Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Sep 1924, p. 10

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W "m mm: on _ ' PUBLIC HEALTH Following a sensational chase of the pilot car, in which Sheriff Aht- strain . captured one 'occupant and riddled the machine, containing four others, with bullets, the officer and Stove Butler. driver of Ditmond Y, Inch. Wr Marry loan. drlver of "and. he Como. driver of "and. not noel". Omar of Wilton. Frank Angora and Frank Clark. The (may; wore cleverly (amon- Iml. Ono bore the "an: "In! lard. ham. smoked than "a "mum; lent-our Paellntt and Provision Co. '" Green .et.eet. Another bum the sin: "Union To. Wro Srttr'..r Hon». Wholesale. Fred M". Mar. Ill Mala "not The _ trv.ek born In modest ', "Atrto Acct-notion." s halt dozen deputies seized three trucks and three touring can and so barrels ot beer and 8 'her-rt, Sat- near Lake Zurich, in t most sensa- tionat manner. After the Elk: circus Fridny night Sheriff Ahlstrom and his crew of motorcycle officers started patrolling the highways around Lake Zurich. About 43.30 o'clock Saturday morning the sheriff saw a pilot car speeding along a dirt road east of Half Day and he gave chse. When the or. cohthining five men, failed to' stop following his commend, he ttai'e chase and started shooting. "9ne men leaped from the machine and put up his hands, apparently for the purpose of getting the sheriff to give up the chase for the others. Sheriff Ahlstrom, although alone, in the car, picked up the man, covered him with a revolver which he held in the same hand that he used on the wheel and then followed a 65-mile- Thousands To Flock To Couni try Club Tomorrow To See . Tournament Golfers. PROS AND AMATEURS PLAY While the pilot car got ttWar the deputy sheriff: succeeded In captur- ln. three tracks and three big auto- mobiles, containing about 60 barrels of beer, and seven men. M mule their Capture on Rind load. at Lake Zurich. The Inn captured by shot"! Aht. uroln [are his nxme as George "al- "I. The others were booked u: lav-rd Mindy. driver of Federal truck. an hour chase over rough road which Martin! the community. For three miles they rated, the sheriff pumping lead into the neeitm machine. He came near (inching his car several times while loading his gun. steering the cur and keeping his prisoner cov- ered with "other revolver. Although the car of the {uxltlvpa was riddled wlth bullets they ttttally unneeded in unplug due to the hldlctv and" whlch the ttherltt w" compelled to drlfe. 'fUnder present conditions In lill' note an average of 15,000 children suffer from diphtheria annually be. cause their parents are ignorant; 2,000 folks get typhoid fever and spend 12,000 weeks in bed because they didn't know any better; M or .30 million dollars are spent for patent medicines because folks are led falsely to belied: that nostrums will produce that vigorous. robust health which 50 cents per capita invested in public health service would. provide. "While public health service ma- chinery has produced remarkable re- sults in Illinois it is wholly inade- quate to attack and solve the prob. lem: of preventing disease on a scale commensurate with the public needs}? o CAPTURE 6 BEER TRUCKS AFTER h C RUNNING FIGHT "The amount of public htalth serv- ice anilabie is in direct ratio to the amount of money provided tor that purpose," the physician continued, "and to a very large "extent the amount ot contagious diseases prew out among a. people is in direct ration to the amount of public health service provided. Medical science be! given to the world some very positive and fruitful methods for controlling and .A. _ contagious diseases on a iarge scale but the practical application .ot those me- thods cost money. i "Ranking third in population, nnd standing very close to the top in "um," said Dr. 'Rnwlings. Illinois spend: less per capltn than any ot " other autos tor protecting tho health and lives of her citizens against disuse, illness nnd untimely death. New York, for example, the most populous "state in the union. spends " cents annually per citi- zen. Pennsylvania spends 25.9, while lllinoia appropriates only " for pub. lic health work. In ottter trv.ek hon tho modem t "Ame Accra-min." haul)! awn are brine held in d W bond: one). Dr. Rawlinoo States That Ma- 'loritv of States Spend were Than Does Illinoisc Springfield. ill., Sept. 5.