| I Building Resources |--For All Purposes +4 I!IflIRMC[ i;gPBflIEGIkIIUN phs INVES TMENT FIJYOU'VE planned to 'build, now is the time. Whether you desire a small garage, a home, an office building orwffice space, we have the proper resources to fill your requirements. We advise early completion of your plans and letting of contracts to allow you the benefits of early searon prices on materials. Don't take a chance, make sure by consulting us before you build. Telephonel47@K.4;> ; _' Down by the Old Depot Libertyville Lumber Co. FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent LA cE CouxyxTyv N'\'I'ION;\IJ ];'\.NI{ Telephone 400 LIBERTYVILLE Libertyville Battery & Elec. Co. The more you eposit here, the more will you benefit. Mutual Prosperity Every dollar that you deposit in this bank benefits you in a two'fold way. It earns more for you in the form of interest and it is in vested in ways that help buildup the com-- munity. The bank is the scale by which is measured the prosperity and wealth of this community. It is also the medium through which this wealth is put to work to earn more. Use this bank oftener. Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. Let Us Help{You Plan Your Home ILLINOIS §% % T ¥ 4 The village engineers were here the first of the week to devise a way for Titus Bs». to congtruct a new . side-- walk in "Tront of their building at the corner of Milwaukee and Cook Ave-- nues, so as to eliminate the unsightly steép at the entrance. The walk on Cook Avétne will have to be raised about a foot. Mrs. J. P. May and daughter, Bar-- bara, of Waukegan, were bhere Satur-- da yvisiting relatives. Barbara re-- mained with her grandparents until today (Thursday). Mrs. Lewis H. Akers bhas returned from a ten days' visit with her parents Mr.--and _Mrs.Thomas--Kemp, in O(-- iumwa, Towa. She 'was accompanied home by bher brother, Edwin Kemp. There was a family reunion Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Haven in this village. aA fine basket lunch was served at noon, the affair being held out doors. Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Comstock. of Lake Zurich. Mrs. lda B. (Green, of Kaukauna, Wis., spent Sunday and Monday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Byron Colby. Mrs. B. J. Simen and little daughter, Edith, returned Saturday from a visit of several days with relatives in Lin-- coln, IIL Mr. and Mrs. John Lasser and fami-- ly and George Lasser of Chicago were bere last Thursday visiting Mrs. Kate Bernard and other relatives. wack Morse, who for the past two ygars has been a resident of this com-- munity, has gone to Norfolk, Virginia, where he expects to engage in the bus-- iness of dairying. The annual Sunday School pichic of the M. E. church will be held Thurs-- day, July 10, at Gage's Lake. Every-- bod. ywho can furnish transportation will please--communicate with Miss lda Wheeler or Mrs.: WillLams. ' 'The next regular meeting of the W. C, T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Salome Sandman Tuesday after-- noon, July 8th. s Mrs. Charles G. Elwell of Highland Park, was a, Sunday guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Parkhurst. Mrs. Kate Bernard, Mrs. J. N. Ber--: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nicholas and nard and Mrs. Chas. M. Bernard vis family, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Coonfer, ited relatives in Chicago Tuesday. : Mrs. Allie Nicholas, Miss Adah Nich-- 'dlas and Lester Coonfer motored to __Mrs. lda B. Green, of Kaukaund, Dolcvan Lake, Wis., Sunday. Beveral horses from the Liberiyville _ Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frudy left Tues-- track will be entered in races to b« day evening for a six weeks' visit with held at Kenosha July 4. \relalives in Alberta, Canada. Local and Personal Short Items of Especial Interest to Libertyville Peop'le Where Is Your Wife JEALOUS HUSBANDS Ves +s AUDITORIUM THEATRE -- Featuring JANE NOVAK, EARL WILLIAMS, BEN ALEXANDER and BULL MONTANA f INDEPENDENT, ~THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1924. ADMISSION, 30c and 10c--NO TAX SATURDAY, JULY 5 The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church spent a pleasant afternoon last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Everett Marsh, north of the village. There were thirty--five present. Those assist-- ing Mrs. Marsh were Miss Cora Marsh, Mrs. Coonfer and Mrs. ... J. Hagerty. Mrs. J. Frudy has completed the enumeration of children of school age in Libertyville township. The census shows a total of 2,576 children between the ares of 6 and 16 years. There are a greater number of