington for governor, it is not believed Mr. Sterlins will have any serious opposition .n 'tkm kry . _ A Support--r of Lowdemn * The lieutenant overnor has been one of the popular RepubHecan lead-- ers of lilinois for many years, 4s well as one of the outstanding ed-- iters of the downstate section. The Register--Gazette, which he owrs and edits, ranks 'high amoug newspapers of lilinolis. > _ _ . "See Iilinois First." .:. Benedict stressed the import-- Of residents of this state adopt-- gm *Bee l!llinois' First" slogan. Th '..ougmnous g::mtlu of uui-.'m PP , Johnson, pe, , and White in mtm*. 4 'sald by them to include some of * -{ beautiful spots ir the _ "There are places in the state on the raads where a tourist can abhead :t miles at the green, fer-- the state," he sdid, "Our ' gelds, and in places thru mora-- will be withheld for a few days, he confirmed the report yesterday that he will go before the Republican vot erfs again for a vindication and ap-- preval of his record * GLENK HAS AMBITIONS Lieutenant Governor Fred E. Ster-- Nug of Rockford will be a <andidate 'regions. ~ ---- Bet G:ades--at 6 Per Cent. * have tried to keep the read . down to 6 per cent, that is, Of 6 feet to every 100 MHowever, in some cases the exceed this As far as bos-- is our aim to eut away steep by blasting or run our nx them, dependent npon the cir-- o Austrian brusi turkey loys Its wa the top of a beap of decaying whith it has piled up to At a depth 0 wt to hatet Lt. by ) gem by the deocaying Caristrom in Race ination PRETTY -- PLACES Tourists. Otis in the Spring pri-- --| ~ «e Rirst Photo of Tragic Race is averse to stopping his car, at a eroaming. because he may lose two driver to come to a full stop before crossing important . railroad-- crosse-- ings is advocated here' by C. F. minutes--time.© However, our trains stop at all steam railroad crossings ahd the conductor 'fags' the croms Iing befere giving our engineer the signal to +proceed.-- This 'delays six-- ty or seventy passemegr®, but we belleve safety comes first. There is mo.good reason why a" passenger au-- WANT AUTOS TO ~--STOP AT RAlL» WwOULD DECREASE DEATHS "The average motorist . never stops at a crossing, but rdshes over, Imposing Ceremonies to Be . Held at State Capitol Grounds --On October the Sixteenth. bell --is: sounding 'the warning," Mr. said. "A law compelling them stop at these places would sreduce accidents of this nature to a Minois: Traction System Man «is for New Safety Law for * Automobilists. STATUES FOR 2 _ GOVERNORS OF ILL; TO BE UNVEILED he said, but the type has not, 'yét Mr. Handshy also announced that he and the electrical epgingers of the road had made a tour of Illt mois ~ railroads . investigating new types of railroad crossings> signals. A new type of crossing signal is to be installed by the traction system, Springfield, 1II, Oct. 9.--Two stat-- ues, une of Richard Yates, war fi ernor of lllinois from 1861 to 1% the aother of Gen. John M. Palmer, govetnor from: 1869 to 1873, will be dedicated here Oct. 16 on the state house grounds, east of the clm Gov. Small will preside at *the : ._Amang the speakers will be Louln L. Emmerson, secretary of state; the Rev. H. C. First, of Rock Island, chaplain of the department of NH-- publicc' and 'eeuor. Richara T afes, ll- of the formér war kovernor. '-fi statee Of Richard Yates will be un veiled by Miss Dorothy Yates, granddaughter ~of Govr. Yates, and Miss Margaret Jayne, m'h' ter ef Gov. Palmer, will unvell the ;l'tt-'l statue. C + The statue of Gov. Yates is BJ }AN- Polacek, and that of Gov. Pat mer is by Leonard Crunclie, Dh fChlcngo sculptors, ~ YATES -- PALMER HONORED. _ Make all farm loans through T. J. Stahl & Co. at 5 percent interest foy fAve years. w®kiy it Werld's u«... Qutput, } The output of t=e principal coal mining nations, lignite and coal being eombined, was, in 'metric tons: M' :' States, 417,040100 ; Gmy.'