Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Sep 1924, p. 2

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Fp'iiii" 2&3; _'s.1 xaunhuon L3; "he" no '51.". ,rttl continue '55.; to the an: It tr,', " on! non 5'99 h adopted. 3;; _'. _ fMrtr mm 1' {m from ce" in m mu '?:S gig-i Mr, Alice Brahman. of Chimp. In "s'is. "I her brother. Thomas .Bromr 'tii":, In ad may An extended mu. 't'ji'r_il-','- It. and In John Nuder nre enter- ,tt'tCi,'"gst- a nephew from the city. ',)fr,/ to.. and In. Carl Miller "tended (r: 'r.5.' no Whom-In State Fair at Milwau- . to. one any last week. i, uni board all mum Our mm: _',', ' - bu too may tntrtntrertr-- too 9:. my on on it who look at their g? ' eetmrtdttiims rather am at the and "Nation. 95*"? "15!. milk producers " n "no kick 'iisr-) It I _mstmtrership toe the association 'iis'rirrae'e'.1 " to use tar constructive 'li/i/S, work 1nd every think ',i'vi",iri,ii"'iju" We" knows thopreunl _,"er').iftr,rtehetd' no wrong and thit they _'f'fe.?sw',8ttt1 pastime wrong to his loan and .. "s'_'ji':'Aot'o an: ot the cum milk deal- vri?i,.'crfryq. on! me mndnmentnl change jit" ltr-ttom.' We hm think we F that T. Fowler of Lake Villa Uiraa the county air, having an i? no! " head of pure bred _E.e,tb, trom his ream: accred~ ' . herd of 50. The Lake Villa mallow new was the blunt ' winner in the open classes 3.! Alton. A unable win was " - you old cow. "Racine AAgie M." who won in n elm of 27 of flu but can from Wisconstn, Iowa, 1"). Indhnn. and Inmate. Her son I?" Johanna lad Beets." was "d tn the big class ot two year Lake Villa Breeder of Hollsteins _ Tomes: New Struggle 3 For Dairymen. , It: Folwler will be remembered h mite producers " being the one "suited the Milk Producers' timt15 you: no, nnd more "all, u the., one who engineered no nun wittf the Chicago milk Junior- laat January when the) but" out tre producers. t'nlrt none than our chars lines a. wind noun tron the South . - tho-Jo. It scanned to tween "-18.1 up here. That wu Tue.- dtir. Then followed that hot Wed- - produger tight ll . losing game (or both. then the milk producer: as- cochtion wlll need 1 complete re- Wuon along different lines. I an the'time is ripe, anyway. tor a "to la methods. "The Milk Producers' association "- - $25,000,000 of Janna! ml with the Chicago dealers - do know their wny around. "o-thet, know how to "impress" our Whom big business man. those "an interested tn arming mm. :md then re mtut--amt '_I'h§ nut "vice they shank! "he at Ittit then sit tight amf so an "euatgh to future vtertv." F "the milk producers are tumor 3 I'll We before long," and Mr. m. "Ind it those in authorintr in 1h "elation ue not successful tn M only wielding a 100 per cent or- phan in the Chicago health in... " veil as "Inching the milk gaining brother ot Wjaoonsm to a. bounce of the (lemmas at we cue-so dealer and further urging it. Wisconsin producers to see that on brother producer against bro- tt'.ttil2 did not has them be] fill, they has been with m eve: "9. {than Ill indoor- nt the I". Ml. could not other their W or "(mm from the garden. "I "on Icon to two:- do wont at": poor little limb. in ntl bits. It..." Once " In town may. Human" he has batman lou- an In high ma storms than from m chemo: storm to "just and net- Thbse who went into Waukegan bi; here via'the bus line were Mrs. 