Steel. Girder Covered With _ Concrete Crashes to Road-- _ way Just After Being Set. s . s 9. J '% 2l gh}; CR n o + at 0 +o w UV ue ym 40y + % & % n' 41 % scaline, . wooe inb negie rigl $ < ts e ' t e 6 es "\ » -- ® «o Ne xi '." ® t -- M _ L £. A l s * > Cl l s ; : 4 'f« $ 5&\! FALLS &'Q;. TIURNEY SUBWAY _ LOSS ABOUT $1500 " Of the' big concrete steel apans s m across the subway com-- 8 P*ot heavy stee} girders covered h concrete had just been set in : F mcross the abutments, the n being IAiter to push it under the : $ where it will act as & sup-- ®t for two tracks when the subway _ Bnisbed. ~The span is 34 1--2 ftx ' m» were jacking up one d of the big span the abutment ing it at the South--end gave way h the result that the whole thing shed ~down :into the depression. 1 had been graded the.e rs "®et" on the steel and theiei0:e wWch of it broke away as it crashed the ground some 20 feet below. t the 'concrete Been . "set" it puld have. been a most expensiv 6 to bave--replaced it in tne posi-- t it held previous to the crash. A rather unfortunate and expen-- accident 'occurred at the ~cnew ul subway at Gurnee Thursday owever it lL"u('h a bizg affair ty. Fortunately the concrete had P _it. was necessary to cail the @king train to Gurnee Friday and erew was there most of the day ing the big span back in position. A the great mass of eoncrete on lying in the roadway beans .a big expense to the con-- tor in 4 n to 'remove it. . faci ;E re man --intimated that eost or loss. to the contractor on runt of that particula:., accident ED OF A NEW DICTIONARY was f. $' + k 43 vap _ | k2 0 ns o oo uidns <KM _ -- o 4 $ 2 / > OPURF tac t hz %: en w""":"""" won't fit your work of today--= [ -- Buted to readers of / Dictionary exclusively np to date. Now --*~_ THE INDEPENDENT 0 W advances in science The escape of death b> Biazio Re dol8, Highland (Ta k Itai an who shot himself in 'the neart twice severa weeks ago in an eTort to commit: suicide, is . considered ~one of the wonders of the human body and it endurance, by local doc.ors. RedolA was given up as ~ead shoitly: a/ter he Was taken to the Highiand 'Part 'Hospital Then it" was thought for a Atime that he would live for several Gays, then die. But in his fight --to>~ life he has fooled all laws 'of sur-- gery and now is reported beyond * An attempt has been made to ge: all parties> interested to agreeto a stipulation on the proposed changes with the understanding that if everybody gRrees a modified order will be issued by the 'Illinois, Com-- merce -- Commission -- allowing 't:: chaliges to be made. The contra and the St. Pavl are anxious to have something definite reached in ord= lum delay will not be~encounterel on gettin: the work along with ra pidity. Under the Commerce Com mission's ruling orders provided tha: Fhe subway .must© be finished Dece .: ber 3Ist but it is quite eviden: tha" this will not be complMed@ with du> 'to unaccountable dpl&ys,such a> tho accident : above referred to. heav," ains ete. > er than steps. Another suggested change is to bring the side walk around the curve near the Brown place rather than running directing east and west as the specifications now, call fot. Friday. afternoon --representatives of the town of Warrén, County of Lake and the S8t. Paul Railroad con-- lerred with Supt 'of Highways tlns- sell relatives to certain .changes of the subway in ~question, One of them s to elevate the sidewalks to the subway. from> the . specified plans rom --# inches to elther 2 or 4 feet in' order to relieve pedestrians froim the possibility® of~ having to walk through, water during the ing time Aoods in that soctlo:8 Az:hm' sug-- gested plan is to have the app®ach leading from the subway to the land Just south of the depot made in such a way to bring a gradual slant rath-- the work will haye to be gone over of reconcrbting it f s . The supply is limited; readers of this Newspa should act at once. The price is nominal, mere ::: of manufacture and 'handling. f Richly bound in textile }'athr, black seal grain, red edges, gold stamping. Printed from all NEW +ype, large and clear--EASY ofi the EYES, # , . MAIL ORDERS FILLCP . 