% 428; United Kiagdom, 255.801, ¥ruhce, $1,015,617 ; Poland, 23.800000; RHeigiunm, 21,284,170 ; Ruskia, 10010080 ; "As a rule. the automobile driver ~ Beigtum won tz.lamu Gordon BennettCyup this year in the Brust~: balloon race, but the race was not without its fragedies. Five pilots wee> 'Kkilled, sevéral Eriured and some balloogs destroyed.> Photo shows t# "American entry (fop baftoon} plunging into @Belgian one.* Lieutenar.t R. 5. Olnistead and Lieutenant J. \V. Sheptaw were killed in the cv@sh. ROAD CROSSINGS HUL, Oct. 10.-- and Canada, 136# Complete material to build a good wubstanticl Garage, including three Illinois soldiers' bonus checks are being written out at the rate of 1,000 a day, according to the state auditor's office. J nig, » About -- $0,000 applications ~have been turned over to this ofice thus far by the obnus board. More than ceived by the latter office and are coming in at the raté of 200 a day, according to Adjt. Gen. Black. _ > Applications for bonus have becn made out and the checks# written in :gcrht-flulekmd checks when the nest block of bonds :iz sold. ; k All bids for the bond issue have been rejécted because of low inter-- Garages! GREAT LAKES, LL. Phone Waukegan 306. 22nd St. at Sheridan 'KWorth Chicago 10x16 1--Car Garage $49.00 12x18 1--Car Garige $59.00 18x18 2--Car Garage $78.00 * _ --Buy Now and Save Maoney -- | WRITE OUT BONUS CHECKS AT RATE OF 1,000 A DAY Open Sundays for your convenience, NOW IN PROGRESS GoRrDON WRECKING & LUMBER CO. W you auffter the slightest eye strain, you should consult us immedidtely. _ -- . ) For there are taghions in giasses as well as clothes. We not only fit you with glasses that are lfi!r\l'll to your ® featuresn----but supply the rims m:.'.wbh or single lenses and . focus exactly your line of vision for distance as well as reading. t _ INGALLS --._ Jewelers and Opticians . . Phone 101 1 Waukegan Perhaphk your glasaes are your With the issues well defined, are get in sahspe for a real bat-- Ericutanty. m 9y pomate iility "fom, fUie ahd 1. think we will be able to and hard roads, Governor~Small said |&*t tho issues squarely presented ts his opponents could not bare select. |[OVOrY -- roter~ in Hlinois' by . primary ed a mab to run sagainst him who|I02Y »oxt spring." zd cheapéer utility_rates in the state. l'. tm : t ----T"" '*"'*--"wlll W; w eeurely --lvml in Aoveee reatorter wl mmifldlfllifiwfl"?'» _ Right is reservred to rej lenders --of Cook county, ?fl ~ He safd he was--ready for the For --further information himself as doubly pleased the |tle and was greatly encouraged over |the undersigned. """'w'"w""m' Duted® at Whaukegan, 1}! mmcm. b:flmh lhml-. w x looks bright so far as m.'wgnfilfi as their --candidate for governor.~ < |I can att,'" governor anid.: "We Countsy Supnt. of "I AM READY FOR BATTLE" .. _ The environment of the home is probably the most important factor in the influencing and moulding of American life and character. -- Beautiful Home Week is a time set aside when one should give more than the usual . amount of thought to making the home a happier and better place in «--By the yard, $1.25. ----By the pair, $7.98. El .' ¢) A , : a * / "C ¢ *3 £. This showing of new Curtainings is given greater impetus by these special pric-- ings. 