Senator R. J. Barr, Joliet, President Pro Ten) of fknate:---"Duriag my 22 years in the Senate we, have had some able men as Lieut. Governor, but with no word 1llbtdisrparagetnent, to them. 4ieut. Gov. Sterling has . made the best and fairest presiding officer in my Senate experience. 'I_I_e suits go fine my! l am" for hing." * J .' V r Senator Clarence F. Buck, aronmoutho.-,-s"I wish to far that you presided over the Senate with fairness and t-bipartilits, and in every other respect in a manner which would admit of no criticism: I believe that this will be concurred in by every member tf the Segue." The Chicago Tribune, beixig "father of the thought," keeps trying to make some folks believe that Governor Small will withdraw from 'the governorship contest. Why? With the battle already won by a sweepipg ma- jority, Wouldn't he be a boob to do so-atom, he decided he didn't WANT IO BE governor my longer? But, he DOES! And so the "ort of the Trib to father the idea that he's THINKING of withdrawing is merely a one of their WISHING that he would. Oh. how they. PO wish it. Candidate Easington and.the Tribune are trying to make capital out of the Potz case in Lake Country-by mitsstating" the facts and intimating that Governor Small PARDONED Potz whereas the governor COMMITTED ms SENTENCE, giving him life imprisonment instead of hanging. AND YET, we'll wager that every one of the governor's persecutors, had they been asked to DO so, wouldhave signed a petition to the governor last year begging him NOT to allow Potz "to be HUNG in Lake County; yet now those very folks in many cases condone the effort to apply the Potz case AGAINST the govern- or who showed he. had a head and wouldn't allow the life to be taken when he was sojourning in-Lake. County. Why, some of those birds would openly. approve theutrd if one ot THEIR crowd stepped out and KILLED a citi: Q2331; 1i."iifiiTiii, 1GiiiiGi" Manse this killer happened to be of THEIR crowd. ' . No matter who comes out for Lieutenant Governor of Illinois, the' chances tire Fred E. Sterling of Rockford Till be renominated and re-elected. La e County imand always! has beetritrong for Mr. Stcrli ,'fa popdlar and efficient official and it would take, a teal. campaign for any pan to cot in oghis sstyrIyrthsy.uel1 in this county.) Libertwille Ingepengqt As presiding officer of the Illinois senate he made friends in all factions because of his fairness_and impar- tiality in handling we tasks incumbent upon him. His biggest asset is the expression of appreciation of his work as presiding officer that comes from men 'who toil- ed with him during the sessions Then he wielded the gavel- Some of them, as shown in letters to Mr. Ster- ling, follow: - - . _ . ' m '- Senator H. G. WrighteDeKalbr--"You were alwari just and impartial in all of your rulings" and I just want to let you know that I am with you for re-pomination and election to the end of the road." "i " ' Senator A. C. Clark; Chicago y--", certamly hope that-you will be renominated foie Lieut. Governoi', for "you are, my idea of a Presiding Officer. tair and impartial, with a natural pose of dignity. That more could rest? Senator R. E. Duvall, Belleville:--" am glad to note that you have made up Four mind to become a candidate again and in my humble and feeble way I shall do all I can for you to secure renomination amreleetion. " I am confident that you will be re-nominated." The Chicago Tribune today made a big ado over the fact that Attorney Warren Schroeder had been paid $10,000 by the state for services rendered the governor and goes on to make a fuss on the "heortthat the attor- ney was paid by the state for assisting in the Small tritl in Waukegatfanil the intimation further is that it was wrong to do so. - - " . . " In the first place we