\ Baturday, Do:'e:b::d 29th, the n'evT otric Fage. P home of Pharles Jatobs, 405 Gillette avenune, "Waukegan, .will be . opened-- to the' ubl fof inspection. This is the first bome in Lake county fully ippeéd . with® every lectric saving @evice --obtainable. -- " Recently the -- first electric bome in Cook county was thrown open to the public: and it was estimated that 3,000 people went through £7 every day. It will not only be fltcaely'lntemuu to all those who take advantage of this, oppor-- Wnity, .which is offered almost at your very door, but it will be great-- ly educational. The admission is free and there will be attendants, Arained : in the electrical line, to ex-- _ plain the many advantages of . a C : electrical home. « 4A ' You will . not be asked to . buy enything. This '"electric home" is | 'bpen to the public starting S:tur-r day,: Dec. 29th, for a period of two ; _ weeks between the hours 'of 2 to} 10 .p. m under the auspices of the Kake County Electric League. e 4. AN ECONOMIC WASTE | __~~ _ "According to estimates at least 10 million Christmas trees were provided f;; the Amclarican bgnblég,;(t)otg& yule(i{ tide season, rmeen ing--a total of about ,000 paid out for that feature of the~C--hr';§Pmas' observation. © A! sgum equal to the above is said to have been paid to those who handle the distribution of these trees. _ 2 _ ._~ Of course one must admit that the chopping down of trees, the distribution,' etc., brings business into the hands of those who produge the trees and sell,them and those who distribute them. Howe;ufl,»'fiere is a serious Wide to.this question and it is our prediction that in due ourse of time an At'gitafion will* sweep this country which will prevéent the destruction of these beautiful rees all over the country for the Christmas holidays. -- i ie io Tok 14 ns _ _ Croesps, Mi-- t ,wnhmnu'-\t&*h" _ great wialth, says the Detroit News. _Tragition ~says that this was princi-- \pally obtained from the golden sands _ 'of the RiverPoctolns, which -- flowed _-- through his dominions, but the true zm. of hi« riches is probably found _ y the industry of the Lydian people, ~The value of Mz landed property has Been estimated At $8,338,830, The ex-- . pression, "As rich as Croésus," has patsed Into a provr's. _ ® Mothers clubs, civic and church societies and educa-- tional heads iunite in a vigorous protest against the slot imachine--the "silent salesman" whose number has in-- ereased 1,000 per centt. 'They contend that it is a gambl-- ing maghine, that it'impairs the morals and educates the ehild mind in the art of gambling. Judging from the mumber of "easy marks" for glib fake stock salesmen, it would appear that the youth o% the land needs some mucal, inexpensive education on the subject of gambling. Anyway the busy *broker" must not be put -- HOME IN.COUNTY _ ~_-- OPEN TO PUBLIC _ Nearly a million commercial trgwélérs have peti-- oned Préesident Coolidge:to repeakl the 50 per cout sur-- on Pullman seats and sleepers which has been in )ree since our entry into the WAr. It is charged that m .urcharge simgy m 3 -A 30,000 annual SUP entary revenue to the carriers for which they do not mder any compensatory service in retwn. And still e wonder at the high cost of living. . iz&.,,. Rather a rmtwq\l e phrasing was conceived the her day by United States Attorney, William Hayward his address before the Government Club in New York, hen he %fi Americans who openly: flout the y Jlaws are *'seleetive anarchists." One, Jessie James, as a "'selective" outlaw, an idol among his friends, and ther looked up to as an individual, Pef&pu Mtr. Hay-- ard draws a line between the grip--sack bootlegger and e may or of a city in the same business. f Forests Modorate Climates. Tho forest service says that cutting »wn trees has a deckled effect on ¢l} ate and soil fertility. It is an estab= ed fact that forosts tend to pro extremes of temporature,. «lther t or cold, and thus moderate climate. Wey miko prévent the washing away goll, retand and often prevent floods thus make coltivation. of much f Tand ahich without trees be arld wre's. R Just because QChristmas is past is no reasom for the Ifellows to crawl back into: their @hell for twelve ths.The work of the goodfcllow can continue the le year; iyOUGHT to be a 365 day job, not one for elv the 5th of December. Which sort UPC ¥ou_--the of business. e year; iy OUGHT to be a 365 day job, not one ly the 25th of Deoemfi;d Which i you y or the all--the--year kind? " w pe! "'"0- s .u;"fl, 'was