--illinoiq out}: less per capita protecting the henlth ot its citizens than 3 mn- Jority ot the lute: ot the, Gion. Dr. [Inc D. Rnwliugs, director of the nut: department ot public health, pointed out in making public tigurea Men from a recent repgrt ot the nuisance ot state' and provincm halt]: authorities. The state spend: " cents per cupim per year on public "health service while the up unnl per capita cost in 29 other states rune trom lg to 32 cents higher. _ PEOPLE SUFFER NEEDLESS Mayor Sehrlng suggested that altho no arrests had been made, Mr. Rom. pel meet Capt. For-mango at the eity hall and assured him that the pollce oMeer would gladly supply? him vltll all the data gathered by the pollco department. ' N One of the minister's Britt In: on his return VI! to visit Mayor Behring to thtd out what police ineesttiatiott of the bombing had brought to light. Prior to his departure for Europe July I, the Rev. Mr. Rompgi had been active in the campaign uni-u bootleggers and saloonists in Joliet and the bombing, which damaged the church and endangered the lives of a score or more of persons living in the vicinity. was attributed to them. The mayor informed Mr. Rommel that the outrage had been investigate ed by Capt. Nicholas Fornnngo and other mebers of the police force and that everything possible had been done to ascertain the perpetrators of the bombing. The Rev. Henry E. Rompel, pasta: ot the Ottawa Street Methodist churc hin Joliet, and former pastor ot the First Methodist church in Waukegan, has returned to Joliet att. er a two month's tour through Europe. He was accompanied by Mrs. Rommel. Hit home was bombed on July 10, during his absence. f . "t did not hear of the bombing until seven] days titer " took place." the Rev. Mr. Rompel and. "I was in Paris, when the information tirst reached an. That Theory Won't Do. A lnmmrilt roman-k. that In tiew of the rum nwvomnn makes orcr tt III! ammo. he in mama: to bellow that the "urrttertt" Exe hid in tow WM mommy: Imt an nppk wnm. The may thing wrong with "In theory " that " amthorm certainly don't tempt am- ttt out the ttpple-Boehm Trun- Irvin. "I latent! to proceed slowly until I get all the Ittformation ulllnble and I do not know Just what my course will be." Joliet Home of Former Wanke- gan Pastor Was Bombed . During His Absence. REV. ROMPEL BACK FROM EUROPE; IO PROBE Ili)lGlMi \'Iord'o Four Datum-nit. The Latin word discus, a small mum! metal Plato, has become the 8621M! dish; In France the word be. umo duh, from which no got Jain; the ltnilzms made the word dram, from Iltch we ttet dock. Relontivts made the word 'tine out of the ortqinttt Latin. Fottr dmymdnnts from the one Latin moot. And then Manley and Rogers re turned? They spoke but briefly at the days of horror spent in srtruggliad from one wuterhole to the next across the 250 mites ot the Mojave desert, of the dead of the Jayhawker party when they found along the trail. But they had brought food and, moat vital of all, they had found a way out. They guided the party on the long climb to the summit of the Panamint range. As the emigrants reached the crest and looked back into the in.. ferno from which they had escaped, Amhel Bennett's wife raised her arms In a gesture of farewell. "Good-by, Death Taller'." she cried. And thus it was named. The emigrants now not down to wait for the return of the two scouts. A week ptitrsed--two--three--end still they did not return. At the end of the fourth week all except Anabel Ben. nott's wife abandoned hope. "They will come back," she declared stead. rastly. But they did not, and the ettti- grants resolved upon one ttnal deeper. ate attempt. They began stripping the canvas covers from the prairie schooner: and tnnklng pack saddles to clneh upon their emaciated oxen. The other party, men with families. round a tiny spring and camped there to rest. Then food supplies run low. Their oxelrbenn to die and their wagon: to fall apart in the blistering sun. So Asahel Bennett, their leader, lent two young fellows, Will Manley and John Rogers, forth to and a way out ot the trap. As they departed Mrs. Bennett gave Manley a double handful of rice-half of all the tinf--. and silently pointed to the