Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 31 Jul 1924, p. 8

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i; Suaal $ Mrs. Maxham has been in failing health for a number of months and passed away on Thursdty, the 24th Iinst She lived a long, exemplary Christian life, and was a faithful mem-- ber of the First Methodist Episcopal church of the village. \ j PCCCRRERRUCIIL PNJAIICD. RRTOM oN PC UUIOG" _'The funeral service for Calvin ElliS| pije qrivyen hy Campbell collided with was held last Thursday afternoon July l a machine she was driving. The ac-- 2ith, at his father's residence, southlceigent occured at Horlick's Dam, a of 'the village, the Rev. Charles J. fow miles north of Racine on June Dickey, pastor of the First Methodist | 15; church of Libertyville, officitting. Mrs. mmmonnmmmmemmmmmmoreen mm n James G. Yahnke® and Otto Boehm GOOD EAST sIDE 0T ON HURL sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" BERT COURT NEAR FOURTH ST. and '"Nearer My God to Thee," and 'ALL SEWERS AND WATER. NICE Mrs. Yahnke sang "I Come to Thee." 'PLACE TO BUILD. ONLY $700. Interment was in Lakeside cemetery. SELLERS & PETERSEN. One Woman Reported to Have _ Overdrawn Her Husband's Account to Meet Debts. The various bridge clubs which wlong the north shore and just now in the limelight and if reports which are &n circulation regarding some of the women players are corrt there will #oon be an upheaval 'Which will be Father spic yreading to say the least. In a well known bridge club not a thosuand miles from lLake Forest the game has become so popular with the Sair sex, that large sums are won and lost by these fashionable wonren al-- most daily. October 18, 1862, she was joined in marriage with Horatio Maxham. This venerable couple celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary netrly two years ago. Four children, two boys and two girls, were born to this union, all of whom have preceded their mrother. CDREMIEDIN UR UHMC TINCBC. *Left to mourn her loss }u'e her aged husband, who is in feeble health, tnd & host of friends. * life. She was one of t family of ten,' @ll having died except one brother, Bamuel Blackler, of San Diego, Calif.| Mrs. Emma Maxham was born in England on June 7, 1842. She came to this country with her parents at the age of 14. They settled near Diamond Lake, where she spent most of her The funeral service was conducted At'her late residence on Saturday aft-- ernoon, July 26, her pastor, the Rev. Charles J. Dickey officiating. Miss Carrie Chard sang two suittble selec-- tions. The interment was in ivanhoe cemetery. One of the fair beauties even went so fh ras to overdraw her husband's losses at this fashionable game. Playing for prizes seems to have be--, come a thing of the past and coin of | the realm is now the modicum for the fair slungers. It uged to be consid-- ered awful by the fair sex when the , horrid men would stay up nights play--| ing poker, but now the girls are doing' the same thing with bridge, Mah Jong and other fascinating games, and from all accounts they are dead game sports when it comes toe putting up' the ante. If this state of affairs con--; tinues to exist, there will be nothlngl left for the poor man to do, but once in awhile indulge in a game of soli-l taire while waiting for the kettle to | QMEN GAMBLING AT CARDS STIRS LAKE BLUFFERS J. N. BERNARD, Proprietor Telephone 202 --u» Liberty Every Farm NeedsTwo Superior Roadster -- _ -- Superior Touring _ -- _ -- Superior Toufint[:'l;uxe Superior Utility «& CALVIN HOWARD ELLIS Libertyville Garage MRS. EMMA MAXHAM Every farm needs two automobiles, one of which should be a closed model Chevrolet. s The extra large rear compartment is a feature of the Coupe and the operating cost is lowest for this type of car. With a second car on the farm, one is always available for those at home when the other car is out. k The low prices of Chevrolet=--f: equipped as sold--make the ownership of two cars fu:gL fot most farm families. May we explain their many points of superiority? OBITVUARY «_ __-- $495 Superior 4--Passenger Coaye §$725 = _ -- _ §10 Superior Sedan -- _ -- * 795' ecluxe _ 640 muc«:ummmosmnm pe -- 640 > ty Express Truck Chassis 550' Fisher Bodias on oll Closed Modela " Prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan --/ _ -- $495 Superior 4--P; The following was read by the Rey Mr. Dickey: pR Nt "he GOOD EAST SIDE £OT ON HURL BERT COURT NEAR FOURTH T. ALL SEWERS AND WATER. NICE PLACE TO BUILD. ONLY $700. Calvin Howard Ellis wts born in Lib-- ertyvilie on the Ellis farm on April 14, 1897, and passed away in