feel that the governor; in face of the scurrilous persecution of Atty. General Brundage was entitled to have ALL his counsel ee for just as much as Brundage was entitled to pay t e sixteen attor- neys out of state funds whom he used to gramme the governor in'the trial; but, the governor D NOT him counsel on STATE 1fUNDfi1--he gold for it himself and at one time made a remark to t e writer that if they kept putting him to the legal expense of $500 a day for counsel, he would leave the governor's chair ftnaneittlly neys out of state mild: ple, he used l'gg"gt'hth,t,t', J,teitift,'t,'tht'g't, mam governor in"t 0 tria ; ut, t e governor . . ' counsel on si'fgf2i1 lfUNDS--he paid for it 1trfte "i'i'll'i2'trCiiri, ',fiv'i'ilil?h'i't,ii at one time e a remark to e writer t at ey r e " rsn kept putting him to the legal expense of $500 it day for 2"atggottt,tut1f1',S,2l1t, counsel, he would leave the governor's chair f1naneittlly t'ed1tt"e'olt,t,'lf 32mg; idt,ilp, 'uing1u, Mee, fel, (granary; Allocating roeder has been his, legal adviser in state mat- . tt "m ' tt "m "" tersSLOED KNOWS tP,el, 'Rlh,"l,,? SOMEBOl'DAYN! ','iy5iiiil'tt"i,9i'iil1r'jr, th? run age,rec . underthe awasTHE ee" oetMl. ttrs-er- to advise the J11'fl'll WOULDN'T advise him in the 'irLit?,ii'i'r': 'te/21WAtuT,'. flrtst place; and in the next lace it the governor TOOK The T'" operating "mm "tttttnt. his advice it would not be EONESTLY given him. -r----r---_--'-it""'_ Who do you think helped the governor formulate his and gave Brundage a half 1 vetoes, who perused the various bills the overnor was among his friends. . asked tlt legislature to sign or veto? IR,',' it Brun- And so the Tribune's daget ardlyl And, would any governor be expect?! revelation at all-ith, just to personally pass on the legality of hundreds of b 3 show and gh', the goverm passed by the legislature! 'Because Brundage is so admitted made no "ori treacherous to the governor and his services couldn't be the Tribune would make it asked for and wouldn't be given the governor, should the something. overnor be expected to ERSONALLY pay for the Brundage as attorne§1 fegal advice on state matters which the attorney general, render legal tttt relia It the state's arm of the law, wtrp1dp't give? " . hit various d Ittmenttrt Wren": the governor, by issuing a voucher to Bohr or me e no attempt whatever to hide the faet that it WAS for him and for clerical, services rendered, probghly part of it in. thq_pemutl of 1AredNP'yAill tot in mlllidn'and a half dollars, appropriation 'whieh wu sliced materially by the governor. Naturally the Trt" bun- ag,11ahtilttt,gTr, iiottldltt't, like to buxom -aa-arta.c' A. r" am "an! . _ 3,,"""_'W, . Wain" WeeMy Stir STERLING FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR 5 THE LATEST "REVELATION." Kll0SlllMa'n SPEND $870,000 mac! 1923 and Outlines Cottstrttittion for 1924. MUCH WORK IN COUNTY no "smut that the Pub- tie Borden Conway bu plus " - II! to! the awndlture ot up- - of 8010.000 In additional con. was work In the Wuhan an. we: I- "It. In male todny by " nch-tenant Theo. Bloch. in connec- tion vith the sending out at the an- nu! "you to tho company's 21.119 anathema". This (allows the vent "no-tutu" mnqun "hrattheqatt tn the nut unit of the company': (that numbing plant whia has [Ivan northern Illinois a. super-power In ten ucond to none in the country. Insuring to Waukegan an unlimited manly ot electric energy to expat! and develop ittg present industries and attract others. The company's full construction program'Tttr the year 1924 will in- voive In expenditure ot approximate- ly $10,000,000. , F _ "The year i923 proved most treti. fying to the Public Service Com. pany," said Superintendent Theo. Biech, commenting on the bullies; of the year. "What was or