SALES RECORDS SHOW GREATEST * INCREASE IN NASH HISTORY. Wetzel--Turner Open Beautiful New IASH PLANT IN KENOSHA MAKING BIG EXTENSIONS w¥ :-NO. 470 LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT umtc im * TS m o t ae: ;_af?.v__":' . 9 "a%4 ¥oA * Wm COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1923. Many Lake County Citizel';rsk'Etpectegl hh caut: Mc c ol nliiine iant: t 2b 190 CR s PP o 1 Antioch was among the first to con-- gratulate Messré Wetzel and Turner. Mr. Radtke has a large following in his section of Lake county and is porh»louortlobatmwn auto-- mobile dealers in northern Hilinois. He has handled the Nash. line for about eighteen months and has given excellent representation.. ~ "Our owners thoroughly appreciate the splendid product of the Nash Mo-- tors. Company' said Mr. Radke "and Many residents of Antloch, Liber-- At the Dedication PAYS LLE INDEPENDENT ~__ Lake County's Big Weekly -- WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Car Maintenance Is Important, Says --| *"~"Service is a word that iss much used and much abused," ~says Eric Turner of Wetzell and Turner. "It is the average automobile own: er's In'greulon that service is some-- thing to-- be promised lavishly before entire resources in making "service" more than a mere stéreotyped slogan. : *Though Nash cars seldom require mechanical attention, we. take every precaution to assure their constant perfect running condition. _ «. "We--are convinced that the back-- bone of the automobile business "is the character of service rendered to ear owners. In conformity with this belief --we expect to follow up : each rale with a courteons; willing and terward. 3 * + "Here. in Wnu:sn. however, we Intend to devote best efforts &nd sale and promptly forgotten af-- Eric Turner. PUBLIC IS INVITED 1O ATTEND ORMAL ~OPENING SATURDAY with -- which ; ; Waukegar and Lake county rozl'd, Wetzel ind -- Turner, Nagh distributors. for this section of the! state," is egm'gd tin ;the new Nagh home at the cornér of Genesee street and Belvidere. . In less than two years increasing: sales of Nash cars have made necessary this fine, modern, thoroughly' equipped home from a start in a small, modest frame building. y 8 ; jyu lc is' Invitation is extended by Clarence Wetzel and Eriec Turner to the pub-- lic of Waukegan to visit the new Nash show rooms and service --station tomorrow afternoon and--evening on the occasion of the dedication, when i2 s s P Ti COd Eloquent tribute to the confidenceé The building, semi--circular in con-- struction, is of brick, steel and con: crete, It has a frontage on Bg:run Road and on Belvidere of 125 feet with a depth of 60 feet, and is three stories in height. Overlooking the spacious floor rooms is a mezennine day "open house" will be the order bf the VoP + v The Mudm,ofi of . the, 'finest of its kind in e county, for automo-- bile display and service, bhas been re-- decorated and refurnished> through-- out.. The large shop for service to Nagh owners will be equipped with the latest tools and machinery wlu% will mean that Wetzel and Turn service will be even more efficient than heretofore. o P Showroom. _ floor, with a depth at one ponit of twenty--two feet. Off this are sales offices, executive--offices, parts stock department and stairways at either end, This loor is {urnished with esasy chairs and reading tables for the comfort and convenience of custom-- Agurtes in the distributor organits No automobile men in Lake county are better known than Clarence Wet zel and--Eric Turner: Their signal andtrucks, makes them outstanding tion of The Nash Motors Company., When they 'gigned the Nash contract two'years agro hoth wara annannad NASH SECTION LN _ w§ C ~