Ey Psn 15 > ; "ma::" es _ Mr * fue . e Fo% 6 t m . _ Mr. and Mrs. B H. Kress, Mr. and . BM & Bugene Ender and Miss Mamic Karch were guests of Mr. and Mrs. wra Baeman at Cross Plains, Wis., , and Mrs. C. Sily,n sang two | _ The windows were unveiled by Be Weigle, granddaughter of John i Marsh in whose honor the ' WE were given by his daughter, | ; F. Weigle. The windows were | eC by Karl H. Sheldon and man-- | by Giannini & -- Hilgart, ol | go. They contain eight medal-- | 'and contain over 2,000 pieces 0f | gla They have been deciared to | '® work of art by experts equal to | any European work. & { _ Miss Dorothy Reichelt spent th«; Wweek end at De Kalb as the guest of Miss Claire Lyon. | ---- William Fehr, of Manhattan, I!l. was | was the week end guest of Mr. and | _ Mirs. Ira Fehr. | 'f*} irs. R. R. Knaak entertained the ; Ret Luck Club Friday afternoon. | \ §. C. Weston of Chicago was a gues!. BM the J. A. Stryker home Sund&y. j _ Mrs. Arthur Merner and son?'ar". D ling Mrs. Gilliland in Chicago this _ Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Friisch and | Baughter of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived > Bund: to sepnd their vacation with /. Felm ives. ) . Mrs.. J. B. Peters and daughters s the guests of Charles Edic at 4 U yville the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Sheldon an: mounce the birth of a daughter We !-- mesday, June 25. @__ Mr. and Mrs. George Richards spent ~My with friends at Lombard. _ Miss Martha Jepson of Chicago was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. _ W. H. Galloway. E K '% &# % % % * % 4& % % % % % % [ DEERFIEL D * hsC Wb % & % & % & o% #o% & & & x 5: . and, Mrs. Carl P. Rommel and ters.Aarrived Sa;urday from Buf-- m last week. P. 400 Mrs. Frid H. Meyer ,ttend-- ie wedding of Miss Jeannette ui | @nd _Eilis Strain Saturday after at the home of William Muller tlington' Heights. After a honey-- eapent at Y,llowsitone Park, the & couple will reside at Las Vegas, Mexico, where Mr. Strain has q n with ghe government. ' h. L F,rney, of Austin, was '\gmest of Mrs. Mary Duffy Sunday + fir and Mrs. John Weber returned | fojlow Muesday from a two weeks' fishing gige ; q: northern Wisconsin. U ow "C% Myrtie Holdgraf is spending q.n,h" vacation with her sisters in To °_ Ohio. | _ The Busie Haston is enjoying a v¥a pated K Corey Lake, Three Rivers, eve & Herbert Savage and son, Don-- A Baturday for Exland, Wis., e they will spend some time wi. .. avage, who is on his farm there L '\«'E, hner. #: Burnets or Detroit, is visiting * phter, Mrs. Herbert Savage. mes Adams, who has been visit-- is mother, Mrs. Sar,}, Adams, ther relatives, left Friday for his 'in San Luis Obispo, Calif. Mrs. B Adams will visit her sisger in gan before returning to her home . Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Meyers and chil MUren were the Sunday guests of Mrs Jennie Robbins at Madison, Wis. 3 se. i@ plan of the syndicate is to sub-- e some of the land that is noi 'for: golf club purposes. This be sold to members of the pro-- id elub as sites (or homes which $ expected they will erect. it i~ aned to start the improvement of ¢ mew golf club property at once. Alfred H. Clark of Regina, Canada is visiting his mother, Mrs. Bert East on this week. Austin Sherman of Chicago is the guest of his mother, Mrs. A. E. Sher-- ¥Wriday on their vacation, which they Will spend in the iage region of Mich _--Miss Barah Boiton, of Clinton, Mo., §# the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miss Katherir Mr. and Mrs: W Bred Gasttield, son of Mrs. William UGastfield, were married Saturiay aii r at Highwood. A reception for guests was hbeld at the bride's horme following the ceremony. « Mr. and Mrs. Austin Plagge and Onughter, Loraine, left Sunday morn-- Ing on a motor trip to Duluth, Minn., for two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gagne, Miss M. Plagge and Joe Scott took a motor trip to Fond du Lac. Wis., Sunday. _ IPBAgo syndicute ftor a Trepor I * tion of close to $100 000 r W¥ is to be converted :into iteem hole golt course. a was negotiated by J. M Wam, : a realty broker residin> eerfiel4d Frank Russo of Deer pepresented the Chicago sy:-- ) The property was taken over fuls H. Weilier of Chicago, bu known that he acted on behalf pitalists who pur up the cash. } tract in question is sald . to i&s many natural facilities for a _ Syndicate Buys 