Ms t% _ _ Jacob Wolf and Miss Daisy Wolf _ were Chicago visitors last week. _ t Peter Sievers was a caller at the Q, réstmors 'Thursday. 2 f;'i&. Theobold.of Minnesota was a _ visitor at George Links last week. '% and Al Bunton, Sr., _ Crove to Prairie View Thursday to at-- d'"j;% ur young folks attended the dance hnd a good time; some got ducked in _\ & was a high class pharmacist who B¥W prescription after prescription Pail to help hundreds of his customers to get rid of rheumatic swéllings and BHIf inflamed joints. _ ABA it was this same man who as-- serted that a remedy cou}d and would be .. ounded that would make ©reaky, swolten, tormented joints work with just as much smoothness in they--ever did. _ Mow tiis prescrintion, rightly nam-- ud Joi ®, after being tested suc-- Wully on many bbstinate cases is fered through progressive pharma-- | bo the millions of people who suf-- &iling joints that need lim-- ""'}ti' s truck shippers were compelled O thip tbeir milk on the train for aov-- @ral days, on account of the break-- bwn of Tatge's truck, having burned gut the 'bearings on the last trivo the truek raade, and had to be laid up for * al milk men fromthe city hold mest wita the farmers at Prairie NCe WIiggt T'iursday, and discussed buy +a't o1 Bros. a~d Busch Bros. put in several days last week shoveling snow from thei: home to Milwaukes Ave., ' % got the road quite passable for a Eu. M¥. eol _ visitor at G-- ;',.' Peter Sie C to Pra + ,'.'._\. amilk out.. Don't have to walk yet. It will Pot worry folks much as long as there 4s & Ford around. Anid the snow is mt very deep. -- -- | _ Mre. Nick Galster of Waukegan was & vis tor in this vicinity last week. . Mrs. N. Galster and daughter, Miss Krans, Florence Macther, Mrs. Lioyd aether and Alice Bunton were pas-- Jehgers who boarded the north bound train at Prairle View Friday. . Alice Bunton was a guest at a birth d@inner Fr'day evening at the Ma: Mer home, in horor of Al Bunton Pug milk by the cw . and pay a bonus ' certificate of his parents. The / avits showing the marriage was m«: in -- Washington _ county 1 up this mattir. '~IAncoln himself believed that he was born in Hardin county, Ken-- tucky, and could not find the rec-- Oords of his birth there nor the mar-- : As there was at one time a disputé as to whether Lineoin's parents were ever married, a leaflet was published containing the affidavits of a num ber of witnesses of the marriage, in-- Cluding that of William Hardesty. Wt Parentage of red President Cleared __ Witliam Hardesty, great--grandfath-- er eof the local man, was a farm+r and a friend of Thomas Lincoin and was a witness at his marriage. 'the ceremony was performed in the one #oom log tabin tenanted by Richard Berry, the guardjan of Nancy Hanks. The simple ccremony was perform:-- ed by Deacon Jess Head of the Me-- thodist Episcopal church on June 12. 1906. e e e e mafriage. At the time he !<ft Ken-- tucky the old cabin where Thomas Lincein and Nancy Hanks were mar-- ried' was still standing. Hardesty's home ; was about four miles from aud Nancy Hanks, is told, by Hardesty,. wire chiet of the M «bglephone _ company, . whos: her was one of (he ' ~At the ceremony. ---- MHardesty 'came here from Wash-- ingtomn county, Kentucky, the birth-- place of Abraham Lincoln, about 24 * Mo th, It1., sjeb. 23.--An inter story of the marriage ol Tho ® sein, father of Abraham Lin ?' ago. He remembers ®clearly 1@ wcenes of historical interest re-- gurding the story of the Lincoin CLAIMS ABRAHAM LNCOLN WAS BORN -- IN WASHINGTON CO. gNT EASE For tiff, -- Swollen Joints HEUMATIC OR OTHER WISE Y®: "When Joint--Ease Gets in ----Joint Agony Gets Out." ite and will take off the south nd morning train, known as the train. Well, there will still be trai na day to go to the city and mext day there will be bne coming twingy, inflamed, stiff, y ted joints are usually caus-- 1 tism, but whatever the soake right in, thru Hesh and gets right to and k trouble at its source. , Soint--Rase is tor