Ford touring car for a Studebaker, the deal being made through the Hark-- ness Garage. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wewetzer and family visited at Barrington Saturday. Mrs. Oscar Pohiman and little son visited Saturday evening with Lake Zurich friends. * e ~ _ _ Mrs. Lee Comstock was a Chicago visitor Friday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. Dieh! was hostess to the Jolly Five at a luncheon Thursday afternoon at her home. .a» A number from here attended the Japanese dance in Waukegan Wednes-- day evening. j Jmura Hirn Laun picked one of the: largest number of «weet peas Satur-- day for some time. Over 7000 of the blossoms were picked and shipped on l%y evening. P. T. A. met in regular session at the school house Friday afternoon. in invitatio nhas been extended to rs. Reichelt, of, Deerfleld to meet with the members and others interest-- ed on May 16, and explain the State Council of Parents and Teachers.. A short program will be rendered and refreshments served. A cordial invi-- tation is extended to the patrons and friends of the school to attend. Miss Beryle Lathrop, visiting nurse of Lake county, palid the school a visit Friday and examined the pupils. Some were fortunate not to receive salips, and it is hoped those who did will soon do as recommended, and return old Hans, of Barrington, visited at Prairie View Tlast week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kuebker of Grays-- lake were here several days last week in the interest of their farm land east Mrs. Wm. Beckman and daughter, Pearl, attended the wedding of the former's son, Orville Beckman, to Hansen's dilemma was dug to his anxiety to salute. As a guard he was supposed mercly to call the ganen'to attention while the of-- r bovered in the offing, and to maintain his vigilant guard, without saluting. He salpte® smartly. So did the prizoners. Hansen said he awakened in a ditch near Highland Park, that his eaptors bound him, and that he was ordered to walk to the house with-- out looking around. They fl<d, with his pistol, wearing campaign hbats, blue denim overalls and raincoats. The police of Wausegan and the entire north shore bavé been enlist ed in the search for.the prisoners. A half hbour later Capt. H. W. Turner, F. A., officer of the day, found Hansen's rifle, a number of tools and a pool of blood along the lake shore, and the mounted detach-- ments .set out. The missing sentry, his nose brok-- en, and badly beaten about the bead, was found, hobbled and tied, in a home _ near -- Highland Park by the pursuers. Private James Hansen, assigned to guard Prisoners Trevor Rouch, Jamts Rice and. Harry McRobie, the first two of whom were scheduled to leave for Leavenworth in a few days, turned away to salute a passing of-- ficer at 3::30 p. m. Apparently he voted an appropriation for the em-- shovel. roads and infantrymen beat Aacross country.> near-- Highland Park Wed-- nesday night of last week on the trail of three ulma:f prisoners of Fort Bheridan who slugged and kidnaped their armed t(,::rd Wednesday and escaped from reservation. Mrs. Fred Hoeft and nephew, Har-- Nels _Nickleson has traded lm 'smrc' "l;atrollod by Cav-- ments Seok'g'?uotfivu. Cavairy -- detachments patrolled ERS SLUG GUARDS AND MAKE ESCAPE LAKE ZURICH Take a V acation Trip This Summer Round trip fares to the East and to the West will be extremely low. « In the West the mountains, 'cataracts, National Parks, Puget Sound, and glorious Mt. Rainier, the mountain that is a National Park. ---- Go and take your family. Travel. over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the world's longest electrified railroad. pinenauttan the sleelinl cars '"Milwaukee" therefore, a better, kindlier, more cour-- _ _Mrs. Pettiwood and-- daughter, Miss Blanche, of Maywood, visited the for-- mer's mother, Mrs. B. Geary, over the week end. . _ Mrs. Peter Wegener and sister, Misz Fitzgerald, ~visited their parents, at Cortland over. Sunday. > * \ There will be a community meeting at the Fred Converse' evening of_ this week, May e stereoptican pictures will: illustrate the Philippine Islands; also an illus-- trated song. Lunch will be srnd and a real social time had. Do not miss be-- 'There will-- be a special mother's Day program at the M. E. church next Bunday, May 11. Mothers are espec-- lally invited. _ The Birthday Social will be held at the M. E. church Friday evening, May 16th.. Misses Maude Rothramel and Orpha Russell compose the committee in charge, and a cordial invitation is tives at Yorkville. Mrs. F. Rosing visited her parents at Grayslake last week. . * extended to all. Jason Walton is serving on the petit jury in Waukegan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey and chil-- dren spent the week end with rela Mrs. J. Kirwan was the guest of Eigin relatives this week. 3 Mrs. Ricnarason and Mr. and Mrs. Adams and children of Libertyville spent Sunday at the home of John Brimer. 