Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Feb 1924, p. 5

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OUR WANT ADS GET SURE-- RESULTS e on romnpni vorvnidirmner, 3- 9 N7 & -"4 KaMh Why N NTR ENS -- ccccccuuccscmmnal) +A t j ty ~ 2129 _END Poere ... $29@ 4pt. Cattle ____.__$3.83 CORNER POSTS _____$3.90 5o C 0 PLAINSTEEL DRIVEWAY CATES"__ _ 10 ft. wide, $5.65; 12 ft. wide, $6.25;° 14 ft. wide, $7.25 C CCC gTEEL POULTRY CATES 48 in. high_____$2.10 _ 60 in. high____$2.55 4 POULTRY NETTINCG _ \ ~= 48 in. high_____.$5.40 per 150 foot roll _ * 60 in. high...................._$6.70 per 150 foot roll This Is the Time Libertyville Lumber Co. AMERICAN WIR&FENCE COMPANY LIBER ILLE, ILL. WIRE FENCE You are invited to come to our Factory for your Fencé Require-- ments. You can select from our large stock what you require. We price here only a few leading items : MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE ~ . ImKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 36 in. high ... 42 i We furnish plans FREE and you can use our service to good advantage. Come in and let us help you. 10 bars, 50 in. high, 12 in. stays............38¥/4c 10 bars, 50 in. high, -- 7 in. stays......._..50c MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in. high, 8 in. stays......_.43!/2¢ 16 bars, 58 in. high, 8 in. stays.._.....50/2c¢ + _ BARBED WIRE--{M Spools . > __ Per Spool P 10 bars, 10 bars, 8 bars, 32 in. h'gh, 8 bars, 32 in. high, 9 bars, 42 in. high, 9 bars, 42 in. high, 0 bars, 50 in. high, Income Tax Payers Telephone 15 Better put in some good now to "tide you over" To talk over your plans for Bbuilding March 7th and 8th We trust you will avail yourself of this opportunity. to assist you in the scheduling of your tax return. 1 In continuance of service in the community we have engaged an Income Tax expert who will be at our banking rooms on COAL TELEPHONE 47 '23'23 STEEL LINE POSTS ____33e $4.49 , END POSTS .....______$2.90' $3.83 CORNER POSTS. _____$3.90 LAWN FENCE 12 12 in. stays in. stays, in. stays in. stays in. stays in. stays. Libertyville, Il1. 12c per foot 13¢ per foot 15c per foot __._.....301/z¢ wolwnn..... 39 /4¢ www« 34Wz¢ ... 44¥4¢ Per Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker, who have been spending the past {ew months in Californ'a and Texas, re-- turned last week. and are now visiting their daughter, Mrs. Lee Huson, and family, near Vole _ * Philip W. Anderson;--of Millburn,' who is emplioyed in the Lake Villa mnost office, was rushed to the Vlezoryj Memorial hospital at Waukegan last SBaturday for an emergency operation. | Frank Lightbody-- is confined to his bhome on Fifth street, with a badly in-- fected foot. . Several days ago Mr. Lightbody had one of his toes frozen | and the member is now causing a' great deal of trouble. } Charles, Kaiser returned Saturday from Chicago, where he soent a week or so taking treatment. Mr. Kaiser :s much ifAproved in hbealth but still goes to the city once a week for fur-- ther treatment. William Schley, residing on New-- berry @avenue, is a very sick man, with pueumonia. His mother, Mrs. Ed Bchley, »came Monday from ~Long Grove to help care for him. George Petersen, of the realty firm of Sellers & Petersen. returned to Lib-- ertyville from Chicago Tuesday, after an enforced vacat.on of a week or so. Mr. Petersen has been fighting a se vere case of the grip, and is still a bit wabbly, but on the road to recovery. A orand new organ wasinstalied 1T $t. John's uutheran church last. week, and materially assists the choir in tur-- nishing the music for the services Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Simen enteriain-- ed last Sunday amr. and Mrs. Joseph P. May and family, of Waukegan, ani ar. and Mrs. Byron Colby. Mr. and Mrs. William Lemker enter tained Mr. and Mrs. John Brixoqfiur. and Mrs. Roy Juneng and Ed Brixon and fam'ly Sunday. . Cla're Smart left for, Morocco, Ind., Monday be ng calle dthere on account of the death of his brother--in--law, John Halestrom. . Wrank Eger was a patient at the Vic-- tory Memorial hospital last Saturday, and 'had his tonsils and. adenoids re-- moved. Mrs. Mary McGavic was called to Kankakee Friday morning, on account of the serious ilines sof her aunt, Mrs. Grimes. the James L&e mfiit{e}i'c;:)--n "l-'ilIrT ST in this village.. ' Germs walk on the other side of the sireet when passing a bouse with Blue Devil. 