:}?' that this may, ul;tl a u;d-.' y to. kick the props out froin '""i . Salth. ~ {f mny religion< is ped up by lHes it ought to have props kicked out, beckuse any. ag thiat is false is not worthy of M uon uis ar pits 'eopu e oine --«part 1 w f er to : : ) to gr e foath ine doc ie of AN EYE FOR AN EYE A OTH FOR A TOOTH _ or those fin'm::nw'mx MANS N BY / MAN: SHALL® HIS IOD BE SHED. -- : Dra of kindness man can at m al8o #&y that t:cre may. be & vo C 'n.tzu;'mn advanced by 1B not only see logic igir arguments, .but 1 aiso gee & t dea! of proof that the Bible is elb . ~Prom 'the beginoipg. to end, <the Bible is Alicd with gu-- tition,--the--churches ask us .not iveatif¢ate, but to beli¢ve, not 'to tion but to accept . thig book, of Mig,.. w C+ # PM Y * is true that the ~Bible contains ;..',g vel may %l&m in _ Ar age, but t would prove m writes ig--true, iu say that to put the Bible id oney the ces parmid ons ings. ~JIC . the m Eollou teschings are pF to be found-- on wa; the and snperstition, how you expect people who have | thak It maybe all right. "«:'. T aftth a mMs opon t M es 'mothing id needs :? 'upaty not Hes, had 18 choose between Christi-- and Buddahism I would take W'n' ..,el Araa®" / i 'm a "v'v 8" :3-. ue s f d soad an caltors! on e . 'thy we ask s --proof, we ask that ssiness .A'm' osition o€ered ~so why not demand the Is 'of some of our Christ who' would hare us roast Are because~we have not rd or because we neglect: ';rth and 'believe in p that our reason revolis "# child can be a true ré o T . P enk's 1. 4) NYE P Pges "ilh i gas it *4 whho e nc mosg y + l MB 4 4o ut * y 1139 ..' _' South-- Africa ~82%, and . British in Europe 62 miles of line per 1,000 Uu_"l_'lw--',"l nm Aghm' "m% 2 ; "'cm' Swnah ty '¢overemente, accunding | The growih 'of the' wortd's mil. Pand" Sooth 'Amevice, chiet Wrop would 3 1m-u:'g»§§§g-u rnibortdch in world maifoay nartohe: 4 2ho Alfice 5 mikes Su. thomand ---- Felie miitsen itt snn on ns Por with a view to the utilization of the about 49%.. In the United States Record that the world total at this poa:d. :r W -;l-: and --Great--Britain as h,,xcldh':; time is am;miy 'Lsa,ou",ag interest a governmental ownership * about 700,000 at beginnin Trw!mdd.rh.')fl% wmhnntnutndflhnmm Wat. ...3 ..' ... ..A ' Bank of New York Ahe--also of Spain,--On--:the other hand, ~-- The world's next duty in . the railways of the world and.the share in the newly erected country of matter of railway construction, adds owned b{_uth mm?ohndann!l'aysugn:dwrnd.mu'm it ments, Atotal length of. the the government, in Germany about tion of railways in the world | railways, -- says> the-- Trade 92%, Italy -- approximately 723%, sections of the globe especially the now : approzimate 750,----1906, and 24% in :1896. . Gov-- spproximately 50,000 miles, the total % k +/ Y Wh ernmental . ownership, ; however, for 1913 having been, according to 1900, 25,000 in 1850. ~trics and 'continents, In Europs as authority, Archiv © fur: Eisenbahn« su94 --a whole about 50% of the railroads wesen, 690,133, and for 1920--21, as g~t4 ks h: _' are go a m-s.-:m»p.ng:ma'g. Européan: countries "mmmu;m.fi@ds % h'm"w.m&,muwm'u& the: advisability of sale of_ their tralasina 90% and in North Anerica in 1922 and' 1923 would apparently They now > approzimate 750,----1906, W-:M"W" differ 1900, and 25,000 in 1850. srics * Sm P "h" B .ml woria . Fanways, .. says ino-- & * 745 bet 4 Anbbchormscatrnctt 9wP SCC UORS Record, according to the latest fif-- Beiginm 59% and in France about tropical areas having untold Helpicasly stuck in the mud off St. U« ~Etaten Islund, in NMew York harbor, the glant liner Leviathan of the U..8. 3.'.' was lo% '.mz 'about dnm Radtos had been sent from the ship meruunlfiu w-_uw_&.gn as 'Hoped --20 min be --elipped-- from the westward .trip record. hin sight. of 15'.:0.1,,&.""!' Parse were. taken from the m"b' ":L!m.m (shown insert), w tugs sgwarmed about -- & their best to: release TRADE --RECORD ~--WORLD'S RAILWAYS t 4, k s e w¥ . * s ,"'"'" u_nu C« cise C184 +. on s i Vn amin' s +" i:':r'o"}'f't;b P +8 ," e dn e e se vrda ie v¥l98)s . " on onl Pnd 3 %1 *¢ 0 119C Atiet & P T. x o « % # 4tm' +, * «+4 t Laik 46 "-"'"."'