-- * THE NDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR 'é::g ENE . anthvatoets t amicaiots uc haiimediad on gubies tlerl 660 w elenii in t in ie is ts t c .. Aatlal emens o prstust 1 sc# uin SAE zx$ _ .. members really, represented --the people there would be little |MmeP l e ase oo Wiannekes" inst _ objection, but the record shows that a large percentage of |Saturday afternoon. e ue 1e _ .' both houses are attorneys whose standing and influence at oo e ius Sant wraher tor , ud e " o y T T a e have the best wishes for a happy and -- : home is greatly enhance because of their membership--and |prosperous married life. Mr. Haas is z" . * then, too the redg_lnih;o:xe'll:ecauoe of smell ipay are @, .n |os snooogh Ior auaet. inss .. othe EotH 'known quantity. question is whether the quality wmnnn ns mne_:._ ... of service would be improved b'il:n increase in Salary. ThAt' S | ; nave taken the agency and terri-- a "show me'" proposition, but this is one case where the em--|tory for the J. R. Watkins Products ployes of a big corporation have the privilege of voting their m "'wf' mfi";"h::'wm:'% uo A bill has been introduced to increase the pay of COM--| . Gnartes _ _ . gressmen from $7,500 to $10,000 per year. If half the |Miss Eva _ .. members really.represented --the people there would be little ikke is _' objection, but the record shows that a large percentage of |Saturday Libertyville Independent Lake County Independent -- W aukegan Weekly Sun . 'This whole nation will unite in a tribute to mothers gmuay 11. Flags will be displayed on all pub-- and a flower of any kind worn in the button : or on the breast, will serve as an expression of f memory. But if the "best mother" be alive her iness may be materially increased by writing a etter, or at least sending an appropriate card. § ---- In all the nistory of the world mothers have been held in high repute. -- Poets have sung and great men have honored their mothers always, but the last word has mot been said, and never will be expressed, for this an-- cient and honorable ideal. f are filled with His Voice. Its deep--footed faith in the power of God reaches out to the gropbet Elisha and re-- stores life to a son departed. And in the fine etching of th Epistlag the mother of Timothy is revrgaled, laying the foundatjon for a life of power--by a caréful training in the Seriptures. ' Often we underestimate what mothers do because it is done so quictly. Yet it must be that he who writes the Book of Life makes many entries of mothers' work for the betterment of the world. Her all--conquering love for her children, her implicit faith in God, her pa-- tiénce that is confident of results--these are qualities which we recall with grateful appreciation. To idealize the motherhood of America by **Mothers' Day", and to recognize the fact that the most sweetly mapgnificent thing in life is a noble Christian mothér Few finer pictures are presented in the Book of Books than those which portray the Mother spirit. It's love and solicitude shine like a halo above the basket hidden in the rushes on the banks of the Nile. Its prayerful guidance instills in the boy Samuel such a consciousness of the presence of God, that the guiet, hours gf. t'he. nig}nt is the most beautiful spiritual idea in the world today. No thought could be more b:gl(xlnful' 5 than that which prompts every man, woman and child to pay--tribute to those dear ones to whom'we owe so much, : 3 Down thru the ages some things survive, . In the heart and the soul and the mind and will ° . ie motkes tove it'hnghul.tmtl'le land, f _' Has helped men to live and to understand, | What it means to live and to tee in life, . . The things worth while in this world of,strife. And the great deeds accomplished by women and men, Oft a mother's love has inspired them. . , And the good they have done will live again. In the children who come after them. . And we, the children, bow our head, As we think of our mother living or dead, And .a prayer is sent to God above, 3 To preserve the great power of mother love. Meats, not if you trade at Corlett's. Delicious cuts of &I:-d-muykufidnlcwyuhutu-"n Without Paying the Most You don't have to pay exorbitant prices to get quality Get the Best Here FRESH