dicated 'that it it was built of heavy timbers.. Time ond dampness have saaused the once solid planking and Alinbers _to become thoroughly 'de-- eayed. t « Because of the mystery connected with the case it is probable that the entire hulk will be excavated to search for possible marks of iden-- tification before it is . destroyed. than it does now, This is based on the fact that the boat is buried under many feet of sand and is located sat z point hbalt a mile in-- land from the present shore line. *That the schoner must have been an exceedingly sturdy craft is in-- N. F. Busch and Clarence were bus-- Aness callers in Libertyvyille Saturday. Dance tickets in Chicago are only fifty cents, while here they soak you b'l;ou _dollar. -- All m:eats and igro-- Cceries, too, are quite a bit higher in the country than they are in the city. Let's all move to the city. There has been much excitement in our town of late. Several of our resi-- dents are being greatly annoyed by midnight prowlers who rap on doors, yank at the knobs and open windows. They seem to insist on be'ng let in, x whe'nthe people of the house stir vanishes just then and nothing is to be seen. Folks here can not imagine the meaning of these mys-- terious visits. It sounds speeky. Why ~A mysterious lady was seen coming out of teh John Cargill residence ont day last week said place being vacant at the present time. : Emma Sturm was a Prairie View caller Tuesday. e Up to the present time the work of excavation has not revealed the name of the schooner,. There is Cpusiderable speculation. about it. 'The general opinion is that the old boat must have gone, doyn many years ago when the shore line of the lake extendcd inland much farther than it does now. This is based _ »The Wheeling. baseball team played Area Sunday and got beat by a score of 7 to 3. This was the last game of the season. Willard Hank and lady friends mo-- tored to Diamond Lake Sunday to see the ball game. Willard played with the Wheeling team. not lay for them and give them an un-- Matt Wickersheim 'was a caller at Mrs. Caroline Busch's Friday. Last Sunday night some of our resi-- dents whom the midn'ght prowlers FIND HULL OF , --OLD SCHOONER BURIED IN SAND The rotting hulk of an old schoon er, apparently about 60 : feet in length and buried deep in the sand, exposed to view Saturday by & £A08 of men engaged in digging a 12 foot ditgch from the Johns--Manville plant to the lake ~shore. The old bull Iny directly across the ditch and it will be nececssary to use dyna-- mite to destroy it and proceed with Workmen at Manville Plant Dig Up Rotten Hulk; Iden-- tity a Mystery. The Torrington Demonstrator is waiting to give you a compli-- mentary dermidnstration: of this better cleaner.© Simply tele-- phone, call or write and say :; 1 would lika to have a free demon-- stration otf.the Torrington Electric Cleaner. f 824 No. Milwaukes Ave. Tm B0 -- 329 Libertyvitle im DIETZ WILLYS LICHT CO. A P TA KISTIC Hold--up men were very busy Satur-- day night on Milwaukee avenue, in the vicinity of Wheeling. <A call} for extra eow:u sent in and they were sta-- waukee avenue, but no arrests were tioned at every road leading from Mil-- made. It truly is getting unsafe to venture out on any of the roads after dark unless you are well supplied with ammunition. . Ed Bhebrawva from the city was a ~Alexander Bunton, Jr., Mrs. Bunton, Miss Alice and Grandma Busch motor-- ed to Libertyville Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wickersheim and daughter Julia, from Los Angeles, Cal. were visitors at Mrs. Caroline Wicker-- sheim's at Long Grove Tuesday. _ Emil Geest received a lot of brick from the National Brick Co., last week which were delivered by auto truck. to bring back repairs for the MrCor-- mick and Deering corn binders; .also a load of binder twine. .On the return trip they lost one bale of twine (100 pounds). They say it was stolen off the rear end of the truck. We would Buggest that next time