Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Jan 1924, p. 4

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_ _ --<_ aAu ie I E& Aunds ne ;"'Z.v.iAv k ' M . mb _ * auested Bs * _ Attorney 'O'Donnell's letter follows: 4 P _ . .. *The four indictments commonly known as the real estate and . _/ building expert cates were today on the motion of the defendants .. assigned to the calendar of J:§ Wells M. Cook. Your offige was ~ _ motified that the defendants would press for immediate trial. > _' ~~*"Ror more than a year, the public has waited to have the _ . dssues settled as to whether they were defrauded out of money by "thn G@efendants~or whether the special grand jury and the law-- _ _ yers and investigators have wasted the public's money in an illegal Y > /+ Why not? ... ... t' 4 _ j 0;._ To secure a speedy trial for Michael J. Faheity, former presi-- _ Frank H. Mesce, Edward C. Waller Jr.. Arthur' 8# Merigold and _' * Arnold H. Brautigam, indicted by the special graft'grand jury and _ _ ge--indicted by the regular grand jury, Attorney Patrick l'f. O'Don-- _ _ 'mell today offered to pay an assistant attorney ge,a'&'ll himself. _' He--addressed a letter to Attorney General Brundage asking him _ _ &p appear in person to save public funds or, if he could not do so, _ _ offering to contribute his fee to pay any assistant the attorney gen-- _ OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS ts x¥ 34 ~ .. _ "It is commonly reported that the present grand jury in re-- _ . turning these® indictments announced publicly 'that it was upon _ your request and it is also announced and discussed generally that _ would delay the solution of this whole case if these funds were not _\* . *The defendants are anxious for and intend to denand With © 'all the rights they possess an cearly hearing and the question of / funds need not hamper the attorney general's office. Your salary %;'fivoudyou and at least your qwn compensation is secure, hn' "H you will appear in this case and actively engage in the' . prosecution no further funds are required, but if assistance is re-- E*w by you, I personally will relieve the public of any addi-- _ tonal expense by turning over my fee to any lawyer who is not _ mow on the state pay roll that you may choose to give you assist-- 20 ' _\ "Public funds need to be protected but public men need vindi+ cation if they are innocent and above all it ghould be known wheth-- er or not this is a bona"fide law suit or a mere 'political prosecu-- 'g;"'dnr personal appearance in court prosecuting would be the best guarantee that you had no ultérior motive. I hope you can so serve the public and my clients." T %,.," 4 . "They are already questioning the motives of this latter group because none of the:money so paid out has been returned to the mzmwumehct that the grand :jury has been édared illegal by the Supreme Court of the state. _ 2 %5 ~.~ Brunddge has been given a good chance to prove his sincerity! A wmhubmflmduwnnyw show whetheghe ids on the square in his incessant attacks on Chi-- ,"#uh&cmm'm:folomidq:" 19 W . _y, And so, Brundage wil} probably ignore O'Donnell's offer, will not appear to handle the case himse!f and will seek delay on the theory that he hasp% the money :0 pay an attorney to handle the case just now andg wouldn't stoop to allow O'Donnell to pay HIS He ied to make it appear that Small sought dfl-'y r \@uo his attorneys tried their best to hurry tb¢ case #9 tri leago Brundage will delay the proceedings in ®rder to allo ium o hang over Faherty, Coffin and others as long as he #, 488 in the Waukegan m» in the 22/other cases ge fell down"on in his Chicggo persccution last summer, the case is sent to the jury defeat is as certain for the attor-- New Universities _ Dictionary _ not! THE INDEPENDENT ) LDAC PIONARIES IN ONE _ """.'!M Needed e eost of --handling elerk hire, otec. malfi. NEW -- authontic |, ry, bound in black |, geal grain, illustrated with full B pages in color, 46 ¥ Fresent orcuil < paper . this oupon mninety--sight ceuts to COUPON How to Get It C o u p o n "_°" 98c Add for Postage: Up to 150 miles 97 Up to 300 miles .10 For greater dis« tances, ask Post-- master rate for 4 Mo ® ) mail to this Cost of with cover acking, * George Sturm, daughter Emma and m«-&'hmx_ spent Oh::t- mas at w"v Marinni home in Highland $A : / F ::'c'-oVo'. of Atlington Hdg:u 'zno- o 'aukegan and brought Mrs. Erben Riechm and baby from the hos-- Mrs. Snow brought the Sturm fam-- y from Libertyvilie Sunday and call-- ed for them in the evening. #2 Emil Geest was a calléer in North-- brook Friday night. wouee mm Mrs. Mary Brockman was taken to a hospital in Waukegan for treatment. L. Holtje trom Wheeling was a call-- ¢r at Emil Geest's Wednesday night. _ Mrs. Ed Giss and family were Lib-- "",,.'