RK ##A _ AGED RALROAD > ~ GATEMANFINED 4s A BOOTLEGGER »Complaints _ of Drunkenness rm Employes Leads ~am Detectives to Probe.. Will'admitted to probate. $100 given !'gzefimflv u'd $500 to the use of his four children until heyt each arrive at the age of 21, when each is to receive his or her share. Value of estate $23,000. Let-- ters testamentary issued to Albert Floyd H. 'Lytle et al, mimors.-- Letters ~6f guardianship istued to Albert L. Robertson and Emma R. Redmond. Bond of §18,000. Taylor L Goodwin, Waukegan-- Will admitted to probate. Property walned at $2,000 divided among two sons and one daughter. Letters tes "It's~ the first time I ever was ar-- rested and it will be a good lesson for me," Stovich said. He added that he had been ill in the hospital for some time and was trying to increase his revenue a little so that he could pay some of his debts. MANY ESATES TN | .: PROBA TE COURT "The following night, according to the testimony of Krause in court to-- day, Mrs. Stovich offered to--sell him mwm he bought. He made b--<A m" ents to obtaif another bot-- tle y night at the South ave-- nue n:mnnty. * ' He went to tne shanty at the ap pointed time and Stovich produced maboo:e from a compartment in his her bucket. Schultz was waiting outside and started to enter at this juncture. Stovich jammed his foot against the door and started to pour the hooueJn the flootr. 1 Quick a flash Schulits leaped through the window, carrying the sash with him. He seized the bottle before it could be emptied: w was placed under arrest and up in Tast Monday night he went to Sto vich's home and offered $1.50 for a pint of booze. He was told that it was not enough. The next night he re-- turded with $2 and got booze. He ali-- Buspicion has pointed to Stovich but Albert A. Schultz, railroad de-- tective, could not obtain the desired information because he was known to him. So Schultz sent to Chicago and R. L. Krause, another special agent for the company came to. Waukegan. so engaged a room at the> Stovich home. This was done to allay sus-- August Stovick, 58 years, 426 South Utica wtreet, Waukegan, up to Thurs day night was a gateman at the South avenue crossing of the North Western railroad--today he is looking for a For some time the company has been receiving complaints that local men and yard employes of the Western have bech .obtaining liquor from some mysterious source. They even o ned it while--on duty. Several ml!or crossing accidents have occurred. f h It came about as a result of his being arrested on a bootlegging charge. In police court this morning he pleaded guilty and was fined $50 County ie "Independ e nt FIND SLEEPING for From a total of seventy--nine play-- grounds in 1913, private ahd munici-- pal effort has increased these facili-- ties to 276 safe health and character-- building havens for young people, children and adulits. k "In 1913 only fourteen cities report cent, according to queéstionaire re-- turns, compiled by the Playground Mlnnfionmmnotuer- said. *"Today twenty--three cities have progressive recreation programs and three others--Springfield, River For-- est and Aliton--voted to create play-- ground systems at the elections Aopril 1. A large number of other cities are vodfl on similar measures at com-- ing elections. 4 tripled the number of playgrounds and recreation centers during the last ten years, b:t'zlu the ~record for the entire U States by 14 per Frank Litchfield and Bernel Casey, two well #nown young men of this village, went to Kenosha Sunday\eve-- FAMOUS ORATOR SECURED FOR MEMORIAL DAY HERE VIOLATED PARKING RULES IN KENOSHA; FINED $10.00 REPORTS SHOW THAT PLAY GROUNDS IN STATE TREBELED -- Waukegan Weekly Sun The committee on arrangempnts for the Libertyville Community Memotrial Day observance report that they have secured the services of Dr. Lee Alex-- ander Stonme, of Chicago, as orator at the high school in the forencon of May 30th ~Dr. Stone is a veteran of the Spanish--American war and the World war. He was a colonel in the Military Intelligence section, and now holds a Reserve commission, and speaks frequently on '"The Reds in