READ THE INDEPENDENT, $1.50 'ia ill)! t':i"tihiji:"iiei'ti; F" Libertyville Lumber Co. No. 2 size Van Camp's Pork and Beans. Lhbr's Camp. _ large bottle., Building Resources For All Purposes Swift's Wool Flakes. package. Fould's Macaroni Swift's Washing Powder, large pkg. Boneless California Hams, 61b. average. pd Ib.-.,..-.--- Me /u' Earl H. Corlett FKYOU'VE planned to build, now is the time. Whether you desire a smell garage. I home, In office building or office space. we have the proper resources to fill your requirements. ' l We advice early completion of you: plant and letting of comma- to albw you the.benelits of early - price-Ion midi-la. Don't teke I chance, make sure by con-tilting as before you build. _ Teuphoetet4? Ameekan,swus,Eraf1,ll%taoamlBriekaeese: L A K El C o U N T Y NATIONAL Bl'NK 6 cans for, Did. You Ever Think of This? Did it ever occur .to you that dole! in pain. bills might once someone lnocnvenlenoe or even hardship. Often bills no unpaid simply because you heven'l the change. Thlr attmhion will never confront you if you elven - 1 check book from this eminent. , The returned check in evidence that the payment is made. Deposit your money in this beak and make nll payments by check. A check book ll a convenience you would not be without. . Let. Us (Help You Plan Your Home Telephones: 33trind 340 can - Ah: 12e 6Se Me '0e m an: " 'te. J. B. lone W. I. can»: Ktttmatb "and" ' 0. "" fro an Mum tttr w Wain. Wu. He no moo-mud by In: Natha- Adam SM:- d Chicago went but. Isa-lav, A, C. Donn, at Gnu-on. Mr. may u the has. at Mr. and In. Collin. ION. to Wanna taat my. Adolph m Ind In ,d"lg'ittt the mum at, " _ aw in u ot the when". I"! - c. Gridiey will Ae. prudently every road in mrntmt wu. m, t.ominq tor . tew Woe" mt emtattt M" "footed. Th. - m u an. Put. Colo. lot the put tow any. um "an! an: Inn. -nri n"...- Atte a n... ggm Wueetantat and northern Bundl- Ian's work Ihll'tl 690. ' for 88.00. 0ood muss. J. B. lane & Co. " In: Ruth Corwu In vutttng " the bone of her uncle, W. Y. Wont, In Mn. In. Nellie Xingu" wu hero our Sunday visiting it the home at her son. 8. C. Kimball, and tunily. . Your money back on my and. it you ore not tsatufied. Horn 6 Go. It A. C. Croonherg in Winn; I In" house on the lot he recently MM In the Johnson subdivision. sale all this week at J. B. "on. & Co.' store. "at The Junior Epworth We will; hold . social at the "SW! church Friday night. August I from , to 0 o'clock. Charles Johnna - eetMe-tt wi- nipett, Canada. last Thursday. by a. my egrun announcing the new Inn"; ot his brother. Q Little Janet Fallen. who has been visiting her sandwich In. Kate Bernard, tor the put three; -u, re- turned In! Sammy to her home In Guam. Mrs. Edgar Welu. In. and two tthit. dren left Wednesday tor Log moles, Cant; when} they will spend two months with the tanner- other. In. Henry Wmick. . e _ Vivien. the little daughter at Mr. And Mrs. Lee A. Warren, stepped on e needle last Sunday, and tttsrstrve of a physician were required to We the needle. ., The next, - menus of the w. C. T. U. will be bold M! an- emoon, August IS, " 3:30. at the home of In. J. H. MGM. P. 11.8.2118: left Month! tor loan- min. Win. north ot Green my. oh . business trip connected with . ml estate deal. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Herdmnn enter- ulned their dunner. was lustre! Herman. and H138 Jessie Coleman. of Chicago, Sunday. En. Prank Garbutt end Winter, Mlss Frances. nnd soul, Wesley and Bert. expect to leave may morning. for Corning. New York. They will so by automobile, and expect to be gone for two or three weeks. A Morris E. Manon of Akron. Ohio, was called here on account at the dent: of kiln aunt. Mrs. Harriet Grid- ley. He remained several an with relatives and friends. Sale closes Sunday night. Aug. 9. Don't miss the economies ot our low prices. J. B. none & Co. "at ' New slip-our "intern. plain. check