ail-- Joints, whether in ankle, albow, shon)der, spine or when you rub it on, you M# apsoedy and gratifying re H'flthmtum trip. : . and Mrs. H. Pfister were called B /City by the serious iliness of the t appendicitisa. -- mor has it that the Soo Line will ) another cut in the passenger p"fi'm"m 10 pents a tubs. by Iilinois Man APTAKISIC °¢ | Bunton, 6r., made a fiying trip to d | Prairie View Friday with Sparky and *-- | ¥Yo--Ho, hitched to a bobsleigh He was {':_' in a burry to meet a train at Prairie ne View, which was nearly due ere he 'left home. He made the train all 'u;J right, but lost one of the sled runners.. re | There is nothing can take the place ag | Of a Ford, he says. _ A. J. Stahl and H. Pfister have sent |YVi¢tim of the flu, but is improving. . _ to Germany for hired men for the coud Mrs. Troy Ballinger, better known ing summer. ® 'as Harriet Miller, of Washington, D. _ _Oliver Wolf was a caller at Caroline| C came Saturday evening for a visit JBUB(I:IZ'B Friday. catler st,Carolt with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. $ um ~" *L _ 1 * Miller and other relatives. 4 Mrs. Ed Giss was a visitor at Mrs. \Emma Sturm's Friday. | _ Evor Jensen entertained a number |__ The Milk Producers of Vernon town-- ship will hold a big mass meeting at , the town hall in Half Day on Thurs-- day evening, Feb. 28th Good speakers and other entertainment will be pro-- ffided. The Lad'es A'd Society will serve supper in the church basement. | This ista meeting for anyone interest-- led in the production of milk, and also for those vhq wigh to see the farmer as well as the distributor get a square deal. Come out and. enjoy a pleasant evening, and learn the true facts in | the milk situation. The public is cor-- dially invited. & PHONE 306 Mrs. Nick Horcher underwent an operat'on for appendicitis--at St. An-- thonys hospital in Chicago the latter part of lawt wek. Latest reports are that she is getting along nicely. ® There will be a Hard Times dance at the Buffalo Grove hall on Wednes-- day evening, Feb. 27. Come in your old clothes, or pay a fine., 7 SN O W'S We are informed the Ormen Rogk-- enbach family are quarantined on ac-- count of scarlet fever. _ Victoria Weidner spent Sunday aft-- ernoon and even'ng at thee Crestmore. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Keiler was a visitor at Mrs. Mathilda Frillman's Friday. Yore Bros. started out from Liberty-- ville Fr'day with their milk truck and got as far as the town line road, where they--were stalled until next day:. Tt is said they wffered $100 for cleaning snow off Milwaukee avenue. We h@ve not heard if they found anybody who wanted to shovel. No, Herman was not trying to re-- duce last Saturday when he ran un Milwaukee Ave. and back again. He onty went up to Half Day to telephone to some teams to bring the milk to the truck where he was sppped on ae-- count of the snow drifts. He met the teams and again took the lead back on the hike on high, breaki'ng the road for the teams. > ThougHt for the Day. : Some people's remarks are veol wminous rather than Iuminous. 4 G. M. We'dner and Herbert installed a new fire poy in the school furnace Saturday. -- : Georgé Weimer was a visitor at Car-- oline Busch's Tuesday. . Fellows, take note: -- A Winnetka mn.nwriodsuufluckotnonrw h's home on his shoulder and his wife hasn't spoken to uallnoo. It seems the man had a stehographer in his o'fice. Frank Kolbinger will work the Art Brockman farm the coming year. Mr. Brockman will move to Libertyville in the near future. Mrs., N. F; Busch and Mrs. Raj Busch were callers at Mrs. M. Wick ersheim's Friday. Jacob Gloden has sold his farm to Peter Proeser. s Fr@di + Busch and Bill Miller were Libertyville callers Friday. A. Bunton and Miss Alice attended the A. L. dance at Libertyville Friday night. Miss Link was a city visitor last week. 4 Juhn Brehm of Buffalo Grove was in Prairle View Friday. A. J. Raupp was a business callier in Praire View Friday. David Risler of Lon® ve was in town Friday. ¢ George Volz is busy th days haul-- ing wood. It was a one for him when the boys shoveled the snow, as he tipped over the first trip after. _ Ray Wagner was a Prairie View vis itor of § cenits and furnish sah.pping cans No agicement was reached as some v,. the .armers could not see it ubat way. Write todav for Your Copy of our Large 1924 Catalog."