.?"%v"'""' Friday. f im & eidner _ urchased' a milking machine from Lou Dietz. E. J. Giss delivered a load of fru't from the city to E. Geest, which Emil p&mtod to the bl:é:x_xd little kiddies, ply, we'l say. . JCA . Mr..and Mrs. James Matousek and several friends .from (the city. spent Saturday night. and Sunday at the home of N. F. Busch. Peter Sievers and children motored t olLibertyville Tuesday night and saw Santa Claus, a The school held their Christmas en-- tertainment Friday afternoocn. Mrs. John Bormhofen was again seri-- ously il11 with gall stone trouble. She is now improving. ping, started for Libertyville and Lake Forest, returned home and found he wanted to go to the dance at Half Day, so again started out. A full day, wa'll tell 'em.> Ruth Hanson spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. Ray Busch. Beveral of our young folks went to mflno to see Tom Mix. They ~ma8y what he mixed, but from what we heard it was good. L Great excitement in to--wn several days ago, when a fellow tied his horse to a 49!1! truck while he entered the store for a moment. In the meantime the owner stepped into the truck and started out, dragging the harse nnd wagon along. While turning a corner the wheels of the wagon caught on a tree, knocking the horse and wagon g:r. _ Luckily the rope brokteo before animal was dragged to death. _lmmohn. Kila Knopf, Mrs. L Rlz: and Mrs. Wilf motored to Wau-- ke Bunday to see Mrs. E. Richm ant® baby. , 3. xk Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch were Wau-- kegan callers smu-a% night,, -- Mr. udhlu. N. F. Busch, Ray Busch and A¥ Bunton, Sr., attended the 'f."'f';f'} of Mrs. Smith at Antioch last the but has not stopped the. wearing away process of> the waves. Some weeks ago :the park board accepted the offer of the Gordon Wrou%\!'namr to dump an im-- mense. tity of concrete at the l Toen woutained b7" biacticg tns ' C 9A & e z'!:ndldm of old buildings at tne naval station, by tearing up old pave: ments, . foundations,~ etc. In -- alt there -- has been 2,400 truck Joads of this concrete deposited -- at -- une foot: of the Foss Park bluff and the result, it is expected, will be the stopping of further cutting away by the waves. Two hundred fifty men have been> employed on this work by the Gordon Wrecking company. It.was expected that the wark wnnlA (Too Late for Liast Week) . N.--F. Busch and family att vaudeville in Waukegran Sat Jay Ritzenthaler was a caller at the home of N. F. Busch one night last -- This rapid cutting away of the bluft has caused city park officials of North Chicago much concern and everything-- possible has been done to put a stop; to it. , | _ Last summer the park board spent several thousand-- dollars in -- con-- guuu several small pilers along edge of the bluff in the hm that they would catch and hold sand that is washed in by the waves and -- eventually create a ~suitable waves has been underminiag the bluff «and huge sectiong have toppled into the lake and been carried away by the Ifke currents. The Gordon Wrecking compan of the Great mmfim sta-- tion has just work which ,:t'h hoped ~will :thansnl'ol ving Foss Park to North « For several years the fm."fi'r"& that the work would pleted today.> It did. not 'cost AP T AKISIC attended +| Postmaster Wilsworth reports the . receipts of the LAbertyvilia office to »hnbmmmmymmm' | ever before. 'The receipts made a gain. a ' fo .reach mth&'thomndm! r, Decembér business exceeded that of | p | any gnvkmmby-mmn-o} ; | fourth. ~A great deal of tha Chriatmas 1 mail was dispatched early, and thus , materially ralieved the congestion at the late: hours. BUSINESS AT THE POST OFFICE EXCEEDED PREVIOUS YEARS Building. Bervices Sunday at 10:4 Bubject for this BSunday, The thoir gave a Q@hristmas party to alt its members ll'ogf,wu" the Friday following. Christmas. A very pleasant time was had by all. . The Saturday school will be resum-- ed next Saturday at 9 a. m. _ _ _ Morning worship at 11. The pastor | will speak on the subject, "Groans." ; Do they signify anything? Good music | and a real welcome:«to all who seek , to--worship. : -- ~ * f -- Young people's mesting at 8:80 p.m. ' A union evenipg service'at the M. E. . church to hear the debate, "Can <tha Law be Enforced?" You will want to hear it. 5. 