_ ._. Mra Wi. Walker, Sr., ; __~. Mr apd Mrs. De Armond entertain-- > . en iaha friends at dinner Sunday. _ _ "_*-- W But of town relatives attending Dr. _ . ... Waibott's funeral were his son, Orville _ _/ . Taibott, wife and.and two sons, of _ --=. < Obleago; his sister, Mrs. Belle 'l'hq&a_r * .X > ;'.n mand Mrs. Kate Chase and fher h e w ughter, also of Chicago.~ * ;. Geprge Gray of Chicago -pl:nth the | L vacation cousins here. e t "% and Kn% Summers of e * ffieptwt«l the A Kapple fam-- S -'grrlc x&rr of co%:cn.mum. > _ dowa; Miss.Edith Kerr, Of Chicago: es # and Mrs. Lawrence and two sons «_ +--.~--@f 'Toronto.: Canada; --Mr.-- and Mrs. eorge Mitchell and daughter, of Chi-- e C Ago, and Mr.jand Mrs. Wm. -Weber.' e :. aw'n week end guests of Mr. and _ Last week we mentioned that Mr., . MT Will Pester had gone to Chi 42. : «#«pend the Christmas holdiay, * it should have been Clinton, lowa. ~.--, . The Ladies'® Aid Society held a busi-- , -%m Mrs. Avery Wed-- y 2sls ay of : week. Plans are being 14 %or a social evening very soon e ; members and their husbands. .~~__--. A party was held at the De Armond oo -- B 7 ~Sger P Hm;"'g"' ) uty _On 4 4 sician and V Nov. 19, 1854 wfl& t of n and, a family of élight chidaen. M . Cletk at -- Lake. : manhood was spenC a# a 1 teach-- § ,"",, . waq CE . er® and 1 h. 5;&4 bedil P M 4s b CNICaQO»«. . Medical College é weld o s 8 rl"m For 46 years Ae~DPracti¢ed --medicine ..\ --<s The . <of Dr. Charle® Worth | ;," coftral ols but'%.hn fifteen it of o_ Yila, 3 many y had béen spent in Villa. Wes.-- R--practicing phmchrhh Lake | / In 1983 he WA# _to Ella F. e and Central lllingls, was held /aryte, of Keokuk, Towa who survives s from the Methodist oburch »<, nim, togetber With: Oryville, of f l the members of -- | Chicago, aDd & _.?v. YVera, witte . sonic p'hpnmcIWQ gied at.lkof John Ph this place; two _ Lakeside hospital, ow where | grands008, _ granddaughters; _ he had been for a two weeks. ; four a'Bterm <a bre o _ . Dr. Talboit WAas born . Nov. 1# 1853 |° He« Ww& 1 i to Lakeside hospital 0 4 # pri * fror Lake § sonic order --Mr. and Mrs, John Shimberg and Anughter of Waukegan, were Christ-- mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thayer, es his 1 lhmt the mo.' survive: ene s ML, mfl-r | * pyrs. C mose 'a.. c One daughter, J. M. Philipp, . Lake YViba, son, Orvtill W., s ene l . p K. Talbott, m m-mr sisters, Mrs. . Belle hayer, Mrs: Catherine Chase, of m Mrs. Carrie Pandy, of De entur, and Mrs. Cona Allen, OQmaha.; "Interment was in Angola cemetery, Lake Villa. Dr. Talbott was born.Nov. J# 1853)° «e wa staken to Lakeside hospital and graduated -- from Rugh?' Medica} I 'n Chieago on %1:. and all that college 41 years m,,% which he | could be done was and he passed practiced b?ll&l gen _ years laway on Dec. , 1928. ago he came t a where s | _ He was a of the Lake Villa qld"m family have since resided.> |M. E. church, the Modern Woodmen, was proMinent in Masonry avd | the Masons and Star of Mill-- also took &n active part in conmun--| burn. 'The Masons conducted the fun-- #r --affairs heing villace clerk -- of | Oral, which was held at the church on W'?, the members 'ofrtnz'ld * sonic particd He at. Lakeside "hospit&l.%o/ where he had been for a t£wo weeks. .<-- _ John Walker: of Chicago spent the m%m parents, Mr. and Telephone 202 . BURIED rRI ATWATEKI_KENT ..................... MAGNAVOX ...._._.