§ l "For Success _| ' And Happiness" * All Kinds of Hard and Soft Coal, Chunk Wood, and Kindling . ::-{k tll:- JE;: Owh Your Own Home t e Make a Will \ RH:'::'. mt:':fl !nv;:;z Safe Securit es .\ Share With Others. _ Pay Bs Prompt'y CARRY LIFE INSYR ANCE } % ; § * 1; Lake County National Bank Telephone 15 --_-- Insurance of all kinds Phone 154--M LIBE Don't Forget Your Chimneys and Roofs Need Attention . Before You Start the Fires Plastic Cement, Valdura Paint, Elaticum Coat-- ing, Best Wood and Asphalit Shingles Special Sale On Odd Sash Telephone 47 Chas. D Proctor The slogan of the Thrift Ac cess and Happiness", and following cread. Ra,d,it'c have decided whereig you ing out your personal progrem of~thrift, dron in at this bank and talk the matter'over with us. BECIENINS WITH BENTAMN ,FRANKLITS BIRTHDAY. THE WEEX OF JANUA..Y 17--27 HAS BZZN DESICNATED, AS NATIONAL -- THRIFT WEEK. -- LIBERTMLLE LOMBER 60. -- Get Your Supply NOW! We have every material for the work .f.vve:ue{! is "For Suc-- 1 's bised upon the a>efull=. When you neec 1 nelp in carry-- LIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYYVILLE *~~--Mrse.: Bdward L. Bayre of Edgewater called on friends here Monday. . Miss Lavina Price spent the week end at the R. E. Pr'ce home. 1 Miss Gadys Farr:l'fi; has gone to Ev-- anston, wheére she 1 attend the Ey-- anston high school. Miss Anna Drury, of Ingleside, vis ited the first of the week with Mrs. Fsank B. Wilson. spenuing a week wiln HCJI AHIIL, AMIM C A..C. Burandt, at Barrington. J'mmie, the two year old son of Mr. " w f -- _|and Mrs. Paul Mizik, of Highwood, Mr. 'and Mrs. F. P. Dymond expect has been ill with a light case of scar-- to e!ye Friday for West Palm Beach,|let fever, and the residence is under Florida, where they will spend the j quarantine. . Paul is known to many remainder of the winter. ~ ° . people here. He is a conductor on the 5 y + North Shore Line, and formerly had Miss Helen Carroll entertained at a a run on the Libertyville branch. supper Sunday u':lnz,' in honor of | the f.rst wedding @nniversary of Mr.; _ W. F. Kirkham and 'Chas. E. Jack and ._rs. John Davis. i were here from Waukegan Friday Mr. 2nd Mrs. E. W. Peters expected to leave for their home in Algonquin the frst of the week. -- Mrs. Day and daughter spent a few days last week at the home of the {ormer's brother in Chicago. ° Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kaiser and b®y, of Austin spent the week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Kaiser. Mrs. Roy Kellner and two children, Loretta and Kenneth, of Waukegan, spent Wedfiesm in Libertyville with Mrs. Chas. K T. . Mr.'and Mrs. F. P. Dymond expect to e!ye Friday for West Palm Beach, Florida, where they will spend the remainder of the winter. ~ ° Mrs. Bert Finsted's mother and sis-- ter are here from Michign, to help care for her in her illness. * M'iss Elinore Kubhiman returned last Surday evening to her home, after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. A..C. Burandt, at Barrington. UlL., w vis tor Miss Elizabeth Bryant, a former L H..8. teather, but now of Sterling, .. was a Libertyville week end Short ems of Especial Interest to Libertyvilie People Local and Personal BEN ALEXANDER.--JOE BUTTERWORTH -- ROCKLIFFE FELLOWS --GLADYS BROCKWE L -- SUDDy M SSINGER -- GARETH | MHUGHES -- GERTRUDE -- MEsSINGER -- WILLIAM MONG -- All présented by J. K, MaDONAD. AUDITORIUM . tuEsoAy--wepuestal THEATRE -- JAN. 15--16 Buy your tickets in advance. A@vance sales for P. T. A. benefit. mr Mike Boehm's new two--flat building on Map'e avenue is now comoleted. r L. } The lower flat is occup'ed by Mr. and ing," Mrs. H. Good, and the lower apart-- end ment by Mr. and Mrs. F. Difenbach . who moved here from Chicago. + mrs, J. B. Ruther'ord and daughter, June, and 'little .Miss Evelyn Wells visited from Thursday until Sunday with friends in Rock{ord. Mrs. Minnie Robbins, of Burling-- ton, lowa, and Mrs. Jessie Meger, of Laka Forest . were here ,Thursday, guests at the Fred Smith home. Mre. Hllen Gossi!l and Miss Esther Zusen, of Area, and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kub)man and daughter spent New Year's day cwith Mr. and Mré. A.