chos.n' the capital of Our . Annual Pre--Inventory | ale of . " _ [ _ -- f [ Silk and Woolen |$ ---- Remnants at -- -- | Hundreds _ Of -- Preces An--ecxcellent choice of SiUlk and Woolien hemin our-- own 'stocks, caused by the very actiye© sell Exery one is of desirable length, pattern «and flmfl im eontrive good looking 'blouses, 8ki innumerable 'bther aflfcles to dress one's a@K# . To see them will give you a number of id one--baif for quick clearance. t : * Price of Silk and Woolen Remmants and short lengths from sed by the yvery actiye selling of the-- last few months. rable length, pattern «and c,olgor. and--anyona's <ingenuity 6 ?ood looking fiomfi*w tops, hangings and wbtlalas +A Arogn--mp'e A ' . all from remnants. Doesn't 'it seem as though something" can or will be dong to prevert this slaughter of : young trees which ultimately. will affect the 1 r gituation in this coun-- "try ? In some states now they will not allow the chopping | down of trees such as are used at Christmas time. We | believe it would be a' good program for some communi-- ties to start next 1fiem' to adopt some plan whereby no Christmas tree will be used,~a movement toward. pre-- serving the young forests of this country, It seems to 'be an economic waste which this country has not fully realized and while there are some shrubs that are used in the Chxistmas celebration, as a whole good trees are usually selected. It is estimated that if all the trees were takenfrom one tract of land it would require 24,000 acres to perpetuallfi:upply the Christmas market with Christmas trees. :igfx it!!etlfl on;ght to anS':fr the ap-- parent appalling situa in the forests of this country and bring about a reformation. > . . + % § W 'f'm l"" d on h + * i agitation now -- s . 5\\'(*epin£ he 'countr .'" * mmv Tkm fz ing certain sections of the Tand where Seectin@ly| _ , . . -- necessary destruction of fores's for commmercial purposes|Find Cylinder of "America" has gone on. 'When yO '%k of what 10 millior® trees! . Among Junk in Smithson-- cach year means in the matter of deforesting you ean| «_ ian Institute. imagine what is going to Lappen unless a reforesting pro--|* _« mrvumprie s S .. Elll 333( up. Therefors the %uestion is natural, why | BUILTIN 1828 IN ENGLAND ave a 'reforesting' prograra if there is a constant de--| _ C onmemememmnmms ng process KOB\?'O'B from year to yeart When it mwmw,m ":l'?fh o thee dud takes four or five years for a tree to reach the pOINt| unrecorded uu"';'dl. the Hire! : treeg where it is suitable for Christmas tree purposes YOU|iocomotive ever S. on the Ameri W: what it means to chop down that many trees o eu'.t:l:elt vas: ,yw.u a few cach ° mber, _ <=-- ) f ® *A 4 bnponr o2 m ism one of dtet:. Eight gallons of live minnows were removed from --the settling well at the city waterworks department to day. .Thousands upon thousands of these 'tiny minnows have found their vay into the water mains of the 'city doring the past week. _ The minnows have been driven-- into the harbor by the--ton and they have been drawn into the intake, pumped .into the settling well and then into TAKE 8 GALLONS OF MINNOWS FROM the water cause trouble in mcters and faucets, [housands --of -- Finny Tribe Find Way Into Water Mains: of Waukegan. (First Floor) . C y #* b rajrmaint dbhoimtment carh ncb v2ra of idens fl'fi:éix use. All priced at -- Early -- Choice Is Advised and the mains have been flushed to get rid 'of the minnows to a great an exfent he possible. ~-- i _ They tind their way into hot water tanks and are boiled into soup. tI has been suggested that the--tanks be drained two or threse times to flush out the minnows which accum-- ulate in the bottom of the tanks. | Cannot Eat in Church. _ _ {rator C. W. Mitman of the Civis0n "Frer notice a crowd of people|of mechanical technology of the mu-- nowadat§?" remarks an . observant seumi, declared, after a .careful com-- citizen to the Smith County Pioneer.|Darison of: this cylinder -- with-- his-- "It i etha 6 torical data, that --the identification t . is ~et y gnawing away at a 2> B ancht '* |could not be questioned. It is hoped candy, popcorn, peanuts "and. iC¢/inat with this clew established, 0 cream cones. No--wonder churchgoiDE|parts of the "America" may be re-- is on the wane--people are not &b |aovered, as the Stourbridge Lion it-- lowed to eat at church."