_--_-------- Mrm William Wipper of St. Pau!, w . Minn., spenot several days the past . _ Week visiting at the home of her sis-- ces Etherridge, Louisville, Ky.; Jac-- «queline 'Thompson, Evanston; Helen Dudiley, Springfield; (Louise Brum-- baugh, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Minnic Gleschke, Austin, Tex ; ©~Marion KFisher, McConnell; Sara Skinner, Duguoin: Joan Reay, Hoopeston, and Luciie--Nicolet, Urbana. . Those selected for the second team are Beulah Drom, Antioch; ¥Florence McKinley, Decatur; Fran-- Auburn; Evelyn West, Geneso; Bet-- ty Galloway, Little Rock, Ark.; Mar-- m"m, Urbana; Betty Ju-- Chicago; . Cleo Wisegarver, women's hockey team and leads the UHst for the outfit. 'The following are the hockey teams: ) > _ __ Aw usual, Lake county is repre-- sented in another branch of athlet les at the University of Ilinois and this time it is a local girl who has ANTIOCH GIRL IS PICKED FOR HOCKEY Beulah Drom of Antioch Leads Women of Second Team at ¥t TEAM AT ILLINOIS -- _ Jos. Kohout State University. A NT I 0O C H psegonias G'oinseflz'a.;. Cyclimers oses / Year's greetings--bet-- ter than words can tell, Mievigly s wine s vorin | dfln:;fii:lk Um States or Canada by carry for you your Gnristmu'nd {'lew I-I'KE loving messen-- ers otgjoy and ghdgieu flowers and plants await your or-- der at your local flower shop. They will en-- hance the season's pleasures wherever youth and beauty gather, at teas, dinners, means of the Florists® you how it can be done. Telegraph Deli Scnu!e'zl us -'2 and -- Névada . Murray, UBERTYVILLE Phone 174--J And they will * pHonE 306 Mr. and Mrs. HMarry Davis motored Chicago Thuarsday evering and rs. Davis attended the meeting of the Royal Neighbors. That's a realf true neighbor, coming all.that distance ;nd we most assuredly glad to see her. S N O W'S Frank Holtje is the owner of a new Dodge sedan. No need of worrying now, Frank, about the cold. Wallace Lochhead spent several days on jury duty at Waukegan last week. Joe Keisler was called, but was the latier's parents and sisters from Lake Zurich Bunday. Mrs: K. 8. Krueger spent Monday in Iibertyville and called on Mrs. Art Peters. Mrs. Math Herschberger was on the ailing list--sevpral days last week. Wm. G. Guyot, superintendent of the Public, Service Co., of Highland Park, was a business caller here Tuesday. The friends.of Myra Gerbert and Evelyn Peterson were very sorry to hear of their accident Sunday night, but are glad it was not fatal. At this writing both girls are doing as well as can b eexpected, and it is hoped they will soon be out again. The Ladies' Ald will have a social afternoon at the church next Tuesday. Everybody is invited. _ Mr. and Mrs. Art Voss were visitors at Libertyville Saturday night. -- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Herschberger of Long Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brockman. From the reports of the rifles Sun-- day morning ther» must have beep a lively target practice. -- -- Mrs. Wm. Klepper was a Grayslake visitor Wednesday. & Mr. and Mrs. Will:am Klepper spent SBaturday with Mr. and Mrs. Smith at Palatine: y Mrs. John Barrett and Mrs. H. Bar-- rett and son were Prairie iVew callers Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cook and Mrs. Emeline Mason were Waukegan call-- ers Friday. . be '_ss Henry Knopt returned to his home in Alamo, Ga. He did not succeed in selling his farm while here: y Mr. and Mrs. F. Priess entertained their daughter from Chicago a few days last week. _ Miss Irene Savage and Joseph @mith of Hickory, -- surprised the# many friends by sending out their wedding announcements. Mrs. Sarabh Pullen and Mrs. Clara Cook have returned home from their-- visit in Waukegan. Miss Mabel Van Dusen had charge of Miss Theima Tibbett's room several days last week during Miss Tibbett's illness. The many friends of Mrs.> Will Dupre will be pleased to learw that she is improving: L A. Van Duzen spent several days the past week with his family. here. ter, Mrs,. Chas. Kelly, and ather rela tives in this viecinity. & Palmer --spent Baturday and Sunday in Chicago with Mrs. Alice Polka. Mrs Polka motored out Friday after the girls and returned with them Sunday. The ""'»f"' by the Ladies' Aid Bociety, at M. E. church last Fri-- 3'" well attended. A nice supper served. « The play, "The Charm School," giv en at the high school Monday evening of last week was a decldedy success, und it is planned to give at at Gurnee At the village board meeting last FTuesday evening Atanley Thompson was appointed night watchman of the GOO0DFYEAR Mr. and Mrs. Art Voss entertained LIBERTYVILLE OARAGE J. N. Bernard, Prep. Phone P RAIRIE VIEW and harig on with a wedgelike action that prevents side-- bin es wl ntd rgoan Cords with the bevaled All. Weather Tread and s::, them up with stam streets and slippery hills is the gripping All--Weather Tread of 2 Goodyear Tire. The high, thick, sharp--edged blocks of that famous tread take a sliple®s hold 'l'HE best footing your car can + New (g + and Vida . rounty Hire Insurance Company Bank and the Rox River Nalley State , THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1923. 75 Ek ie Tik Td Li Fih Th Li Lh Th Th Te Te Th Ce Te Pry * i _ e ------ONLY $1.50 YEAR INDEPENDENT -- and news, and gat it all the '--Office in First Natiooral Bank Bulldi | ~Hours:--1 to 3:30 and T--to n.= Residence on Broadway. opposite Pa | . LIEBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI8 _ WAUKEGAN, ILL Good Meals 50¢ Price $1.00 Mailed Anywhere & -- The *Everplay'". Phonograph "*% needle plays every word more & _ distinct. Plays every make # _ of record, and will not injure # 27,000 RECORDS Played With One . EVERPLAY orer ie e ARLlNGTQNE + HOTEL # Qlassee Scientifically Fitted _ Office Hours: f 10 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 2 m. 1 to 8 p. m Box 208 ROUND LAKE, ILL. Geo. H. Schubert £ Office Phone 12%3; Res. 121 Cemetery Work--of Every _._. . 116 South Genese St. _ +« WAUKEGAN, ILLINOI Dr. L. B. Jolly _ MANUFACTURER OF F; RAIRSTOW K9 8f $ ols #4 6