and plaids. on sale u Morse' & Co. It L. J. Diem. mayor of Ivanhoe, nnd Myron Riggs, had an auto amnion Inst iSundn-y night) In which both out were damaged. Myron unstained - has o none Ann. The accident oc- curred near Ivanhoe., ' . L. A. Baughmn has moved to Idb. enyvmo from Wankenn. and occu- pies the Kidd home on Wm, just out of the Lutheran church. I". Baughman was formerly tn the cur ploy of the Public Sehtco Co.. bufbov is an agent for the Mk "ttm'"",',"" I Joe Hart h" ahat Job of mining 'done, And now time drugs so bonny that he has decided to leave next week for Vermilion. Condo. T He made o rub remark 'sly?trt doing turn work, sad the nodded tint the Mn; was fine up there. He errroe" to remain in the northern country until the matt snow storm. The maul picnic of the Til. G. Wells funny was held tut "and" " lake Zurich. Their have: children, with their funnies attended. " In all being ipresent. Every member of the funny ntteqded the "his this your. A tine chlcken dinner was nmd Pt noon. [alloyed by noes. hone shoe contests. use mm (was and nut-lulu. 0 At the - gum at the use Board Int My night, ml Lil-pew m him to " citizens who in" not," vehicle tax helm , tyftt. Il ' At the rem you" orthe Vil- latte Bond Int My night, Mar- ml Unparri VII .rtrttetod to take ell citizens who he" not," their vehicle tux helm I timttee ot the peace. with"! .17 further notice. lt {I believed this wan used up the de- Wnu.' A. ' At the lat {cation ttd the Bond or Director: of the M. W. A., the chin on um death at Chan! lit, When: was snowed In mu. Mr. WM had been . member at the -t1mttettt for 4 you-I. 1 month All " an. no had paid Into new Md the "In of 3112.70. The agrMtquBt at an benefit certifies" m ".000. - ' Ttttm Brmr. moved the "Electric Shop" to their I!!! building comer of luv-nice 3nd cooAurme, sunr- 'by. A an. In" of ortr folks nt- "M the evening ot the new More. A gttrgrtt- at m m Wm by the ttmt to magnum In. Prank um "and a all an. lump; A. B. mm new In. u the tteetrie water; In: L. M. Barber, u 90mm- III In. can a: .eer "m" .mu-Mu mMmu 'iiiiiiaaiFt_tytttetiate GiiiiG'""iiirGa%ttttutr-uh- "mm iiiri'irtTiiGriiGt turecial interest to lah-ville 9.9:. deal and Personal Hart Schaffner & Mara "in m '. my. mum 7. 1921 um Morena: Croker, daughter of Mr. and In. char. C. Croker. of Ann- tin. and t niece of Mr. and Mrs. Fred tCroker. of Ltbetrville, was united in 'gnarrtnge It her home Saturday eve- leter, August 2, to Robert Cooper. A 'npmber of Libertyville people were "Mama: at the ceremony, among them dyeing Mr. and Mrs. C. L Coonfer, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nicholas, Mrs. Allie Nichol". Mm Ada Nicholas, mu Lu- ".0111 Pennetier, Miss Carrie Chard, Mr. 33nd Mrs. Fred Croker, and Mr. and u In. E. H. Wells, Jr. ot All». Hoinnn's base but team over- whelmed the undeteated Keno-in fire department tum at the fair (round: in: may afternoon. After the bat- tle the were book showed that ' Win m " to their credit. while only on. lurker showed up tor Keno- Ihn. Homer Holman bus a team now an: is one to trim my amateur nine in thin section. Next Sunday afternoon the! go to Mertenry. and expect to W! the strong team at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Held were In Libertyvllle from Des Fumes Birthday. visiting at the Matt Pester bore., Sam'l 1. Pope was here from Chicago the tint of the week amending to bus- iness matters. Mr. Pope and o. E. Churchill expect to leave Saturday for Boston, Masses., to attend the National Encampment of the G. A. R. Mr. Pope la a delegate-at-large from the Depart- ment of Illinois. Mr. Churchill was formerly a resldent of the melting state. but has not been back there tor my years. . The Wilcox Motor Express. which was started by Chester Wilcox several years ago and rgtthtd by him until his death. was no int Baturdny to the iioulilmn Brothers, who will con- tinue