3°E Couron CLIP COUPON FROM ANOTHER PAcE in words changed and w the old diction-- aries. _ They tell in fil'nm *o build and -- punctuate sentences--how to r refinement, cufture and force in speech wiiting. -- The New Universities LSctionary ts more than a vo-- cabulary--it is twenty--two dictionaries and an ex-- haustive ifiventory of today's Enlish. Each of these dhfinm'm teach?s in The New Universities Dictionary how fashions HOW TO GET IT s forced upon the natiop by , and by. upheavals of war an Thorough, complete, new and auth;x;it_a- tive, was perfected in the manuscript by the contributions of * Absolutely necéésary in writing and speaking of present--day activities. Thou-- sands of these words, never before in any previous dictionary, are now fully defined and placed in the homes of read-- ers by the enterprise and foresight of this paper, 2 o e nda by upheavais of war and politics. | Thousands of New Words (@_-- The New ,| _ Universities Dictiona: Yours for Mrs. Jones mother of W. M. Jones. is --critically ill in the Jogol-,w;n James and William Hubbard, of Ev-- anston, ex--service men, made a very pleasant visit in the home of F. M. &un}l'ng last nday evening. © Both ) the gentleme gsaw ~~service in France. They r¢élate some very inter-- :atlng incidents relative to life at the ront. & Adjourn . Without: Acting on *Petitio® of States Attorney . A.: V Smith. i Boyle sand Newmark were: sen cenced by Judge ftoebrt K. Wd;:da refusingy' to answer questions re the Lake county grand <jury when that body was«investigating charges of jury taimipering in tho,,gu of Gov . tmail. . ihey served a few weeks in the county jail in Waukegan, when the governor. decltaring that the mev were being persecuted for politica' reasons by Atty <General Brundage and commuted their sentences, A, V then sought.ito compel the sherlf to ear.cs: Boyie and Newmark An tcol the taatter to the Supreme --That body adjourned late December 19th flwm down an opin-- i08 .n dthe eases o. Boyle or New: mark. _ Thbe matter now goes* over unt.] the next sesgion of the S8u e «e --Court. % The ~Supgeme Court appareptly is aot ted over States m., A. V. Smith's;eforts to Compel Michael (Umbrell@! Mike»r Bayle and Ben Newmark, mm to six months in the county .. to rety to the local basiile to uu--m'h'; their time. j ho C gps we PASSES UP BOVLE-- NEWMARK CASE -_," fls e vfi'x:ura A R E A ¥f GnRe FRED GRABBE _AUCTIONEERING We wish to thank the neighbors and. friends for their sympathy shown us in the death of our dear wifé and gis-- ter, Mrs. Nels Steffenberg. * WAUKECAN, nuns Res. Phone 2588 : Office 344 .rhanl-..h-" ~ _H»e was a member of Mystic Work-- Ars' Lodge No..607, and his. lodge bro-- thers acted as pall bearers. -- Rev. Carl A. Stadler conducted 'the funeral service a tthe home of George Umbdenstock and interment was made in the LOhg Grove cemetéry: called on ym the day before and of-- fered 'a prayer for him,. He was 65 years and 7 days of age.. He wasithe second youngest of 11 children; -- August Pabhiman was 'born Dec. 13, wss, Wn!hlg. and departed this life Friday,. Dec..21. He was bap-- tized and confirmed in the Evangelical chureh--jn Palatine in 1875. ---- . He vhérvt married, and lived wien Wws _ Chas. -- Aigaasiinias, 'st Long Grove for fifteen years. For the past two years he made his home with %t't niece; Mrs. Joe Keisler, at Prairie ew. is On .'Tuesday, Dec. 18th, he had an poplectic gtroke while working in the insd dooriign eaoie sn aoi euonFrldl?ntugi!.m. _ The pastor of. Long Grove church ,He had left the church a few min-- uté; before the conclufin' of the exer> c'le.,hqg gone to the garage and tak-- en it to. the church, turned it--arovuud and, with the engine still running, he stood by,t:-nde of the car' waiting for Mrs. Browder, who g»mrod,mt in time to hear say "I feel dizzy; get help.'" were his last words. With htese words he gank on the run-- ning board of the car,. -- l Friends in the--church ped, himgr the car and drove to hig hom Dr. Galloway was summoned. 