BEER SLAUGHTER | : ~ CONTINUES; TAKE This boosts the total number of barrels to 243, the contents of 103 baving foond its way through the Hewers to Lake Michigan already, _Three trucks, six men and 66 bar-- rels of alleged beer was counted in the sorties piloted Wednesday night by the sheriff's office against the liquor traffic in Lake county, Three Racine men were given a jolt of $300 each and costs Wednes-- day night by Justice Hervey Coulson. Those ?o paid gave their names as Peter Madeson, Marris Madgson and Chris Flatten, -- Peter Madeson is said to be an old timer. Their truck was picked up late Wednesday afternoon ncar Gurnee as it headed for Chicago, The cargo gonsisted of 25 barrels of beer. * Total cnmto 243 Barrels of Amber » Warn Against . County Routes. SEE MYSTERIOUS FLARES This party was not cut down with-- out a struggle. Deputy Harry Ab}-- strom, peeping ~under a hbigh chair, notéd the barrels on .the bottom of the truck. He ordered the crew ar-- rested and they responded by speed-- ing away. The chase lasted for a mile, the deputies being content to Pbring them downwithout a shot. The fine and costs of these three men amounted to $990. The value of their cargo was estimated at $2,500, bringing the total loss to $3,490. 3 Searchlights Send Warning. Madeson and bis party came through the Lake county. route in spite of searchlight warnings from near Antioch, <-- The . powerful light, that could be seen for miles, vns] thought to be jocated on a huge truck built especially as a signal tower to the beer ring. * | Eariy in the evening one warning Hare was fAashed toward Waukegan and two beams of light were thrown toward McHenry county, Of the two evils, the McHenry--route seemed the jess c dangerous to the runners and most of the trucks were shunted that way, it is said. It is thought that those captured in the latest raids ignored the sig-- pals or missed them altogether,. The signal light was located on. the Hli-- pois Wisconsin. line at the Lake--Mc-- Henry line, as near as could befig-- ured by deputies who sought to lo --sate it y" Runner Wrecks Automobile. KX trick of fate trapped the second putht to 'be bauled to the sh¢riff's office. Frank Anderson, driver of a truck that bad come from Wisconsin on its way*to Chicago, struck a touring «ar driven by Mrs. John Yoe of Lib ertyville. .The accident bappened in Libertyville. Anderson -- failéd to stop Mrs .Yoe, accompanied by Con-- stable Dennis Limberry, set out after the truck to arrest the driver on a cbarge of reckless driving. Before they realized &c'lr prey was surrounded by deputiés« who had gone, under the "crates of phono-- graphs and located the barrels of amber fluid. > > (On the side of the car wire pic-- tures of Tito Schipa, the tenor, and en top of the capgo was Acme phon-- ographs. ; ' ; The Anderson truck contained 30 barrels. < A second truck, in the same party,. came up latér. It carried 11 barrels. 'Drivers Become Ugly. A display of temper was shown by bre drivers following the arrests. One truckman deliberately ran hbis ma-- chine to the side of the road and stuck it in an effort to let the other machine ruan the blockade of dep-- uties to #rafety. & Their plan almost worked, and as it was the deputies had to gtt a truck from Highland Park to reload the cargo and get the tyuék _g\lt. Chief Deputy Lester Tiffany t the men in the Anderson crowd, Y consisted of Frank O'Connell and . Martin of Chicago, and put them the Libettyville jail . Later he moved them to Waukegan. _ They® were released in bonds of §$2,000 each by Justice Hervey Coul-- on this morning. Their case was get for August 30, but Anderson stat-- ed he would like to "square up" for the gang before that date. The raids,© while they have not taken cnough barrels to dint the sup-- ply, have forced the amall truck own-- ers and individual pilots to "lay off the racket," bringing a crisis as far as eupply and demand goes, asste sanillos se HAout 2430 tA 2 ts Aihacmb iiaintanr en e ie PP I The runners are between the "devil and the G@eep blue sea," it would scem, McMHenry county is making i hot for them. and Lake ecounty is making' it botter, The sherift's ofice, flushed with their suecess, promises to give them a %4--hour--a--day Aight. Empty Barreis Are 8old. * Thod 103 empty betr barrels from the fAirst raid brought $250 to the county. The sale was made to .# Trevor man aftér the . court had en-- tered an order allowing the sale. This procedure will be followed with the remainder, it was said. ' The total list of 243 barrela means an amount. of $24,300 nicked from the brewoery ownerk. The barrela are bringing $100 apiece in Chicago, at cording to Joée Milier, a victim taken the other day. This {600 i8 not stood by the truckmen, it is understood, as thoy gust gét cartage on the atuff. in ca«e they lose in their n!_Lm In case don't get fine u.