__________. MUBIC MASTER ._____._____ ercLMUV TDE . ............. .. ... itptrmonrectentcmcomess BRANDES TABLE TALKER . MURDOCK (8,000 Ohm) BRANDES ._...._....._____ ' MURDOCK (2,000) Ohm) Such power, selectivity and ease of control, with three tubes, are obtainable only through Erla teflex design, incorporatintg Erla synchronizing r. £. and a. £. transformers. a. PRICES ON SETs WITHOUT LOUDSPEAKER OR PHONES ONE--TUIBRE :................................ n ommeneeaeleacrirgncmrirncmvoen scvccisc A PW TWO TUBES L. . 200e0.,...«......__.c9T.50 THREE TUBES __ ... 20c _ .$109.50 From New York to Honolulu With Erla Synchronizing Transformers -- All U. S. Stations On Loud Speaker, Using Only Three Tubes _ONE MAN LOCATED IN CHICAGO WRITES: "During my first week with the ERLA THREE--TUBE hook up, tuning through high power Chicago stations, I got Jef-- ferson City, Dallas, Memphis, Atlanta, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, New York, Springfield, Pittsburg, Louisville, Cin-- cinati, Fort Worth and Tampa. The Sunday following I added Fresno, Denver, Astoria, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Hawaii Naval Maneuvers; and Juneau, Alaska, the Alaska FElectric Light and Power Company. The United States stations all were clear on the loud speak-- er. Also I re--tuned every station, sharpening the tuning a little bit wherever necessary. LAEE Y*LL +A Ihe Radic Skop s«Wite» Mss Ella Hor the following other rel These Pflcelllne"e Both "A" and ""'fifl-'l LOUD SPEAKER PRICES BERNARD & PROSSER, Proprictors Let Us Put An ERLA In Your Home -- ; HEADPHONE PRICES EDWARDS TO GET -- ~PLANE APRIL 1 . _Bvening worship at 7:30. . the will give a story sermon entitled "Trodden Gold." f . Attention is 'called to some calen-- dars that the Boy Scouts have left to sell for the public library fund. A Mothers'® Association meeting will held at the church next Friday after-- noon, to which all mothers are invited. Come at 2 o'clock and spend the aftér-- that he and Mr. Campbell will} in-- crease the number of planes it the business of flying becomes too rush-- ing." >:*, Friday afterncoon, Dec. 28th. He was a faithful 'and loyalshrd mm a faithful and 2'&"&' phy-- will be hard to fill. e i ~G-- C CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our friends for the many words and acts of kindness and sympathy during our recent be-- reavement, and for the beautiful floral offetings. -- MRS. ELLA TALBOTT. ~~ORVILLE TALBOTT.~~~ MRS. JOHN PHILLIPPI. Russell ~H. Edwards, local real estate man, will receive shipment 'on an geroplane about April 1. The work has been started on machine already 'by the Curtiss people. It the sapanese earthquake fund to re b:]nd the ~Christianity that cannot fall. e V 4s Morning worship at 11. . » .'-- January begins a new theme, "Measuring the Church." The ser-- mons are from Revelations. A special offering. will be taken next Sunday for THE CHURCH ON THE WILL Church Bchool at 10 a. m Cradle RoJll clags for little tots at U * & ~ * »a Social for at Leo Cristy, Mrs. Nrnest-- Campbell and, Miss Rima Melville of Chula Vista. Mrs. L E. Turk, 628 Cen-- ter street, .is :a sister--in--law, and Lucius Starr of» Palmer place is a brother--in--law. Mr. Butler's sister, Mrs. Price of Jamestown, N. Y., has celebrated her i(:itlh birthday and still enjoys good ) th. * Data. ~WD $390. _ Stamp $165. Pt of Sec. 10 and 15, Deerfleld. 