LETTUCE, CELERY, TOMATOES, HEAD FOR SATURDAY. c 0 es 0 :"Jfimfi'?fi@fm:rw THE RAY FURNITURE farl f1 Corlett !II _ RAY N. SMITH l'l AND PAINT STORE MOTHERS' DAY ONE RUM RUNNER lCAur ch Jervices FINED AND JAILED; | \~ s1 »sSyo--a» company of Libertyville, has been made defendant in a petition for in-- voluntarymbsnkmptcy mc& "::d 3:' referee b.nkr:m court, Chicago. C rs have filed claims amounting to -- $14,946.02 against the well known Lake county concern. It has not yet been de-- termined how much assets the con-- cern : possesses. + Judge Perry L. Persons today fin-- ed Albert Greenberg $200 and sen-- tenced him to 70 days in the county jail, and William Fleuer received a $300 fine, following their conviction u..::o'.l days ago for transporting r. Both are Chicago men and they were arrested at Leerfield sev-- eral months ago, three cases of gin being found in their car. «+ The defendants claimed they were trapped by persons who induced them to bring the gin to them and then calling the officers and had them arrested. noumadnoamtotnml. but it was indicated that P would pay his fine. . y# gl\f against the,two men, Emil C. Mesenbrink, trading %ho Libertyville Flower-- and , Vegetible The court authorized the sheriff to destroy the 36 quarts of gin which were seized and .used as evidence The sheriff's office on Wednesday received three new riot guns and Sherifft Ahistrom and Chief Deputy Lester Tiffany went. to Great Lakes range to try them out. The sheriff shot |first and pulled -- both "triggers at the same time 'and > adfhitted he got quite a kick out of it as 'he handed, the weapon to Tiffany. The latter braced himself for an accurate shot, and a moment later the world seemed to fade into darkness. The breech lever had recoiled through his upper lip, penetrating it #o that he could feel his teeth without open-- ln:humqnth,nfithowrolotm gin made~a dent in his forehead. Hereafter he expects to loop a wire BANKRUPTCY PE-- TI TION IS FILED RIOT GUN KICKS, TIFFANY IN FACE over the barrels of the gun and tie the other end of the wire to one of <his feet before pulling the trig-- ger. He had to get a doctor to fix him up, + Those guot= are going to be a terroyr to fugiti~e speeders and rum runners, the dopntle. opine. |, CHAS. HAAS AND EVALINE HIRONIMUS MARRIED MAY 3 Miss Evaline Hironimus, daughter of NOTICE I have taken the agency and terri-- tory for the J. R. Watkins Products from C. E. Scott, and will give the same good service as heretofore. If unable to wait until I tan call, orders may be mailed to me or telephone 267--J--1, and your wants will be attend-- ed to promptly. E.'J. BRIXEN, -- s 0 ie Think of Better Furniture'! Alert New Slipper$ || Then think of Better Homes the Stars of the Montlr hucin, arvnoninan rae ie Amiest Haradh Sabiid hikiet td tee But when you look for your $pecial needs, insist on seeing the smart and exclusive Smith styles, where prices are as favorable as the high standard set for quality. * ' May weather brings with it an alertness in the air--an enthus-- iasm and eagerness for new things--that's when you look to OTHER IS FINED Libertyville, IIL NSR Ye hn ns rccuainsanc ie dn taens Nes CV U TRTTNS PEDeaTe wP Aeee en oo m dren's Day on the first Sunday--Of Morning. worship at 11.-- This is Mother's day and we have a sermon suited to the <ay. * Young pepple's meeting at 6:30 p.m. Evening service at 7:30. 'The ser-- mon topic, "Lessons From Daniel Ap-- uv.owm. Miss Ruby W amho.-gur. Budg::hdct!:ua.-. . 4. Wells, f We ar expecting to have our Chil-- plied to Our Rev. H. B. Gwya, Pastor. Bervices for Bunday, May 11 (the 8rd Sunday after Easter) are: Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. 10: Church School at 9:45 a. m. The Women's Guild held their reg-- ular mebting at the home of Mrs. F. W. Foulds Thursday, Ma¥ 8, all day. . Choir practice will be held this week at the home of, Mrs. John Roberts, E. Park Ave., on Friday, May 9, at 7:30. The Young People's=Bociety had a most enjoyable dance at thz'hrhh house, in spite of the rainy weather, on the evening of May 2nd. *3 $ $ ~gpec FIRST METHODIST BPISCOPAL Rer. Charles J. Dickey, Pastor. Jack Bradford, Choir Director; Mrs. . Lyell H. Morris, Organist. 10:00 am.