4 . Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Jepson aond | children of Ringwood were Sunday guests of Lee Huson and family. | } The League will hold the May enter: j tainment Sunday, May 11th, in honor of Mother's Day. _ *4 The ladies' Aid Society met in reg-- ular session Thursday, May i1st. The annual election of officers was held, the following being chosen fof the year: Mrs, B. Tonne, president; Mrs. f !'lnt";l;:preddent: Mrs. Albert Prehm, »tary; Mrs. Carl Ernst, treasurer, and Mrs. Chas. Wewetzer, chairman of the work committee. A number of ladies of the commuynity joined the League. There were about forty4ive present. + . 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 ior. of Chicago, called on Mr. and Mrs o o , 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 attended Royal Neighbors meeting in 04 -- hA "the evening. j . :o H OVOI'O © _ Mr. and Mrs. L#g, Senior and Jun Character Everything. The whole intercourse of society, ie teade, its religion, its friendship, ite quarrels, is one wide judicial inveitt gation of character.--Earerson, Evangelical Church Notes The Evangelical League held the April social evening in the church par-- lors Tuesday evening. Progressive bunce was p{ued. prizes being award-- ed to Mr. and Mrs. J. Fink, first, and Alma Lohman and Chas. Ruffing, Ir., recelving consolation. Dainty refresh-- ments were served by Wm. Pohiman, mmhm Berghorn and Bandman fam-- es. Ruffing. . Mr, and Mrs. Chas. ScHults and fam-- ily of Chicago visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schults on McHenry HMenry Hillman left Tuesday to buy a carload of choice dairy cows. Mr. Celley, who had an 'auction sale last SBaturday, expects to move to Waukegan soon. Mr. Celley lived in that city previous to coming to Ela township. . , .)lr.udlluW'-.mkwaph Palatine Sunday afternoon. o.3 Mr. and Mrs.~Fréed Pepper visited wu&%m muduufiwm' years, and has a host of friends here who exiend congratulations to the newlyweds. is m Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pfangston and daughter of Half Day visited Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Schults. _ Wm. Fitzgerald is efecting a stand on his prioperty on McHenry road. Mr. and Mres. Wim. Meyer of Prairie View visited Baturday with the form-- udv eve Mr. M+ deeeme>) SUPT. T. A. SIMPSON | _Mrs. Chas. Voss spent Monday in Chicago. /s Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis of Chi-- cago were callers at the Btoerp home . Thursday. Mrg Davis attended the |R.N. A. meeting in the evening. | _ Dan Epp of Libertyville was a busi-- , ness caller here Monday. ' Mrs, Mitchell and Mrs. Wilcox of 'Area called on friends Thursday and _ Next Sunday is Mother's day in the Grave Evangelical church. All moth-- ers who do not attend elsewhere, are cordially invited to this service at the Grace church. 'De fathers will receive an equal weleqme. f Clayton Hamlin assumed his duties as motor police last Thursday. . His His work is in this district, also on Rand road:out of Waucondh. He is in «_ To the home where my mothér has gone. * , * Roy Stahl narrowly escaped being killed or seriously hurt at Northbrook Monday when the planks on the bridge broke and let his truck"Talt ~through. The truck was badly damaged, but Roy was lucky. All he received was a good. shaking up. Mrs. F. T. Fowler was in the city on business last Friday. Mrs. Jarvis was a Chicago passen-- ger last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pester agre now living in the Truax cottage on the Grayslake road. nmmmuxmmm the constantly increasing e C. L, Cook made a business trip to Missouri last week and was gone for Sa¥Wate* usn - $ «+ Mrs. Emeline Mason and son, Billy neturned Tuesday evening, after an auto trip to Watseka, Ind., where they spent a