his 28th year. He was educated in the Gram-- mar and }{High Schools of the village. His entire life was spent at home in this community, where he made a large ciicle of friends. His brother, James Thomts Ellis, died four years ago last l'%ury of the flu, and his mothex pass away two years ago the 31st ofi last December. Mrs. Isabel Sharkey, of Grayslake, Monday was granted a divtrce from James Sharkey. She alleged that Sharkey freuentlv became intoxicat-- ed and abusive, and that upon a re-- cent occasion he threw her out of the house.. She declared his conduct became such that she feared for her life and was compelled to leave home. CRASH RESULTS IN _ _ $§15,000 LAWSUIT Calvin suffered a severe sunstroke iour yeurs ago, and since that time has never been able to, stand the se-- vere bhot wetther. His sudden death bhas shocked the entire community, and is a great bereavement to his fam-- ily and many friends. There remain to mourm hbhis loss his father, Robert A. Cllis, of Libertyville; two brothers, Edward, of Libertyville, at present in th= Victory Memorial hospital in Wau-- kegurn, where he recently underw'&xt an operation for appendhgml. e other Fother is Albert, of Chicago. He tise leaves four sisters, all married Nothing in this world is perfect. The most beautiful landscape has some blemish, and even the Sun, the King of the Day, has spots. No life is with-- out it sfaults. "All have sinned," de clares the word of God. All equally need the Stvior.. In committing Cal vin's body to the ground today, let us chersh only the memory of his virtues and also commit his spirit and our-- selves unto Him, "who is able to save unto the uttermost." Cglvin has been described to me as a very popular young man. The fam-- ily called him by the pet name "Lover" because of his loving disposition. He was fond of fun and good natured and big nearted, tnd easily made many friends. "He that would have friends" says the sage of Holy Writ, "must show himself friendly." Calvin was of that fine stuff of which friends are made. He was always good to his mother. _A neighbor who had 'done business with him, told me that he was strictly honest in his dealings. He loved dumb animals, particultrly horses, and was kind to them. ----Mrs. A. Ellis and Mrs. C. Ellis, of Shelton, Neb.; Mrs. H. De Pape and Mrs. K. Hansen, of Chicago. ISABEL SHARKEY . GRANTED DIVORCE C. W. Camphbell, of. Lake county, W@s made the dofendant in a $15.000 damage suit filed Thursday in Circuit eourt, by Adella Windorf: of Milwau-- kee. She claims that she ~received permanent injuries when an autofao-- bile driven by Campbell collided with a machine she was driving. The ac-- cident occured at Horlick's Dam, a Libertyville, Hlinois ! _ Chas. 0. Shoop, of Chicago, who has been in the Lake County Jail for a month where he has ben 'held on a carge of violating his 'parole from the state penitentiary, is tn e taken back to Joliet. Shoup was arrested an a charge of having stolen goods in his position. It 'was some of the rugs and draperies 'which Albert Langner and Fred ' Beckert, also of Chicago, stole from \the Clive Runnels residence in Lake Forest. Beckert is alrady serving from 'one to 10 years. Langner today received a similar sentence. Shoop broke his parole 6after serving 11 months of a one to 14 year sentence, in another rob-- bery case. week. ;FOR SALE--German imported police \ dog. A. K. C. wolf's grey; fine for stud deg. 'Call on Sundays. Joe Koel-- --stra, Lake Villa, IIL _ 30--2t MAN BURIED DWHEN DITCH CAVES IN; JAW IS BROKEN Nathan Wells entertained his broth-- ers, John and Bert, of Waukegan, this HOME ON SUNNYSIDE PLACE. ALL MODERN. ~BEAUTIFUL 60 FT. LOT. TWOCAR GARAGE, $7750. SELLERS & PETERSEN. CHAS. 0. SHOOP BACK TO PEN WANTED TO BUY--Layitg hens. Tel-- ephone 3/2--M. 311t LADIES, MAKE MONEY AT HOME buil; well marked Holsteins. Young Kesro drove the maway the 16th; yill pay for damage. Martin Anderson, Box 122, Wheeling, Ill. 31--1t septic tank _ was --to be placed. Through some .« of fate, the wall of the ditch gave way, allowing sev-- eral yards of dirt t~ fall on his head and shoulders. --Basy, pleasant sewing on your own machine, whole or spare time; highest possible prices paid; no large investment required. For full particu-- Itrs write Kenneth Hackley, Drawer 30, Earl Park, Indiana.' 31--4t FOR SM&LE--Electric concert piano. Inquire at Independent office. 