E)We are very dgsitoué to. make a grea t clear ance of--a,ll~"brékén 'li?nesfl&f' season's goods and _are-- J ?.-- prepared to cut the prices enough to effect this clearanice. It's your great opportunity _ _ <-- ~"The Greqtqu Sale Ever "Yes. it is really a REMAR LE SALE. -- How can _ 66.175 $975 $11.75 $15.00 There are Dresses in these lots worth all the way to at least / -- Ladies Dresses e Cnkl® %mtomm Dresses, . embroidreed,. braided, -- Hardware Specials hoe Skates, Hockey,:§1.50 val. fir£ All Other Skates.20% Off Boys Tool Boxes, 252 Off %*'Hgaters, 15% Off: M IeClcand Flgor Lamps 20 Off ampShade Frame 15% Off ~ s»_ . / Washing Machines Not Included Balance of our stock of Dresses at prices less 20%} , . , lesg 1--3. now HALF PRICE. York amaru! ce th m in for Aheir mc honest--to--g Fur Choker, -- prices ~Let us explain--During the past few weeks we have 'up several lots of Dresses, botgedqxlk and wool, at that, when offered, really astonished us, --Then along another khipment of 50 Dresses in Poiret 'Iwill, Wool various S!E? Batin and Lace Material, etc., from a 'ork manufacturer who was evidently over--stocked. ipped these yoluntarily, on approval, and we decided ce them in stock and give our customgrs a. REAL n'a" Night " $1.00; :C 1.50, 294 .98 :. . x ,,-g M [hese Prices Are F Vill Now Offer All of Ladies' and Children's Hats At ONE--HALF PRICE money. Drawetr-- fe PS juc: 1 ) hn Bloomers,-- Children's Lin-- gette-- Bloomers, Ladies' Knit ~Petticoats, -- Ladies' Odds in Children's Sweat-- ers, : Ladies' fine -- quality dren's : Maists, MWaists, fine quality Knit Bearfs, Knit Ca to' Sacques, Bath-- also many other items, Flannel Night Boiled" and odd ~garments from our stock will be cleancd out. at .these two prices. Look for them.s _ Any Garment $1 sune sate f be#HS, HOW .. .. ... =ccwcne, JMm wAGonxs SUITE, waluut finish; ~_---- $190 value $250, now e hss uff ~G, A. . 9--piece . DINING' ROOM SUI walnut finish; price -- -- } a now think of Aprons, think of our store, Wmmnnflewu& id i uTY o .. e 22900 | fitomt W scre "o * mW iece PARLOR SUITE, uphol--~ |, A nice ling of OAK BUFFETS that o 'bl;iegkfi-leafher finish, §lden"-- es o l miog ) ._ *' but even on ue 5 . give es 4 Og m.ca" En":'of hC --___ _ AUe 'Lece i&L{;fiSTEEL BEDRO((;)[ 25 OFE on au»~HANQ«fAINTED , walnut finish; ; CHINA. -- > - !25w0? now ..,,h.....,.._;.....'.s 1' o All oM'FéRNITU_RE not enumer= iece -- DINING@ ROOM _SUITE, :| ~ated will be sold at this sale 15% finish; price > 5237 50 --Iat a discount of ......3....__'.......... JA M Iow .. ;: :; ; .: . _ m 1 s¥ ©4L¢ CONGOLEUM ART SQUAREsEl-l& Enameled DRMR; 545 price um): J o :R 10 y HOWYW. ... ........ .ce aioeny ren ie pecalt f SAlG --PPIOC . ...........i.......».mmmscomesiranct 4 E'i'm WAGONS with trays; L RUGS will be sold. during thig 24,50,. --~-- _ $19,5(@%) itc st a discoumt _ -- 10§ ;'-...-;??::'"".--"--:i {L ,, f * M M;,.w."wu*> S uki t e o ----_~-- -- Inventory |. -- <\Clean out odds and ends. -- Any soiled garment must go. Small sizes must be moved out. Give: customers reductions that will bring quick ac--' \tion. That is the story and that is what we are now prepared to do. po e ¥Your Winter Coat will now cost you less, --At the above mentioned pri¢és--in $12.50 lot are Coats regular to $18.50. In $18.75 lot are coats --to $30.00. In $26.75 lot are Coats to $40.00.¢ In $35.00 lot are coats to $47.50. ' All other: coats not in --these lots, prices are cut 20%. Aprons --in good--quality percales and ginghams at asbove prices. When you A big purchase from the surplus-- stock 'Any Skirt in our stock, prices now reduced20%. _ Coats, $12.50, $18.75, COME ONE, COME ALL, to this great BARGAIN EVENT.-- We do not often use the word BA&';IN, as*tthe word has a tendency to chamthe advertising of any firm.. But we have picked up many of merchandise recently that can well be listed under this appellation, and we feel thoroughly justified in using it in this instance. _-- _ -- . 4c + Coats, $12.50, $1f . $26.175, $35.00 COMMENCING 'g | We have a good assortinfht of DIX-- I Big Reductions On-- th« ' ING TAB AND COHAIRS. At <--B % i. *) * > Cxs te : I Fenifumig e > wn'n« P Children's and Misses'; a Wool Middies, less 20%. Te /. »ATEYEMREHLLS l e en ". also many other odd garments worth double and more, All go at 50c¢. f b-m:'mm t' :.U"'l:t ~ r ago--at a bar o Another m'?ur values to $2.00, fi'il.ly.'u. other -- Dreases re-- 0+ . Caps t0A85°; wfl to 85¢,-- (dick' Aptons' in Prin and Bungalon, stylcs Tersey _ Leggins ~(Children's), ~Chil-- dren's black,.or white Sagen Bloomers, -- Children's -- Blue Chambray, also soiled Percale Children's Dresses Bargain Table / $10 |(°°* ~ Any Garment $1.98 Choice of any in ourstock, less 20%, Regular prices $3.75 to $8.175. #res"" & f -- My oo To ; $5,00, :mnow $3.175; to fl.50, now'".'l5; '0« "omv now ~$6.95; to ¥$14.50, now Tiadies', 'to $6.75 choice, $5.00; to $9.00, now $6.50; to $12.50, . now $9.95; balance, regular to $25.00, less 25%. ° ~ ~-- ~-- .=-- lette, etc. Table also includes Kait Scarts, to $4.00; Children's #--place Knit Sets, Cap, Leggins and Sweat-- er;-- Children's laz"nunu. and othet items to be later, 100--piece' $30.00 values, $19.75;.value to $40.00, now $26.75; all other to" $2.98; Middy RBlouses, $2.50 to §$2.15 valus; Black Sateen. Aprons, regular $2.%5 and ~32.50;-- Kait Petticoats, regular $2.25 and $2.50: Suits less 25%. Princess Slips, many other items. $95.00 and $100.00 Garments, to close, choice $75.00 : Silk Waists ---- ~©UPUn $ to $2.15: Children's Children's Play Tea Sets One-- w\ i l\= $# th _ Children's Coats y gpgcial lots, ©550, 4850 ©.25 and $8.00 value, while 1othib,'w I : stock less 20%. Choice« garmen its 'in . lot. Prices now eut 20%. Q' We have some beautiful color com-- binations in stock, and as wo se-- eured "a large lot from New York manufacturer at cut prices, we-- are reducing --the: entire lot--regular ptices 50e to $6.50--less 20%. Cholce leas 10%. All other garments in our stock not Knit Scearfs= go at 10% off .