~C. Burandt. The grade schools in the village opened Monday, after two weeks' hol-- iday vacation. The school building was given a general overhauling and clean--up during vacation. J. N. Bernard and family moved flonday from the flat over the Liber-- tyville Garage to the residence on Sunnyside Avenue, purehuod by Mr. Bernard from Geofge Mison. The W. C. T. U. will observe the fourth anniversary of the adoption of the Eighteenth to the Federal consti-- tution at a meeting to be held next Tuesday a'ternoon, January 16th, at 2:30 o'clTock, at the home of Mrs. John Williims on Maple avenue. W. F. Kirkham and 'Chas. E. Jack were here from Waukegan Friday night to attend the installation of the officers of Libertyville Lodge A. F. & A. M. Mr. Kirkham is a represen-- tative of the Grand Lodge for this district, and Mr. Jack is secretary of Waukegan Lodge No. 78. ~-- The garages in Libertyyille were kept busy all day Saturday and Sun-- day towing in dAisabled cars on ac-- count of the severe cold. Frozen ra-- diators, carburetors and feed pives were all too common. If a car was left standing in the--street for only a short time, it was nearly impossible to start it again. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Essentrot left Saturday for Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saunders, who were go-- ing with them, have been delayed by the illness of their little daughter, Nivian,, but expect--to leave within a few days. The Libertyville Parent--Teachers' &:ocuuon will meet Friday after-- n, January 1l1th, at 3 o'clock, at the Grammar School. The subject of the afternoon is "Thrift." Music wil be furnished by the girls of the eighth grade. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance, and every member is urged to bring a new member. Willard Keefe, manager of the Na-- tioonal Tea.Co. store on Milwaukee avenue, Libertyville, has been award-- a prize by the company, in recogni-- tion of his ability as a store manager. This company operates a chain o' grocery stores in Chicago and nearby towns, and takes this means of pro-- moting effciency among the may» agers of the various stores, . Short dramatic book--story sermon at the Methodist church next Synday evening, Jan. 13th, at 7:30. Basil King's last and best book, "The Hap-- py Isles." No story is so appealing as Cinderella's story--with a new angle. it teaches that blood is stronger than environment.. It is the sort of book of which one always tells the story. There is romance humor, pathos and insviration.. All gre invited. Come and bring your friends. _ E. D. Hubbard of the J. B. Morse & Co. stormnde, a business trip to Chicago Monday:. .2 % Joe Hart ventured out on the street for a short time Saturday morning, and had to be assured by a number of his friends that he was not in Vermil-- lion, Canada. . All that mass of vari-- eolored folders sticking out of his pockets was not seed catalogues, but close inspection révealed the fact t.at he is collecting and studying the time cards 0' the trains that wend their way to--Southern California. " ANUARY 10, 1924. "Chick" --Bernard celebrated the re-- moval to his new location last week by passing out cigars to his friends and customers.. He has designated bis new place of business as "Main Garage.~"~ The office has been '@i¥en a coat of paint and otherwise fixed up. Jim Madden, until recen}ly with Kennedy "Bros.. at the Ford Service Station, is now employed at. Main Garage as a mechanic, as is also Art Smith, who was also in the service 'of Kennedy Bros. _ © @@@@@@@@@@@00@1 @ INDEPENDENT readers are al-- @© ways sure of the latest news all @ the time. Phone # 0 0 06 ¢ 6@ @8 60® large new assortment of patterns Telephone 29 Reversible Terry Cloth _ 1se 2| . W. CARROLL & SON CO. Unusual V alues at whnat does FOR SALE A. HIGHLY -- IMPROVED -- 30 Acres, 3 miles from Area. A 4--ACRE POULTRY FARM, 1 mile from Area. * A HIGHLY IMPROVED 120 ACRE FARM.. 2 miles from Grayslake. > 3 NEARLY NEW sRooh mop ERN MHOUSEIN AREA, on monthly payments. 5 ' NEW 4R00M KELLASTONE BUNGALOW IN AREA, with every modern improvement; & large screened porch, fine Jawn and shade. A 10--ROOM MODERN HOUSE ._.._.IN AREA, suitabl, for board-- ers. Monthly payments. Farms and Town Property DETEI\KMINATION There is a big difference. Between wanting something And determining to have it. Choose now some big thing * ~ You're determined to have. Then open an account here And make that account Grow steadily until Your objective is realized. ~Sun. Jan. 13 . HARDING 1. Phone 184--J -- LIBERTYVILLS . . . ILLINOINS, Resources o# More Than a Half Million Dollars First National Bank 5 c YP:n- HOURS 8:00 A. M. TO 8008 P. K. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT 18 READ B8Y MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN LAKE couNnNTY s . Te INSURANCE Phone Z1%M -- LIBERTYVILLE "DEAD GAME" | NEWS and COMEDY 1 Sunda Y, Jfi. 13 .. 't MIRIAM COOPER in [ F O xX "The Girl Who Came Back" Harold Lioyd Comedy _ Tuesday, Jan. 15" _ JOHNNIE WALKER in -- The 4th Musketeer: The Thoroughbred FICHTING BLOOD No. 6 THEATRE ---- Fox Lake, IIL. Saturday, Jan. 1% :>* HOOT--GIBSON in _ Thursday, Jan. 17 HELEN GIBSON in A. A. Grandy 9tA P N @\ 3k