Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Sep 1924, p. 9

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Pct-dunno: that a flatly feud may I." boon annulus tor the brand- bg nad torturing ot Thoma Stein, " many. Wit. wen being Involu- M by the .heriirs once In Wuuke- u lad" u the victim, recoverlttg In '" We County General hospital. 3660 together the bin ot the "loot" in" following his alleged kidnap- /it"nitr names, nt Detroit, which he grtrs new remember. rat. clum- the bnmhug wmcn ap- - on the Chest-tttree Indetermin- dt4 ettartteters one or which resem- " In Nt" was done in a Ford truck "which he was thrown after the mining. What !ollowed this tor. or how he came to be in the "and cottage " Wlnthrop Harbor *6". bound, gagged and blindfold- 1dt. he was toumt by Queer Paul Jen- Atits, ot Winthrop Harbor, be says he h ttnabte to recall. La. BRANDING " l MAY IE RESULT OF FAMILY WED M'IDED MAN SERIOUS It rained u story of family trou- M.-o feud which involved his lather- -. 1min Poirykovni, Detroit-. " "on following which an anon: to We Petrykownki was being made H authoritién here. The trouble is I]! to involve the mother who muss has homo with an. Btolp u Cuddly. Wank, and Iilwaukeo " new Checking Up On . Vlvlim's Father-ln-Law. pl: the meantime. physician here no working on the theory that the In my be demented. He mm then " a; stuck Alleged to hue been pale on him by hishwaymen " Cud- At, two months ago when, he are he up! knocked unconscious by e blow O the head. . Dr. cum" Liober. county physici. a. is ot the opinion that this any tare "new: the mun mind. The .11 wounds which appear on the tttdr, they say. could have been self- Igtftieted. _ According to Information chained " tgheAtt Ahlsu'om. Stolp's lather-In- hv recently wanted ltirt? to mite a Utter to Mrs. Pe'rykovnkl asking her to make up with him. and that Stolp "fused. After lenving the father" 'hw'n house, And getting . block tiny. he was attaéked by the Ne- groes. lineman. and threatened with the torture that tanned. Me went to Detroit in response to an unsigned teleeram, whim be be- lieved was from.. " father-in-WW. After trating td'rtured he . drink of water and was "an. he declared. When he hit Cad-by he had shout 8860 In cash. According to Chief ot Police J. C. Medrow, of Cudhay. who with one ot his ofRcerg, Joseph Spies. arrived in Waukegan late Tuesday afternoon. In. Sioip gave her hus- band $500 for signing any hie in. terest in property they hue st 331 Ilsa-(on Are., Cudahy. Chief led- m declared that the Btolp's also have been having mnriul diMtrultr ad that Inn. Btoltt refuses to have sunning with Btolp. WRONER'S JURY WILL NOT RATTLE SKELETON MNES Fe Chlet Medrow telegraphed the nu- ttoritiel " Detroit requesting that ther question Petrykowski. There will be no coroner's Im quest in the case ot the skeleton found In an excavation a: Fox Lake several days ago as Deputy Coroner Edward Conrad is convinced in his own mud that the lkeleton ls that at on Indium buried perhaps one Mlle! is based not only upon MI awn observatlon but upon that ot other: who have viewed the skull. There have been many who be- lieved that the skeleton might be that ot Dental Batchelder, n peddler vim