one of them ride in the rear and keep an eye open. Take Pat's advice--safety first. Max Miller and {amily were callers in this vicinity Wednesday evening. l{:xh was a visitor at Long Grove that night, -- j Herbert Wickersheim came out from the city one day last week and helped his father husk corn: He thought it was quite a change from what he is doing in the city. ' | -- George Meyer and George Weimer motored to the city one day last week George Weimer delivered a consign-- ment of yarn to the Crestmore last Tuesday, already wound, ready for the hook. Mrs. Caroline Busch has secur-- ed the job of winding the yarn; she gets double pay for overtime. Mrs .Halverson was a visitor at Mrs. Frank Horcher's Wednesday. $ Mrs. Jacob Wolf and Miss Daisy were in town on business last Tuesday n'ght. 4 24 Mr. Bieberitz of Waukegan was a business caller at the Crestmore last Wednesda yafternoon. : ~-- --Henry Knopf of Geqrgia was a visit-- or in town Tuesday. / Mr.--and Mrs. --James Matousek and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Busch and baby attended the dance at Half Day SBaturday night. _--Emil Geest attended to business at Northbrook Friday night and at the ¥village of Wheeling Saturday night. | Mr. and Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Ketser and children from Chicago were vie Itors at the George Weidner home last Sunday. * Claude McQueen, from the city, was here Saturday afternoon and attended the dance. He also played ball with the Wheeling tea mSunday and got beat. ~Claude played all summer with the Antakisic team, and was on the winning side every time. He will play with the Wheeling team next season we understand. Mr. and Mrs. James Matousek from the city spent Sunday at the N. F. Busch home. Mr. Matousek returned to the city Sunday evening, while Mrs. Matousek will spend several days vis iting here. visit All our ball faps went to Diamond Lake Sunday. ' William Ritter from Princeton was a caller at E. Geest's flour and feed store, where he also met sevéral oll acquaintancés and friends. homes--like a dog vl"-ifut a dozen chains dragging after We would suggest n::.l good huo::dln uu"dt- rm we re "!Js'_':OL' _c quliet soon after. _ Herbert Wickersheim and t;ml:y of Chicago spent Wednesday at t o g: y at the home Next SBaturday night at Hertel's pa vilion there will be another big dance. There will also be an old fiddlers' con-- test. and some excellent jigging and step dancing by Wm. Whigam; Danc ll'g:ll begin at 8: 80. Bertha Busch was a visitor at Mrs. Caroline Busch's Thursday. The Long Grove Laitheran church now has a steady preacher, and serv-- Ices will be held at the Church every BSunday morning. They haven's as yet decided on the English speaking ques Mrs. Cora Weigand was in town sev-- eral days last week. Al Bunton, Jr.. delivered an aut > load of garden vegetables to Liberty-- ville last week. A variety, too--ripe tematoes, p'ckling tomatoes, collards, neppers, swiss chard, leek, kale head lettuce, white cos celery lettuce and will deliver cabbage later. Jacob Gasser was a business caller at the Crestmore Saturday. 5 YOUTHS TAKEN --ON SUSPICION Five Milwaukee youths were tak-- en into custody late Friday afternoon at the farm of John Kerder, North of" Wadsworth by deputy sheriffs, it being reported that they had threa tened persons in that' neighborhood. One youth, Jacob Miller, admitted he had been in an industrial school :t Waukesha. _ Stanley Hill | has een working on the Jones fram near Wadsworth. He claimed the other four boys had driven down from Milwaukee Friday morning to visit him. -- Miller has been work: Ing for Kender. Albert -- Mardjak said he had worked for Thomas Ho-- ;n- "tioif--kaenn for _ several months, some time ago. Three masked robbers held up a saleasman on Rollins R4., north of Lib ertyville, at the point of guns, and relleved him of . $85, declining to take a number of checks in his pos-- The robbers had placed their au-- tomoabile crosswise