& The a T 3 MORE TRUCKS M 1 .32 Pn ty PB t d 7 et pald and have to atand it 1s leveled, at their head. have not eflh';uu. and lost their money The $999 leveled at the gang last night on the one truck is another blow to the small individuals in the l Uhe fiies To he cher ne PiaSelt a Sllp gos prescner ¥s en i uns s he eacher fore his 2 m 'g time of getting rich quick. He an-- nounced his intention of returning to the old vocation. Both wets and drys alike seem pleased with the raids in the county. The pleasure of the drys is apparent and no reasons are necessary to e plain . their «lation, The wets are satizsfied, according to some, because between States Attorney Smith and his sponge squad and the sheriff, w county beer lovers are not al ed to quench their thiret in the county, Jndeed, they have to make long trips to other counties and pay high prices for beer that probably came through Lake or McHenry coun-- ties . Everyone seems happy. &5 ~_ Strength of Pigeons **" The power of, a pigeon has been in vestigated, French scientists recent-- ly made fiying pigeons unwind a thread wrapped around a reel equipped with a brake, and measured their "horse power." 'A onepound pigeon devel oped the equivalent of. one horse power for thirty pounds weight. The experimenters compluin, however, that the pigeons were evidently not doing their best. s + No Other Way. 98e * "I accept," may be a very good at-- titude toward life, unless you can go somewhere else where you don't bave to accept so much,. <# :3 Sensational Values For The | Third Week of Our July Sale. | -- " Children's Socks . !All colors and sizes in these Children's Bocks that are reduced now to--=---- _ _ _ > a1~ 3 pair for 50¢ 'Another lot of threoe--quar ter length Socks for Chil-- 'dren, of heavy ribbed Silk in Tan and Gray,--_ These are regular $1.00 values, on galo now 't ceneveendvere pi, VJ YVEAMRMETOAIYY . W 0C 1y 8: fibc 1i# ...\ STATE MILITIA «BB¢ =| ORDERED HOME IN * / LYNCHING ATTEMPT Mound City, Bis., July 13.----1'3- lt tle community which last night threat-- ened to be the scene of a lynchinkg when a mob of about a thousand men gathered in front of the county jail where the negro suspects were being held in the Daisy Wilson shooting at Villa Ridge, was quiet and peace ful today, Captain W. B. Graney who is in command of fifty three men of Company K, 130th !nl'utry at Cairo, ordered here by Governor Small last pight, told International News Ser-- vice he would request that the troops be allowed to return home today. ATTACKED GIRL, CHARGE Captain Graney said that when the Company arrived here shortly after 1 p. m., today be found that the mob had dispersed upon learping that troops were coming. _ M "From what 1 have been able to jearn," Captain Graney salid, "Most of the members of the mobh were young men and boys, There was no violence." ~ The Cairo Company gets its orders to mobolize at 11:45 p. m., and arriv-- ed here at 1:05, according to Captain Graney. _ _ _ 0_ _ & e Calm Today --After 1,000 Tried to Hang 2 Negroes. El--x;f-i'p L J. Hudson who called on & _ 'Kid Boots dumsne aiiitim ameal) Frocks of beauty, for every summer these. Frocks that formerly sold as high as $35. A fascinating collection of frocks that practically every woman can wear becomingly. Summer has just started and this timely offer-- ing offers and opportunity to the woman wh: 1 + yowinda We aur »PETo o 'A n ". This lot includes beautiful print-- ed Crepes, English Broadcloths and Georgettes--values to $35, sgle needs one or two afternoon they're reduced nearly half. less Silk Sweaters that one sees wo -- much nowadays. They're bere im a groat va-- rioty of colors and all sizes. Sweaters are $2.98 Apparently j (HE the new gleeve-- +4 Governor Len Smail for troops, and mm,m-uumumm to Murphysboro was reported this m.mun"oubm Mp"fl'%['g'm nllunou pentitent for sate keep In connection with the dispatches trom Washintgon Wednesday giving the population of Waukegan as esti-- mated by the federal census bureau, Just before the mob commenced to gather, according to deputy sheriffts here, a big Kku Klux Klan meeting was held at Grange Park, two miles POPULATION OF <% . COUNTY TOWNS yemeeee t e F est and Zion, the following 1920 esti-- mates for other cities and towns in Lake County was received today: -- _ Libertyville--2125. e | Lake Bluft--819. -- ¥ Highwood--1446. & Antioch--775. ; Grayslake--136. _ Wauconda--399. t Winthrop Harbor--473. '( Barrington--1743. i Lake Villa--407. :# #a Fox Lake--467. «w & 4 together with the 1920 estimated pop-- ulation of Highland Park, Lake For-- (¥ 'Advance in Chemistry iiftried | There are only about half a dozen chemical elements yet to be discovered. Chemists used to search Mother Eartb for them; now they figure them out A Sale of Better. Blouses have come . into their own this summer. Every woman must have two or three and this July Sale offers you Crepe--de-- Chene RBloudes, beaded, em-- broidered or plain in . Tan, Gray, Shrimp and other new colors at a very