week visiting relatives. Mrs. Keeley --attended the National Hair Dressers' convention in Chicago a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thayer had as guests from Oak Park Sunday the Wallis family and their daughter and hus-- band, Mr. and Mrs. Karnca and son. James King and his daughtéer, Mrs. Amith, moyed Wodnud%to Wauke gan to make their home. . and Mrs. Gleason are making improvements on the property recently purchased from Mr. King. Mrsa, Almberg was in Chicago last Sunday School at 10 a. m. . Morning wouhlso p at 11; evening worship at T; 30.. © # I heard the voice of my mother call In loving tones and long; I know her heart and the gentle Migs Eva La.Meer of Bristol, Wis., visited at the Harold Dixon home the first of the week. A cement approach to the cemetery nas recently been added to the drive-- way, which is quite an improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Hurd moved the first of the week to the Gooding cottage in the Burnett subdivision, Where they will live this summer. + _Mrs. . L. Macther entertained her mother, and sister from Chicago last Tuesday afternoon. , At present writing Ted Knedler is improving, and it i% hoped he may soon be home again. _ Grandma Stahl spent Sunday with her son, Charles, and family. -- Mr.= and-- Mrs. Charles #Rtahl enter-- tained the latter's sister and family from Deerfield Sunday. > _ Grandma Schar attended the funer-- al of her little grandchild in Liberty-- ville Thursday aftérnoon. L Arthur Herschberger of Chicago, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math Herschberger. L. L. Maether Sunday afternoon. _ _ Mr. and, Mrs. Gus Stoerp and Grand-- ma Brockman spent Sunday at Pala Mr. and Mrs. Fred Priess entertain-- ed their daughter and *or husband Trom Chicagoe ESuzpjay. ° U $ Mrs. Emma Krueger spent Sunday with her son, Charles, and family, at Half Day. Ted. Helfer of Libertyvilie was a caller 'here Woedpesday afternoon. The cuff links are of Masonic blematic design. 'The ntations --were Mise mb,'on behalf of teachers and the pupils. The teachers of the schools are as follows : . . !'\:lqid'mn school, Lake Forest, i & Ferry. 'lv&n'choq;, west of Lake For M'% l:g Keough. H y sehool, Mrs. Frieda Knox. Wilmot school, west of Deerfleld, Mrs. Almira Hybeck. a pair of gold cuff links as a token of appreciation of his interest in their work.. He recently assisted them in a number of educational contests. While crossing: the street neat her And the tender voice of song. And I hearken still to my mother's And my mother's God ledgids on; . And one day the portals of life shall a kid with a new tricycle. The teach ers and pupillis of Vickerman, Everett, Wilmot and Half Day schools have presented him with a brief case and T. Arthur Simpson, county superin p_n_d_ut_gl schools, is as happy as Is Presented With Brief Case and Gold Cuff Links for In-- terest in Their Work. IS HONORED BY SCHOOL TEACHERS PR AIRLE VILEW dftiven by Dr. L A KE V'LL 4 A WEI,AUT "'--;} '4?. 4 INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1924. made by the othe: _ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kerber of Chicago have moved to their summer home on Highland Lake. -- _ _ -- i Miss Alma Papke of Chicago spent Sunday with Miss Bess Wagner. [0 Mr.. and Mrs. Orville Smith of Lib ggyvfllo spent Tuesday with Miss Theo Smith. Next Tuesday evening community center moving picture show will fea-- ture "The Boss of the Camp No. 4." 'This is a western story, played by '77'1':';.."117114"'*5&'&( ~entertained her m:,mmmw;\uta Dr. Coulson of. Elkhorn, Wis., called on relatives and friends here Tuesday. W. H. Pester will soon begin the erection of a cottage on his property north of town, near the Soo line. Miss© Heléen White and Tom Gol witzer surprised their many friends by announcing their marriage this week, the wedding taking place on Faster Sunday at the Methodist par-- sonage in Waukegan. _ -- _ > > _ Mr. and Mrs. John Washbuhn have returned from Florida, where they spent the winter. Mrs. Zieglar of Antioch spent Fri-- day with Miss Theo Smith. j Mr. and --Mrs#.