--Kansas City|self has been gradually reassembled Btar. P 2. . tuak nedrly all ~parts, from -- various , oo e o s 34 "~****|sources --along the lines. of. the, Dela-- ers, one of .them being known as the Tigris, This is supposed to have been a ditcl}, widened by Canute, to enable the Danish vessels to sail round the fortifications of the Thames. s London's' Underground Rivers. London has several underground riv-- peek wWith | _ ~4iduinnM / KmRLAE commmercial purposes|Find Cylinder of "A vhat 10 million® trees! . Among Junk in Sm deforesting vou ecan| --~-- ian Institute. _'gf;' LOCOMOTIVE IN wo o.\ ~ COUNTRY TRACED ive been | _ Presigent's Flag. . o enable The President's flag, as it is now, und the | Shows the Presgident's seal in bronze on . _\ a blge background and a large white _ | star in each corner. Thu;l 7:::% * | several different president =~_.--rge| ghis Intest one is not easily confused = "auy other. 'The four stars denote : -- the rank of an admiral or a general, and the seal signifies--the. commander in chief.--Youth's Companion. Y |° But a few weeks ago an official of |the Delaware & Hudson compapy, while arranging with the National "~'museum at Washington for the loan d |of a model of the "Stourbridge LI-- t |on," another Delaware & Hudson lo-- comotive, which was the first to er|be: tested 'oin a railroad track in i;| America," found --among the unmount-- ;z | 64 locomotive gart. which had been o | supposed . belong 'to the _ "Lfon," , |a eylinder whose design and meas. urements showed it beyond question to be one of the cylinders . of the _ | missing locomotive, "America." Cu-- rator C. W. Mitman of the division le|of mechanical technology of the mu-- ot |seunt, declared, after a .careful com-- p, | parison _of . this cylinder-- with:> his-- .; torical data, that --the identification 7 |could not be questioned. _ It is hoped that with this clew established, other Wholly Q*mm of for nearly a bundred years.and with its fate still unrecorded in détail, the first team locomotive ever #seen on the Ameri-- can .continer i Cwithin a few wo'&.%t #d by one of its members, the gight . Cylinder, which has just~been al itatively identified in 'hh'nnseum at Washington, | >.~ *' . . This locomotive, the -- "America," was built in 1828 on an order . the Delaware & gh:l "n pany by George Of land, who. soon after designed ai built the famous Rocket, and was nearly -- all respects, except that it did rot have the multitubular--boiler, the pattern for the more famous en-- gine. The America was brought to New York by :the Delaware & . -- son company 4n January, uu.fi afiter. being demonstrated _ under steam was sent up the eomn;- new canal towards w it was to be tried on the first railroad: in the country, comnecfing Honesdale and Carbondale. From the time the America passed the eastern terminus of the canal all document-- ary record of it --ceases. We e e uin ware & Hudson company. [ Satislactoq' Return _ A Sound Investment With A . NORTH SHORE GAS C0.-- 1¥E N -- | i ' a/ arwrl _ i mc || Ine Hew __'é i savee | | Our Mid--Winter Sale of : _ o | "Amiens s mson of: designed (Operated by William A. Bachr Organization) _ Dividend Day _ _ 1Is Coming -- eri-- E3 few sys its ~ e w der, g' " \'t-ly] P ."' [ % o eum § fl'j | W F ca," M % +3 ulll' + 6 EW 13 t onb d 4 NP :le:-t "3 ¢ gzi'in' * BA h M s F yeey . [ 1 t:te| §&* mo c .. 1 4 '_,*i"'\; fi C --%s P C ':f v; ; r t d ce N A , "' l' l' ider | > *""Ke hk ie '{{'\\ F x '..iilgg ny's € Ap h'{' » \ * .8 c ll!lflz!: fing 9 > '."""' mel $ 4 .| 2 > on ent-- |: A 7 , o sf { fi' ,'élf'~ 1 of k * { !e!'u f m < A RJ 1 [4] fii i4 | & _ B4 . HH TE OS & k $ 2 6 : MB ds 8 J N*1, oo B )flllt« *.*% '("' ' j.ri 4 srve 4 been | 3 -- a *¥ 1 $64.. 7 [ [ ,' 0 JP Sa Tn' excellence of quality these lovely coats are exactly the sort the most critjieal woren demand --rich in coloring, in fabric, in fur,: The work-- manship is perfect, and--at these. lom'amd prices they offer values one does not often meet. -- To the owners of our 7% pre-- ferred stock. Hundreds of resi-- dents of the North Shore will re-- ceive a dividend check on Janu--. ary 1st. You too will look for-- := ward to dividend day if you: -- -- make application for a few shares of our preferred --stock Boft .x-elvetylv* weay e8B, Bfitomis, BD!ivias and w_ ; trolains--slender or wrappy silhouettes, for everys -- taste and every. purpose--you\will find them all § here and at very reduced prices. _ ,3}%; 5s YOU CAN BUY FOR CASH OR ON INVESTMENT SAVINGS _ PEAy,: -- 1 2. Gentlemen: Address .. Name _ Pléase send without obligations full information about the January 1st In-- vestment Plan your company offers. 39 biry . w €% it h e aB