America." He is the son of a Confederate vet-- eran and was brought up to hate the "damn Yank," ut has come to love his country with a deep and abiding affection. . His talk on Memorial day will be a treat and an in'nlratiom _ Anna Viola Grimes, minor--Second account and report approved. . Christian Coulthard, distracted -- Supplemental -- inventory -- approved. Conservator allowed to, rent prop erty. George Schmitt, Grayslake--Final report and account approved. Estate clost d. John Hook, Gnylhk\----lnvontory approved! _ o _ + Jennie Esther Wallace, minor--IB--|js a patient with the sleeping Sick ventory approved. ness. Henry Zitt, distracted, Waukegan--| He, wap ordered removed to th« Conservator allpwed to make repairs ha'lul Saturday when doctor# fear ¢tc. on property. > C~ 0 } 00 ed for his recovery. To date he has tamentary -- issued --Miles Carney, Antioch--Petition to distribute «state filed and-- set for hearing May 5, 19%4. +0 > ~ > _ -- Thomas Carney, Antioch--Petition to distribute share of estate to ward set for hearing May 5, 1924. _ _ Wilson Cities of Illinois have more than ie ie mle lt n 2 mat i lt is t in inss n en tss i cnnatit t aiaeaiitscne ind myaptiats d h enA es w i: uidns mascnnetannieas on y ihs ABign utm m *3 {* to Glenna Bell i3 267--J--1, and your wants will be attend: ed to promptly. _ E. J. BRIXEN 18-- 2t I thartreilles in I have taken the agoeney and torri-- tory for the J, R. Watkins Products from G. M. Soott, and will give the same good service as heretotore. If unable to walt until 1 can call, orders ildints and Grounds Aud Hing, Rducntion, Roads & 'Bridges' NABER--Jury & Elections, Jail, Swamp OBER--Public Buildings & Grounds,. Settle ;;:mo"mm-'.mlm CONNOR--Insurance, Roads & Bridges, m.n-'n"u-mcnmucm. um)ocx--wl. Farm Audit-- hf"orrn:m vith " Cireutt Clerk, Fair & Farmers' Institute, Settlement Pees & Salnries, StateAOhari-- ties, Poor of County). _' _ .} _ _ STRATTON, w. 'if--om mp Lands, Settle ment _ & Bridges. -n:lz?nou & m Aum-.! Mis-- "Honanas" da. *"Hint 4t LC ' "Tas. * 1AN--State Es in 4 , State Charities. Ml-.; with HOLLSTEIN ---- Resolutions & Settliement m-man.lw;m s KELLY--Detention . Auditing, . Road Qutfits & Maintenance, J s «w Shicide. & Decrficldy " _.fi':_m-mn_.ula-uhpmm ICKE--Road Outfits & "TURHE ~hoss % meine mfi"... l:;_a!'"""--'_:-'"hm Claims, Cou + t es : --'--."------w' & Dewrheid), County Fare & Farests"1 titldt BLETSCH--Poor -- (W & with Sherrif fl-_!:-_-..-'-se_-_-w'- County Farm . Theodore Knseder, 26 years old, Oof Prairie View, has gone into his ninth dn' of unconsciousness at the Victory Memorial hospital where he ."'"' ublic Buildings & Grounds--Obee, Murphy, Public Buildings & Grounds Anditing--Mar-- . earniarinns a Seiniement with Prohate Clerk f Wileox, O'Connor. s m_'fl.h:--m O'Connors, Me-- When close friends come to the bedside and cal} his -- name ~be rouses, but does not speak. Invar-- lably he shifts his position in bed and drops back to sletp. Theodore Kneedier® of Prairie View, Flthtmg for Life at Victory Memorial Hospital. He wap ordered removed to the hol'tul Saturday when doctorw fear-- ed for his recovery To date he has not been able to recognize relatives and doctors point to him as a true case of sleeping sickness. This is the first case reported since Willlam Hamlet was ill about a year ago. Dr: Osgood, who is at-- tending Kneeder, is of the opinion that he will recover. Below are the committees ot the board of supervisors as named by the new chairman, «Fred Kychner: Standing Committees for 1924 . _County Fair & -- Farmers' Institute-- He and his father run a mill at Prairie View. On returning. home nine 'days ago the boy complained that he could not see, according to friends. The father suggested that he go to bed as it was rest that hbe needed. Since that time hbe has not regained consciousness. List of Supervisors' Commit-- mmwhaor * lvnn-.ml.muu-a't'amu. rronecus lmm Fair & Farmers MAWMAN--Settlement with Swarmp Lando--W. J. Stratton, Funk, NMaber. Mumm AUSTIN--Poor (Balanes of County), Pur-- County Farm--Thompson, Harbaugh, Wilcor. County Farm Auditing -- Hutton, Paddock M # Detention Home--Burke, Bletech, Monahan. Detention Home Auditing -- Kelly, Hutton, tees Named b' New Chair-- man at Board Meeting. THE COMMITTEES SICKNESS CASE; ISAT HOSPITAL NOTICE pletely overcome. Their lips were bluse and thoir eyes buiged out in the manner -- characteristic to -.;:: tion. Mrs. Wells seemed to have afftected more than other members of: the «Mr. Wells then qui¢kly realized that apparently it must be gas v.rzlch was affecting him and--other members of the family and he, rushed for the door» and vlndov'l'"u;d throw them open,.