'73:} ",, F iiiifiiilliiiiiritiilff1ti - 0 '7- F . _ntauLaplttt0tiiTr30.-: _ _ -. __ '"NllllllllMlPT'-' _i' ==rriiiii;Gira,.i, ===i===t _:",'.), v ' We carry one orthe hirgept and most varied ,t.sg)ikittiiiiiiartaiiire Celinty. Coupe in anil look our stock r l i l . . over. Let's gethetter aeiiiittt,it Re will be gladto he; ',itti,Lttil,e,tter, feeding problem. _ We. have a gtted a l A [iii, 3 linebt lilN1t1rjtllilllllA), suchas 7ifgili?l)ldliifltgiif a r, T, _ WHEN FEED bum-GLUT- Illl .. J - a, IiNMEA)uaIL'lR1iilhli,AXmNmf9llli_llF, BRhll,Mlilihrr) 0% g 'L_, "6 T . 0AlllS,BAlltuiY,mt00NDB"- ; e a I 4:... LllilYrp0BN,1?je0lm,llMNRN, 1rpymY1illliaNi1iirli8ti...h/ltf.) '." f MEAL. ' I.."" n ',.. 'iii . WE HAVE A mu. FOR GRINDING ALL llillmNir0ll! om". Allpu.iltli ALWAYS 1tatii,tplf _rillt,F6lah,lit ro BUY rt)lmhilrl!rhllllr CORN Ci' ( . . i,',,; _ WEW'USE'AMTQF'WDHAY"937W~ _ t . . ". j: "r, ' ---. ii, ' _ Fimaiuitert1ardein Seeds Frmijl,tdlialiiller:ll,F'imis aiirjsirieirrertaizei'id . '. I - WWWVWWVW v TT"""" - " C""" Ati F ZION INSTITUTICNSAND .LNTD'U'STRIES'] - - I _ 9 . F .4"... _ . _ .' f/tsy, r . - u . n . . k; '.. _ . h' T " 4, ' , l ' _ "_' irra I..." , a A; re " *.,1 d rite' l It, _ " _ - , y" . _ . J.» . ' V 7. 7'?" _ . b > f a. _, V _ a?" a, h, . _ . u ' . J is" _ F__ . 'm 'O A," l t, ' .. tll ' ESL " M In " Lsil " a. V k' ' w _,', an V "In _ _ = t "r " " " V. ' . , _ , it" '.RN' - w . , g T . , T ' , , w. y _ w-L , . . ' . ' M > " , ' T I . i , , w - . ' . _ V . _ a h _ _ . , I. "III: all" ways: wvuv - .vu- ..M.Nrlrre+P.'qltV - -"'"aete""'ee" - -- .....- - - w- "_--"" - We have made a special study of the poultry feeding problems anithposr that we can help you along these lines Come in and ask Minus -9'0tll dont have to buy. SCRATCH llnilllifl0S-tr.elt known and proved brands. JilGGuglMlilll-zyod cannot'get all theeggs your hens are able to lay unless you feeq~plenty of Egg Mash; This in proyen feet 115* all successful gttilg,'itftit "Look up the llllllitteht 1itligfafigr1; We carry in stock at .allotunes CRACKED CORN, WHEAT, MEAT. SCRAP; OYSTER . _ GRIT, CHARCOAL AND PIGEON' _ i hr, the Spring we have FINE CHICK SCRATCH, ROLLED OATSSTEEL CUTOATS, CHICK MASH, GROWING MASH DlliMllillumNG FEED. The WiMMRey and experience can buy. "'"'-""rjeiri,tii.;jiiiitiuiii 9;. ' d/ill 'dlllgl I 'ttit _ifiiiiii" . r ' i" fit ti', MM m. if lil ftair't-)"St) 64:." L ' '.t" . _-_" .. ., . MBmltlllg2AlJihllirtai.,l1J)3 TABLE . . ' . _ . g. Good, wholesome," clean, nourishing fottd--Wfr0Lliil RtttilhitrtM)Ry RE MllilMeBWlriWTlilli,lAT FLOUR TABLE CORNMEAL white and yellow. . WHEAT BREAKFAST CEREAL _ These are manufactured in carom plant {can selected mm. had we can guarantee thettiiror. ty and "guilty of allthese foods. Do not who give them atrial. Use "t,t,2i!!' "Wilde grain fiiiiil burr" WM m upon us for Spring Work, Trailer Attachments and. the manu- _ facture of special fixtures which we are prepared to make. _ '* . Farm and Lumber Wagon repair work attended to premptly at all times. " . _ "r', All Farm Implements repaired and fixed aeeordirttr to order. General Blacksmithing, both heavy and light, form pert of our. varied business. ', A well equipped shop to take care of trade, ,toillll guarantee satis- faction to our many. and' prospective Acustomerst -- A . _ - Horse shoei "our specml' " ti, both heavy and light, fancy shoeing done on 'fill'llfl'Sl'i5t itteittiirit to defects of thiit and travel of horse to correct and remedy same. \ . " Will weight your horse with whatever shoe you need. . We use at all times the viry best grade of horse; shoes, hand-made shoes when desired. _ " Also as a valuable accessory to our business trtdire the celebrat- ed and f ar-famed Capewell Horseshoe Nails; as ailristtise4 in Farm_& Firemde; well known on account of its good finish, driving (WW and (Inability: " . As horse sheets of long standing we have selected this nail as a fittidt to our work. A necessary selection which wean: pleased tom" in a guarantee to this particular line of our business.- 'r, _ B. C THOMPSON. manager Zion Blacksmith Shop y" . "IV", Fe y 3' A v 0.3" _ii""_i'ii'i"'"i'l"i' ll 'cl-.', ,4.~' - - wit--"Jr _ .«'L\f " Ie-diBlll. to tirts S si," iiriii"i", 9 a turd a S hi I '" o One of Jhts viiOrous Industries of Zion situated in close proximity to the center ofthe city; new main street and 'flny aiintttely known as Sheridan , locally known as Elijah Avenue. - Zion Blacksmith & Wagon Shop cat- _ ' ers to a large amount of local business, T "besides suburban and country trade Transit trade we]! hartillled-foepitir care being given to all Auto work with- inourline. '- _ . - 2 1rort ' cw 'c,". Store . "li-il'; hr, .. . Give the email lots of Milk."Clean, T rich Milli "iiiiil plenty of it makes them grow. It gives them rosyeheeks, bright eyes: strong bod- ies'aud tttitttt Each child can readily use a quart a day. Re. fusethe . . tea'and coffee, but always give them/milk .Yeg,tsemrremilk,andt1geitfreelyo ': I i l - C All our Milk and Cream is thoroughly oatrtetsrized . before being delivered to the consumer. We use the utmost care to keep it clean 'vv' . A All than including Pineapple, thk Walnut, Tutti Fruiti, Fig- i, Nut, put up in convenient packages - y, thits/ttnts . and quarts. . . _ There in no better lee Cream made anywhere than ZION PURE i ICE CREAM. . ', N ' Jr, ' 'j V The Soda Feunthin and lee Cireaai-Ptrlktr oft Zion Department l . Store. serves Zion lee. Cream exclusively. e ,," x! -IceCrQaml .' - Cottage'Cheese Buttermilk i: Vision Creamery + ZION PURE ICE CREAM 1- ZION CREAMERY BUTTER TRY IT AND BE C0NYllNCllill0 i Butter mme a. l " .. F .3$'9.~£.. _ ,. , "'5' A "I." . he,iE