'They are materials that are constantly in demand by the homemaker and the savings are substantial in amount. ' ' ' Here's the latest development of the genuine Quaker Tuascan Net which took the decorators by ktorm a season or so ago. 'The virile masculine effect of the original Tuscan is still further em-- phasized by the hand--crocheted effect of thin new 'N_\c and white with colored Agures. Bpecial, yard ie repienras .2 ba With tie backs. In barred patterzs. Bpecial 'At, pPAIT ...._«--aszsc,muisces which to live. Beautiful | Orinoka Dr"tfluhr; mooa aun u;l.nh fast® "Their weaves and color combinations, too, are keal for mse in every reom of your home, whather sammer or winter. "We. have. a most interesting variety of 'Orindka Drapesy »Pabrics.'~4¥90/to $498 yard. n Specials For This Week ~ Orinoka Sunfast Draperies Cretonnes'In-- Attractive Colorings _ -- _ **Rverything looks bright so far as I can aeo," 'the governor anid. "We are getting in shape for a real bat-- tlie and I think we will be able to Stahl & Co. the . farmers + state the good roads, iasue .3 'll.. it would mean to pwinco in the executive chair an $1.49 -- -- ~Commeon sense demands that the Curtain be highly transparent; the curtain must f These two requuements are ideally confined in the merchandise we have selected. 49¢ 'The Best Stove -- On the NovthShové" --By the yard, §1,48, $1.7% §1.98. ----Ready-- made Curtains, $10.98 pair. --For a sun parior that lsa't always sunny or a living seom that needa * "bit of brightentag," we auggest Oxtord Cross Nets. 'This net is a gossa mor fabrsic in which a touch of sunshine has been caught and held. ' " i'afi' W'. detorative touch in your C *< o '*" mod is hereby given that, . otf: the soads l& will be regeived .:"3: t AB Office of the undersigned at the o sesalens, he -- D6 court© house, Waukegan, lilinois, un-- th the Lowden p iy. | Lit aleven (11) o'clock A. M., October had been an. ally of the * 1023, for the ! improvement of " which finally swung swlscation of the Rockland road, sold to seuttle the of TLibertyville, as follows: M ad Nw' _the state. 1.~Reinforeed concrete brdige in uh e / three 45 ft. apans. ":f""h o Homia &a Cu nu. grading. nare the state F #5 Cu ¥ds. Class "A* Concrete. ae what it we 'g cent, 5&- t."n::.(lflmr ' k amount # + in the executive chair ar io Ate B Peatiati. County Oxford Cross Nets ' Mustrated at Left This beautiful--net combizes that element ot transparency 'which is the basic re-- quirement of any modern window cover-- Iing with attractive and artistic designs. «----By the nn/l."oc-lfl.' ' ----Bythe pair they are specially priced for this week at $3.98. Heary @uality, reversible tapestry. Cholce of SDECRE, "FAKOG~.2...--i.««cusame«yes~--««, NWP R Casement Cloth. : Special, Punto Tirato 36--Inch Tapestry wkly--1t Duted® at Waukegan, lWilinois, this 26th day of September,. A. 1923. > cqam E. xvuhx. Right is reservred to reject any or -- 29¢ * $1.49 LIVES JIN PHOTOGRAPHS : Many are, bringing mu'?h.fei for. portraits now s ' parly delivery of Christmas orders. yard -------- County Supt. of Highways Sept. 38--Oct, 6§1% f absll accompany each THE CHARM OF PASSING YEARS 98c ----By the yard, $1.98. --By the pair, $4.98 to $16.50. p e i io ky 6 for cambiaecd in this delightful cutrtaining is the soft easement cloth effact--plus the interest of design and the transparenty ol --#« veiling. ~~ ment to awy room. We wast you to beautiful met. * «----By the pair, $6.75. This beautiful Quaker Curtaining is of seft, silk-- like fnisls without design. It is a curtaining that is certain to give a touch of dignity and--refine ~~-- _ Maderia Filet to 11T North Genesee Street