-- Hallett and family of Chicago, spent the week end at their home on Third Lake. s Chas. Hook of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent Sunday at the home of his par ents,' Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hook. --~The Mother--Daughter banquet given at the church Friday evening was at-- tended by forty mothers and as miny daughters, and a splendid time was ,nnjond. At 6:30 they wePe seated at the tables, which were so prettily dec orated in pink and white and pink carnations, and a very dainty and pretty banquet was served by the co:-- mittee in charge, Ars. Carson gave th., toast to tic daughteis and Jane Am.burg gave the toast io tho motn-- ers -- Mrs. Stanton of Antlioch sang tvyo very appropriaue son«s, zus Miss ELir.e--told a siory, whica ha he h1618 to the ind ~Mrs. Row»s of Ev-- a --«"n gave a. °. yinte:sesuiag talk on ."Our.--Girls," --which was--well--re-- ceived. The Cam Fire Girls gave a pretty candle--lightning ceremony, and this concluded the evening, which all considered well spent. ' Young people's hour at 5:30 p. m. |The young people are to discuss the 'question of war. Alfred Corson will lead the discussion, and all who care |to come are invited. The discussion \begins at 6:30. . -- will assist the pastor in this service. There will be a place for everyone. The Ladies' Aid Society Busy Bees will meet with Mrs. Carl Miller on Wednesday afternoon, May 14, and all e very cordially invited to attend. lake, and was bruised considerably, Bhafter cared for the a, and Mrse. Wright is resting easy at the present time, /# There will be a meeting of the An gola Cemetery Society at the school IMM'OW May 12%, at 8 |o'clock. There will be election of of-- |\ficers: and other inmortant business. |If you are interested in the gometery, please attend this meeting. , Bvening worship at 7:30. At this service the five training classes that were held on church night will be giv-- en. Mr. Piersdor{f and 'Miss Baxter THE CHVURCH THE HILL * * tWnt ~Onaatnaratas Thans " °0 Sunday School ntqz.c? m. I ical Specimens There. Morning worshi pat 10. Mother's | nownuicd Day. A special service in honor o([ Amateur archaeologists are a nuni mother. & | erous @around Fox lake just now as Young people's hour at 5:30 p. m.| 8pring robins or bluebirds. The young people are to discuss the It all came about with the discov-- question of war. Alfred Corson will @rY 0f an indian burial mound right lead the discussion, and all who mg,ln the midst of the hot--dog stands to come are invited. The discussion 4248 fish dinner cafes that cluster begins at 6:30. ! about the south end of Pistakee bav. G R A Y S L A K E T HE UNIVERSAL °CA R A Welcome Member _ of the Family FORD MOTOR COMPANY LA & the w Its convenience and enjoyment shared the family --arid by speeding up the :l,:y'o work, it provides more time a nuudo:p A Ford Touring Car provides every motor car essen-- fel n on e oc mana aprrretggs ever sold--a m in in the and manuiacrure, in Gemendous volume, in the Lrsenc d The skeletons were about six feet below the surface of tht mound, the lponu being somewhat promiscuously From the position in which ° the bones were lying it is inferred that the dead, undoubtedly Indians, were buried probably in a trench follow ing a battle. ~© Souvernir Hunters Alert. Eventually nine skulls were dug uyp. with enough other bones to form a pile two feet high. When & reporter arrived souvernir hunters had made away with all but a few splintered fragments of the find. A pick and shovel were requisitioned, and from the side of the bank four lower jaw bones were shortly loosened,.with leg and arm bones, ribs, hip bones, verte-- brae and other 'pieces of skeletons. Darkness ended the search before any more skulls were located. MOTOR car is never more appreciated than in Attracted by the .curious object, Mr. Emig stooped to pick it up. He dropped it immediately, for it proved to be a human skull. Word of a "mur-- der" spread rapidly through the vil-- lage, and the entire population turn-- Eating into the top of the knoll, the > Weennmrtins plows and shovels turned up a few . bones about which nobody thought The will of Alvin Wait, North anything. Then suddenoly something County street, civil war veteran, was like a large stone rolled out of tbolmm'd to record today in probate loose soil down the hill and stopped COUrt, the entire estate being be-- at the feet of A. J. Emig, owner o!!'l"fltm to his widow, Mrs. Alice the Fox Head inn, who was watching | Wait. -- He left $13,500 in real es-- the operations: . ) tate, which does not include prop-- Attracted by the .curious object. | °"t¥ beld in joint tenancy, -- Residents, as a consequence, are beginning to feel that the valley of the kings is going to bave an impor-- tant rival, and' even Tutankhamen himself may have to do a "fadeout." Grade Down Hillock Jacob Larson, known the country wide as the bay's best boat builder, is responsible for the community's new distinction. Larson decided to build summer cottages on land ad-- joining, his ship yard, and as a first step he set men and teams at work grading down a hillock fifty feet high back of his boathouse. SOUVENIR HUNTERS TAKE RELICS FROM Fox Lake Region Overrun by Persons Seeking Archeotog-- ical Specimens There. sz ht n 140fi t e i i m Eomm n o i w t .t t s INDIAN MOUND A SPECIALTY: 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. _ WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Res. Phone 2588 : Office 344 Reverse Charges on Business Calls S NO W'S PHONE 306 FRED GRABBE AUCTIONEERING ALVIN WAIT WILL --PROBATED TODAY The site of the present discovery is 7 GEO only a few rods from where a similar WIL find was made in digging a basement | =====#===----mes seven years ago. Before the grading is completed for Mr. Larson, further discoveries are anticipated. William E. Kaesr, president of the northwest park board, who has a summer bome * near by, took a leading part in direct--| Visiting M ing the archaelogists, while J. R. Mas-- | Meet. a'fl sett did valiant duty with a shovel. | Eveni mixed, as !' the bodies bad beon bur riedly placed in the grave. HMeads to !' East The onliy care shown was in plac-- ing the bodies wi'h heads to the east and the feet disrected to the lake, 100 feet away, across whose rippling sur-- face, at sunset, a blazing trail of light is formed into the happy hunting ground of the red men. Dr. Francis Rollins, local physician, estimates from the teeth that the age of the Indians at burial was around 100 years. Everyoge remarks on the marvelous condition of the teeth. which are without blemisb and 'even today retain a pearly luster. The length of the leg bones and the size of the jawbones is taken to indicate that the ancient warriers were men of commanding stature. DON'T. GET-- UP NIGHTS _ John Lumpkins, Dayton, Ohfo, says: *"Come FARM AND STOCK SALES LOVELL DRUVUG COMPANY 4 TW e the grading VICTORY. AFEILMATED -- arson, further @ CoOuUuNCRL j ited. William , NORTH \ the northwest / summer bome AMERICAN: YNHON & i. R part in direct--| Visiting M~--mbers Cordially® invited. & hile J. R. Mas-- | Meet.. ?oeond and Fourth Wednesdag _ ith a shovel. Evenings of Each Montb. e WILLIAM STOCKEY, Pres. * £ UIL 1 GEORGE C. SMALL, Becretary., _ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS _ Meets Zna and 4th Tuesday of Each Month at Gridiey Hall. -- } Visiting Brother ire Cordi: *«. Invited DEAN BENNETT MARY CARNEY, Prefect. Correspondant Attorney at Law LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOTS i LUCBE ~BUILDING\-- !_--. Res. Phone 136--M Office Phone 18 By U. 8. Government Veterinarian. D* C. ~Grir nell, Inspector in M Phone 329. Libertvvilta. 1N .« + DR.J. L TAYLOR -- . > Office in First National Bank Building Hours:--1 19»':" and 7 to 8 p. m.-- -- 'Q'@; Residence on Broadway. opposite Park | . _ LIBERTYCVILLE, ILLINOIS --°| _ R .- 'c * L" &'1 l Mests First and Third A Friday Nights of Each Month In Gridiey Hall, Eirst National Bank Building. Visiting Neighbors W elcome G, C. SMALL, W. NAGLE, Consul. Clerk. Meets Each Mengay Night at 8 o'ciock PMRST NATIONAL BANK BLODG. -- Visiting Members Cordially invited, GEORGE SMALL, N. G; WILLIAM M~~LAIM SBec's. LIBERTYVILLE LODGE No. 956 FREE OF CHARGE _ _ w..l.mnhrflh_b_q and material on your house complete for a set figure so you may know just what cost will be R. L. GONSALVES Going to Build? DR.-- 0. 'F. Office Dr.'L. B. Jolly Office Hours: 10 to 11 a, a., &# to 4 p. . 1 to 8 p. m. Cemetery Work of Every Office Phone 12%%; Res. 1M. Teleptuone '64J -- LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIONIS VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS e .~> heupryqatrercx n t |* _ 329. Libertyvilte, B1 Office With Farm Bureau.,. .. 116 South Genese St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOHS MANUFACTURARER OF Phone Winnetka 428 Libertyvilie 120 R A':'TORNEY-4T-LAW $ > at Home on Cook Avenue COLUMBIA i No. 131 ACME CAMP W. COLBY i\ W W Aaa. zn #*i T3 *4 F 24 *a% m