hunger- pinched faces of her children. Again IR"!!! split. One group, S6 persons in all. you. bachelors from Illinois who mlted themselves "The Jaylmwkers." Dream on toward the mountains. Some of them died of starvation. some of thirst and others went mad and wandered sway Into the desert. In sll " perished before they fought through to safety. Early in the spring they had left the Middle West. 100 wagon: "may. for the gold held- ot California. Then the fetal decision of n part at the train to a: n then cut acron- the 'noun- tains bad brought than into this val- ley who" ttoor was non than 200 teet below the level ot the In. m it they wandered for week: of torment. HOW DEATH VALLEY WAS NAMED ACROSS the whith plain the heat wave: Winner" and danced. Mirugeu of e6ql luke- gppeund. muck- ing their thirst, and val-had. In the background mood I up of blank: walled mountnlns through which the emigrants could we no opeulng. And this was Christmas day, 1819! to 13:4. W'uuii this" 1135.} 5?: There are many Lake County chil- dren being cared tor at the orphanage and netdenta of the county always hue taken a keen Interest in the ity aututlon as a result. An upped has been made to the public to attend and take articles to supply the needs of the kiddies. There are IO children to be fed, clothed. keno warm and educated. Their need- nremen'y nad it is expecied lint. n sympathetic public will respbnd lite erally a usual. The Methodist Deaconess Orphan» age at Lake Mutt will hold he twenty- am: annual harvest home festival at the orphanage on September 18, 'trom 11,-30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Lunch will be served at 12:30 o'clock tor 65 cents a pale. A program will be given by the iehildren,from one-thirty to mommy. There will be 1 mo of Iancy good: and "rents. V In the Place du Pnlnln Royal Is the Theatre Frnnmls, the most famous theater in- Pttritr, and the home of Comedie Francnlse. The orlglnal bulldlnz wan erected la 1782. De. strum] by me in 1900, lt Wttg imme- ditttvlv rnhnllt. . The Meddlm. Meddlcmme people are not nee... snrily matieRitts--tlter may even be 'retimtettttintt---trut the bttrtft they do I: none the In" real. Knowing how to run other 'pi'ople'. business Is not always so much tt gift as an who "on. . Rome, an Elmer Wat. n a place when one can sit by the In": room [in to pee! potatoes or men spark mun. . Public Invited to Atttnd;hp- neal Is Made to Friends to Make Donations: MANY TO BE CARED FOR ' Att Trou-.-'.'..- an E3350. We can't expect much marital I. fomt in the world as long as men I"! turned mount to join the American Astronomical society Just no they run I", out every night without making "cutett.-.-Bttfrtuo Evening Times 7m teleh Roar". Mn. Ttheh (with Ion" from dangl- ter " emitegeV--gohn, rm astounded! Helen writes thot sm- Is now on in. [mm hum. Who ever tvoultt III". "nought she'd take n mum In Immo- hnn! ... 4mm": Evening Trm, "Vim. Judge John-Karel ot the probate court in Milwaukee is Interesting 6t- nchls of the Wisconsin city: HARVEST HOME FESTIVAL PLANNED AT TIE (rllNhl)ih(illi It is. proposed that the outer-drive now being built along the Lake front to connect with Sherman toad be ex- tended north trom Devon Arenue in. stead ot turning westthreeoblocks, u at present. The plans contemplate e roadway ot 120 feet, providing tour lanes ot travel north and on equal number south with tunnels connecting with the two outer lane: at each town. so that driver desiring to turn " or come onto the drive may do so with- out crossing In front ot male. The two center lanes would be reserved for express service ot can going all the way through. [ Chicago, Sept. (r-PM." for I Aride drive connecting Chlcuo and Inven- tee along the Lake Shore or. being sponsored by the, North Shore Motor Clog, and have received commones- tion ot oMeiale ot Evenston, Winner ha, and Wilmette on well ad the North Shore commission "cording to an announcement todu by M Mas. or, president ot the Motor Club, WOULD, M THROUGH HERE Chicago Takes Proposition To Build Roadway for Emacs . Auto Traffic to Wisoolisin. PLAN AUTO DRIVE hu)liti LAKE sum, T0 MILWAUKEE Them In A day when I longed to be A Inn. And any money m my when. I um do. . v 1.. Form. grace. treeuty--it than "as were unwed to Miss Edna Vanda- l'hur; " year-old