0. B. Von Linde. to 8. I. Drum and wife. WD $10, Stamp $1. Lot 1. O. --B. Von Linde's subdn. Sec. 0 0o 0o 0 0.0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o o \ By A. K. BOWES °_ _ 400000000000000.0: December @1, 1923 : 99 Tina Marki to J. Holder and wife jt tens. WD $1. Stamp "ll.l Lots 41, 42, 43, blk 48, So Wkgn. --B. J. Rosenthal and wife to E. A. ~Union bank of Chgo to C. H. Scherwat and wife jt tans. Deed $10. Stamp $2.50. Lot 10, bik. 4, L G. %nlu First addna to. Northmoor errace ,sec 4, Deerfleld.... Agnes M. Bergen to W. Chilkas W.D. $16,000. Stamp $6. Lot 4, blk. 50, Highland Park. f -- '~-- DECEMBER 22%, 1923 -- C. J. Jones to Eva Bistrica. W. D. '$10.00..--Stamp $1.00.-- Lot 1486 Wadsworth Subdivision, See. 28, Waukegan R. G. Lundgreen &,C.. Lund-- green to E. Erickson and wife, it. tens W. D. $600.00. --Stamp $1.00. Lot 41 in Spencer's Highlands Wau-- conda. ' Mabe!l Ross nee Hopkins and hus-- band to A. R. Wetzel and wife Jt tens. Lot 9, block 1, At Home Subdn., Sees 25 und 36, Grant. WD #10. ' 20 u{ 36, Grant, WD $10, + tol.ot "Ml:':; t: W. Walker. Part Subdh., Sec. 34, Lake Villa WB $1, stamp 50¢. s N /53 B. Lowenmeyer to C. B. 'l:: Lt "A" in Subdn. of lot 67, in ond l',a'v'ho ht'o!u D.bhh..lfi- #1, "ioavs B & Citand'te 0. A Richardson and wite j Lot 6, it tens. W. D. $3,8300. Stamp $3.50; nt 1, bik 1, Grand View. Sec. 1, W. J. Steele and wife to 8. J. Walker. Wnuw $2.50. Pt of See. 30, % City of Lake Forest to W. J. Steele. Deed. $110.50.-- Lot .4, blk 9, Bec B, Lake Forest cemetery. B. Lowenmeyer and wife . to G. H. 28, _ B. Lowenmeyer.to F. A. Ross and wife. W. D. $1.00. ~Stamp $6.00 Lot "B" in subdivision of Lot 67 in Setond Ravine, Forest Subdivi-- gslon, Section #21, Shields. _ ' B. Lowenmeyer to C, F. Ablers et al. _W. D. $1.00.-- Stamp $14.00. Lot "E" in subdivision. of Lot 67, Becond Ravine / Forest Subdivision, Ber, 21, Shielde. 2. : 1 '*" _~> *D B. Lowenmeyer to--P.: N. ' Dale and wife, jt. tens . W.'D.~$1.00. Stamp $8.00. Lot: "D" subdivision of Lot 67, Second Ravine Forest, SBection 21, Shields. c December 24, 1923. J. W. Johnson to Ellen N. Johnson. Part of Sec. 3, Antioch QCD $1, stamp $4. -- H. T. Meinersmann and wife--et al to H. M. Henricksen and vm'):&m Lot 21, Petite Lake Park, . 80, Antioch. WD $10, stamp $1. i J. 8. Haas and wife to W. E. Kiley and wife jt tens. Lot 38, block 2 of Mylith Park Sub, Sec. 28, Grant. W D $10, stamp $1. % B. Jensen to C. Fletcher, Part ot Bec. 3, Antioch, WD $1. & B. Jensen to G. J. Zimer and % Jt tens. Part of Sec. %, Antloch. G. F. Ericson and wife to J. 8. Erieson. W. D. $1.00. Lot 249 J; L. Shaw's third subdivision on Fox Lake, Section 10, Grant. B. Lowenmeyer to % M. Young and wife, jt. tens. / > D. $1.00. Stamp $7.00. Lot "C" subdivision of Lot 67 in Second Ravine Forest subdivision, Section 21, Shields. -- A, Klind--~to G. F. Ericson. and wife, jt. tens. W. D. $1.00. lm 60c. . Lot 249 J. L. Shaw's subdivision on KFox Lake, Section 10, Grant. I o REAL PSTATE TRAIOPERS o Word has just been recel/ed iR Waukegan of the death on ' ber l%nln Chula 'Vista, Cal ¥a-- lobs tler, a former "resdebt . of Waukegan, at the "age of 97. ng:. four : months . and five -- day8. Mr. Butler was principal of ite Wauke-- gan high school bhalf a cenptury or more ago. S im ~--_ . DIFS ON COAST m%ww of -- Death in Ch lV':ta, Cal., of Vabl; + * 8 el', W 97. /' * A. Denemark to J. Triner and wife .G. L & to H. * and wile fmbwu $10. 