particu- lar interest here in "mutual was the erection ot the 25.000 kilowatt unit ot the new Waukenn uncut; in: station which was placed in serv~ ice and connected to the company'a transmission nyetem. lost of these lines were all within the Whukegan district and the work was-carried on by Waukenn construction men. That portion of the great transmis- sion line from the new generating station to s.point south ot Lake Rina. was also erected by Waukegan construction mem" - "During the rear," Mr. Bleak went on to say. "there was 3 very pleasing increase in the business retieeting the general business prosperity tttrw Out the district, which includes an or the north'shore towns trom Lake Bluff to the State iLne and west through Libertyville and the Fox Like territory. T _ "The Libertyville and are: bus!- neu was formerly harried on I. feed- " from the Lake Blue Substation. The plans tor 1924 contemplate erect- in; s new outdoor "tongue gallon.- tion. together with regulators and other equipment. It Litrertrviue, "At the present the sn'autdoot" automatic supstsuon ts being eroded st Zion And plans for 1924 include the conviction of this subststlon and the "satiation of a new transmission line to connect it with the new Wsnv up: month; station. M - _ Jraddittonat equipment will be tat. anned at Wuhan. me mu. all North Chlazo in order to increase the capacity ot the (Codex-I ennui.- ing from these points. "It in estimated that 1800 new elec- Me meters will Magnum lofiew inning" during, 1924 in this district and that npmximateiy 8160.000 will it spent during "the year! in connec~ non with the extension ot the com- pnny'n distribution system in (this district including the purchnle of Tnetetp toeet?rermrith' ther- purehue and inetalintion of tnnstomern. and the connection of euyusmers' prem~ inn." Mr. Biech caned' attention to the tact that the Public Service cm panr'tt coetAtrttetiott program for the year 1923 taken in its entirety was materially in excess ot that (or any of the several preceding years, this having been mule necessary by the great increaao in the company's bui- nes throughout its entire territory due to the rapid growth in this set- tion. Thd total investment required to carry out this program tan a} tmurinsateirM,500,000. In order to connect the new station with the company'- tron-mission mum Mr. Bloch went on to not! of the construction ot the Grout Sko- kio alloy "at tower lino bemoan Wuhan no Suntan Thin tat. ter lino in designed to any two cir- cuits with on "tirnated enmity ot 70.000-kw whioh in the nut lino ot this typo to be constructed in the China) "futon. --» _ _ Purther, no work on an additional MM0btor unit at {he Joliet mm:- iu "we. run Manny complet- ed Ind-g an ym,_thu_nn_lt lulu he. put Into unlco during Jum- m. new": the Jttiiet mum and lama I transmission nu tn constructed. - and gaps, Brtytd.tyte a half million dollars less to spread nmong his triendii. . And so the Tribune's latest "revelation" isn't n revelation at all-ith, just printing what the records show tgd',',', the governor and everybody else but admitted made no "ort to twist, turn or iii?riiiiii, the Tribune would make it appear that it has "found' oomqthing, . T o A A j " A w-.-......,,. Brundage as attorney general refuses to function to render legal (grim, reliable advice, to the governor and his various d artmenttr--and still his gang now makes a howl because the governor up arently has seen ht to out, of state funds a man wgo has helped him con- I r the legal phase of various h. slative Acts and tilt _ function Ir as 3013313 The 'iit/itritiip l l would prevent "the governor's department' w» 'll" "he: irttylijtt it in the some eatterfr, " A" 'W. d c, - "3"".'um x" _ RIM!