_ It's FREE. Bradley Bros. Nursery' MAKANDA. ILL. trom grower to planter. Grown in the famous fruit belt by ex-- perts with over 30 years' experi-- ence. Get stock that is espec-- ially adapted to your climate. Cut down high transportation charges by buying close to your home. No agents' big commis-- sion. Satisfaction guaranteei or money refunded. Free book of instruction telling how you can grow all kinds of fruit suc© cessfully with every ordéer. Plant Bradley's FRUIT TREES 1 Berry Plants, Grape Vln', Hedge, Roses and Shrubs. Buy at greatly reduced prices direct l' The fourteenth wedding anniversary of mr. rnd Mrg. Leo Barnstable was celebrated at their home Saturday eve' ning, when about thirtyTive of their \ frends came in to spend the evening, 'whleh was plasantly spent in music. cards and social conversation. Waiter ouglas and Mrs. Tween received firs? prizes in 500, and Mrs. Will Fish and Spencer Wells the booby prizes. Mr. nge Mrs. Barnstable were presented with a purse as a token of remem-- gbranoe of the occasion. At a late hour Ithe guests departed for home, wishing 'them many more anniversaries. , The Juniors enjoyed a party at the church Monday evening. ! _ Mr. and Mrs. Leo Buchta are receiv-- |lu congratulations on the birth of a son born Wednesday, Feb, 20. k bevabrtoccd! Lammmary 1. 4A owactate trotih cssc talplie dniintatalet sn 'Mrs. J. DeArmand visited friends in Kenosha Saturda yand Sunday. Mrs. Carl Reinbach and Betty Jane spent a couple of days the first of the week in Chicago. : James Leonard and wife of Cam-- _.i8. James Kerr is recovering from her recent illness: . Mrs. Mitchell of Chicago, came out Saturday for a few Work has started on the new library at Allendale. Mrs. Jarvis and Mrs. Albert' Kapple spent Monday in Chicago. Evor Jensen entertained a number of little friends at his home on Fox Lake Saturday aftecnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Béert Galiger entertain-- ed a number of friends at a party Sat-- urday evening at their home in Mona-- ville. \ # -- Mr. and <Mrs, Anderson, Carl Anderc-- son and others from Kenosha attended the funeral of Marie Nadr last week. We wish to correct an item in last week's issue concerning Mr. Brennan visiting his home here. The word '"painter" was printed "janitor". Mr. Brennanis an interior decorator. Henry Nddr who is employed in the Simmons factory in Kenosha, svent several days here last week. The subjects which were dfscussed Thursday were "Merchandising Cost and Turnover," or the problems of roducing: the cost of hardware to the consumers. * * Being president of the state as-- sociation gives Mr. Burke the oppor-- tunity to ajtind the nationan! con-- tion ,to be held in San>-- Francisco in June, as< a delegate. * FRANK BURKE 1S HONORED BY -- STATE MERCHANTS The lctlvluT of a member in this organization dre the qualifications which boost him to the highest honor its members can bestow, --and there-- fore the election of Mr, Burke not only is a récognition 'of the success of his business but also the confi-- den? which his associates over the state have as to his ability as a leader e Frank Burke, of the Frank Buyrke Hardware company, on Thursday was elected president of the lllinois Re tail Hardware ,association, --which held a three day convention at the Hote!l Sherman, Chicago. Elect Waukegan Business Man President of lHlinois :i"ard ware Association. Mrs. B. F. Wentworth is the latest MILW AUKEE # SOLD BY ALL RELIABLE DEALERS msisgeauincMohhmgrown.poékedinwlr sealed bags, certifed by the State Department of Agriculture of Montana and sealed under the super-- vision of the Wisconsin