wns belleved to have been mur- dered And buried by his Ill-yen; about fifty years ago but a thorough Investigntlon has been made and the nuthormes have not been able to find any way of checking up the Deputy Coroner Edward Con- rad Convinced Skull ls That of An Indian. correctness at such u theory. While the bones may be than ot Batch. oqur there In " can! chance that they mu be the Inleton ot tn ham. It I. doubuul it tho nutter ever could be solved positively. BOT UNABLE TO GET PROOF Mr. Conrad has given orderl to have the bodies buried. Max Hutchinson. 10 you old Luke mun Bor, residing It m Proopect Ava. who confused. nccordlu to po. lice Inmate J. D. Doyle to rob Mn; the C. J. Mummy. And Harry Baotou reliance: In that villus, v" ' to tho county honplul late he'd-y gunman. Ho I: believed to be uncanny amount: and will be gnu n harm; In "null. court nut turd" n BOY Bijfl(ill,hlll G SENT Ti) ll0SPlTAL (ora 36 P,Ix,oTatgAE9", asked tat given "It COUNTY 1Nlliy8lllN91llt8i!llh'r , DURKINS SELL aAo . ICE CREAM'PLANT ' T0 llYDROX O. BitrChioago Concern Now Is In Possession of the Waukegan Plant. DURKINS ARE TO REMAIN Attltttttteeetttttt wu nude today! a deal whereby the Duran lee Cram Factory ot kaegan In: been sold to the Hydro: tee Cream county. The deal war negotiated by E Schwutz and Co., local realm" who lute my. ave: one, at tho 'i-.t deal. here ot late. The amount-"of the communion was not and. known. The and wu mod n; the County Rocorder'u omen (our. The new owners already no in possu- Mon ot the local plant. l The Hydro: company. which n 1 part ot the recently cranked NB. uonnl Dairy Products borsroatiort, own tour plnnu in Chicago. on. in Hammond. one In Not York. two In New Jersey and seven tn Pennsyl- it u Announced that Ed'll'd Dur, kin will rennin u manager ot the pint until the new owggu have bo- como thoroughly Installed. A. J. Bridges. vice prolident 1nd general manner of the Hydro: com- pany nnnounced today that the lacs! punt will turn out the same high grade' ice cream and beverages that hue made the concern famous throughout the country. The Hydro: mmmy In noted for Its high studs products In all the vnrious llneS. GRAYBILL IS wr IN $2,000 BONDS Merfe Graybul. who operates a ho- tel " Fox Lake, was released tn 88,- 000 bonds by Justfce Hervey Coul- eon today on a charge of violating the prohlbltory law. It was In his place that the sponge squad had a pitched battle, according to reports. His cue In to be heard September It. Thomas Zelloua. from the same place. came In and made bonds of $2,000 on 'llke charges. His case will be heard with Graybm's. Hubert Rode of 1111 Vina-worth avenue. charged with violating the prohibitory law, saw bonds for $2,- 000 also. Hin cue II Met for Boy tombs: I mom Sll0RE MAY NOT 3mm LINE Two unplug": lines of reading no found in Luko Gum's North Shore Lino bulletin this month. He says. mad he in in ' good ponieion to know, that "(North Shore may not build mi: pun" extension from the Ltttertrvttte Million to the north city limits ot, Wuhan. B. an. "Th. otttet nation " the new division probubly will not be built for non. time. The second no- tion from Donnie? um: terminal to in. pro-out Liberiyvmo bunch of the North Siam "no. in comm ot being built within I tow you"; but the third action. from the Liberty. viii. brunch to the north»- city lim- m ot Wuhan, any never M built." Totem of but. mm Approved the lunanco a! . 