€l Benton Harbor, Mich, July 9--Har-- ry Crow, John Rowe, Robert Avery, and Donald Evans left St. Joseph, Mich., in a yacht this morning at 3 o'clock to cro€s Lake Michigan for supplies for the Benton Harbor Fourth Division Naval Aeserves Sta-- tion. They are bound for Chicago and Waukegan, 1. ON WAY HERE TO OBTAIN SUPPLIES Miller's body was literally covered with wounds, inflicted, he claimed, by Peters® tteth. His feet were al-- most chewed off. Miller claims he is omne of 13 children and that he went to Highland Park to earn mo mrey to assist his father, in sup porting hbig family. + The two men had hardly enough clothing left to be taken before Jus-- tice of the Peace S§mith, after a doeo-- rtor had sewed up Peters' wounds. Both were fined $200 and costs and were taken to the Lake county jail Tuesday evening in default. Peters, employed at the city in-- ciperator, had hired Miller to help bim. Peters claimed Miller bad stol-- $125 from him. Peter's body was almost -- completely _ covered with wounds and he . was practically scalped by blows from blunt weap ons used by Miller. Miller claims Peters had attacked him in a coal bin. * Battling for four days and nights with crowbars, milk bottles, ham-- mers and lumps of coal, Alex Miller, aged 17, of 509 Thirty--eighth street, Milwaukee, and Charles ;Peters, is, of ~Chicago, were found by. City Marshal Edward J. Moroney of High-- land [Park, battered almost beyond recognition, their clothing torn from their bodies. uC Fought Until Their Clothing Was Completely Torn from $125 IN CASH MISSING IAN AND YOUTH ,MVISNMINA_ TED BATTLED FORFOUR | ON 103RD BALLOT Beautiful Subdivision consisting of 40 large Lots This property is unusually attractive for homes, beautifully located near transportation, schools and churches. Shade trees in the front and rear of the lots. One of the few choice homesite loca-- tions left within the city limits of Waukegan. Suitable restrictions have been placed on these lots insuring the neighborhood to become one of, the finest residential places in Waukegan. f AUCTION------AUCTION FREE! -- FR EE! No Lots Reserved. All Mast Go No Matter What They Bring. This will be an Absolute Sale. m ¥% down, balance over a period of 18 mpnths. No lazes to pay. A Lake County Title & Trust abstract, guaranteeing title of each 10t will be given at comple-- tion of payments. + A bceautiful Ivory white House Clock shown above will be given to each of the first fifty (50) ladies on the ground at 2:30 p. m. Hundreds of Dollars in Cash and valuable presents will be given away free. You do not have to purchase to réceive any of the above presents. Just be on the ground at 230 p. m.(daylight saving time) deposit the ticket with your name in the box and answer when your name is called. DAYS AND NIGHT libral discount for cash; SATURDAY, JULY 19th, 2:30 P. M. (Daylight Saving Time) GRAND AVE., One block west of Butrick in the city of Waukegan. In the city of Waukegan on Grand Ave., one block west of Butrick Street, Waukegan. miss this opportunity to buy high grade city property at your own'price. Saturday, July 19th, 2:30 P. M. Will be Sold at Public Auction to the Highest Bidders. Cay* y As for Meredith the Legions who fougt with McAdoo hve had the word passed to them that McAdoo would be glad to have his friends work for the lowan as the natural heir to the Mc-- Adoo estate. 2 On the 100th ballot, Smith kept at his usual approximate la:. 361 1--2; McAdoo .;Iled 190; Davis 203 1--2; Meredith 75 1--2; Walsh 52 1--2; Robin-- son 46; Glass, 35; Underwood 41 1--2, while a new boom of 24 votes was launched <for Josephus Daniels from North Carolina. ; state deléegations. Both have a partic-- ular appeal to the South. Both have national reputations. 6 The problem if the vice presidential nomination is being considered along But there are many who believe that the nomination of Senator Walsh, a Catholic and the man who epitom-- izes one of the great issues which the Democrats will go to the country en in the campaign, will do much'te heal the wounds of religious discord caused by the vicious fight between Klan and anti--Klan here. Robinson and Glass both have the BUILDER--HOMESEEKER--INVESTOR to have the best chance of gaining what Smith and Mc¥Adoo kept each other from getting. i John W. Davis of West Virginia, Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Montana, Benator Joe T. Robinson of Arkansas, Senator Carter Glass of Virginia and Edwin T. Meredith of lowa--these, in the order named, were believed today Davis apparently has more natural strength than any of them--he led them by a wide margin on the only the retirement of McAdoo and Smith ballot taken this qonl7 following and the self--effacement of Ralston of bearer. It bade fair this morning to be no easy task, for the battle they ht was so ferecious and so all-- :'Lub(thtbwflmyof those that are left have escaped seot free from the wounds that have been hand-- In going, Smith and McAdoo left behind them a'field of aspirants out of which the wearly delegates will en-- deavor today to select a standard-- ed out so gemnerously the last two weeks. ; «(CONTRUED FROM PAGE ONE)» taken following McAdoo's with _ _ (Grand Ave. Bus Stops at Property) taar p Emt h (DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME) \ WEDNESDAY on Two 1500--mile Complete Radio sets, will be given F R E E ! sels, ie anen . @G.