9--1t Miss Winifred Moore was the guest of her sister, Miss Margery, in Chicago Sunday. _ Mrs. Charles G. Elwell of Highland Park visited Liberiyville relat.ves l&st Friday. Bweeten your husband whole house -- w.ith B Cleanser. Mrs. Anna Juhrend spent Thursday with Mrs. Henry Numsen, Miss Beatrice Numsen visited Frank Baumgartnet in Area on last week. Mrs, William Laycock, who has been seriously ill, is slowly improving. Born, on Wednesday, February 20, to Mr. and Mrs. James Hoskins, a son. Mrs, Kate Bernard was a guest at a party in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. 8. L Pettigrew spent the week end in Chicago. Do you like Devil Cleanser Mrs. Rob_eljt Lill, Sr., has purchased Mrs. Charles , URBAN CLEANERS and DYERS Short Items of Especial Interest to Libertyvilie Local and Personal Announcement HE Urban Cleaners announce the opening of a Dry Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing es-- tablishment Thursday, Feb. 28, 1924, in the Duddfes building, 524 N. Milwaukee avenue. The worries of imperfect cleaning and dye-- ing will be eliminated by us. ' Let us prove to you that our reputation for service and prices cannot be duplicated. Rugs, Draperies, etc., a Specialty Your patronage is respectfully solicited OoUR TELEPHONR WILL BB INSTALLED -- ABOUT SATURDAY, MARCH 1 soft hands--use Blue -- #--1t 4 Phone Libertyville N6. 440 Telephone calls are our hobby Goods Called for and Delivered in Libertyville, Area and Vicinity No m tinnira s wn wd uw isband and the th BIGé -- Devil 9--1t a visited Mrs. Area one day of Highwood, her daughter, 1+ Byron Colby, one of the grand old 1. : men of Libertyville, was given a birth-- is Aay surprise party last Friday, the oc-- t casion of rounding out his 77th anni-- > versary. Those present at the festivi-- n'ltias were Mrs. R. E. Thomas and flulnuthter. Miss Shirley; Mr. and Mrs. "T. A. Simpson and daughters, Misses Helen and Elinore; Mrs. Joseph P: o May and children, Barbara, Nancy y |and Joseph B.. of Waukegan. .A very .. ; was enjoyed by all. Mr. g Colby's friends Join--in--~eongratulating. q him on the double seven birthday and. 'wish him at least 25 more/ i The Libertyville post of the Ladies 'Auxiliary of the American Legion en-- ; tertained twenty members of the Wau-- kegan post and.ten members of «the 'North Ch'cago post -- at the Parish House Monday evening. Eleven new 'members were taken into the local ; post, th Waukegan post doing the ini-- | tiatory work. Among the noted guests 'of the evening were Mrs. Hayworth Past State President, of Chicago, and }Irl. Thoam, State Committeewoman, of Waukegan. .After the business 'meeting, a social hour was enjoyed, |and ice cream and cake were served. 3to Waukegan are now open, and it is 'posuble to drive there. * | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mordhorst enter-- lained fifty guests Thursday evening, nn the occasion of their twenty--fourth | wedding anniversary. Bunco was play-- ed and Edward Casey and Mrs. A. S. Dougherty were awarded first prizes, while Miss Del} Turner and Doring Casey were given consolation awards. Delig'ous refreshments were served, and all pronouncd the evening a most enjoyable one. They departed w--shing the hosts--many more happy anniver-- saries. -- be tae governonr's only speech in 'Lap county during the campaign, as he'is far behind his schedule, on ac-- count of so many of the roads being ; blocked with snow. The bigg meeting | will be opened at Bw'clock. All roads to Waukegan Wodnq;adi}-_n;az, -;'eab'.' 