OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS «IPICIHALL, SoftDress Shirts Building Resources For {All Purposes FIYOU'VE planned to build, now, is the time. Whether you desire a small garage, a home, an office building or office space, we have the proper resources to fill your requirements. _ We advise early completion of your plens and letting of contracts to allow you the benefits pf early searon pricesfon materials. Don't take a chance, make sure by consulting us before you build. Libertyville Lumber Co. Telephone?47 S U PPOSE. Sehanck Building There is no lack of style in Racine Soft Dress Shirts, but comfort has not been sacrificed. On the contrary, it is greater than is customarily found in a dress shirt. An inspection of our stocks will reveal a wide range of patterns of uniform high 1.A All kinds of work, from mining to farming entail a certain amount of others. Suppose something should happen to prevent your working, would you have something to fall back up-- on? Would you have money to meet the expenses that would go right on regardless of whether you were working or not? +/ A savings account at this bank will enable you to answer that question satisfactorily." , If you haven't in account with us come in today to get the savings book we have put aside for you. \_ Full Cut for Comfort Let Us Help You Plan Your Home Some involve more than . 0. CARLSO N MEN'S 'FURNISHINGS Down by the Old Depot Libertyville, III. Born, last Sunday morming, July to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Niles. a son Mrs. J. Niles is here from Canada visiting ber son, Archic Niles, avd ftmily. Ray N. Smith is moving this week from First streét to his oew house on pouglas Ave. Jesse S. Hyatt left last week on a business trip to Montana and 6ther western states. Joseph P. May and family were Su i day guests of Mrs. May's parcuts, Mr and Mrs. Byron Colby. Dale Colligs, Mr. and Mys. Wayne Colby and M*s A. E. Schtnck were at Ravinia Park] Monday night to attend the regular Monday evening concert. Mrs. Lewis H. Akers is ento 'aining Mrs. Patrick Maloney of Ottumwa. Ja. Attorney Paul Mac Guffin returned home Monday fro ma trip to Billings and other places in Montana. He re-- ports the activity in the oil fields at present to be rather qhiet. Franklin Litchfield has taken a po-- sition, with Setters & --Peters, auts sup-- ply dealers at Highltnd Park. Attorney Lyell H.Morris tnd family are making a trip through Yellowstone Park, by automobile. They expect to be in the park until about the middle of August. Mrs. W. I. Collins, who has been ill for severt!l months, is not gaining as rapidly as her friends would like. Her condition at present is not as good as a week or so ago. . There will be a special meeting of Libertyville Lodge No. 394, A. F. & A. M. on Friddy night August 1st. There will be work on the First degree. All members requested to be present. John Tegtmeyer took the fine gaso-- line launch of Chas. Roebeck, of Chi-- cago to McHenry last Sunday. This boat wts built by Jim Wetmore, and is one of the classiest crafts in the Fox Lake region. Mr. and Mrs. John Heiting and two children and Lawrence Heiting of Blue "Isltnd, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Bernard, and Sundafiy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller. Mrs. J. N. Bernard and sons, Jack. Jr., and Raymond, went to Chicago Monday, where Jack, Jr., underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils. They returned home Wednes-- day. Miss Cora L Stoddard and Miss Zelda Sharp have opened a modern beauty parlor in the Knight building, over Lovell's drug store. The an: nouncement of theigp opening appears in another column of this issue. Members of Waukegan. Chapter R. A. M., were here last Friday night to confer the P. M. and M. E. degrees on 34 capdidates of the newly instituted Tyrian Chapter of Libertyville. Next Monday a Chicago Chtpter will be here for an all day meeting, starting at 9 a. m., when 16 candidates' will re-- ceive the Royal Arch degree. Local and Personal Short'Items of Especial Interest to Libertyvilie Peop'e NxE {Py TITUS BROTHERS Saturday evening, Aug. 2, 1924 Gifts will be awared the winners of lucky numbers to be drawn at 9; 00 p. m. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend the Opening of You are invited to attend the Opening of _ The . Cozelle Beauty Shoppe In the Knight B ailding over the Bovell Drug Store Telephone 468 * INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1924 Monday, August Fourth At their new location 501 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP Mr. and Mrs. George Follett and daughter, June, and John Ballard left last Saturday for a three dtys' camp-- ing trip in Wisconsin. Thevs visited The Dells, Baraboo and LDevil's Lake, returned home Monday evening. Rev. E. 8. White, formerly priest--in-- gharge of St. Lawrence's church and now rector of the Church of thg Holy Communion, 8t. Louis, Mo., will offi-- ciate at both services next Sunday, August 3rd, at 7:30 and 10:4§ a. m.