in the 'road and when the smlesman, who is employed by the E. J. Reynolds company of Chicago, lm.'lh machine to rcn-t A they covered im wity their revolvers. & STICKUP MEN GET $85 FROM AUTOIST Mr. and Mrs. John Nader entertain-- ed a few friends at their home last Friday evening in honor of their guest Mr. and Mrs. Kalina, of Elisworth,Kas. Walter Douglas and Edward Leon-- ard were home from Lake Forest for the week end. * ®@ At a muurw a week ago, the Ladies Aid y elected the folowing offivers for the coming year. Presiden, Mrs._Frd Hamlin; Vice Pres-- ident, Mrs. Paul Avery; Sec--Treasur-- er, Mrs. Charles Cook. Work is al-- ready well under way for the Xmas Sale early in December. +Paul King came out from Chicago last Thursday evening to spend a few days with the home folks, being called home on account of an accident which his grandmother sustained. Will those who have vegetables g-'n'l;. or anything to send to Lake , kindly leave same at C. B. Ham-- lin's, as a load will be taken there very soon. . Mr. and Mrs. Corson and Miss B6 dine drove to Rockford on Friday and spent the week end with relatives. Miss Alice Huker is attending Busi-- ness College in Waukegan. 4 Miss Marion Hawthorne of North-- western University and Miss Tietor of Evanston were out Sunday to visit our Sunday School and to help the local Sunday School and church in the work of religedus education. > The Boy Scouts had a suprise party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kearh at the home of--C.--B. Hamlin, last Fr day ev-- ening, and the Boys presented Mr. Kean with a fine flash light and knife. Needliess to say the boys had a good time, and Mr. Wentworth will go on with the Scout work, that has alreday been started. Mr. and Mrs. John Nader and guests | drove to Fox River Grove last Thurs | day and spent a couple of days vith,; relatives. ; | Dr, Vincent R. Boynton, an only son of Mrs. Boynton is connected with go'bulth department of Den-- ver. <He has gone to Hoosick Fally where the funeral was held Monday. During the time she lived in Wauke gan, Mrs. Boynton was very active in the work of the First Baptist church. She had been an invalid for nearly twenty--five years. A reeption was held at the church last Saturday evening, to welcome our naw pastor, Mr. Wenthworth and wife. Altho' the attendance was not very large, those present, thought it worth while to have been there. the Barrett and Burgett garage. Bome thirty years ago Mr. Boynton conducted a grocery store. He also was associated with the i4ate Dr. V. C. Price in the favor extract manu facturing business. He was a half brother of Mrs. Price. The Boyn-- ton's left there about fifteen years Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Poulton and children, and Perry Poulton, of Round Lake, also Alvena Larsen attended church here on Sunday. h9 The Boynton were-- well known and extremely prominent in Waukegan a pumber of years ago. They re sided .at the corner of Grand avenue and Ash street, the present site of Mrs. P. R. Avery and Mrs. Fred Hamlin spent Thursday in Weukegan. Pau! Avery and wife, A. Simpson and Fred Haml'n attendedthe big ball game in Ch'cago last Friday. At the'r mecting Ilast Tuesday, the Royal Neighbors served a picnic din-- ner in honor of their musician Mrs. Kean and presented her with three gold pieces, as an appreciation of her services. Mr. and Mrs. Kean went the first of the week and shipped the'ir goods to Evanston, where they will live this winter. Our good wishes go with them. MRS. BOYNTON IS DEAD AT HOME IN HOOSICK FALLS, N.Y. Word was received last Friday of the death at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., of Mrs. Sarah Boynton, widow of the late George H. Boyuton, a for-- mer well known--resident of Wauke Former Prominent Resident of Waukegan, Invalid for 25 Years, is Dead. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe and their guests, Miss Lillian Lowe, of Lake Forest, and Mrs. Pierce of Millburn, spent Saturday at Lake Geneva. Mr. Cook was in Chivago on busi ness severay days last week, and Mrs Cook accomoanied him on Thursday. Mrs. Kean was in Evanston last Thursday. a § Mrg. Mary King, formerly known as Grandma King, passed away at her home here, early Saturday evening, her death being caused by a fall, ten day previous, when she broke her hip. . Tonic and Blood Enricher for generous Trial Package of Tablets, Send ---- just / name . and _ Address 32 3\ Breitentach Con 66 Warren duy I. T2 Free Trial Tablets talue of Gude's Pepto--Mangan WELL AND STRONG LIBERTYVILILE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1923. C's angan Te health --botkimg ~ C T T Mrs. C. K. Orsborne and son, Chas., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Stanger Saturday. a we T Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bingharf and Mrs. Emelie Pyle of Irving Park were the guests of Mrs. J. C. &den Bunday. Sister Leonet of Chicago --was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor from Friday until Sunday. f Mrs. John Le Clear and granddaugh-- ter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Muhike Saturday and Sunday. Miss Isabel Biederstadt of Highland Park was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Biederstadt last Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Reivhelt, Jr., attended the Tenth -- district Federated Women's C:ub meeting at Rogers Park Monday. Mrs. R. M. Vant returned Monday from the central part of --the state, where she visited relatives for a week. The annual bazaar given by the Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's Evangelical church will be held on Thursday night Oct. 26th, at J. A. tryker's vacant store beginning at 6 o'clock. An unusual amount of fancy work, aprons quilts, rugs and bakery goods will be on sale. Miss Margaret Kress and Mrs. Rob-- ert Greenslade and daughter are vis't-- ing relatives in Fargo, No. Dakota, .Mrs. James Boudine returned to her hbome in;Duluth, Minu., having spent the summer with Mr. and, Mrs. Autin Plagge. -- ~© e i "ne Jordan and Easton families at-- tended the funcral of Fred Christen-- sen in Chicago Tuesday afternoon. The 'nterment was at Paork Ridge. Mr. Christensen had been in failing health ber. We have welcomed "Friendship" and are looking for '"Fellowship" this Bunday. ~"Docking" is at 11 a. m. All are welcome. ' -- At the evening service we will hear about the life of Judas Iscariot. Serv-- ice is at 7:30. ' . Mrs. W..H. Mott of Herrington, Kan. spent several days the past week with Mis Sadie Galloway. ---- -- ' ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knickerbocker of Chicago were the Sunday guests of Mrs. E. J. Knickerbocker. _~J. C. Antes spent Monday at the home of his brother, A. C. Antes, at Highland Park. lc Mrs. Bristol of Chicago and the Gooding family of Grayslake were vis itors at Joe Pester's Sunday. THE CHURCH ON THE HILL Three ships found harbor at Lake Villa in the Sunday mornings of Octo Mrs. Thayer has been on the sick list the past week. Her nephew, Earl Cragg, and family, of Highland Park called to see her Sunday, -- Mrs. Lola Avery visited an aunt at Rockford a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bheehan visited relatives at Ingleside last week. Bhe was 92 years old last June and up to a few years ago, she was always very active and ready to help anyone who needed it. -- Always cheerful and helpfu!, a splendid Christian wamon has gone to her reward. The funeral was held from the home on Tuesday afternoon, Rev, B. W. Wentworth of-- Aciating, and Frank Sherwood sang, Buria) was in Sand Lake Cemetery. Miss Mary Kerr visited her sister, Mrs. Spring at Millburn a few days of last week. Mrs. R..H. Sherwood was a Chicago pasenger lat Thurday. The Royal Neighbors are invited to attend a convention at Libertyville, on October 17, and October 31 the local com» will entertain several comps at dinner, to be served at the Jarvis Ho-- tel, and