818.000 band an. Tue- My " I "new than". the In" to ho uud In the Immune" of m wutomn "Mal. -. .- .44 APPROVE $13,000 .' BOND INSURANCE "fit a: LTariTCiiiri warm. 'iritifi' nirmnn.'who.' witp'hh three any pan'mm. no unwed by tho Anyti- can ember Richmond after (coda. about for more than so hour. in his disabled Seaplane In the mug": North Atlantic waters. 7.1.ocatelll. who had obtained F permission to mommy the American 'roumrthetortd ttyera on their trip across the Atlantic. way 'ot doyn between Reykhvm W t, . gtmumlftlcebnt' arr. C.Nttirtt I Hum A. Hanna-t to A. N. 5 [non and wt " ton. W. D. 810.00 81.00. Pt of Lotr4 nd ti, Elk ISmith and Adm: North Adda [Wham ' Chief Deputy Sher"! Lester Tit. tlny and létorcycle OMeer B. C. m'mun spied the truck srtouatyak along the road just at darbrealr. nu ware lying Mamba-h '13.]! the trthtr gutted the point where they were hidden. Ordered to halt. the all ed beer runners we e duh to ly, "or. The oMeqt" drew their revolvers end were compelled to are eeverel ehou before bruising them to e halt with whistling bullets. Although one ot the alleged beer runners we: ermed with an Automatic. revolver, it" is charged, he did opt return the are! The waged "in." were an; "out 5 o. m. Their truck no u 300 Speed vogon. Tke carBo VII brought to Wuukenn Ind stored tn the lawman: "on; at the court- house. The silent! runners were booked on John Honda". 2135 'r'trrxartt Mr. at! J. Gunman. M6 WithO Ave.. both Chicago. l, __ Sheri! Ahistroid nod 'g'adl'lfi tin guarded other road- nll t bttt no other trucks were ducoverid. Sheriff's Sud Seizes Truck- load of Igor and Two Driv- on on Rand Road. (unm Alum new mums m mower: 3mm Duputy worms urly "A" not? " two maxed beer mum. 3 ml It And 10 barrel. of but, atur s revol- ver but". on Rind Road, Just south of Volo. Unable ti; (In ball for (2,000 they "a in the county Mil. N. B. Numbers and wt to B. A. Ca; in W. D. $10.90 at. $1.00. do: a, 4. Humbert: Bun. _ _ - - - I DRIVER ARMED, (SH-AME " CCiiiGUGGei Cour Joly- ton W, D. $10.00 " ".00. Pt. of BFe. tl, W911, coh}q18.11 .239 - P. t91adett I? has. to [Enigma L. Eamon w. D. 1.0071»: " um pt ot Lot ll, Sec. 4, Shields. Ph- L. Benton to C. SI" and wit w. D. 81.00. Lttt 10 aad Lot 11. Bilt " Bouth, Win. A9 - -iuraa" i; Tweed to '0. French and v! " ton: W. D. 31500. St. 0.60. A lot in Town ot Grant, w. - -inieiu Tape? and has} to Dorothy I. Topel 3nd has: w. D. $10.00. St. 8.50. Lots " and 714.73rogn'l_ etyur "V; 13min: and wt to G. a. Eben W. D. $300. St. $50 Lot 33, Oukwood Subdn. - Finance M. Fuhrman ad has. to V. H. Gregg and wt pt tons W. D. :10. St. 81.00. Lot 13. Spencer'- "My. V. H. Heard ind wt to C. Nix W. D. 3350. St. Mo Lot I, Opium Saba. V. E. Heard and It to Tr. Nix W. D. 8360. st. 8.50. Lot 1 oflretrd, Subdn. J. B.' Martin to H. Jenni W. D. 81.00. Lot MB, West Win, Subdn. C. M. mulch and wt to te. Hunt: at :1 W. D. woo. at. 01.00. Pt. of Lot 5,.Wuhlngton uomm Am. C. M. Dutch and W! to H. Hitch." W. D. 8700. at $1.00. Pt. of lot I. Washington Height. Apron. C. W. Ohm to Ron M. muo- bunch W D. 310. St. $.go. Lot 80. Ohm's Beach View Bubdn. C. w. Ohm to Ron M. unus- brunck W. D. $10. at. 8.50. not! so 1 " Ohm's Beach Iris any". " V. Ii Heard and 17! to T. Bergman and wt W. D. .350. at. 3.60. hot 8, onwM_8ub{n.