* He then called Mrs. Barbara Bregger, a neighbor, who came to his assigtance. i Going into the bedroom _of his daughter Dora he aroused her and also Miss O#swald the aunt. ~These, two young women got up.. As they made their way from their bedrooms they reached the top of the staits and both plunged headlong down the stairs; . neither was 'seriously" hurt but naturaily© they wore . severely jarred4. In the meantimé Mr. Wells had gone to the room of his younger dnughter Lona and got her out of bed after spending gonsiderable time arousing her. , All members of the fammily were about a# 'close to complete asphyxi&-- tion as is possible without being u.r'i Mr. Wells got up about: 7 o'clock and noticed that he dldb:k tn?'oll.' He was "sick at his stomach" and al-- most keeled over. > Shortly giter that Mrs. Wells arose and as she stepped from the bed she fell over on the floor in a faint. Mr. Wells at that time did not kno® what had happened and he calledy his son Don who in turn, as he awrose from his 'bed, tipped over in a dead faint. 3 _ But for the fact that Mr. Wells hap pened to awaken <just before 7 o'cloc* made his way into the living room and eventually arouse other members of--the family in the nick of time, a six--fold tragedy would have been written today. As it is the five members of the family and Miss O# wald dre suffering from the effects which follow asphyriation. -- _ _ _ 10:46 a,. m. o _ ~ * ,Church School at 9:45 a m. $ _ The boys and men will make their \' corporate Communion at 7:30 a. m. The Young People's Sotiety will hold their May party and dance in the | ,,, mmrmm,uu"fijh Mr. Gwyn, assisted by the choir, ; | se hold services at the County Farm on ; ,, Bunday afternoon. ls.. BJ LA NCE <EPLISCOPAL Sunday after ty ate: 8 . Moly Communion at 7;30 a. m. MHoly Communion and sermon °at Bunday 'School at 9:45 a. m. ~Mr. Wells and his able set of teachers are glad to welcome all who want to know * Morning worghip at" worship at 11. Sermon top-- ic, "Branded for Jesus." tions." If you want the simple, gospel story to inspire your life,--we bid you mocmo to ul'oulr. services. at 'mflco hm ov.nln' 7:456 o'clock. ACV, UWuy SMOCK, . FASLOr. Miss E*z_'!\'h-- Church Organis; Young People's meeting at 6:30 p.m. Evening service at 7:30. The pastor will speak on "Laying True Founda-- BSix members of the Archie Wells family .on No, West ,I.t;d and Mrs. Wells' sister Dora Oswald came--near being wiped out by asphyxiation from gas Sunday morning as a ruuléoof & defective gas heater which allowed the fumes to escape into their living rooms. $' cv® .6 nds B --G.--~ ylofi tried to see what was wrong with 10:00 ._m,*.m.y school, Mr .E. it b@t apparently dida't know any: A. Koehn, Su tendent. thing abaut bandling the machine. 11:00 dg.m.--Morning worship, ser--| He asked the fellow to produce the mon by the pastor, music by the choir. | bill of sale but the fellow after tum-- * AJIhuman ~hearts ~© worship bling in his pockets, "omng" that he T sdmething, . bhad left it with hig wite. AThe officer -- _ But reverent hearts worship accompanied the man and the garage-- 4 God. \ . man to the Highwood garaze. He suc-- Come and worship with us. ceeded in getting out of the officer's 6:30 p.m.--Junior Epworth League ; Sight for an instant after they reach-- in the Gym., Mr. Stewart Smith, Su--yed' the garage and a moment late Qflmndent. * |the marshal nwlm disappear. He 6:30 p.m.--Senior Epworth League | escaped on a tr and reached High devotional service. Subject: "Hymns \ land Park where he again was seen of Our Faith." Leader: Mrs. Lyell| by the police, whe had not been'tn-- H. Morris. ' CAEEE 'ronned that he was a fugitive, and 7:30 -- p.m.