4 ¢ ' The. Young Peovie's Society . cele brated its Christmas party on Dec. 22. A collection, taken up for the Luth-- eran orphanage in Milwaukee, nett 013..0. w : S t id s "_' ST. LAWR?CI'B. EPISCOPAL = Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. & Bunday,. Jan. 6th, the Feast of the, Epiphany, the services will be: 3 Holy Communion at 7:80 a. m. | Holy Communion and Sermon at 10:45 a. m. * + » ' : Church School at 9:45 a. m.» _ The men and boys _wtn nil.'o the'ir monthly corporate C wnsion at 7:30 a. m.' * f Mr. Gwyn, assisted by the choir, conducted a short Christmas service at the County farm house on the aft: ernoon of last Sunday." The choir sang several of the national carols. ; x Rev. Guy Smock, Pastor, -- iss Ruby Williams, organist. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m, --W. G. Wells, Supt. -- The quarterly business meeting of the voting members 'of our dongrega-- tion will be held immediately after services next Sunday morning. All those desiring to become members of our church are asked to be pmonl.ha: this meeting. _ Thus far we have new names on our list. . « BT. JOHN'S LUTHERAN } \ Ehneac. Késsling, Pastor. _/ Sunday at 9:30 a. m. x © Bervices in German at 9:30 a. m. English services in the evening at 1:30 o'clock. i + 2+ & Union service at 7:30 p. m. A dra-- matic debate, "Can the Law be En-- forced?" 'This is the greatést question before America todiy. E. E. Hudson will take the'}:o.uve and Ralph Owen the affarmative side of the question. This interesting-- debate on a / most timely subject should draw a crowded house. Admission free, © Wednesday evening at 7:30, the mid-- week prayer meeting. Start the New m?:lnhr nd#hly meeting of the :: mediately :onm prayer :;:'5-, ing. All members of the board e to be present. y t * Weekly choir rehearsal 'l'hnudfi evening at 8 o'clock. New Year, fulfill our Lord's last re-- imst."'!'hhda in remembrance of @. ... ht m in dile it on ane t ereennaionntiat craicte i. x1 FHpworth League devotional service at 0:30 p. m. Chas. J.--Dickey, rastor.. rhone 112J. k Lnllog blord:. Omnh:. Ne Bunday School at 10 a. m. '\Geo. F. Pearce. Gen. Supt. 'Morning worship at 11. Quarterly observance of the Holy Sactament. Music by the choir. Let us, as & con-- gregation, on this first Sunday of the Church: Services Third Floor, First National Bank FIRST METHCDIST EPISCOPAL 46 a. Miss Ida Himmelreich, Lake Coun: ty Humane Society OMcer--investigat-- ed the case of Kowalski, who was aged bachelor, godfather of Helen, four year old crippled daughter of Joseph Kotzurowski, 1602 © Center street, Racine, Wis., has been exon-- erated of charges of kidnaping {made by the child's mother to the juvenile court officers at Racine, and Sheriff l-hlfionr released _ him '"Thursday John Kowalski of North Chica-- go, Freed 'of Blame When Babe's Father Explains. GODFATHER ISs EXONERATED OF KIDNAPING CHARGE John Kowalksi, of North 345 Milwaukee Ave. MAINGARAGE | PHONE 456 |. THE Libertyville Auto Repair Shop has moved from Libertyville Garage _to the building recently occupied by the * Ree Motor Company, and will hereafter _ be known as _ MAIN GARAGE 345 Milwaukee Ave. Your iPatronage: Will Be Appreciated Chas. M. Benard, proprietor, has been in the garage business in Libertyville for the past ten years, and is | well known 'to the public for his painstaking efforts to give_the best: of service, and will maintain the same high standard in the new location. Chicago, L3 ouncement ! Mr. and Mrs. George Obenaut and son, George, spent Christmas with Mr. |and Mrs. Jos. Dobner. y3 a Mr. and Mrs,. J. Schaefer and chil-- dren sent Sunday at Johnsburg. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Kushmann, a baby girl, on Dec. 24th. 3 % Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hertel and :hndret\ spent Saturday at the Dobner . Mr. and Mrs. Jog. Dobner and chil-- dmnupn:snnu?nmohmum. and Mrs. Geo. Obenaut Te Mr. and Mrs. Otto Frank and chil-- dren'spent Christmas at Lake Zurich. Fowler of Chicag« cluding the stock. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cavanaugh Christmas at the home of | Belerdse. a.>s * . WEST FREMONT t*x% % % % % *# 4 «* » Ave. _ ~Libertyville, Illinois TELEPHONE, 456 ~ he other farm, located directly Williams Bay, consisted of 120 is. It was sold to Mrs. Mary . for $40,000, in-- Libertyville, I11. "The Madness of Youth" Alse FIGHTING BLOOD No 2 , and FOX NEWS $ ¥ you want to see a highly inter-- esting drama_of hard biscuits and woman problem with the laughs and heartaches of real Hfe--this is it; Light weight flesh color The Quality Store _ Grayslake, Iilinois WOOL HOSE to wear under Chiffon Silk Hosiery -- $1.50 . B. Godfrey SPECIAL A PAIR SUNDAY 'A..AJ im i

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