State Department of Agri-- culture. } L A KE VJ L +A Badgei'o-wBrand 4 there will be more Alfalfa planted than ever before. Alfalfa Seed Montana Grown eweles Seed Company Seirgecrteop Stcos Thade magk abuitr¢®c6 +% _They're for bad backs. Libertyville people gratefully recom-- mend Doan's. -- Ask your neighbor! Mrs. J. T. Landis 302 W. Maple Ave., Libertyville, says: "I think hard work weakened my back and 1 knew something should be done. My kidneys were weak and active and this knew something should be done. My kidneys were weak and active and this worrled me. I saw Doan's Pills adver-- tised and after using them I felt much better. Doans strengtchened my kid-- neys and 1 am glad to say a good word for them." s MAKES WORK FASIER Libertyville People are iPleased to Learn How it It Has Been Done. It's pretty hard to attend to duties / With a constantly aching back; With annoying urinkry disorders. Doan's Pills have made work easier. So thousands have gratefully testi-- A mothers' meeting is arranged for Friday afternoon, and on Monday a.«-- ernoon --of this week was held Teach-- ers' Training conference. Ffldag eve ning the Official Board will mee Church School at 10 a. m. P Morning worship at 11. A special speake r s coming to Lake Villa next Sunday to tell of his home in India. hne is a high caste Brabmin. e Young people's socigal hour at 5: 30. At 7:30 p. m. the pastor--will give the story sermon, "The Lost word" by Henry Van Dyke. tier illness from the first when she gave up school in January was serious; and everything possible -- was done, even blood transfusion, but her time had come and she was called to her Heavenly Home. The funeral was held at the chureh Thursday afternoon' Mr. Wentworth preaching,' and members of her class at Antioch acting as pall bearers, and Ant'och H. 8. furnished singers. The burial. was in Angola cemetery. We extend oummgymparthy to her bereared famil» in their time of sorrow. 'The norlnl oiferings were many and beau-- tiful. ' making a syrup,. Put the syrup in shallow «lishes and place where-- the ants can get to it. They will eat the syrup and leave. es Ground Floor Must Be Tenanted» Rcience is a good piec> of furniture for a man to huve in in upper cham-- ber. provided he has common sense on the _ ground _ Hoor.--Oliver _ Wendell Exterminating Ants in House. ' This formula is recommended by the _ government -- for _ exterminating black -- an@& red ants, and sometimes succeeds where othery fail : Boll to gether water and sugar and borax, Hoimes Bhe attended the school here until this year, when she was a Junior in the Antioch high school, and was al-- ways a --good student. and 14 days. She was the eldest dnn'x;or and fourth child of a family of five sons and five daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nadr, ang this is the first break in the family. e s Marie Nadr was born at Lake Villa January 14, 1908 and passed away At the Victory Memorial hospital Feb. 18. 1924, at the age of 16 yeats, 1 month Walter Douglas and Edward Leon-- ?:9 were hg. from Lake Forest over The Ladies Aid Society wi 'hold the regular business and oocixlnut- ing with Mrs. J. DeArmond Wednes-- day afternoon, March 5.* Everyone is very welcome. bridge, I!L, came to spend the week end with the home folks. y 60¢ ¥Y, FEBRUARY 28, 1924. THE CHURCH ON THE HILL _ t, at &ll dealers Mfrs., Buffalo, ] OBiYTUARY Foster Millburn manly salesman to handle a Ward's Wagon in Lake County. No exper'-- ence necessary. For full narticulars write promptly®to Dr. Ward's Medical Co., Winona, Minnesota. "Established 1856." 9--4t FOR SALE--Pedigreed hatching egsze ords from 160 to 253. Pedigrees fur-- nished with each egg. Price $3 to $15 per setting. We use nothing but trap nests. Place orders now. E. M. Weigle, Deerfleld, II1, <Phone 210M. <-- 923t WANT TO HEAR FROM-- OWNER having farm for sale. Give partics-- lars and lowest price. John J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. 