8 50¢c. Pt of lot 2 and all of lots 8 bik. 47, north addn to Lake D. A. Hentges and wite (n 3.--C. Ross.. WD $10. -- Stamp $2\. Pt of C. Dickey and wile jt, tens to W nmu.ugonn.uun . 29 and --30, 68, So, Wkgn. 5 SBhiekdis. . F. E. Weliton and wife to: p. Carter, WD $10. Stamp $1.50. Igtl 51 and 52%, Washington Park, Sec. B. <Wellnits and wife to A. Bres and wife jt tens.--WD $10. Stamp 50¢.© All of lot 4 and N hf of lot 5 in bik 17, See. %3, Wkgn. m;nl_ Jt tons. . M ~"$4. W 53-- tt: of 2ot 12 in bik 7, Port Clinton, Sec. 14,;Deerfleld. of ° H WD $10. Nly 80 ft of lot 16 in bik g;j;tkoeordplatorsoptotaptot J. Andrules to C. Navickas and wife jt tens. WD $10.-- Standip. 31. Lot 5, blk 9, Washburn Springs. A. Gordon and wife to EK. lél'ulk- ner. WD $10. ©~Stamp $6. 16 ft of lot= 42 and --N 24 ft of--lot 43, Emma 8. Hatton and husband et al to C. 8. Sherer and wife Jt tens. WD $2900. Stamp $4. S hf of lot 1, b!!\ 10'. ..xf,';f'. and QOorn'l 'l'dd'l'l. Beca 25 and 36, Warren. W. Capesins and wife to C. W. Seignous Jr. WD $10. . Stamp $1Q0 Lot *I in blk 7, --Ravinia Highlands Wl North Shore subdn Deer-- A. L Hayward to J. A. Woebetr. WD $10. Stamp $1.50. Lot 13 in blk 7, Ravinia Highlands. Bartletts North Shore subdn. Sec. 36, Deer-- Long Lake subdn. Sec. 13, Grant ertyville. : , F. W. Schar and wife Jt tens to Mrs. Mary Ehrenfeuchter. WD $3800 Stamp $4. Lot \8, blk. 2, Lioyd's resubdn. Sec. 15, Deerfield. & Decemper 27, 1923 Belle Bemis to Marie C. Subr, WLD $10. Stamp $5. Nly 80 ft 'of lot 16 in blk 81 in Record plat of oS 'pt Cory's addn to Town 'of Lt tF now 9, Deerflield, _ C. E. Wells and wife to J. H. Johnson. QCD $1. Lot 199 E. A. Cummings & +Co's. N. Ave . Addn Bec. 16, Waukegan. 1 as J. --H. Wells and wife to C. E. Wells. WD $1. Lot 200 E. A. Cum ming's & Co's N. 'Ave addn Sec 16 Waukegan. * H. C. Litchfield and wife to J. Sandsmark. WD $10. Stamp 50¢c. Lot 21, blk 1, Powell & Arnos addn to B. Wellnitz and wife to A..Nicpan and wife Jt tens. WD $10. Stamp 50c. °Pt. of lot 5, 'all of lot 6, blk 17. Sec. 391 Whkaen. : . :---- C L. C. Nyka and wife to Puehlo-- pek. QCD <$10. lmnhuc. Lot 13 in blk 4, Dreyers subdn. . , D. N. mmur and 'wife to D. Ros-- enheim, WD $10.. sStamp $10. Pt of E. B. Neville and wife to Hannah B. Johnson. WD $900, Stamp $1. LI6t 9, blk 4, Hook and Neville's The .Best_ Clingers. 5 Mre. Shortley was discussing the latest fashions--with a youn« lady calles, "Did you say your fdther was fond of those clinging gowns, May ?" -- "Yes, We likes one to cling to me for about three --years."--Shefield _ (England) Telegraph, 100, Green Bay Addn,. kXec, 28, Mud--spattered, Oil--covered License Plates Draw Fire > "Automobile iyrestigators working ; under my "* *he continued, | "havre been instru to make every' effort to enforce this section of 'the law, as well as others, and we hope| .lttnnl aluthorities wl take dnlur' eps. ing on a house at the ?.:"m . It's a fine improvement, one which reflects @medit Mc Ray examinations were mege ; Upon the Board of Supervisors and\ the men whe Rave him following the fan. _ ©. _ |been directly in charge of its construction, t Samué! Rundquist, 50, of 1156 Sum-- mit avenue, Highland: Park, has two broken ~ribs and is badly © bruised CARPENTER FALLS . BREAKS TWO RIBS * ~AvOID ARR ron _ NOW! /4 Od:ai':"nlity Irons Only $1 Down ' Simplex, $6.75 sal, $7.50 --Sunbean, $7.50 --oAmerican Beauty, $7.50 \ A Quality Iron is necessary for satisfactory froning results. of Emmerson. 