27th, to hear the address by Governor Len Small at the Armory. This will Mrs. M. A. Tritz the consolation. The afternoon was much enjoyed, and re freshmentes were served by the hostess, Euchre Club last ;l'hux:s:i;): Mrs. Charles Ward was aw honors, Mrs. John Hasty. s Ihe resgwar meetng of the Holy hh;e Bociéty will be held at Gridley hall next TQursday night, Feb. 28th, at which time'a visiting membr trom Lake Forest will furnish entertain-- ment after the business meeling. All members are urged to attend. WOR n EAmCmZ CCC0lls, mMarth 0, coOm-- | _ Tom Hiddleson has bought from mencing promptly at 7:30 p. m.. Work 'Kennody Bros. a new Ford ton truck on the Master lluon'e dexrt:u. 2l and expects to use it to deliver those CHAS. F. SMALE, Sec'y. {rwtourWuhlutoa apples. Tom is S Sn ce ts 4 Aor cvine rehearsing his war cry to aid in the a salcs, ' FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN * ' gany piano, in good ! John Lester this morning was pens-- Used maho Y pi 'llh"bll ivelv speculating on just how long it Cm; s".: nart c C'.n = would take for the sun to melt that $ nts. at big snow bank in front of his place of ante M' payme business. He insists that rock salt h(lepu'en! Office. will have no effect on it. Of m e uP t INSURANCE last week from the Presbyterian hos-- _ There will be a special meeting : of s o ooo o t anie t 10e o wnoois ies tades Ah 199 44 p & A. M., Thursday evening, March 6, com-- Tom Hiddleson has bought from mencing promptly at 7:30 p. m.. Work l_(e:nody Bros. a new Ford ton truck on the Master Mason's degree. Phone 217--M . LIBERTYVILLE Mrs. P. G Mrs. Guy E. Smock returned home A. A. Grandy SBnow envreriarned the nursday afternoon. was awarded first lasgy, second, and go --"AN OLD SWEETHEART * of MINE" FICHTING BLOO» NO. \CNVERARHRRHNRRNNNNNNNN Nt eeenige t py prmngp mm on ug ©$5.00 &4 &A THEATRE A4AV A Fri. and Sct. Feb. 29--March 1 1924. o ~~_CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our grateful ap preciation to our friends and neigh-- bors for their kind sympathy and flor-- al offerings in the illness ang death of our daughter and sister. "THE BAD MAN" Broadway went wild over the play. Now: comes the picture with the origina! star and twice the dram-- 33c asc thrH! at *4 NKE ENNN Adapted by _ . With Elliott Dexter and Helen Jerome Eddy Produced by ~ Harry Garson With HOLBROOK BLINN Mr. and Mrs. F. Nadr and Family 2. th6 driver'« hat. " 5.'prosent. campalgn. . "" ~ * Tnesday, March 2 UDITORIU RUFFLED CURTAINS Telephone 29 The price and the quality § positively cannot be duplicated £ . Ruffled and Hemstitched With Tiebacks Admision -- and thousands paid it' NOTICE and One hundred and twenty pairs of The Price of the Erla Triplex Receiver including Tabes, Batter-- _ ies and Loud Speaker installed is $150.00 rwvrmrepiuse s diva Telephone 202 STOP! ~LOOK! LISTEN! Come In And See What We Have For You Erla Tri--Plex Radio Receiving Set Is Being Denjonstrated ate at the Libertyville Garage. Come In and Hear It. _ Ike RQadio Skop 20 Years Hence LIBERTYVILL® . . . ILLINOS, Resources of More Than a Half Million Doilars First National Bank The man who thoughtlessly Devotes his hsurs and money To having a "good time," Sooner or later finds Himself shipwrecked on the Rocks of want and poverty, Minus both friends and money. BERNARD & PROS8SER, Proprietors Where will you be Twenty years from Tpday? Start a Bank Account Now. Neville, Libertyville, and they all say they ex-- tions for the ones desired. $ t mt hok time , does not cut 'down the range and volume of the set. A few satisfied owners of Erla Triplex Re-- ceivers are: H, W. Robbins, Libertyville, G. B. Follett, Libertyville; G. B. Masony Libertyville: John Molder, Libertyville; Wim. Brumm, Liber-- tyville; 0. J; Bochm, Libertyville and Mark The crystal in the Erla Triplex does away with any and all tube noises, scratches, so often found in sets of other design, but at the same ~The Erla Triplex Receiving Set comprises one stage of variably tuned radio frequency amplifi-- cation, one' stage of straight tuned radio fre-- quency amplification, one stage of reflexed rad-- io frequency amplification, one stage of reflex-- ed audio frequency amplification and one stage of straight audio frequency amplification, with a crystal serving as a detéctor; the combination HOURS 8: 00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. K. wl on . = FOR SALE BY BME d® hA is # «90e 24 %® w bat 3

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