9--3t housework; no washing; no objec-- tion to teaching inexperienced girl who is strong and willing. Telephone Lake®\ Bluff 459J. ~ Mrs. Foster, 713 Prospect Ave., Lake Bluff. 9--1t WANTED--A <good, steady, gent!« WAfiTnD---Wmu girl for general WANTED AT ONCE--Waitress Buft Oi'%!utou. filfn&'cal' paid. atalog s Chickeries, Poofim FOR SALE--Cheap, 1 twostage air compressor, 1 combination adding machine and cash register, 1 '"Tod" check protector, 1 wreck car, complete with crane 1 1%%--ton chain hoist, a complete weld'ng outfit and numerous articles for 'use in a garage large or small. Phone Round Lake 20 R. 9tf ply to Miss Finstead ai Finstead's Eat Shoppe, N. Milwaukee Ave. 9--1t BABY CHICKS--In 100 lots assorted, $11; Leghorns, $12; Barred Rocks, 8. @11; Legho $12; Barred , 8. C. Red, jAn'_:.'o.u._ _§14; Wymms. and al'alfa hay; also ten of alfalta in barn. -- Lee Flood, ee, I!l.. On Milwaukee Ave., near Ivé dere Road. #--2t FOR BALE--Stack of mired timothy FOR SALE--Pure bred Bronze turkey gobblers; Roan "guh and drakes; Toulouse geese ganders. 'This is all high«class poultry, Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 n'i'l: west of Libertyville, on Lake St. ephone 278--J--2. 1t with good water; also 16 un? of plowed land. Address H, care of In-- dependent. N y # 14f FOR au.m--nm.nxucu.w-!l ing machine, completely oulppd:}' Type "B" International silo filler, with | 40 ft. pipe, and distributor. -- Both HB |, A+1 condition. Must sell before April 1. Phouutoluutmv-l.orm,] Ralph G. Wheeler, Deerfield IIL 5--tf}' FOR RENT--15 acres of pasture land GIRL --WANTED--For general house work. 'W. 1. Collins. Phone Liber: tyville 178J. betf from White Leghorn hens, with rec-- SELLERS & PETERSEN, T x 5§ 1 MILW AUKEE AV ENUE Phone Libertyville 451 LIBERTY Beautiful Libertyville Home WANT ADS. This is a rul)tome and is priced to sell immediately, only $10,500. Payment $4,500 cash, balance 5 years at 6 interest., _ Occupying a prominent corner, ground 100x150 feet. _ Fine shade trees, lawn. Ornamental shrubbery. Two cherry trees, one peach tree, currant bushes, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, grape vines, garden lot. First floor has two big fine living rooms, one with fire place; large dining room, large kitchen, fine hall with open stairway. All hardwood finish and hardwood floors. Foutr large commodious bedrooms and bath on 'second floor. Fine front porch, enclosed rear porth. | Full basement divided into four compartments--laundry, furnace room, coal room and vegetable room. l + Hot water heating plant. Gas, electric lights, sewer, water, electric motor anid tank for soft water pump. * New Kellastone garage for 'two cars. Chicken house and fancy fetice thicken » .11- PM' WANTBEBID--Work b.« m'ddle aged wo-- pups, 3 months old; $ male and 1 fe-- male. -- r'rice $*5.00 each. : A. Nies, Second St., Libertyville. g-- 2t FOR SALE AT AUCTION--Saturday ~March 8 at 3 p. m., on east side of }iddle Lake, within the boundary of a big lake improvement project . Pe-- sonal property sale starts at 12%:30, 20 cows, 30 »igs, 50 bu. tested seed corn. 400 bu. seed bariey, 100 tons of alfalfa hay, 200 tons silage. M. Eat-- @ INDEPENDENT readers are al+ @© © +ways surk of the latest news ail @ @© the time. . @ 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 6 0 0o L o & 9 0 0/ Farm. Inqui're.of O. L. Persons, 416 Grand Ave. Waukegan H!L #--1t _ man. Inquire 445 West Park Ave. Libertyyille. 9--2t i 0 C 0 0 0 3 8 2 0 2 0o a @ 2 FORD RADIATORS, $9.50. * Absolutely Reilable. 4 ertyville Garage. Phone 202. THE INDEPENDENT 'New Universities {*ALTDO DICTIONARIES IN ONE Only One Coupon Now Needed & LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS #1t Exclusive Agents LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENdENT 18 READ BY MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER PAPER in LAKE COUNTY --_ mm Pefcale Remnants in light grounds with neat stripes and figures, re-- liable fastcolors, 36 inches wide. Yard 20c cmd ic acattnaia t mesip Aralih ie