2e' Monday--to Monday -- :p.a.llh-l-c NT y _,. PuBLC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS mickeled ".'q :a- Tan moeie paided. the othet ddde grooved for curling iron heating, special bracketwfor using iron as hot plate. hed Te bey Bs in Sn Saviee Iuger whih i npaanrnemrimaarys Wewill delivera DoverSix Electric Iron for a Monday--to-- Monday convince yourself trial When you meonvhcad--flll'douvmbe ----keep the iron and we will : $1 a month for 6 months | . As Mr, Obee says, the average taxpayer does not |realize what a wonderful improvement has been brought 'about and when it is figured that the expense wjm jrun over $300,000 people who have been making eareful inspection and investigation will see that the money has been well spent.. It indeed is fortunate that the s#uper-- visors had the diseretion: not to concur with the ca~-- \tions of some that the old Court House bxxilding;m |down and a complete new one erected.. : x ~~--The addition has-- been put on in such a way twhat |jwithin a short time after the new building is put into. '!use and the elements get in their work on the exberior, 'the whole structure will look as though it had been Mfl; at the same time and strangers coming to town will not realize for a minute that this huge addition was placed 'on the old building.. j faISCC: was* L prexamen M C "'::?.-vvmmf C ¢ f @d in enthusiasm to the editor--of the Sun: 'The peop _ flfi'tkaflountrfiuiirdunuttuqu?tM motth : in this Court House addition; they do not redf »"' > convéaiently it has been arranged and wg:: a wonder Court Mouse will have been provided when the new & tion is put into use."' J o. 12?' Mr. Obee said is absolutely true and regid of LAake ty, when the new build.inl_'l;gl is cormple will poift\with pride to the wonderfully fine coy bulldxwh h has been rearranged for their offi use. . Twenty\thousand square feet of space have by added to the Court House in which there was before hbas, 8,000 square f The building certainly has been a®s' ranged with consNeration for. t'ixe future growth of the county and-- the gement of the offices will make it most convenient far county officers to carry on hoi. important work,-- _ \ / -- ~ : o e The use of electria elevators will make the apper' floors as easily accessible as the present floors in the old court house. 'The rooms will-- all be light and: airy, eom-- modious and conveniently arranged with réference to carrpying on respective departments for the eomnty. There is going to be ample room for the Circuit,; County and Probate court rooms and for the clerical work in conjunction therewith. There is going. to be ample roont for the supervisors' meetings, for the juries in their de-- lihprations; there are going to be privgte offices for the various officials and for once again, when the new addi-- tion is put into use, all the county officials will be under one roof and the county will cease paying rent in &weo outside quarters where present officials are housod at county expense. -- : s _ ¥._.. Nearest Store Waukegan, Hlinois OFFER Nickled Steel Stove Stand Non--corrosive 'Terminals ho ' '.';é*?",',, _'.",;g C in prantfen he Sun: 'Thé peo ;mw & A., he and what a wondel ed when the new d/ ely true and r A . ' uilding is cormple .uderfilfly fine '.? red for their offiel wl P \o \ ®1