'tt My". Mrs. Joe Faster and Lucile, .Tude, Grace and Alice Louise Rold- an; accommnied by Mrs. Bessie mm. Mrs. annvr and Mrs. Bor- 4418-"er and two was 'tttended the Lake County Fair at Lib- Mlle Saturday. . _ _ Mt. and Mrs,. E.. Bartlett had as - for the last few days their son 8ttr Bartlett and his wife and little till '0! Waukegan. In. Ben Hamilton is inking treat- - from an Antioch physician. In. Pearl Rhehnbecl ad Betty Jana. uncompanled by her brother Ed- M Leonard. made an auto trip to Bt. Pull. Minn., last week. Mr. and Mm. Chas. Brennan are "can; 1 few by: In Chicago. ' "to Mhnnnn is seen much about amm this oummc-r, drivlntit a "mart "not. ' Wo regret the postponement ot LII. Villa days which were to have ten the 22nd and 28rd of August, but (I. It!!! storms and bony rains dis- qtttqttatted'people. in 3mm: ma mu mavens - week . "John Walker tspont Sunday at his It. Ind In Wm Fisher no on- Win: "hm": and (Hands from M Irver the wed-and ' w, bad I mm! woollen! "when at in dbqrrett on the run Sunday. by a - from Evan-ton. He told . - of Jesus in in tho world n mid be, and pruented _ It" good (bought; I. a" to report M R. Miller '1'" _ mm producers should not LAKE VILLA mi vu in Waukegan one day mwmudmmmuu 'Pe-e.". . an: a a»: In. In - been {with - the but"! I. (at mm tho put week. . In. New and mum. all! time wishbon- lrom would. at In. wan Sheena. visited her Wod- m-mny ot In! week. In. Dan She-emu was In Wank.- P." our day In! week Mr. and Mrs. Tom mined 3 huge numbel triends Sui-my. e Mr. and I comma! no: and Kendal iGiiiiG" V" done " H. G. At. mall's two day- lut would He re- ports his grain in fine shape Ind a you: yield. Our "we: have been wry busy tor the [at few days. The merchants do not have time to say "how do you dot" The only mount we get In: "What do you went?" Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marks, their son, John Marin, wife and daughter, Mrs. Lowell DePieidtst and um Chm Marks. from Ownso. Mich., visited Mrs. Marks' father, Mr. MoMaemllty. and Mr. and Mrs. Ju. Leonard and family the past week. Mrs. mound and Mrs. Mark: ere sisters. The two families motored to Kenoshs Wednes- day to visit relative: there. Mrs. Louis Head entertained her friends, Mrs and Mrs. Gut-st .thetr daughter and husband and their five civiclreu from Chicago Stand" at! Monday. [9113/1113 May. the intuit daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Helm)": been quite inditrpoarerd, but I: hate? " pres- ent . Thomas Nelson, of Manuals, " here may. Mr. Betteraptsrhorn, of Evnnuon, gave a very lawn-tins talk mt sun- My, using n his tax}. "Be nun and On and". Sept. " our pater will be but "In. nod on the following Sunday. Sept. , our District Super- lntendont. J.' We". will pmchatll ot Lou-nun " nntnge of this ormoruAtitr, .. -.. Mr. Wanker wont "to Libertyville land" to Attend the Luke County En. Bury Stanton has been on- tertunlns her puma the put mt. It. and In. mutton sad ' Jack andAr. sud In. Ramon am a Lake Geneva. Fox we and other {places of Interest Sunday . l " tho pastor hind wife, Mr. had In. Wentworth. m _enjoyin¢ u visit with home folks in' Mama. there will be no service: on next Sun- m. Sept .7, but Sundny "hoot will he held at the and hour, 10'6'clock. and we hope t area all the chum-en It that am. . 1 Several thsopie from here attended the Fur " Aurora. iiaau begin: next land" and atl will be r0141 Ate . mod and. than Gerunds Went-I in It Dlaltt to take . your: eonno of "up; - Mr. and In my Ken and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kerr. of Bloomington. m., were - of Mr. and In. June. Kerr tron may until land". Mrs. Olson. of-gan, "out . few dun Int week With her Inter. In. Bert Gunshot. _ 7 MnCole. of mews-.11 .ame the first of the week to take D. R. Illn- zers place at the but, while Mr. and. Mrs. Dunner take I three week's W canon trip. They will so by auto to Minoan-l, when they will visit rel:- lives. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hamlin enjoyed an auto trip to Lake Gene" 1agt Sun- tthy. _ "1-. n _ _ _ _ , ,7 T m - Mr. and It". Irving Bamsublo are Inn-Mug Cotutratu1ntiontr on the " rival o m ten-pound son. Irving. Jr., on August " Mrs. Unstable In better the last few any; , _ hit. and Mrs. Wm. Lowe were in Waterman last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tronson have been in the harvest news of the North for a coupe of weeks and Mr. Larson has Ian-1. whim: hit pace as second trick man at tho Mro Line depot. Dorothy DeArmond, of Kenosha, visited her sister, Mm. F. T. Fowler, Jr., mat Week. 7 -- Wm. Carson. bu returned to hi, home in Belvtdere that working born the put few months, m. brother, Joe,. visited him here In! week. Mr. and um Champion. of Central, 1.1.. were tmeats of In. A. Richu'dl and Miss Belle Richnrdn during the rust ween. . 11- Indie: Aid Scary met with Mrs. C. B. Hamlin but Wednndsy " trauma. DIVORCE!) TGDAY; DOESN'T WANT IT Sarah J. Runs". or Waning". to- day obtained I dlvorro from hum K. Rune". In cite-it court here be fore " wan discovered that show do" not want I divans. At lent Atty. Jam" G. mm 111th into com this urn-moon um naked that the do- or". entered um not-ulna. be not tsldo. "Why. judge. tho/rm been living tts [other for three tannin-Ahoy don't van! I divorce." Atty. Watch told the mun. The court at tho matter for their!" tomorrow with regard to not tine and. the ammo. mg -eity over Sandi! ions Rhoda. enter- number at relative! mint t" (PM-ymumunuuw .uum-um, Aupln ae8tb around" bull - muon- duh. the pulled in! 5' Glenna tutumhnnnmw nlnxgonppncutouuvmduel era-manna. AWtommq division at the Band It". Div-I'- mtotAgm-ulnuthummd such "than u can" run 13an Wham-cl mutcouummmmh! ., , ' . tiots Wm: am of mu iiii.i"i'i'i"i"iriiiiiiiPtt, 6-0 b y uew at tho col-putt!" m at the plan. , This lam u nut-tum by tin department to thyme: put it" "yum-w. - - -_.- '____ __,__V_V In Whigs" he... and" with the a which other - have derived tro- thh'bl'u at 00- operative banding. Both Mom end date workers luv} _tentntt that in. of Punt!" Um a IW y" Productive am of Cm I. ', "My ttathttmrr-r. ttersqmttetndtteresedtterd luncheo- opennveulocuummmonthu the organises had mttietpartrd. ' tymeitttmsoteo-tivett+ tn-tstatute-pe-growth" -tnd-trvt-nrmetioet" - herd " meant In no "I! theithemermnotdautome mod untamed bill. end it II can": that the herded the tttNN mu 'tot "lemma tech-ca tut-condi- tion Int 1. Themse'et. smri-outtvtrs-mmttoatdinvB" up. to berm,- can and! to diminish dream" atseorttle bed. for the tuteortwoeomrurtttyeaeh family are teeny e herd tn themselves. but owner: of men herds ("not If- ford to keep I mum. Mole. depend 1pm neighboring WW end the cooperative mum in one meaty-ovum foe mteheoqestttR "niacin-imam, The duty "on men in South Caroline. for may". musing the Irrtttoetn- of the eo.opernttt" bull need-tine. have nude it e part of their amply: for "two cow-- to." rural funny."- end they have let a... soul the prtrnrttmtMet in th) state of 114 cooperative bail Mutton. Certain characteristic: 6: American cheese. most valuable for export pur- pose; in addition to good "vor, in. Ind sound rind. and mm... well-made packnm. The favored export style In the large umllod "cheddar," weitrhintt from 609, so pounds, al- though of later years a good mnny "twins" have hem exported. "Twins" weigh about 85 poundl ouch. Ind are packed two in I box. BEST PACKAGES FOB CHEESE loam Alp Subject" to Rough Trut- mm In Mummy and than" I. Good and Strong. C Fume-o An lulu-In. b lulu. VOID. " MM. The matter of the package is very important, u the boxes no subjected to rough handling In loading and un- loading. The most satisfactory bout In rtuMefenttr large for the can" cheese. for with I (that. higher an the box, the pron-are of other buo- piled on top destroy: the - at the the": and Injun- m rtnd. - It " cot-nio- l. the Halted "at. to pan-Mun most of the dual. DOM ed. weeAttetdet6-furtheett- I. made. which penult- fre. 