28--4t Ueorge W. Norris, 39*y:ars old, of Grayslake, was buried alive late Thursday afternoon when a sewer ditch wail gave way and covered him with an avalenche of airt and clay Workmen who «xtricated him from the pit discovered him to be serious-- ly hurt and hburriec him to the Vic-- tory Memorial hospital. Dr. John M. Palmer, who attenuea ..orris, found that his jaw was fractured in sgv-- eral places and that the cheek bone was broken. He was not hurt in-- ternally, it seems, all of the injuries being to the head. From what can be arned, Norris. who is a contractor, was working on a sewir ditch at Mc¢Henry, where a Norris is married and has made his home at Grayslake for ceveral years. LOS--_--Four Holstein heifers and one FOR SALE--Two lots 56x300, south front, on Lake street, very reason-- able. A good buy if you want a large lot close to the business district. I shall be in Libertyville for a short time only. Call 316]J,at 328 Wright Court. Alace I. Locke. 30-- George W. Norris of Grayslake Badly Hurt in Accident at M'Henry. FO}} SALE--23 acres of standing mix ed hay. Inquire of R. J. Kaping, 149 Newberry Ave. 30--3t Rivetr, near State road; one mile water front; finest climate in the world; beautiful view; ducks, fish, oysters, crabs in abundance. Address Box 156, Chestertown, Md. 18--14t FOR SALE--New Jewett Touring, only run 760 miles; 5 Balloon cords and dise wheels. You can save considerable money on this car, and it's practically new-- used only one month s a demon-- trater. Here's your chance to buy a new car at wholesale price. Call or write Indevendent Office, Lib-- FOR SALE--150 acres on Chester FREE--Your name and address print-- ed on high grade pencils and pen-- holders; direct from factory to you; cheaper than ordinary pencils in gold letters or ink. For lnlormzdon ad-- dress, "XX" care lndepende' '30-2' FURNITURE REPAIRING, UP HOLSTERING and . REFINISHING 107 First 8t. _ LIBERTYVYVILLE R. SUNDALL Telephone Libertyville 4584 WANT ADS. S i lniess > spui i: ul Wny > > w s ctt t Nemioticts 6 NPW s Y ND n w + > 44 w sns« FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--8) acre |-- fruit'and grain farm, with two sets .ol buildings, onefourth mile from 'town, for a dairy farm on small lake. C. K. Meyer, R. 2, Hartford, Mich. MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con sid.rable amount of special funds to loan on improved farm or tity m erty. We lnvite your-- inquiry. National Bank, Libertyville 1041 WITH 120 ROLLS OF FIR8T CLASS MUSIC; WIILIL SELL FOR $300 1 PSOLD AT ONCE. CALL AT INDEPENDENT OFFICE, OR PHONE WAUKEGAN 2896, AFTER 6 P. M. Public Notice is hereby given that the Subscriber, Administratrix of the Estate of William A. Cooksy, deceas-- ed, will attend the Probate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Wauke-- gan, in said County, on the first Mon-- day. of October next, 1924, when and wheré all persons having claims against said estate are notified and re-- quested to present the same to said Court for adjudication. starter, electric light, 4 good tire;; car is in first class condition; here is a bargain for someone. Call at the Libertyville Garage. 26-- $8.50; Barred Rocks, Single Reds, $9.50; Rose Reds, White Rocks, $11.50 Wyandottes, Bufft Orpingtons, Minor-- cas, $12.50; assorted $7.50. D. T. Far-- row Chickeries, Peoria, I!L 16--tf in good condition. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St. Road, 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phone 278--J--2. ~ 26--tf s MARY COOKSY, Administratrix of the Estate of Wil-- liam A. Cooksy, Deceased. Waukegan, IIlL., July 21, 1924. Heydecker & Heydecker, + Attorneys for Estate. * 18--July 31 Aug 7 and 14 FOR SALE--A Ford runabout, with FOR SALE--$700.00 PLAYER PIANO BABY CHIX--In 100 lots, Leghorns .._..LOT IN OSBORN ADDITION 1 12 BLOCK FROM ELECTRIC sSTATION 50x150, ONLY $800. SEWER AND WATER: IN AND PAID FOR.> BEST BUY IN TOWN. FOR RENT--Building at 624 Milwau-- kee Ave.; suitable for automobile or other repair shop. Apply to Bert Finstad, 22--tf Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Local Improvements sof the Village of Libertyville, Illinois, un-- til 7 o'clock P. M. on the l4th day of August, A. D. 1924, mt the Village Htll of L&be?yvil\le, Iilinois, for the con: struction of a connected system of cast FOR SALE--Rock Island hay loader, FOR SALE--$800.00 player piano, used two weeks, at a--bargain. ~ Address Box 74, Deerfileld, III. 31--1t ,...ADJUDICATION NOTICE NOTICE-- TO CONTRACTORS To Our Patrons WING to the large number of week end pleasure O seekers who must be accommodated on Satur-- day evenings, we suggest that you who have leisure attend our dances during the week. This will enable us to give you better service and you will more fully enjoy the superior music of the "Senators," our regular 8--piece orchestra. Channel Lake Pavilion (Incorporated) ~ SELLERS & PETERSEN. EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT The new Channel Lake Pavilion is one of the biggest pavilions in the state--Dance space 6000 square feet. AT Long Grove, Maple Park DANCJING 9--41 q'v'nlu Ave., Libertyville, IIL, and must be accompanied by cash or check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local lnorou-onb sertified by w responsible bank for amount not less than 10% of the ag-- gregate proposal. Bids will be opened by the Board of Local Improvements in open session at 8 o'clock P. M. August 14th, 1924, in Lm Village Hall in said Village of yville. 