___ _' __ -. . Dora Diver Grittin and hut. to Y. J. [mun and wt'tt ten. w. D. 810.00 St. 81.50. Lots " and 29, Bilt 2, Ward and Diver's Sub". . '31.}; E. waning: to A. Slob!" and wt it tens w. D. no. St. $ Lot 43, Widlvorth Bubdn._ A - " Ts.iiLrirurd wt to L. B. Anderson A D. w. mumm- w. on". St. " tarts 1 mad 1. Blk t, Frill-gun:- Part: -ri. iiaii, In] irt to A. Tareaati 0.0.1). no. at. ".10. tart 18, an: t, Kollou'l snag. -, - _ - J - L p. Clow 3nd wt to W. P. Ropt w. D. an." an ".00. m. " M n and M, Deertuld k L. J. Kennel th P. R. 9mm: W. D. $10.00. Pm ot lot: 1 um! t, Wk"; -rirtr.airto L. A. Kloepper w. D. "00. Bt. [50. Lot " J. b. Shaw] Cuban. K _ - _ _f, "fGir.sAt,ro,f't, M. P. bully w. D. ma. non. an: I, wnnm Wilming- ton'l Subdn. - _ A "VI: P. baby Ind wt to Anna K. Luby W. D. 85.00. In". Blk t, Wimam magnum" sabdn. It Round' hum. CMHron Conduct Clcrclt .2. Serving tot children :-n- f"' by children at All Irs, I,':,' rl Btrathan Min. Landon. . . it? it my": and ttodrars, yum. .-.-. c!; ME, to do with tlos rerun-.- . If, the "hwy the ".'it'ut1t, tlhlllStll; as- thy "mm AUGUS? a. ' "" tll .'" 1gt comb, ILLINOiS. 1riirmtiRittfCtii.i?iiiiigiiigi i3 Tire'. CHI. Mpatt, MM iii; , wa'.""' "" In" Glenn A. Charlotte te. Owen bl J. Cindy: Al T (:00 J t" _. ' ("am Lu to We, the jury find that Willuam g. ammo» we ttt' his death by fo'. cldentally havlnq been etruck try a train en the Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. 9an railway cemriany right of way north 8lt depot at Fox Lake, Lake Count , Illlnela, on the "ettnd day of August, A. D, 1924; that the exact time and the detail 'tirmmb eta'neee of the aeeldent'al death in organ to In... - .. .. ..-.-.c.. e foregoing verdict wee stunned by a coroner'- tttrr Tuesday night presided over by Ihrirutr com: Ed. ttrd Conrad. When the My ot Robertson that was found on the raglmad track " For Leke It was be. lieved that he had been murdered as his paycheck for 880 we: ml:- Im and " coat wan found some distance away. Robertson was a telegraph operator for "the St. Paul railroad at Fox Lake. _ 'ft 'Nt',','.' fa. .'W ywfilafi MURDER 'tlilli(hllf 315mm» IN . ROBERT50N CASE 50 MARRIAGE ':.r . (mill WEEK-END Any doubt as to the continued pop- uulitr of Wsukeun as a Greta: Groin I he dispelled It tho - [i'i'it'ii"1Eil"/i',tiij'ttts?'s'tti out" '0! _Iogu_ my a" at idii'iior. Coroner's Jury Returns Vending That Death Was Due To Accident. HAVE PROBED THOROUGHLY' We! but". 18, Wtmon. Win. Geo. Wm. M, agpute, Wu. Violet Knoll. 19. Applgtm. wg. Andrew P tundersifit, M, Des on Ion. Olga my". KIN. Chm Miller. M, Racine. llama Wlnum. " Racine Carl R "min, " Fond du Lu. Ethel Robin. " and du ue Jam can». M, annulus 6130730". Sumo. M, Milwaukee Aryan 1?tytltow" t.8, "Hugues We ' " Illwaukee Earl gt'lte Livia. to, Hancock. 1631110 831201131, 40. Milwaukee Ii6t8r a vothtt ck, " Chicago we. X Coorlu. 