'tttteta" to escape and allow for the ' Ihrinkm During the -tgte, - met. and autumn. the on at W. um out when a tampon-amid 8tb degree- to 40 dema- P. my be mn- nuned. I. Import-m In INN". tt In: been found a n no." od experi- tttettttt conduct" by the United State: pobartment of Ail-1mm". l "ed Inland RIM-t. " In may dam" to feed n ration which will - I - cow to more": her mill now. The and rule Is to feed a balanced ration from the Mutual-3. Ind to provide am feed to met her requirement. autumn PM e! um. When no effort In no. to (In con goodrere,ithdrtBeuittomVit "than": minim." factory ftoqe of out for u fut". but more: they M to in the" With tho completion ot the an! "no Gawain building thin you. no humping at no It". Ionic mud. which bu been one ot the hobbit- of Search" ot Mate Loui- :3 Ramona. in. at» detittit. unnot- an now bout that It In: on ot an no" boom!" mum to: m out"! ot in, put- tn um am. Not to may you: [to the auto have at In the middle ot . dunno: patch. Such trots " In" been mud "may um not out without pin or moon. nt 1axranmqartttnandtttemqrt" annual"! and (a 'ht-tr be". - When tho ohm (or the now Cun- tennlnl bonding nu he!" could. and, tr-tner Manon. who In mu- of the banding tod ground- by vim. ot In; tttttees. determined tttpt the now may of ground and the ow auto] grand: would be Month! Into human] by dour MIMI-ho humping. -- An "ttith land-capo gut-donor w W to work out 5 plan. Tm. were uprooted god other am not out .mehary I" plan!" and flower bod. were mound. A (mn- hoose m con-mod on the power plant grounds ad the In": plowed up an] renown. Now that it In all complete, every- one urea: that the ground- nn one of the most bountiful In the country. The capitol. with the Centennial building in the background, present- an artistic and dUnitted "metr- nee. Grounds have been hid out with a - to the ultimate erection of two additional building: on tho plot occupied by (to Contanninl building. The suteyill need than within the Itorqm'teSsilthRnlu1E OPPOPULARCOUI'LE next tewyenn. There he a his celebration " the home ttf Mr. pad In. 810"!»qu " Luke VIII: on Search! Int when their delight". Eon. became the wife of not Miler, of Reno- ehe. WU. Then you: people hue troiitttodtttnttseointNttroftherWV cousin TeleDMe gummy!" Att put 31: not. and will Into their home in Xenon...' m The ceremony which took pine " 330 pan., m potter-nod M Mer. Wnlzm Bantam of the OWN, Convention" church. The brIdO. you!" tuned in white mm trope over white nun. ended I bon- W Out of a wonderful you; ha, fed the folkirhtg descriptive " Inna of our bed ah If You Want a Real Herd Sire mm. heads are many dead herd of Lid: producing cows His sire, COIDNY KEG! NEWMAN. it out of the former world's record cow. MadamPosch Pauline, and by a son of the former world's record cow. Mamie Newman. . His,dam.KlSMHl' of the most Lsaifui-uBaransi,istrrrimkmefhiderarne,tyho" 'bm.rirrknter'riaJ,.uneNeweatrkhrst1ydeow, Indherthree nearestdirect sires are all outofeworld's ' cow and his sire, King "emerald Augie Payne. was out of s world's recordcow sndby the mofewortd's record cow. His sire has two world's record sisters; his dam hes two sisters that ere world's champion sisters. and his dams sire hss'two world's record sisters. With such breeding. a great deal can reasonsbly be expected from our held sire. BELL FARM POSCH BELL FARM POSCH PR'IDE JOHN c""'ii"iéiio'iCiiiiiiLit1gipy iiririiAiiN Grpeni,i ".