'The Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids as the Board may elect. 1040 square feet of existing walk moved and properly set in place. _ 70 cubic yards of excavation for walk and removal of earth. « Public notice is hereby :b(ven. that the Village of Lake Villa, Illinois, will receive sealed bids or proposals, until fhe hour of Opening thereof, for the construction of the following: Approximately 1360 square feét--of Portland Cement cross walk. _ 62 yards of fill. 170 square feet of apron walk. 340 feet of creasing 4 inch deep. O 488 square feet of existing walk, raiged to required grade, including necessary filling. pas O 50 lineal feet of 8--inch vitrified sew-- er pipe placed under cross walks. . 6. cubic yards of crushed limestone or gravel, placed in driveway. _ ---- Work to be commenced within ten days after award. The Board of Trusg-- toes reserves the righi ic reject any and all bids / e _ Such bids will be opened and pub-- licly declared hy the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lake Villa, llungis_, on Aug. 4, 1924, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKE VILLA, ILLINOIS. By FRANK M. HAMLIN, 20.9t President. _ All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 10% of the amount bid. » °_ Public notice is herevy given, that the Village of Lake Villa, Ilinois, will receive sealed bids proposals until the hbour of opening thergof, for the con-- struction of the following: ~10 soft maple trees removed and dis-- posed of. -- -- £ _ & "éi»;cificauon for said work may be had by appl(mg,,to Frank Hamlin, at Lake Ville, 111. V fls Approximately 1540 lineal feet of 8-- inch internal diameter vitrified salt glazed hub, and spigot tile pipe sewer with Portiand cement joints, including trenching and back filling, complete. 26 6--inch house connection branches. 4 Portland cement manholes, three feet in diameter. x All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 10% of the amount bid. 30--2t * Work to be commenced within ten days from the date of award. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Such bids will be opened and pub-- licly deciared by the Board of Trustees of the Village of l;ke Villa, IlL, 3 August 4, A. D. 1924, at the hour 8 o'clock P. M. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKE > VILLA, ILLINOIS. By FRANK M. HAMLIN, Approximately 2740 square feet of Portiand Cement concrete side walk. Specifications for said work may be had by applying to Frank M. Hamlin, 30--2t NOTICE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR PuBLIC WORKS NOTICE TO RECEIVE BID§S FOR PUBLIC WORKS JESSE 8. HYATT, President of the Board of Local Improvements."~ 312t K P H--im y 6tA t t 08 * President. YOUR BEST. INSURANCE AGAINST BEING MISINFORMED IS TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE INDEPENDENT--ONLY $1.50 FOR A YEAR PRESERVES 16 Oz. National Strawberry _ Tumbler National Tea Co. JELLO Htavges k ors glO 612 MILWAUKEE AV. Parking free to dancers, . DIAMOND LAKE | FRIDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 8 OLD TIME DANCE At Ray Brothers Pavilion SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 26, at RENEHAN'S, ON ROUND LAKE M Music by the "Hlini Serenaders," of Hlinnis University. Dancing Every Night After June 21. OST BRAN 2 Pikgs. ---- FLAKES -- dor "ANDY _ Per Lb. # _ OQrange or Lemon Drops MUSIC BY McCORMICK AND HAPKE PRIZE WALTZ: First Prize $5.00; Second, $2.50 ARDINES _ j T A R C H Argo Gloss Proceedsiv'vill be used for annual rarmer's' Picnic PREFET -- Sauce, Per Can REEN RIVER Pork and Beans AKING POWDER HIPSO A N C A M PS OOKIE S Per GINGER sNAPS Lb. ALT and HOPS ~--PURITAN: DANCING QUALITY GROCERS w LIBERTYVILLE, ILL:. 2¢ allowed For Empty Bottle Large Pkg. Dr. Price's 12 Oz. 1 Ib. PKGS. PER BOTTLE Per Set 23° 22 For 24° $1.00 a couple 1 1° 20° 20° 63° 23¢ 30° 13° 15°

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