| All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Gridley and their daughters left last Monday on a vaca tion trip. They went by boat .zom Chi-- cago to Mackinak, taking their tuto-- mobile. From there they will motor through Michigan. They expect to re: turn home Sunday. The Misses Mae and Evelyn Miller have returned from a vacation trip of several weeks, spent in Boulder, Col. Edwin Kemp returned Saturday to Ottumwa, lowa, after an e«tended vis-- it at the home of his sister, Mrs Lew-- is H. Akers. -- Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Chamberlin have returned from tn automobile trip to several towns in Wisconsin, where they visited old friends and relatives. Mr. Chamberlin says it is a pleasure to «rive over the fine Wiscousin high-- ways. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moffett and family and Mrs. A. Fleischer, of Pitts-- burgh, sister and mother of Mrs. H. M. Bartlett, are visiting at the Bart-- lett home on Lincoln Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett tre entertaining their guests at a luncheon and theater par-- ty in Chicago. Mrs. Peter Mowers attended #he fun-- eral of Mrs. Frank Haben of Wheeling which was held at the Buffalo Grove Catholic church last Friday. < Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Behm of Milwaukee and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ganiere, also of Milwaukee, were present. After the funeral they visited relttives in Fre-- mont and Libertyville. _ The next regular meeting of Liber-- tyville Post, American Legion, will be held at Gridley's Hall on Tuesday eve-- ning, August 5. All Legionnaires are urged to be present, as this, will be the last meeting before the state conven-- tion. Come and get details tbout the Legion picnie and our activities at the county fair--EF. A. Koehn, Adjt. : The Board of Local Improvements held an adjourned meeting at the vil-- lage hall Monday night tnd adopted a resolution for the installation of sani-- tary sewer in Oakwood Terrace. The owners of this subdivision plan a lift-- ing station to take care of the sewage for part of the lower lots. In the ab-- sence of President Hyatt, Trustee Swtn presided at the meeting. Libertyvilie Lodge No. 394, A°F. & A. M., at a stated meeting last Satur-- day night voted to change the meeting nights from the 2nd and 4th Stturday nights to the 2nd and 4th Friday nights of each month. This will make it more convenient for business men to attend the meetings, and it is urged that membersg, be present at the regu-- lar meetings. Miss Stoddard The Epworth League Institute Echo meeting will be held at the M. E. church Sunday, August 3, at 5:30 p. m. standard time. A fellowship hour will precede the Echo meeting. Miss Ad--« die Lane, of Chicago, will be the out-- side speaker. Refreshments will be served on the church lawu, weather permitting. An invitation is extenged to t11 to be present. Judge Ben H. Miller, his wife and their son, Rtllin, last week were the guests of King George in England The king was host to the members of the American Bar association, and Judge Miller attended, bring a dele-- gate from lllinois. King George and the queen gave the American barris ters and members of their families a most hearty and warm welcome. Libertyville Post No. 329, American Legion, has recently purchased its post banner, which is now on displty together with the natiorai colors, in tUte postoffice window. The past was able to purchase these colors through the cc»opernflon of the citizets of Lib ertyville and community, due to their support in attending the moviec shows, "The Man Without a Coantry" from the proceeds of which the nat.onal eol-- ors were purchased, and "Powder Riv-- er," which supplied the funds forihke beautiful post banner. These two flags cost $135.00, tnd the members of Lib-- ertyville post wish to extend their grat itude and thanks to all who assisted in securing them. cecdtUNNNRNNNNNNNIHN. NNNAE Libertyville Battery & Electric Co., Telephone 400 Libertyville, HMlinois. Madge K ennedy "THE PURPLE HIGHWAY" Ralph Lewis --AND-- Beautiful Dorothy McKaill wnuel uc "THE FAIR CHEAT" Tues. and Wed. Aug. 56 DOUBLE FEATURE "Blow Your Own Horn" --ANO-- "OUR GANG" COMEDY "] *HE newest thing in iron-- ing equipment--the Sun-- beam Set--have you seen it? The iron of irons, with cord and stand all kept together in a con-- venient, handsome, fireproof, steel case. It's a winner. Come in and see it. NEXT WEEK '"Ruggles of. Red Gap" U D I T O R IU sUNDAY, AUVGUST 3 STARRING > Warner Baxter and Are You Interested in Being Smartly Dressed for the Early Fall Season: Telephone 29 THEATRE We have an early line that will mean economy and charm to you. Of especial attractiveness are the flannels, in 27 inch and 54 inch width, just the right width for sleeveless jackets, skirts and tube dresses. For chic coat dresses soft twills in tan and navy with pencil stripe or box checks, 40 inch and 54 inch width will attract you, Plaided homespuns and heavy flannels bought now will sa\;e you work during the later busy season. » | They are priced very reasonably, some as low as $1.50 per yard. W. W. Carroll & Son Co. . At : this home Romance Riding the Range! 25 s | e FIRST NATIONAL BANK Here's a spirited, colorful, thrill--laden picturization of Zane Grey's great novel. Filmed in the hitherto unscreened wilds of Arizona--the actual scene of the story. 3 THE PROMPTINGS OF AMBITION ARE ANSWERED folk bank LAST MAN LIBERTYVILLYT Lloyd Hamilton in '"Uneasy Feet" zvith a bank account Fri. "fits in'"' with opportunity. HOURS 8:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. --for progress --for attainment ILLINON8. > Ch