afterward at their camp room in Barnstable Hall. > Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr started on Saturday morning to spend ten days or two weeks with Mrs. Kerr's brother's family in Missouri. Mrs. Maye Stiles, of Waukegan was in town a couple of days last week on business. By U. §. Government Veterinaria+. D. C. Grirnell, Inspector in Charge. Phone 329. © Libertyville, H!I. FRED GRABBE AUCTIONEERING S NOW'S PHONE 306 Cattle Tested for Tuberculosis FREE OF CH ARGE WAUKEGAN, ILLINOE Res. Phone 2588: Office 344 Reverse Charges on Business Calls FARM AND STOCK SALES -- A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. INSURANCE Phone 217.M . LIBERTYVILLE Office With Farm Bureau, DEERFIEL D A. A. Grandy Mrs. Dr. Struthers spent Monday in Chicago. x ~ Mrs. Bear spent last week with re!-- atives in Chicago. . __ _ _ { Mr. and Mrs. C.--W. Crearey have vacated the Battershall home and will soon go to Centuria, Wis.,. where they will reside. A #*=¢ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wagper and family spent Sunday with relatives at Gene va, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Whitmore.of Ch'cago spent Sunday at the home fo Miss A. Whitmore. § Mrs. Peter Jubrend entertained the sewing circle of St. Paul's church last Thursday afternoon. Walter J. Lange has moved his fam-- ily into their new bungalow on Orch-- ard street. a Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stickles enter-- tained their daughter and husband, of Richmond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bent and son and William Eggert of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hore@berger Sunday. * Albert Willman of Hawkeye, lowa,| was the guest of his , brothers, John and Ed, over the week end. | Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neal and Mrs. John Rectenwald and daughter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton Richard Adams of Chicago and Mrs. Fred wimbark of Ravenswood were guests of their mother, Mrs. Sarah Adams, Sunday. 0. 1. Rockenbach efltshrdulshrdlu 0. L Rockenbach left Tuesday on a business trip in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota. . Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gunckel and Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Hutchinson have moved Into the east east Kehler cottage. Prof. Lash and several of his stu-- dents gave a concert in the Presbyter-- hnm ehurch Wednesday night. for several months. Last Thursday he went through an operation which re-- sulted in a cancerous growth, which proved fatal Saturday afternoon. Dr. C. J. Davis spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Aid of Chil-- licothe, Qhig Alvin Knaak is moving his family into the flat over the drug store. The Johansen family moved Satur-- Trial Convince SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS OF THLE --4 TITLES CUARANTEED Capital: $125,000.00 | Theadorse H. Durst, President W. B. Smith, Viee Presidgent F., W. Churchill, Becretary and Manager. TELEPHONE 81 Insurance of all kinds Phone 154M : LIBE G R A Y SLA K E " anthiiicuis uy . SA d WET WASH 25 lbs. for............._._.._.._ Starched and Dried, per Ib.... -- Family Wash Finished Complete LET US DRY CLEAN AND PRESS YOUR SUITS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, COATS, ETC. The Reliable Laundry LAUNDERERS, DRY CLEANERS AND OYERS PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 67.A LIBERTYVILLE and HIGHLAND PARK Let Us Do The Family --Wash We Also Dye Beautifully -- .D Froctor "Rheumatism is described under many subheads. the chief being acute rheuma-- tic fever, muscular rheumatism and artic-- ular rheumatism. Articular rheumatizm --~affects the jo'nts , but no matter where the trouble is seated, it is the same disease, and requires practically the same treat-- ' ment. , f ~ * THIS MEDICINE can be obtained at Pearce's Drug Store and Curlee's Drug Stores,Waukegan and North Chicago, Decker & Neville, Libertyville, !I1., or