to serve the "no territory. haul- ing treigheto and from Chicago. The Chicago office in now located rt 106 N. Franklin Bt., and tho office in Lib- ertyviile is " 1208 N. Milwmkee Ave. Telephone 124-8. Woke: Houlilun has been working to: the company for none time. They have added two new trucks to the business. none: The Luke countyg Holstein Breed- ere month: will be held at the Farm Bureau office: Saturday night. August 9, at 8 o'clock. canard time. A top- ruenutive from the National Holstein Association will be present. All Bob stem breeders no urged to come. 82-tt _ H. K. vomit, Beeretarr. iiiiiiiiiaaamNggg.tiggg Thrilling Boston Blackie Story _ "Through the Dark" Tues. and Weds. Aug. 12-13 Anna J. Nilsson and Milto'n Sills COLEEN MOORE SUNDAY AUG. UDITORIU THEATRE M The muons novel by REX BEACH .._|N._ irrut t . La CHRISTIAN helmet: 30cm um Flour. Pirat National Bank Bids Donne" Sana" u 10:46 B. m. tN Honing Prayer and Sermon at 10:" s. In. mum oervtceo n MP.80 n. m. As the pastor Vill N that. the services will be conducted " Funk Sanger, of the Theoloucnl Seminary at Wuha- toou, wu. _ WW Walrond, by reader, will ttenehte. Church School at 9:45 a. m. BY. JOHN'S [WANG LUTHERAN "ttmer C. Khulna. Putor "my School next Sunday morn. ing " the WI time. 9:45. " LAWRENCE EPISCOPAL .lov. H. B Own. Putor The service. on Sunday. August IO, will be: i sGor school teaeherV meeting on may "can: st 1:89: _ ' -- iéiigruirrélnirul and mane" meet- ing Friday evening at 8. Sunday School at 9:45 s. D. W. G. Wells, Supt. Don't forget the picnic Fridav. August 8. Meet " the church a 9:80 A. In. , _ . __ _ _ Lu, " Jormco: FIRST mum Rev. an Smock. Pater. um Ruby 1'r'6a'lrt.', Cturett orenly TiiiG(iiir-rcorttt9 at ht, conducted by the pastor. Subject. "The Greatest Quutio not the men Hetrt." . ., "glrrduLr Vpeople'n meeting during this month. Evening service S 7:30. Halon to» vice of Methodist, pigeon! and Pres- byterinn churches at the Presbyterian church. ADJUDICATlON NOTICE I Public notice is hereby given that the Subscriber. Administrator ot the estate of Fred Stelling. deceased. will' attend the We Court ot Lake County " ' terarthereot to be holden i " the '"Court Home in Wuukegnn, In "id County. At the first Monday of i, October next. 1924. when and where' on persons baring chin" "not said] caste are notified and requested to present the 3mm aid Court for ad- tudieation. WILLIAM STELLING. _ . Administrator. [ Wuhan, m., July " 1924. ( '19Aug71421' as}? -eotmr Numrounm Br. ALL_sewno no WATER. mes PLACE TO BUILD. ONLY "on. 1a%rtrilk Buttery & Electric Co., Tdoplmnc 400 GOOD EABT was LOT or_HUr_t_V -You Need One Extra Good Iron Are You Interested in Being Smartly Dressed for the Early Fall Season? IILLIIS a PETERSEN. I'd-'50.. I. Wehavean early line thstwillmeeneeonomyusddmmtoyou. Mendel attractiveness are the flannels. in 27 inch and 54 inch "will. just the lids! width for sleeveless jackets. skirts and tithe theses. Fat chic out chases soft twt1uintanandnavywithpeneiutpbeorboxeheeu40tuhand54ueh widthwillattractyou. Piukdhtmetpunsandheavy tiamasmgt, nowwil save you work during the later busy season. l They ate priced very reasonably, me a low a tl30 per yard. W. W. Carroll & Son (10,; nillililliil%E ' Illinois. j RESULTS BIG fiiijii%rr mama; AGAINST BEIMI IttIsmrtmlttitrJlrTW, 511mm: FOR nu; INIEniNDEKr--ABi.Y $1.50 to: Amwlt: "--it'a a growing ---hank account --at "your bank" TAKES LITTLE a!" By Jove, Such Langbs.' t FIRST NATIONAL BANK With "FIGlmNG'BL00D" No. 16 #lhl?fl'l'll'l Fri. and flat, Aug. 8-9 We have with Ill Mr. Rustin from dear old Loeu1mgr-Nrtnu" ample you ever "W. In t W..- torn comedy of a bun new and. Funny? Bllme me, WI a bloomhI' *atrrmm-.--what.' LIIERTYVILL! BtRlllt"t00A"i.1ltt mun HORTON ewes"! 10mm: LOIS wuLson mun mm»! was OGLE LOUISE onessm was" eagle SOLVEB WORRY PROBLEM I ILLINOIC. ---of course kiiaturert" hm $11. an