--Sunday school, Mr .E. A. Koehn, Superintendent. _ At 11 a. .. special Mother's day service--sermon and -- music. The "Wide Awakes" will provide a white carnation to every lady attending the service. Honor your mother by at-- tending services on Mother's day. . _ -- Junior Epworth League devotivnal service at 6:30 p.m. Stewart Smith, sertite at 6:30 p. m. Miss Caroline xtterneld 4s the newly elected p& . At 7:30 p. m., Mother's day dramatic book sermon,-- "The Little\Old Lacy," by Lynn Harold Hough. Music by the choir. Come. £ Wednesday evening at 7:30, beauti-- ful stereoptican pictures on Hawail. Come and.get a glimpse of this won-- Yerful land where the East and Wes: Thursday eviening at 8 o'clock, choir rehearsal. _ Music and Mystery. Don't miss this. Tickets now on sale. * CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Floor, First National Bank Bldg. 'Services at 10:45 a. m. Sunday. Subject, "Adam and Falien Man." 8T. JOHN'S8 LUTHERAN | Rev. Elmer C. Kessling, Pastor. ' Sunday School will begin at 9 a. m. next Sunday, a half hour earlier than usual. » ' Services in English--will begin at the regular time, 10:30 a. m... The follow-- ing children will be conbfirmed at the service: Harold Brumm, Paul Sitz, Jr.. William Gurske, Roger Melendy, Caroline Kublank, Charlotte Kublank and Gertrude Schwandt. The Ladies'® Aid will hold an all--day meeting next Thursday, beginning at 9 :30 m thehtorenoon. for the WN':: of getting the parsonage ready for dedication the"next day. _ uhss Choi rpractice Thursday evening at 145 o'closk. _A welcome to all the services. Bunday, the 18th day of May, will be a big day for our congregation. . The completion of the parsonage will be celebrated by two--services on that day. The morn{ng service will be in German at the usual time. Rev. Mr. Buerger, the former pgstor, will be the preacher. The afternoon gervice will be in English. The sermon at this time will be delivered by the Rev. Mr. Bartz, Waukegan's new pastor. ; Benior Epworth League 8T LA WRENCE {<SPI8SCOPAL Libertyville, IIII. I|| [ Teephone No. 9 sns ciiphe tinithes ram n uon aen inr nar on devotional Word has just been received in Waukegan that Paul Myron-- Line barger, for y -- years a federal whm Islands, but r known in t vfidut'us former pastor of the First Methoo-- ist church in Waukegan, has given up his law practice in Shanghai, China,-- to become legal adviser of mus-nomwmnmd r-ottfioChlnunwwc. Ex--Judge Linebarger salled for Canton on the S. 8. Porthes on March 27. There he will confer Rev. Linebarger, Formerly of Here, to Be Legal Adviser friendship which ago. im the Philippines, The WO have been though informailly u:oa.um. Mr. has -- written (a book vlwhto appear 'soon in which the former Waukegan minister will give a deseription of SBun Yat Sen's career. * Waukegan friends and acquaint ances of Mr. ILinebarger will be glad to learn of the great distine-- tion that has been visited upon him by appointment to such a hbhigh LIBERTYVILLE BOYS TAKE . _ HONORS AT MADISON, WIS. At the Relay Meet, held in Madison, Wis., last Saturday, Coach Teed and several students --of L. T.'H. 8. were representatives of the local school. Thirty sthools of Illinois, Wisconsin and lowa competed. Win Wilson was given fourth place in the running high jump, while Alfred Snyder _ was--count-- ed fourth in the discus throw. 1924. mtasia |s PE C | A L S| U "8IxX DAYS8" 18/ NOT T90 LONG! IT WILL BE HERE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY to Sun Yat Sen. POST IN CHINA Hany-n-hpncmdyohhdhfidwflhhgflm fortable furniture. During better Homes Week, we have put on display the results of months of searching in the leading--markets; during which time we secured the nfost attractive Furniture.to be secured in quality and price. two CREPE, 1 w."MM.JSC' Sheeting, Cases and Pillow Tubing at a big discount Ladies® Blouses and Sweaters at Reasonable Prices Colored Hose for ladies aL..........................................--.$1.65 Iu'a!nbai,&.g'l'mal'&umuaw.gh. DID YOU SEE OUR NEW LINE OF LADIES' AND CIRLS HATS? LINOVETT, 1 yard wide, all colors...... Libertyvyille Dept. Store Telephone 410 Why Pay More? We Sell for Less 622 Milwaukee Ave. GREEN FRONT PHONE 350 FRESH ~FRUITS and VEGETABLES °_ DALY Tennis Shoes Boys' and 315 Midwaukee Avenue