boys than girls. Rev. H. B. Gwyn and family left to--| day (Thursday) for Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts, where they will spend vacation. Mr. Gwyn has charge of ' Grace church there for the month of | July. j Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson and family and Mr _.and Mrs. Earl Corlett and daughter, Miss _ Roma, motored to Rockford Sunday, where, with other relatives, they enjoyed a picnic on one nf the parks there. There were seven-- teen in the party, and a very pleasant time was reported. The guests of hon-- or were Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Cali-- fornia. The latter was formerly Mlqs Alice Corlett of Libertyville. Frank Lightbody announces ~the marriage of his daughter, Agnes lla, to Clifton R. Blazers, of Nashville, Tenn., on Sunday, June 29, the cere-- mony being performed by the Rev Mr. Elzey at the Methodist"church in Mc-- Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Blazer are now at the home of the bride's father. They will leave later to visit with Mr. Bla-- zer's parents in Tenessee. Mrs. Bla-- zer is a well known and popular young lady, and is a graduate of L. T. H. S. Mr: Blazer is also well known here, and at present is employed at St. Mary of the Lake, Area. requiring motorists to stop. at side streets before driving on Milwaukee Ave . Wm. Anders, 524 'Thirty--third St., Chicago; John Harkins, Wauke-- gan; Joe Lisk, 2339 Boswick Ave., Chi-- cago, and John Lindhl.--_6213% N. Fair-- field Ave. Chicago, were arrested and each put up a cash bond of $15 for their appearance in justice court. Marshal Limberry and the motor-- cyc'e officers were on the job Sunday watching for violators of the ordinance NOTICE TO VEMHICLE DRIVERsS All automobiles or vehicles of any character must come to a full stop be-- fore driving on to Milwaukee Avenue from any cross street in the village of Libertyville. Miiwaukee Avenue has been declared an arterial street. 'The )police have been given instructions to 'arrest anyone violating the provisions of the ordinance providing for the above. The penalty is a fine of from $3 to $50 for each viloation. Attention is also called to the matter of keeping on the proper side of the trafficons at ' street intersections. NOTICE The practice of dumping rubbish in the old gravel pit east of the Esentrot Subdivision must be discontinued at once. Anyone found dumping theis hereafter will be arrested. The vil, lage of Libertyville has no dumping ground, and permission will have to be received of property owners before disposing of rubbish. 27--1t J. N. Bernard, Trustee. NOTICE TO VEHICLE OWNERS All vehicles must be provided with license as provided by ordinance,' on or before Tuesday, July 15th, or ar rests will follow. The provisions of the ordinance will positively be car-- ried out. . WARREN NICHOLAS, 271--2t Chairman License Com. 27--1t Mr3. Murrietta Hanger, of Madison, Wis., was here last week visiting Mra. C. L. Coonfer and Miss Adah Nicholas, &A A husband's mad plunge in speculation--a wife's si'ent struggle to avert ruin. The theme's as big as life! Not a preachment--still. there's A les-- son or two in it for us all. --~ Tues. and Wed. July 8 and 9 DOUBLE BILL Special Attraction "MAD LOVE" CLAUDE GILLINCWATER and COLLEN LANDIS Remembrance AUDITORIUM THEATRE | Sunday, July 6 Buy Thread Economically J. & P. Coats Thread is put up in conve~i 250 yds. Sools. These new sizes save time in threading, and afford a material saving in the cost. POLA NEGRI Telephone 29 DENNIS LIMBERRY, Village Marsiat W. W. Carroll & Son Co. _ YOUR BEST INSURANCE AGAINST BEING MISINFORMED is SUBSCRIBE FOR THE INDEPENDENT--ONLY $1.50 FOR A Y --most naturally --at the sign of INDEPENDENCE D If you are thinking of using paint for any purpose, C. P. fi Paint will meet your requirements in an ideal mander. i Quality and economy are combined 'in C. P W. C fl Paint at $3.00 a gallon and C. P. W. Inside Paint at '2.4 Good paint creates the right impression and will stand test under all weather conditions. _ j Frank H. Eger It Pays to Use Good Paint nue th w uy 508 N. Milwaukee Avenue. First National Bank "I WISH" "I CANY" -- nient large spools. 10¢ 1200 yds. Spooks. The safety of our nation will rest secure in the hands of a thrifty, independent people You can't go wrong on VALENTINE'S 'The Vernish That Won't Turn White l' AUTO V ARNISH LIBERTYVILL® BIG SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED For You Puts four figures f *--in a bank book the "wiah" is good ' --the "can" is better --the "will" does the w HOURS 8:00 A. M. TO 8:00 _ _._ ILLINON8, _ ___ "THRIEFT BUILD Telephone 17 y