18, Chicago 0 Boats. M, Milwaukee, label Molnar, 18, Xllwtukeo 03? Peter, " Milwaukee M Winn. 50. Milwaukee l Pttiiitt Dana, 24, Chicugo Ids Pennant-la. 21. Chlctgo. Joseph tennis. 21, Milwaukee. Edith Gross, 18, Mllwlukee /Chritt (Mills. M, Wanna, Win. Augusta Lndendort, M, Rothschild. Win. WII. ' __, ~Vl_olg¢ "can". Bus1iagtoar-W9, Jooeph . Nelson. 40, Chjengo. Caroline Chum. M. Chicago. a" Ram. 24, Chicago and" Bsssett, 30. Chicago Humid Osborne "arms. M, Evans- ton Elia Ann Bacon Walter Dom, ll Ship, Mattitowco 1" Ann: Boll "Man: Tug. ' O'Neil, " Detroit Guyana L Know. M. [gen-9n. 3917 J Foam. 21. A lawn, Win. "or Lug-ten. 13, tigllflt' W13. Wm qugkvoy. 60, gllwggkoo Norls H. Brown, M, Wllwaukee. Mattel Nona". M, Clifton Springs, Helen Krueger, M, Kauhuna. Win. Ptefrd Soho". M, Waukem. . Cuper 8 Issuer. M, North Chicago Helen Monetyllkl. 18, North Chgo Albert E Axtell. M, Kano-h: Myths Sorenun. M, Keno-ha that L. Phylum". " Xanadu. a; thnco. M, Kayo-In 21in hunt. " 1:0un an: Simmons, ll. Mlle. trick J Drona, ti, Citing». Mary lemony. " Chum. John F. Denna". " Chime. 81M: B Dvor ' 19, Bel-win. Ill. Jog 'Ng',',', 84, Bulge. Ann: , 88, Rnclno Prank. Spun " M, Union Grove. Glam A. Gun,lortton, 21. Waukonn Chartoltt: li' Hum. 19, Wanton; Owen bl Elvira", 23. (Zr "cars. Cindy: M I'm" "rd, 'P') I': in" 1 .1". J wou, M, M'lrrvulme. Erma Paton, 2T. M'lwm'xw. Ch". A. "'Donttelt., 28, ("Henna home. Corbett, " Chiraga. I "were can. a that " initn it It " . nun lice_ l y BMW-y :13 N, Highland Park , Sedgewlck town Gunty, Wig. snk, Ill, mtettorgtttt SET HEARING SEPTEMBER 8 Chasing that the Io-ctllod loft drink potion ot Math Zimmerman. at Antloch. and Andrew Bunion. Fox "to, in" been used for the uie ot intoxlcutlgl liquor despite blue. than my: which they were closed 05ml) JAIL FOR mun 0N mum" by tho cont. State- Attorney A. Y. Smith My chained canto}:- miut tthr persons, nun; thlt they tm cited for contempt ot court. Thou gaunt who mclutlon: were ordered States Atty Gets Citation For 1tartin2rnrmrihari, Antiooh,, and A. Bandure, Fox Lake. The and": were ordered return- splo net loud-y. when the defend- sntl no tor. show eau" why may law not be ttned or sent to jail for all. ed Ttttlation of the court Injunc- tion. _ w' J Jo Zlumemnn. and his bartender, Henry Herman, 1nd Andrew Bundun Ind his wile, men: Bandnn. imam" In the man who " ured prominently u n witness for the attain ttty prosedutlon of jury brib . charge. mini! Juror Bernard [$14. ot Antioch, Eddie Courtney-and 1lltidio Kenfmen, In which the trio were exonerated. (iIyhtiili,aililN)flE BURIAL THURSDAY The {may ot George Cashmore, pioneer resident of Lake county, will be held " the Methodist church in Antioch on Thursday atternoon " , o'clock. central standard time. He was " years old, end lived in New- port township for many your: before moving to ntioch. no va- . bachelor end [one- two brothers and one sie- ter. William, of Wenkegen; Johnath- an. ot Wadsworth; and Kerry Ann Cuhmore. the latter keeping house tor him. Interment at Antioch. . A BUDDY STARK WAS l PERFECT BOY Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Waiter Mark, of Area, no more proud than OVOI' ot (holy non. Buddy stark. tour yet" old. Buddy was entered in the perfect baby contest at the county fair. and won first prize. Hrww' looted u a pr'rtvrt baby; not A ttaw being found whh h; , body. There wan only one point chalked nzalnat him. one tooth uhmviuk I nitajnat hittr "uno, tin! speck Mum Ruddy wilt ho , Ma Edward Mammal". 