132 3 aeported 31009' D0 Consideration. P t was made Saturc of a deal where ; Kelilonxy escate 0: YL a~! of the Kdwin s. \i. @mring it, both localed ( ~Of Deecficld, has been s Je on services of the me-- ws in the Presbyterian 3 held Sunday morning at ,¥. Thomas delivered the ad-- and Mrs R 'OPENED AR DEERFIELD esiale O. J dsl he Rdwin Ss. \. t, both localed -- field, has been s licate for a rep f close to $100! ) be converted : e Glader, daughter of illiam Glader, and Al-- son of Mrs. William Johnson Left to Right--Al Cr« s Clerk; Miss Quinta ( ard Bruckne i of lake Monday from a motor ba,. Mich. Mich.. with Miss Anita Parsons of Hegerman Idaho, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. 3 Jordan. Miss D following: Side hosy H. oR C H. R. Vant s Sandueaky. Chin The (Cit n thy Supple is doing nicely io operation 'at the \we 1 in Chicago. int 10 c al lu% nartict event -- Viednesday ron.e te:nple. M erg, Co:IeC ,'\Chief Cle to () Fi turn end i1 apénihé New Building of Illinis Bell Telephone h BSNEFICIAL WORM IDENTE FIED BY THE FARM BUREAU While we reao of a hordcs attacking crops 1 hen Vlinots, Lake inz visited by millions While we reac of army worms in hordcs attacking crops in central and u hevn l'linots, Lake county is be-- inz visited by millions of worms that benofit instead of harm. Numbers of farmers have called at the Farm Bu-- reau or phoned in concerning this worm, which is rapidly degtroying the Carads -- thistle, burdock, plaintain, cockleburrs and other weeds. Farm after farm visited by the adviser shows thousands of these worms en-- joying their fill of thistles. Samples were gent to Prof. Flint, State Ento exy" s e 999. Tok Oe NMe i Pxbod y y e % r CC ') Iy9 ye ho eP enR T ¥ 'l\; '3". '..-;"' » . " ~ ° A 9 C "f'..'. 9 N & P .' y o P a & k ** 39-- y o e . Ne ' f 4 # 37 +. e s o2 e +/ Wl o e awe C LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, !'.Y 3, e NP w y m oomermmmermtrnpemedpitnnt mo plogist at Urbana, and the following hls reply: "krom -- your description the vorm you mention as feeding on on Canada' thistle is the Painted Lady, an insect which is common in this state évery year, but which fory some reason has been extreme-- ty @b. undant this season. On the Pacific coast during the past monith a very heavy flight of these butterflys occurred extending over jJouth: in California, where lteral ty billions of the insects were present. _ "They feed mainly on nettles, thisties, buru;ock. cockleburr, dog fenne} and sume other weeds, Oc-- they are here." | Why the Paintod lady should preé--| fer thistle to clover or corn, we do not l know, but as long as they are not a detriment, added to this backward | apring, we should not complain. _' The Ohicago daily papers of Sunday and Monday stated that Lake county hausted the weed supply shrdluu js being overrun w casionally when they have ex-- _ Sunday's paper stat« hausted the weed suppiy they will |o; the line from 1 auck cultivated crops, and have !w blocoted with a reported as doing some féeed> _|farm adviser visited Ing on corn. This has never been gerious, bowever, and as long as they donfine themselves to the weeds, we should be glad that net Seybold, Fran REST RNOOM. Left to Right: Opera Gladys Suydam, Verlie McClain, Edith 8SCEN IN KITCHEN. Showing Kitch ompany Saturday, June 28 Y s & Ssunday's paper stated that car traffic on the line from Loke Bluff to Area wo~ blockted with army worms. Theoe farm advicer visited the exact spot on Pstundav r-- coon "as advised of the presence of the worms, and found the same Insect Jn large nmbers working on thist'es and weeds. In over a wex's onreful inspection not a alngle army worm has been discovered in Lake county. Edith Suydam (Chief Operator), Elsic LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT | 18 AgA) Oy wW~At PEOPLF : T M AN AtiY otuencBacer i8 ! LaAKEk Ccounty | n Frances Cole, Margry Dacker, Ja :et Seyboid (Night Operator) Cabinet (fully equipped), Chairs, n with stated / army worms | the po'ect LAK® BLUFF CITIZENS _ TO SEEK INJUNCTION It is citizen ing O[ An 1 publ's hear ng wa Gra wel e uit o Iv fable, Stove, Etc uT tue court in ing tion to prevent tho ers :00( 1€ n# a~m an Slusser ho rcttor «was thor t bit it scems amwittee on Local «6t < seot «»'th the A* t the carry» ited --Iimprove 'mbered that ered the oitf covit'a'le baln a number of | .0 dtie lay-- i the vik r, in gcek cature of 10