- HERE THIS me START RollNDllP HERE IN 5mm OFQUACK "IRS" at to "um " '? "M m a ma. a. .33... a... lu $280,B00 to Batt-at in." but baton "to" but": no! dividends, "tttttated to" a. compand "a "352,886 ia In: u were". of "ttao. _ The not "no "mm. tor divi- dend: won ".04.!" " comet with 31,885.". In I": u lacuna ot 8590.924. If ttlere an QUICK doctors in Bratt- kegan they bad better take down their shmxlép, and like the Arab, told their tents and steal silently away. . The ttrat conviction to be obtained by the department of registration in it! drive on "quack" doctors was ob. tained Tummy when Judge Philip Finnegan tiaed one nun 3500 end costs and sentenced him to three months' imprisonment in Chicago. Tho nun-bot a! m auto-1hr- agar od during tho you as am or out] to tho "and. at a. any ot Bloc-alum and a. hunt num- ber In any on up in a. company'- hmory. the but Mu your by In: 1921 who: 20.05" m "ded. The comm! paid itt use: during the your 01,000,000. Tho total who: of customer- Bow In 252,"! of which 153.004 no tor oioetrieitr, 87.197 (In. 8.053 " tor and 1.1" may The "In! meeting of the stock- holder. of the Public Sonics Cour my will be ma in Chicuo .1: 2:30 Monday nftenoon ud the proceed- ings will be broadcast" by radio. Inspector ohn W. Follmer Will Be in Wankegan-Next Week to Make Check. CHICAGOAN FINED t500 Inspector John W. Falkner ot the auto deputment ot registration will be in Wankegan new: week to an". s cleanup" "quack" establishments if any exist, he unnounced. today. The pseudo practitioner "Dr." Cor. nelius E. Wyksel. wu tonnd guilty of forging his nuns on rdiploma. from the Mcgul University in Montreal and using it to practice without B 11- cease. He n: untested by Inspector Poli. mer two week an after seven! complaints ttfanaitrmtntettt had been received from mend victims. K Margaret KIM the kit wanna "quack" munitions: to be arraigned. was ordered by Judge Finnegan a). clue her operation until a thorough investigation wu made of her activi- ties. A dancer is returning to Run" with'36 trunks. tte runny part is they are not dancing trunks. , Tweenty 19" ago today '0 m all wondering how long before spring. Only ira,, to and dfvorce is by marrtintt your mend wife Brat. t. H. Butrlck. 80 year! old. after who" father n Waukegan um: w named. died in Broken Arrow. 0th.. 'on Feb. tt, it was land to!" " his cousin, Mrs. Henry Greet of in North Utica "teat. 7 av..', Lloyd George. wants them George do it sum. Your Inch may be bad, but in Bt. bank a Inn's wile is worth a tor. tune and In suing for divorce. ' There isn't any payday for lattttr. hz under l_ delusion. We have prosperity, but not enough of it to so ground. _ . Mr. Buttrick was born in Antioch Inch s, 1844, and spent his 'tt hood than and in Wine"; 0 III one ot the "mom "be" 1 the Chicago louver. qrhtt and! with peat bravery throughout the Civil var. He come mm "an: uncanny. t grandinher, m Jul: Buttrick, being the muw In It" the first order to the 11mm troops " Concord to fire mm the mrbtiers or the king of nun-d. April IO, 1775._ .. Where lgnonnce is folly it II but. to tMr-wise.------, _ It you don't know when they to; bootleg-they get it In tho hock. F Mr. Emmet have: I widow. on. son. L. F... Buttrfelr, Broken AM. no daughter, am. Am. nub-o. Topeka, In... one brother, M "W. on Mammal". Louis M rick of lulnetto, Win. - ' "TniaiiGCiait 'place " In" Arrow. DAN DOBB - SAYS "'* NOTED SOLDIER DEAD to m mm: JUSTICE was FARMS. B . l mun» mum Omcer from Half Day Convict- ed in PM Court of Steal- WAS NABBED IN OHIO John rum. for." 1mm ot the pace " ttatt Dar, In: but! mm, In laden) count " Chicago Walnut any ot transporting I stolen mum» bile - the Illinoi- Mate Huh l-'nrris has been mixed up in n eerlee ot alleged shady dale within the put year. Early lest summer he got into a iam with E. J, Gather. e deputy 'rtteritt from