34.. Liborsy,vil Mu l'mmon. that" Viv. Mn hor A Nelson. 25. Konoaha Eula- Parry, M, Kononhn ' John Stefanmlu. M, Milv,ttattee i'GlLGi',iii'i;iiiirii' iiiiiiiiriu.' l iGTr' "it dim ir, not". it; '1'!" (hi COURT ahll(illis rt rs old nnt Lit y'villv Minn ifinum wmn f? _ [mops nm on ' WAY T0 110MB Edvard Wolch. " you: old. . son of the we Hwnrd Welch ot Yemt an and Lao Forest. dropped and Tuesday night In Chlcuo while "In; homo trom his -. In the pout- otttco when he wu employed than, I Paris," Sept. 8.."HIOHP Pam: Gi1ttrrrtrWaalgn_dtu1i-aete-v' 'cepqu the you at nutme- - ' itiinitial In Gel-mu: under the Dunn plan and will "2ch Owen Young. who in occupying the office tampon- arny. [mutational Nowr Some. learned from n axtthoritatiee some. ithis nttcrnoon. Mr. Welch lived at "" North mum avenue. Chtcuo. an! In " lleved to have been the vitttim or he." dim-e. LEAVES A WIFE AND SON His father tor may your: van in business in the building now oo-' cuplod by T. J. sum and company. tion of Late Edward Webb Is Victim of Heart Disease; --. Worked in Chicago. Beside; " mother. who [has In Lake Forest. an. Welch «leave- I mm. a 12-year-old um. um mo III- ten, Mm. Peter Moon. and mu Anna Welch. HI: widow was Christina De'rhorno. and In u relative ot the De. Thorne family In Walnut. [ ANTI=SOVIET 1hfhlll 0PENS Ill RUSSIA est. Geneva. Sept. 8---DeV Chevlchl- 1y. of Georgie. received e telemm today eteting that, en Anti-Soviet rcv'oiutlon hes broken out end that the insurgents have select! more then halt of the etete ot Georgie, In mu- elen Ceuceeue. _ All ot Georgie end Azerbeuen ere In revolt. eccordlu to the telecrem. Fighting bezel: the den ego. Violent battlee continue. F'uneral from tho home in Chlcuo Prior. with Interment. " Lake Fob- Street fighting u mun; pine. In the you retroloum upon port ot Butoum. Runny eottunttnleatton and' tole- graphs m interrupted. _ GILBERT T0 TAKE q . Y0l0i(i's PLACE - C'hulchuy I: i deiMato to the Lease. ot Nations continue. rt JIFFMIO INTER. MOVIIO. Lon Angelou, Calm. Sept. ., t,-. "tttett J. Joann. toraier honvywolght boxing champion. tad-y signed 1 con- tract to play In motion pleura. Ho will appear In mmody pmducuonn. tract to may m mouon pun-ran. nu ...--.. will appear in comedy production. gg o. Reed, "(new ht - __.---.-.,-..----------. photo-I. - m b J '&C7al2'L= CARHNTIIR SAIL. following a m If. .. wt New York. Sept. '.-<K1ortte' Car. " gtate In!" . "WK. mom-r. FYetttt'lt hoary trelttht ashlar. the "I" N m & alt . w! hiq mama". "once" ttits. M w". W, ,1 vimmm. and thin anon». In "in"! F i m . w n mum The" n. n madam. "M m IR 'r _ - ..