--Dramatic book--story | thus the fellow again 'escaped -- ar s&rmon by the nastor. "'The Power of-- rest. * 6:30 p.m.--Senior Epworth League devotional service. Sub,hf:t: "Hymns of .Our 'Faith." Leader:' Mrs. Lyell H. Morris. *3 *. 7:30 -- p.m.----Dramatic book--story sérmon by the pastor, "The Power of x.le." by John Bojer. Hall Caine does hesitate to pronounce this a great book. Come and hear it. _ The Walther League meets next 'Tuesday evening at $:00. * ' womefomme . .. \ 'CHRISTIAN --SCIENCE BOCIETY Third Floor, First National Bank Bldg. Services at 10:45 a. m, Sunday. _ FIRST METHODIST HPISCOPAL Rev. Charles J\ Dickey, Pastor.. Jack --Bradford, Choir Director; Mrs. Lyell H. Morris, Organist. 10:00 ;m.--bsemny school, Mr .E. A. Koehn, Su tendent. SX IN FAMILY OVER-- COMEBY GAS; TWO FAINT; OTHERS FALL Chur ch Services 11:00 g.m.--Morning worship, ser-- mon by the pastor, music by the choir. * AJI human ~hearts © worship L sdmething, . * 8T. JOHN'3 LUTHERAN I Rey. Eimer C. Kessling, Pastor. _ | German services at 10:30. ' Einglish services"in the evening at Occupants of--Wells Home on West Street are Victims of _ ~~Defective Heater. FIRST PRESBYTERILAN Punishment." CA «es AUTO THIEF IN pan { SENSATIONAL ES-- e CAPE FROM COP The thiet who stole the new auto mobile of Perry A. Peterson, cashier in the People's\State "bank. made a sensational escape by giving the mar-- shal of Highwood the slip, and is now being sought. It is believed the thiet is a member of an organized gang of automobile thieves. The car was stolen from the sales room'of C. G. Wenban &--Son, 552 So. Sheridan Road Sunday night, Mr. Peterson having purchased it. only last Thursday. The thief, a man about 22 years of age l;;l of qm build, drove the car to Fort She where he Wwent into a dittch His nerve appears to have been remark-- able because he went to the High-- wood polite station--to inquire where The Highland Park police had seen the man trying to get the car started but at that time &q did not--know it was a stolen machine. he <could find -- the machine in. The man was accompaniedl to Fort BSheridan by the. Highwood officer, who became suspicious when the fel-- The officers found one Illinois 1i-- cense plate and also~" a Mithigan plate, which would indicate that the fellow had prearranged plans for driv-- ing the machine through both states and is a member of a gang of auto thieves. succeeds in-- Giving Marsha the WUW Recov»-- ers Perry Peterson's Car. Buy your tickets in advance for the Eighth Grade Benefit .. "Robbins The car was not badly damaged. SagsontIo ar apourn runxon v saser i iatad Phone 61 ~PIED PIPER MALONE® MEIGHAN We have on hand a few discontinued meodels and some desks slightly dam-- aged in transit. * ' THESE DESKS ARE OFFERED AT GIEATLLIM PRICES-- &A garageman to tow Tues. and Wed May 6 and 7 fl"R A D I O -- DESKS $5.00 to $15.00 se it cpii Rpsidya ope t y m N TV Am is > Ka .,' Investors, Attention! ~_, WE BUY OPTIONS _ _ > sEE US.AT ONcE: | The gateway. of Greater Libertyville is opening, Wg'ny'anm.hhw&hnh&:l'r: 'lm'ilyuw Money the dfldmulyu desire to leave the world more iful than we found it. 'Many new homes to be built in Ebertyville this summer. We represent Chicago and Eastern capital and my associate, E. M. Sachs, has moved to Libertyville and brings with her weighty investors to pur-- chase your beautiful nature's garden farms and town loca-- tions. See us face to face.. /A S $25,000 Estate in vilage of Libertyvile. Quick sale $18,-- 000, half cash:> i Harry Madill Bartlett E. M. SACHS JUST RECEIVED We escrow all deals in local banks to protect all parties. | _--_REALTORS 531 Milwaukee Avenue ' FOR SA LE Harry Madill Bartlett E. M. SACHS 531 Milwaukee Avenue LAKRGE ASSORTMENT PRICES RIGHT Humminhe&uiflhhi'pyhy.w\ NAILS, BARBED -- ---- --~WIRE and FENCING -- _ . THE IDEAL FURNITURE--PROVISION ._, FOR YOUR RADIO SET _ _ RESORT HOME ON--LOCAL LAKE _ ACT QUICK! A CAR LOAD OF TELEPHONE 17 REALT OR S 442 --M--455--M 442 --M--455--M 4e ¥4 id bd