(r}2 away FREE ° f 7\'5!;9'5 Four ballots changed their minds. In those four ballots McAdoo failed utterly to increase his--strength. On the contrary it sagged on every ballot until once again McAdoo was in dan-- ger of losing his lead to the beliger-- ent New York governor. A hurry call was sent out for all the McAdoo field-- marshals and floor lieutenants. 'They gathered in a room across the street and decided the jig was u and that it was useless to con-- tinue the fight any longer. in reckless profusion. "I say, caddie," he remarked pensively, "will it be quicker to "replace the turf or to returf the place?"--Boston Transcript, P Mr. McAdoo dictated the Itter that was read to the convention at the end of the 99th ballot. It stated that he was unwilling to court further party chaos by continuing in the race and he therewith released his delegates to go as they pleased.:~ The dub golfer had made eight dis-- tinct efforts before he succeeded in getting hbis mashie shot away.. Then Rhe looked at the scarred earth and the was furnished in the Garden in the managers cold. An hour after the Smith bombshell, David L. Rockwell and other McAdoo managers were in the midst of their hardest drive for delegates and predicting> Mr. ~Mce-- Land of Romance ~ * 'The Netherlands back from the sea is not a flat land of dikes and ditches, as many believe, but a wooded, roll-- ing. country, abounding in old castles reminiscent of robber barons and heroes of historic days. Etrenuous cQuh were made last night .and this morging io persuade Governor Smith to stand for the vice presidency but when he left the Man-- hattan club, beavy--eyed anpd weary from the fortnight's incessant battle, he was in no mood for it. m'b'WMMn ever furnished a more dramatic cli-- small hbhours of this morning after Governor Bmith early in the eveining had hurled his def@ to Mr. McAdoo from the conver';on platform in the shape of an invitation to mutual with draw ¥for the good of the party." Governor Smith's invitation® to Mr. MeAdoos to get out of the ~picture, promising to do so himse!f when--and only when--he did, left the McAdoo with 'that-- of frst place on the ticket in the minds of the leaders; C . 'A Yankee Inggrsoll watch . will be given away to every adult on the ground at 2:30 p. m. | % down, balance ovér a period of 18 months. Ne taxes to pay. A Llake County Title --& Trust abstract, guarantecing title of each lot will be given at comple« tion of payments. _ } Liberal discount for cash, One of the proprietors of the: place offered a reward for information that would lead to the arrest and . con-- viction of the two negroes. The promise of this reward is said to have led anounr,p'cro to have tipped off the fact that 'Howard was stay: ing in Waukegan, He was taken back to Kenosha in jrons. Two negroes ¢ntered the Greek pool hall, held up the place, robbed the proprietors, and then beat them severely according to the police,. on a charge of disorderly conduct, but was discharged after remaining in jail a da yor two. The robbery in Kenosha took place a day or two later. * Howard was arrested in Wauke gan the latter part of last March m Howard, 24, a <megro, was asristed in 'Waukegan this motnaing at the homge of Mattle Frazier, who conducts a resort /in Market street, on a charge of having been one of the two negroes who-- during the month of March, this year, held up, robbed, and beat two 'Kenosha men, proprietods of a Greek pool hall in that city, * Residence and Office 1609° Wash ington St., Waukegan, DL LOCATEDL HERE-- ON TIP This Morning, 'is Taken to Kenosha for Trial. DR. J. L. REDDING YETERINARY ~SURGEON _ 'PHONE 1095 . HOLBD--UP MAN IS -- ARRESTED HERE Waukegan, Iilinois ¥.. . JULY¥>10,, 19; More than half the time wh woman betrays a secret some m at (the bottom-- of© it.----RExchange, ~~__="Find the Man" There is no --objection to other peo-- ple's thinking what they like--just so they rgfrain from thinking out loud. You Owe It To Your Pocketbook to See This Best Done Quietly ~ _' The wonder car of the year at $985.00 with Harrison Ra-- diator, Borg and Brek clutch, Broun Life Chapin differential, Thermoid fabric Universal joints. Delco ignition, Willard Bat-- tery and Fisher body. A combination of the world's best Au-- tomobile units, and powered with a 42--11 H. P., 6--eylinder motor of the latest design. Backed by an honest service station that makes good the guarantee. ital. SHERIDAN ROAD MOTOR SALES 16 S. Sheridan Road _ Waukegan, IL. Telephone 3335 _ 'A general motor product--backed by a billion dollar We will meet any car in competition. the Printe of Wales will pay an un PRINCE OF W ALES TO VISIT CANADA London; July 9.--Announcement was ade at Bt. James place today that Oldsmobile 6 Cab The foreign office stated that th Prince will travel as a private citizen It is reported that Wales wil} be in vited to witness the FirpoMWills priz light while in New York as the gues of 'Tex Rickard. , in Beptember. We hopes to be abl to stop off in New York to witnes the international poto games. official visit to his Canadian ty t als $3 44 14 #4 13