high Ichool 3m. winner of , perfect form "My?" Famous The-Car. T'airest of All in. Kenostm It Renata. wu, tn connection with to the dune. hall proprietors. Prob 'tslr one ot the not: ounce-um] dance hall who u Chum! Into when no" of the Chieqtto week-antler- went their time. ' "" than ever. of people into magi»: "56613:"; Ind other troirttis. Most of the resorts c199 " this time. too. The season wasn't the most delir- uble by tar. hum. of the mm to put in " Almanacs Ind More! the cottage" good 11t"it', pct a deeid. ed crimp In thing. on In: orotr. nbly Ion ttsung, swimming. boning And his: ration "mm; all There I: am A small colony at Druce, Olsen. Round, and Channel lakes but wont .ot the cottsgen on than resort points have packed up tor the summer 1nd (on. to their homes. "'unmm n Jo {sun om 033:2. t :'im'Q' on." o.tuo mu [won all sprmzq om "a 0mm: 0'. pamuuod 3.10M Hum I H mm pasaua'q Iitttt umn any." has 6 Manx L. mm! memo out: some" Jo um om 2:901;le Jo nnbmuz em ot calm." Jane] tt u; minnow)! pl" ootattrd muons mama!» an '(om "CP,ti) "nouns Jo Jenna" MOquv _ 1:421 cue upturn lany of the resort orsrators lut- tered louse: rather than gunning I profit. Owners of refreshment- pu- Iorn and madam. stands were twang those hurt by the lesson. In addition The lakes region begins to' on a deserted look Is one arte other the cottagers"leave for Ree in yy ewes. 'rtysre they _ VWV-_ ".y, "no sthy for the cold months. Fox an. the heaviest populated or any the lakes. stttt entertain: some 1,500 people, that)» hit the number that is them up to labor Dan ubor Day usually marks" the close'o! the vacation period at the Inke- Ind from then on than}: one", strum That, a Land a! let. Greenland In I land " lee. Ice bu been tterurtttttatittg hr the Interior of Greenlnnd since the dawn ot history. it Is estimated that " talent the m Beith, rover tn area of 000.000 mile: and on" on an average I mile and I In" ., . 'e. , commas BEGIN T0 LEAVE LAKES; mm mun SEA50N Desert Their, Vacation Spots' Where They Shivered Host of the Summer. . ttee feet. That body wu mud to the Sonnet undertaking room- when Coroner J. L. Taylor was to hold on inane-t today. It is" thought likely that the aged womn suffered a stroke Ind plunged down the stairway. which mut' 1 fail at about. G... ._-A . Mrs, Schneider had made her home with an Daniel for the put three month. She had been living with her "lighter, In. M. L. Krise, 422 Oink street. Immune. . Mri. Barnes, to whom she had been tending, rushed to the home ot I nolghbor whro'sh summon" aid. Accompanied by her neigh- bors she returned and found that the womnn wan dead. . [wow KILLED Ill , FALL DOWN snaps n LAWYERS If0llilli In. Buriet Schneider, 76, Mend of the Judge Tr. V. Barnes "any. of Zion, met death heed" even- ln: when the plunged down I stur- wny leading'trom the kitchen to the qutelde ot the house. TO HOLD INOUEST Mrs. Schneider, Friend of Judge ll. V. Barnes' Family of Zion, ls Victim. I at" inythlnx. nnywhero honest Bergiee (haunted. _ tum-oat Seven! years of expel-1911c. Reterentte- Bmh a Dem Bum Antioch, m. Long Distance Phone Antioch ICC-'4 Farmer: Lino llllbuu, Antioch L J. Slocum a water 'eativatd one arter' Ba. their will take 'iiio-tiiiio-oartrro-tilroii" -oaroeroaistreoamiso-taeoaii" . Entrance, 1 block north of main" gate on Sheridan Road, ttreattv.kea, Illinois. ' _ Inside and outside-doors' with orrwithout glass, _ complete with hardware and frames. . with frames. 22 feet. ing. All Materials For 4x4, 6x6, 8x8,'6x12, 12x12, all No. 1 Salesman on i;remises 7 dai-st a week, 8 A. M. to 5:00 P. l Wash Stands, Lavatories, Piping, Faucets, Hot W; Consisting of all kinds of Lumber 1 inch by 4 inch, No. 1 Spruce floor- .Beadedceiling, hard wood. flooring, 1x8 ship Up and 1x6 drop siding. Ixf, 1:8, Ix10 inch boards. 2x4, 6x6cflx8," 6x12, 12x2, lengths up to American ll'llotisewrecilrhtg Co. steel sectional Warehouses, 40x200 with wood flooring. Government lllleei,t1tl and Office Buildings. Advertise in "The Litsartriile Independent" "The Greatest Advertising Indium in Lake County Windows complete with frames, and weights, French windows Great Lakes Naval Training Station Beaver and Plaster Heavy Timbers- Plumbing ater, Wall Radiation. " Cheap.

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