re-- duced price. All sizes. A fine assortment of these gowns in Flesh, Pink, and Feoach,. They're gredly re-- duced® for ance Sale, Of Crepe--de--Chine NEW SILK _ BLOUSES > $5.00 New Gowns $3.98 the July Clear L'"".I'I--"_'u :t:nu. determining the pop The commiss Lake For-- ~1920 esti-- be unfair to coil iowns in The corporati today : quote products 1 <# |ped tro mtheir \ |burgh at the ] : |what the freig | from wt eity. a 'l_h? qneuce United States Steel Corporation to abandon the Pittsburgh plus system of determining the price of steel. The commission held the system to be unfair to competition. The corporation and its subsidaries qmmu-muuuzglm ped fro mtheir plants ou Pitts-- burgh at the Pittsburgh price plus tvht the freight charges would be CALLED UNFAR . BY COMMISSION PERIL TO COMPETITION _ '%he practice thus was found to be a violation of the Federal Trade Com-- miqsion act, and, further, to constitute Federal Trade Commission Or-- ders Corporation to Aban« don Plus Freight Plan. -- a means of price discrimination in violation of the Clayton act. Made Domination Possible. The commission held specifically that the system is contrary to the pub-- lic interest, not based on the law of supply and demand, is a pgi_ee-lxing system --succeeding --the-- old ----steel "pools," "Gary dinners," and other methods, and that it is made possible by the alleged domination of the steel There's savings for the kiddies too in our July Sale. These Peter Pan Suits for boy® are rcduccd. They're new sumnmer styles im man ferent colors. Boys' Wash Suits $1.79 | wyn--mpuu ston has ordered the Corporation. * It also Rheld that the Pittsburgh plus system lessens and eliminates competition, retard busines in all steel centers except Pittsburgh, and adds greatly to the cost of steel products. It adds $30,000,000 to the cost of steel to farmers in eleven western states, the commission declared. industry by the United States Stee} Commissioner Gaskill Aled a dissent-- ing opinion in which he held the com-- mision to be without guthority to pro-- hibit the steel corporation from main-- taining the same price at all its plants, While not specifically disagreeing with the commission's fAndings as to the efect of the Pittsburgh plus sys tem, be declared the "law does not re-- quire absolute freedom of competi-- tion," nor does "the law enjoin the observance of sound economic prin-- ciples." O Commission's Hardest Fight, Summarizing in the announcement of its order what it believed would be the effect of abandonment of the system, the commission said it would build up all steel producing and con-- suming sections outside of Pittsburgh ; return to the western and southern steel user the natural advantage of their location; decentralize the steel industry and industries using steel products, and "enforce price competi-- tion among the steel producers. The commission, in its order, for-- bade the United States Steel Corpora-- tion or its subsidaries from quoting any steel price without listing separ-- ately the price of the steel and the transportation charge. * _ The fight oxer Pittsburgh plus has been one of the most bitter ever waged before the Federal Trade Com-- mission. dif This lot includes hand beaded Dresses, Flat Crepes, Cantons and '* Georgettes--values to $49,° sale k price-- - s s _ Dainty Garden Frocks !| Specially Priced o l A fine assortment of beautiful afternoon frocks o t awaits you at this very reduced price. Alnew [ _ summer m'orchtndi&but due to the unseason-- _ ; able weather, we forced to sell them at N . . nearly cost. 'The colors are Tan, Cocoa, Black, w White and others The styles are smart and [ . S simple--bewitching in their straight lines and f ;2 new treatments. Smart lltt_le frocks are these but very very simple of course, The ind one wears for informal . mo-- kind one ments out--of--doors. They're pret-- tily made of Gingham#, Flock dots, s and mods« ton -- Ponges them. -- You will propriate for street wear at Lfar less cost than a street frock, $2.10 97 0 ue Ginghams and Cot»-- « we ¥an only lfl-t at in s0o find many ap« many colors | TALKS Spent Fifty Years Writing Faut. " Nearly filly years passed from the day Goethe began writing his dramatie poem, Faust, until the last part had been completed for the printer, rome work on the poem having been cone each year of that long time, with many revisiong ~ an i ~rearrangements.. 'The last part of the working was coi@ pleted shortly before his death in 1882, WATCH YOUR STEP On alighting from a street car or wther vehicle observe trafic before Enter and leave a car--stop safcty Bone at crosswalk only. 5 of accidents. one side of the street to the other. "Jay--walking"--L ¢, crossing in the middle of the block or Alagonally at A study of trafie wfll soon con-- vince one that the time is coming when pedestrians, for their own safe-- ty, must be subjected to regulations as is the motorist 20¥ Aiitar .. t¥ from