if they do not happen to have it in stock you can get a bottle by parcel post byaddressing RHEUMATISM BEBB JONES Highland Lake, formerly Taylor Lake .located one and a half miles northwest of Grayslake, was subdivid-- ed last--fall into numerous home sites by C. M. Macfarlane, who has a beau-- tiful home (Lilac Farms) on the east side of this lake, and who was the owner of this property.. The shore of the lake has been dredged, giving a great deal of newly made--iand, and owners of Lake front lots have been beautifying and improving their newly made"shore by seeding the soil. Contracts have been let for stone posts at the printvipal Home Sites en-- trances with ornamental gates which will further greatly improve the at-- tractiveness. Electric light and power have already been connected to all new homes recentl~ built, and will be added to by the*Public Serv'ce Co. as rapidly as homes are built. Tele-- phones are also being installed.~ _ rhe Misses Rehbein of Burlington. Wis., called on old friends here last Thursday. When Route 21 is completed it will be very convenient for Libertyville people to drive to Highland Lake over concrete practically -- the entire dis t:-l"' This we hope wil} be ready for spring. ° The William Richards family have moved to Libertyville. Holy Communion will be celebrated at the Congregational church Sunday at 8 a. m. The Rev. Mr. Fiower ¥ Antioch will officiate. Miss Lila Battershall spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. C. F. Tontes spent the past week with her--daughter in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Petty spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Grosvenor gave a party Friday evening in bonor of their son, Clifford's, birthday. Mrs. H. J. Wheelock _ entertained w w ' Mrs. J. B. Mooney and s'ster of Chi-- Uml-b.q : cago a couple of f{uyu last week. PMRST NATIONAL B 6 Mrs. E. J. Griffin of Gurnee visited Visiting Brothers are at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. HENRY WEHRENBERG, N. G. Brandstetter, a few days last week. . O L. SMITH, Sec The Lou Grosvenor family enter ta'ned relatives from Chicago Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Des Jardin spent family of Chicago swent Thursday at the Tonies home here. Mrse. Lowell of New London, Wis., was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. P. Walsh, this week. day to the home on Park avenue, they récently purchased Trom Mrs. Lehr. HOME SITES ON HIGHLAND LAKE You $1.25 , ILLINOIS UBERTYVILLE i.-- VICTORY AFFILIATERD COUNCIL f NORTH AMERICAN UNION V¥i : Members Cordially Invited. rings of Hach Month at. Gridley Hall ROBERT &ITZ, President, LIBERTYVILLE, u.ungd d Meets 2nd and 4th T h'af Monih at Gridiey s :. j id «5 Visiting Members Cordially € hi E. D. HUBBARD, MARY CA E) Prefect. "M\'. Res. Phone 136 M Office Phone 18 and Treatment. _ _ --_. c Kaiser Bidg., Over Gas Office. _ Hours 9 to: 12 a. m. and 1 to 7 p..M,. Phone 26. Libertyvilie, HL. Office in First National Bank Hullding Mours:--1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence on Broadway, opposite Park Subscribe for TME INDEPENDENT : a naews, and get it alHl-- Office at Home, on Cook 'A'j' Telephone 163J Treatment of Chronic Disease. Electronic Method of Diagnosis Price $1.00 Mailed Anywhere WAUKEGAN, ILL The "Everplay' Phonograph needle plays every word more distinct. Plays every make of record, and will not injure 27,000 RECORDS _ Played With One! ; EVERPLAL Good Meals 50¢c &E THE PERMANANT NEEDLE VETERINARY : SURGEON Assistant State Veterinearian ARLINGTON $ HOTEL # Cemetery Work of Every _ Geo. H. Schubert -- & Box 203 ROUND LAKE, ILL. DR. J. H. H ESLLIN GEORGE C. SMALL, Gecrotary, _ Over Qinsses Bcientifically Fitted Office Hours: -- 10 to 11 a m., 2 to 4 $ m. 7 to 8 p. m. * Office Phone 123; Res. 121. Dr. L. B. Jolly = MANUFACTURER OF Eye, Ear, Nose and Waukegan NMlinots Attorney.at Law *"I. L. TAYLOR No. 131 PMZESVE J ILLINOIS 8 t t £¥4 # acr #$