1t was found that his entire left side was paralyzed He rema'ingd in this unconscions con-- dition until the end. f Ts < 33 'The funeral/services will be Held Monday ur:i?coa at the.r e \z charge of pastor of a --CoR; gregational church. -- Interment will be in Lakeside cemetery, Libertyville. ._-- 'PIONEER DIED WEDNESDAY: Our communpity was (rm shocked at the announcement of the death of C._R. Browder, 'vglch occurred at 'his home in Lx at 11:30 a. m. Wednes day, the 26th> Mr. Browder suffered a paralytic stroke --as he itoo&by the' side of his car in front of the Area church last Sunday evening, immed-- ately a'ter the children's exerciges. A SPECIALTY ~ 547 NORTH COUNTY st. The work on the: electric lighting mm& ig installéd by the Public Service CO, betwegn --Area and g:lhm,_m so MM ";::; ghurch at Ivan was 1 with: electricity during the Christmas eve--exere'kes. § * FARM AND STOCK SALES Miss Helen Harding, mbor in the mtucuol.g& Minn.; is mnd!::hwe holid uv:qtlon at tl;? " Ol'm % ufl. x l Harding. C wlz :P \M x the McBride house. On account of her advanced age, litte hope is held for hey recovery. § $-- + Roy Kniggze, a former businéss man in 'Area, who for<the past a'J" m, " 'u £ Frank lmcall farm, . near ,' View, has purcithseda from.the Lumber Co. a house now h'w construction and which is | be completed and ig::iy for him to cupy by March 1skP> -- )0 CV V _> F. M. H A RDING --, Area, HJ. Phone 184--J A large force of men are now engaged at St. Maty's. A larger forsee will be put to work next spring. 'There is an increasing demand for rooms in Area. The income from rooms will pay for these houses. modgrn, 8--room house in Area; large lot, east front, gi assessimnents pa'd. $6500. Month-- 1y payments. A 5--room,house in Area, onehalf block frpm North Shore depbot; very desirable location; fine shade. gcoo Favorable terms. A 10--room housein Area; best of locations;~ bath, toilet, gas ani electricity~ $5000. Monthly pay-- ments. -- A 30--acre dairy farm, 2% méles > from Area. Best of soil, new and*' complete buildings; abundance of fruit and 'desirable location. $275 per acre. Easy terms. . FARM LAND$ €e d~' CITY HOMESs Husband, Brothers and Sisters. h CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE OO!TU"Y . DECEMBER 27, 19 C&r. ; -- * !.,,w ...-L..,, side was, pa: ed h!. hcon: ch h con~ *' FOR RENT--My farm. William Whig-- l" am. Telephone 152J. 51At "FOR SALE--Fresh cow and calf. , In-- ;'~ qyire of Chas. Foote, Helf, Day. NL Aveane, 'Waukégan; 12--r0om| frame house in good repair ; bath, | 3 toilets, ~furnace; corner l-t.; 531132; all improvements; M block concrete garage. W. J. Al--| len, 'Waukegan, M.~' * 264f FOR SALE--My homt at 329 Cory cord; also loose corn for chitken feed,--75¢ per bag. A. Eo Joinson. on the rge Perry Farm. 52--1t LOST--S@aturday, Dec. 2%, a ladies FOR SALE--Select ear cora and shet-- <~wrist watch; $5 reward will be paid for return to Andrew Huss. ' ba--tf REWARD OF $50 will be paid for the recovery of-- Ford coupe stolen from Hertel's Park last Saturday night Address Ford, Independent office. 1t WANTED TO RENT--Three or fouri ; rooms by couple with one : small 'ep Address 'P.--O. Box 506. | FOR SALE --2% acres adjoining the acres fronting West street. . Sam'l 1. Pove, Libertyville, -- , Ag+f FPOR: BALE OR--CASH RENT--213 . acres in Fremont townsh'p, Lake! county. 'Deep,rich black soil; good . buildings; plenty of feed on the »lace..: For 'particulars Inquire of Mrs, Kate | Rawlings, Highland Lake, NL _ 618 qi .000 OR OO ieceeiceecimmemcnintin m:-:un---'rn -;'ua of good timbér '@ " Caroline Busch, 'Lm'.c. Prairie View, 111., ROR SALBR--Alfalla nay, first, second FOR --House in -- Libertyville, cenw Ipcated; all-- modern im-- provements. Address "K" care of In dependent. > 4. "f 61.2t Round Lake, I1l. -- M @ tcuttings; had no raihs y ' deliv will beli Hoaed 94 cate on aotve PHONE 451 , Although we have been in Libertyville a comparatively short time, we feel x