< .,A; .A --- AL_ .A tLiLaLia ' ' .1 . .31" MUN." President and Secretary of m ' Fair mention Give Out Statement. FAIR k MESS "r"" SAY JOHN WlRTl Mil) W. I. WOODIN E X T E N o APPRECIATION w. I. Woodin and John Wins. president and mercury .02 the [an County Fair numtlvely. todar. Issu- td the following statement reuniting the rm which closed Monday night: The Beventrtirtst Annual Lake County Fair held at utrertrvitie, " gust 30, " and labor Day w" n successful venture tiaarteituly and we feel gran-flu mwurd the public for summrt and co operation. The campaign tor membership.: up sured us of a sure Income which can us'courage to buy the host ot hip- podrume and circus acts as well n. to tinanee good racing and a fine horse show. besides beautifying and decorating the property'. and saved our paying for rain Insurance. no 6th. Cttr---Blank stub with no me or "are". 7th. Car-Ed. Hopkinson. Detroit. 8th, Car--hm" Morrison. . Mom. Car-C. J. Colander. Ctereardi, Ohio. Euclid "anus. . 2nd Laud. $6,000--H. K. Watson- bort. no address. _ . 8rd, Car-J. A. 'rreptow,Ubertrvttie. 6ttt, Car-ate Mulowlcx. Chime. Uh, Car-0. C. Burdette, Minneapo- Owing to the not that mug» ship ackeu war sold over 3 vii.- tWritorr t public selection was not Eula. but . mum of that a his County mu- ottit+ apd I like number ot member- pt the Cu!" privtroCommittiso met on Monday. Sept. lat. and the above nvnrda were undo- We were enabled this year to get randy for a fair. The results of the tttortn of directors. officer: and de- partment superintendents are proof of this above statements. " cm: were awarded to the follow. in: people: - -- inf Aim-d, "moo-w, Humphreyu. Indianapolis, Ind. it that may county Fain have had a hard time, annually. We feet not. in! when we are tn a position to soy to in" "done so well. The list of exhibitors Who won "amigo will in published in m amino." commands; tom and completed on may. Sept. 8. W. 1. WoomtC.Prett. PRIEST HONORED BY THE VATICAN The gm of the campaign wu to harem the membership at the Far Wain. This In; unseen. yr with; in raising thd necesury fund- to carry on tho Fur and pay current expenditures Incurred. Reports In" " Porto. Ind.. Sept. l.--Tho Rev. Michael Abnhun. putor ot Sacred Heart church Michigan City. bu ro. celved trom Pope >le K! through tho most Ree. Louis Btu-hula: the mun Purllrch of Jamaica! the doc- onuon ot Commander ot the Military order ot the up]! Sopulcher. - Cttthttlieitsttt on mums". ambasuddn, bishops and generals And which Wu "may bestowed on Cardinal Q2',',rl?'lX. conferred on Father Manhunt I con- sidentlon ot his Work toe Amorlcul gIii0hPlNill MAKE MEI) JEWEL HAUL "iii-"nil; iiléh his been couched upon venom of high nut including Prince- occlesiuuc an 'tVY " etut" Chicago, Sept. 8.--r'our armed high. weymen today held up - A; Leng, representative of Seine] Un- Broadway. New York. end leaned Bertie. no Riverside Drive. New York " they were on route to e ranrrtad union in e texi cab. . The robber: eeieed e smell nether be; which they evidently believed couteieed jewele. robbed Lee. et 8110 end Herri- ot 010 end e M diemoed ring end eeceped. They gen Kerrie beck three " hille toned In . you pocket. - MILWAUKEE FIRE WILL IE PROBED The jewels. "ttted at "50.000 which but; in carrying. won in " trunk at the Union union. the he contained nothing of ulna. Washlutdn. Sept. !.-Al N gallon ot mo tire which incl" II. plant of the C. A. Kn" my - puny. " luv-aloe. WI... V. thatgtg. ed by the armament of "rerttr"' toor. _ -.. A A tru. JOHN G. WIRTZ. Sec. . IN my. W3

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