.':" *o s & .7 3 * P . wl WR "':0."o'...,_&'¢'l'e ' 6 l -- w* .l'l "lm w * CX ~ &A Mieai is WPs (~ olese Cat & // _ s<> > ~ c eap * Z OO Albas »Aoan . _ plication to domestic science, will explain the uses .. /« <~~~--. of a complete e installation in the home. ; : ;,, ' wal | + f & . o ~_._ws. . . You willnot be asked to buy anything.. «. .. Under the Auspices of the G0O0D PROGRAM-- PLANNED Annual Cont ~Bpringfield, 'I!k, Dec. 26.--Teachers all parts otrl'll.bfi.;m pour-- «Jjuio SpringAeld-- tor the t annual meeting of the BiH: ... e eataraith > y. The _will _ ':;" BB suntil Friday . afternoon. P :'5 ipeBing contest was a fea i 'r:m'" topening day. Governor * § WAR scheduled to welcome Teathers 40 --the state capital in a.'% Adress at the first general ses & the |;ta6_ aten'al building is evening© . °* t?;m * & g elimination z)amn"ut es : held | he various with Gov. Smaill will be Aaron 'S@--| UAVI\ VY UINIAIN PILJ piro, widely known 'agricuitural or--| | -- m . TE ganiter, who will address the teach--] _ AF'"ER lLLNES ers 'on "One Viewpoint 'of Agricul--|~ .« 1 k turdl Economics." gaesty MrS. Margaret McPhail, of Zion, Annual reports of the various .cC00M0=| upo" w her home .. wit# the mittee chairmen are scheduled to b¢ | mi;tchell family, ot 29th street, died Gelivered at the second general r y long lliness.. She was sion tomorrow morning. * t 'wenrs old. The funeral «The county-- superintepdentsa' sec--| MJ be held Thursday, &t tion will holid its meetingat 1:30 |the home at #;80 o'clock, with bur-- o'clock Thursday afternoon in the}inl in Lake Mound cemetery. Bpelling Mtc&rhel'.'( the various counties of tBiate ° y _here to compete in the state conte As in former > years, the. contest:. wril-- ten. -- Gold, silver br were to be'."i'rigjo the' w 3 of first; secoild and third. places « Tea F * L se C# "wi# _ | KHa Winners i ; @limingti0n | jpg elling meatehes held Im.the variocs | q; unties of Biate WBFe: here to | / mpete in the state contest.,, As in | ,, rmer > years,. the. contest: WAs .wWri-- | n n. © Gold, .n::'? prong amedals | |;, ere to be-- & . to -- tne~ widpers On" the speaking onight | 77 ith Gov. Smaill 'be Aaron 'Sa--| L ro, widely known 'agricuitural or--| niger, who will address the teach--| & are in Attendance. . At 405.Gillette avenue, Waukegan, you may see how: électricity: lends a hand to lessen labor-- in . all branches of home--making, . how . it -- beautifies . and makes more efficient every part of the house, from basement to attic. k NT . Its complete furnishings include every appliance to lessen household work-- and -- provide-- those . com: hb?: and conveniences which electricity makes pos-- fikke, :: ALCTY.. § * _ uts a~ Hoofe y y "~ \ peadh 5k + N y COMMEN?;' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1923 Open every day from 2 to 10 p.m. for period of 5 n Coody INVITES-- YOL and J. W. McKinney, ot Williamson county, -- John-- A. Hays, of Peoria m" and --Heoitie -- M. .Blair, . o£ county, will lead a discossion on how to make the county superin-- tendent's visit helpful. ~ M Thursday -- evening . Miss . Fiorence M. Hale, of the department of edu cation 'of Maine, will address a gea:-- eral "assembly on "Main Streets of the East and West"* and Dr. Edward A. Steiner, of Grippell College, will ' speak on "The Making of: a Great | Race." < The-- last addres of the meet-- ing will be given Friday morning by ')liu Hale. ; 49 0. . Blair as. The aew law ..w.a.z..-.-.-::" the $5,000.000 annual school will be discussed by : Warren m-n. of -- DeKalb county, and Roy H. Johnson, ol De Witt county. The new> community consolidation law will -- be discussed by K. H. Lukenbill, of Loga»n county, state senate chamber with Francia Lion WoMAN DIES * _ AFTER ILLNES The #tate normal-- school council was scheduled to meet this after-- noon to discuss the Illlinois Educa tional Commission, ie h The contract for the nmw be awarded~ after : the t :\ M# the committee is, too-- busy to tab vwlate the fl'm'- {' < The building committee on TBUur» dlay opened, bide--for--the furmitur for the courthouze m.' ")E; flogring. -- The contract. 8 * poleum was awarde4 to the v% Floors compary. on a. bid of $4,788. FOR NEW COURT -- HQUSE FLOORING Senator James . E.. Mun:;m bought from Walter 1. Martia the. 54 acre estate three miles west of.Bar-- ufl:flon. (;n '"t- south side of Co e road, and: a mile _A bait from the new MDM% «try -- club, for an indicated t He will also use the large residence SENATOR BUYS --<--_ BARRINGTON FARM +¥ 24 WX L as '*fi "Bh 34 hy 2et # #4 E'E{