Cook county " 1Nteriield, end ll waxed to hue "hot that ottieqrr In the leg and then tied in an automobile. "Severn ween later he Intruder-ed end wee er- nlzned in Justice H. C. Coulson'n court. Al the cue was not mou- cuted. the charge: later were drop- F'snis wss convict" " s Jury in the (odors! com. The esso smut him had been pending tor six months or more. He was arrested in " Ohio city inst summer with s stolen solo mobile in his possession. it was " land that he wss n member at s his ring which was disposing ot stol- en automobiles in iiiinois. Winona. and Ohio. . ij'iiijii'"iij'i"ij'i" Millions of Palomino- [ambit [mm 1uulhml1rmitttttrNrtmr-4lmdl talus. "Li Lumber' - Millwork " Plumbing At less than 50c tgriht vllhilllarll Steam and Electrical Equipment; Etc. 'rhouundu of windows, doom. from... SttNfttSr gooAntr new. wnll board, tumours. blight.- dumb tutu-It. numbing materini, pipe. etc. In tut moot ovorything to build and improve at WWII! SAVINGQ. ' " It you on within hunting dint-nee, bring your truck. select Elf motes-in! and haul it home. We load you promptly; n't-deluy'. Bur now'. , " ' $tUALtrr---The lumber and millwork MJI the constru- tion of that cum win generally of the but. Building being dismantled with grentont are, nil null: or. "In. and the good coalition of the lumber in pro-anal in m vny possible. This in contonmon't lumber. mtrrshna" under rigid grreertttrmttHethtrt. All bright and mu .3- Beaded Ceiling, Hatched Mooring, Dimension . Lumber, Timber, Eta, at a Big Out Under Present mm Prices. "an in looh m. an. TA3ntB-.Pis tttol of be"! ttt glut" ttlt,'? tall. . ca n " in. , 5 tt. " ....$t' 350 we: no": mm In?! wusur Stonn Tub or a a. " In. 3 Fit. " - MS 0mm. " to 1.130 qation 95% whole. clean and we: like new. be." on your truck " Great Lulu. Will louver to job " and! additional than. Cloned brick. " m 1.000 o...........-.....':.-.-..--...--------- own-.1) muck. " Wan" '?.i1r118....T..1rr, Come (riinltiii 65151635; ---- In..." stock and unity of - Ind In on In}. at a than" who. ammo VHS; aii--mrrneAettg - Y m. um. wall ttrrNlrf.1.'u.fE.8 .3! 'yen " ing Automobiles. OUR OFFICE! AWll OPEN SUNDAYS . Re Offer One Million Brick 1.... ...:..... mmou at Foot Choice 1retiow Pine on an. -eitr. iiainiFiijiW',- Edam memo. ILL In] (a Our- ud Sleeping PM ' nun. double hung. two in gm- od window: with has... ooetrred ' with mile". Over all In. A n. , In. x ' ft. 1 In.; - we. on .. week "Jumbo-anumw- t"i7tNtWtirgT-2?FItaALt M. 1ty."riftYe'u.o" coetre6burttat-goetorbtttU. A vow can't an. I tool on! of I man union: " My. [an In Non-hrm m u- renod In on LI". A Chicago I» urb,etatseh-etestFait. an hon u - at an phat. n. that". later um drown in that cue. PIPE ail-nu lbw-HUI! .wm-l-DW International Trucks KELLER BROTHERS A BrArronr-A3mirmaanrLlurEatmrTg httemationa1rmekauetlteCh-tiathtrhtttgmn "11th in Whom the one ton Speed Wagm tttthtfitetttnrrttek. Wakes", til. FREE DEMONSTRATION pow" "tti-tt 9c now me SOLD m WAMGAR DEALERS Bungalows tetista,gtiddireand3tatteraamttt 'to.treBMrPine1ttotandaHtrMt, "maul. "basal hmhrdlunlnd." 1lrt-iia-,WeidhtB,tk- trtdnttB-jtllh-. mammals! 4-300! tgImtuubW--dtt" viii tt., Including (mt porch. an n. Delta; 'Auu'ttll'r' no no. to I u . in hole" ............................. $515 II vvnvnu-v-v v--- n Illustrated Cattle; tl aw-5--1T't1 FREE ll vcarcarcr=vc===a=-s-==r== II m In nu - I." " "g,t'f, an. an. tar. 00.. II can": that and I. II = 2',tt'ft NO. 0'4 fl s-noon ittnmaut-ai" Wrff 11fo". at when n with (In! mrreh 1 "" it". fer W' f, Gordon W A the. Co.. an" mu. m: out)": than all no your In. who)": 01:! on am "I on. "" m was It. In"... I. WRITE non can . Illustrated (halo; DR. J. L. mum "man" "In"?! an: an Wuhan. when i'rt' Phone 1488-! PAGE II II II II " II II II II a II a trc, 53% 'i' I!