wehgigmyfrien&.mdwhhto,ukethisoppomnity'tod:mkthmew!w have done business with us and those who have assisted us by their kind rec-- «_ ,,_ We assure all and everybody that we want to serve the people of Liber-- WllemdhkeComtyaMwakeq;tod:ebatoquabflity.mdmn > aimistowconchct_fiinelyagndoprbushwdutwemaymcritywrgood * ~will and artonage. __ _ | _ . -- WANT ADS. When our Mr. Hinman calls on you, kindly talk over your insurance mat-- ters with him. We are sure he can be of assistance and a benefit--to you. > / g¥°* : Mr. Frank N. Himnman, of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, will be associated with us after the first of January as Manager of our Insurance Department. Mr. Hinman is a man who is favorably known in Wisconsin Insurance circles, and we are now prepared to handle every kind of insurance. No matter what kind, if it's insurance, we can write it & f lary, We represent the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. The Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Des Moines, lowa. The Newark Fire Insurarite Co. Also the Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation. ~ --__eWe contemplate doing quite a bit of building ourselves this next year---- mostly homes to sell at $6,000.00 to $8,000.00. ' Will build:very attractive places with individuality--something @ little different. We believe such homes when well built will find a ready sale in Libertyville: We would like to meet those who have funds that are idle. We believe we can offer them am'attract-- ive proposition to come in and help finance some of these Homes: k« In addition to Mr. Sellers and Mr. Petersen, we have Mr. Harry M. Bartlett, Real Estate Salesman and Builder. Mr. Bartlett has had a vast amount of :ex-- perience, both in the buying and selling of Real Estate, And as a Contractor and Builder, and we are now in a position to figure with you on any kind of a building you want to build. _ * 0 ; Mcthnein]amurywewfllopenmnnewofficyw!metbeLbenyvflle Battery Service is now located. We will make a further announcement of odr opening in 'this location. : We mlltfia be better equipped than ever to handle your business in a thorough and business--like manner. We insure your Home or Buu(:eu against Fire, Tornado, Explosion, Burg-- Loss of Rents or Loss of Business caused by fire, and many other things. ' We insure you against holdups. ~ * s We insure your Automobile--any and every kind of policy written. We insure you against all kinds of accidents, sickness and death. Phone 13W 4, at d12t Hapypy New Uear -- deliver | 516 Milwaukee Avenue g PR is ADJVYVDICATION NOTICE . ...] where all persons olaims Public notice is hereby given that | against said estate and the Subscriber, Administrator of the | requeste dto »present the same to said estate of August E. Pablman, deceas-- Counhrl%dtd.. rem 31. ed, will atteng the Probate Court of > HN D. PAHLMAN, Lake.county, at a term thereof to be t ". * Administrator: holded at the Court House in Wauke--| _Waukegan, I!1., Dec. 26, 1923. gn. in said County, on the first Mon--| 'Thomas J, Peden, Atty. y of March --next, 1924, when and 10--~--Dec."27 Jan 8 10 DR. A. N. DeV AULT, Proprietor I Fred Grabbe, Auc. --John Rouse, Clerk TERMS: Sums of $20 and under, cash; on sums over that amount, a credit of 6 months will be given on good bankable notes bearing 6 per ce it. interest.. No goods to be removed until settled for. f FRIDAY, JANUARY °4 1 wiil sell at Public Auction on the Dr. DeVault Farm 1 12 miles northwest of Libertyville, 1 mile west of Milwaukee Avenue on new Peterson Cement Road on PAF $ ' Nhor t N maite m n on se 5 6 > 9 r ht i % . t N S to w P i en cake i ie 114 .Io in is lt d us J S ie 7 head heavy springers. 17 young pigs. -- » 3 good sows. 2 Number of Cornish and R. I, R. chickens. Quantity of hay and grain. _ ' A complete set of farm implements. Japanese silkKies. Prize poultry. -- LIVESTOCK éncing at 1:30 p. m. the following: where all persons olaims against said estate are and requeste dto »resent the same to said Court for adjudication. 27 "%