- LiL. - we. ILL. mm Melba 6324-1 Birchmont Farms Beautiful 374363 (Under Federal itg.ttt . ) HONOR MU, 1923-1 24. J ' in t ttU! ' any ard F ' , at. on court. has: vino at II. has. I'm-mm" and What-u. nth Inn-lo ad "that! " the Inn!"- - In!" tho at: hum of "immoral". via the newlyweds unwed any for 3 trip Into Wuttott- tin. ' :ubeegélnues Is sour can on or MoHENRY men ms are wcromr _ Judo and. P. Bursa-o! Wood. stock I: not proud manor ot no t924 WWW cup "and by m ard wan. prom"! ot a. Ileana golf club. . Juan- Home. van tho any "to: an "eitinq "ttlo with Vinita Volts. New". The my run our " be!" and tho match w docidod on the thirty4ttttt bola. which than!" . ("at "ht. _ _ ' - " ' . _ "viG"irGi' outtteen hold were pl". " in tho morning. an... and Potts wore nod " tho halt var that: - "If iiid" au ist twenty-bun lulu the two cola-um were mu tttd. _ Danna showed his It!!! on tho an nine 11010.3" " and!" outphyod his mu and Ind him two down m two to so when they tted tho thirty- tltth halo. the Intel. wu out at Barns: m the winnur. "h Bun" mu- tlnt " vu the tone ent and We" game of its you a- new and the victory vn but and. my the NorttterwnttttttU and qodtfiermNrireonain senior no" chun- uionsmp sad. the prukhnt'n cup at "0819an Added to his collection this mason. Jud" Farm" he"! a: " ha bu had q uncoev'ul "tMror. on the links. 'tIWtvtp.,tr'rorrN _" l M'titN08IllI It was reported to the shaft: of- ttee that an untomobne had been unwound on the run of the Scott Danni hm-nt'uko mun. It prov- ed to b. New your". . A Ford .utotnottne stolen recently from Paul Price. ot Lake tore-t. m recovered Thursday. _ 7 _ _ - A hubr- crying need tuattr is he of Fancy. To"! uh. mrieahhthreiiftsrtieee, 915010 $2.75 Jertreeaivedaoeattrt- The Quality Store OUR WANT hos GET SURE RESUME . J. N. 3mm, Proprietor Telephone 202 "th Libertyville, Illinois TlHIE, BIG 4 Parkiqg free to dancers. t WILL can: 001' To YOUR fARI AND PROV! " To YOU "w- M't - 99192.92 et.t2tt.edef.e. W - " - Libertyville Garage o-tgee-Art-o." -e"5oeatr-nsa "iii"aiiFaGiiire4aliiithie Pr L'te,'gtPgu'ue,'ll,'fJlu',tf Mud-yam": Adtttothutseoedotttitg,tts _ "Gai-iii-in-mt-ir-r.- iiG"TiGFruiaFctuu -_ the m tor We'- unpu- M m math? foe - gum'ocoygg'my- inc! that am'" a»... -q. no": Ivar- mmmmdc-nm! Grriiuafivmtitinot-itut nuanced. COLLINS h DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS " and Mausoleum BERT FINSTAD, Litirtrvilk, Illinois the 2004 my .. explain how - all forwtgmmuzdpcyfotil anon -aaGaris now-walnut aluvunv "use: mm mum on Plank. (a. . if.» t"; ATLAS/ B 'irylli; 1359' ES -- - Tiirfiin tircrieatatout"mm hum PM "if 9191.533: Iretttze a"... '3'; Milk tantalum: er BULL In": lWy m m. nu- Fort Atkinson "autumnal"! II. I. you "in In no ""0"me 't'artehittmttrtdlltqirb-tt STEVENSON . SATURDAY'EVENING. SEPT. 6, 1924 RENEHAN'S, 0N ROUND LAKE Music by the "II-i wen." of M9 "was!!! Danehi d Eviiimittit After" W M. _ More Than a Million . In Daily Use ,egerce,t,ui,'eA1 1utae,',"l,ulll lane F armed Best, Equipment / DOWN " m: ELECTRIC STATIOE DANCING JACK GOODALL "iiirWiitiiii' i.ibdatrvv - "In a hung". Likk ooUNTY DIOTRIIUTOR "an. in IH? m; CHRISTENSEN mm Mlsou"l', " You! t4nltr'lYalrr'4ryata. ACME) Wain and fun a. all. No -tt-totttte" to ptuib.mre.Mkhte -iiisri-ato-_ The Wall's Lowest Priced Quality Car WT"! tL00acmtrtle, 0%

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