.. _ The presence of these trees in that province has for some time been the subject of more than mere conjecture. Two or three years ago it wes stated ~-- that an A};erlcnn botanist had made exhaustiv investigations in | the Thompson river valley, and that" he bad all hbut satisfied himself that Athe Douglas fi® tree in that locality yiekds a whitish sugarlike substance in con ~~Widerable quantities. i Recently a gettler noticed a similar . substance lying om-- some ground he had just bought. At first he wag un able to account for its presence there; then he noticed that it invariably ap-- peared after rain, and the fact caused him to transfer his attention to some trees that grew ncar by. The trees were specimens of the Douglas fir, and the tops of the branches, he was sur-- prised to find, were laden with a gub-- stance which, on being washed op by showers, crystallized like sugar on the ground. The ufiler then discovered that the Indians had Tong used the sub-- stance for sweetening purposes, i Street--Car Revolution ' On May 4, 1888, the first commerciat ' overbend trolley cat ap m» tountry. ¥ ~~~ i PAGE TWO . Prof. C. F. Marvin, chiet of the wenther bureau of the United States Department of Agricuiture, is great-- ly interested in this movement and ad-- vocates that form of simplification which would result in a year based on our present seven--day week as a unit. The--year would consist of 13 months Of 28 days or exactly four weeks each, and 'gn extra day. ~The suggestion fa-- wored by Doctor Marvin is that this ©6Sth or extra day be given a special mname, such as "New Year's Bve" or other equivalent designation, made a world--wide holiday and placed be-- tween December 28 and January 1. The extra month, for which a new pame must also be invented, would be least likely to upset our present way of calculating, if introduced in midsumimer, between June and July. *Leap year day," by whatever name It may be known, would be aecept-- auble as a midsummer holiday every four years, A slight change in the system of establishing century leap years is also recommended. T wo Tones A young man who had renched the stage at which his volce was changing went into a grocery store. In a deep bass voice he demanded "a sack of four" ; then, his volce sad-- den}ly changing to a high pitch, hbe added "and a pound of cofftes" | Suggestion Made for Re form of the Calendar. The tube is so simple that it can be beld in the hand, and the beam of rays can be so finely regulated that abso lute uniformity of work is agsured. It marks mous -- impo X--ray®. Northern Hot Springs That ancient voleannes had some-- thing to do with the "lay--put" of west-- ern America is evident not only frotm the wonderful display of mountain scenery in the Rockies and minor ranges. Sprin#s that send out hot water in unlessening volume and tem-- peraturé indicate that there is still some lively action away down inside, and they occur not in one locality alone, but at very considgerable dis tances. © "Just a minute, please," aald the terk ; "I can't wait on both of you at During the past two years belief in the desirability of simplifying the present calendar bas progressed to a point where efforts are being made to bring about an international congress to consider the best way to do this. Sweethess From Trees It has just been announced that the existence in Rritish Columbia of sugar-- bearing fir trees has now been scien-- tifically established, observes London Tit--Bits. New X--Ray Safety Tube The new X--ray tube invented by the famous electrical works of Eindboven, where over 4000 men are engaged in the manufacture of electrical instru-- ments, has just been completed, and numbers are arriving in London from Haolland. I€--!s a wonderfol tube, because it throws out a beam of X--rays in the manBier of a little searchlight which can be directed on uny given spot, so that no more fear of the dangerous burns produced by strny rays need be felt. WOULD ADD MONTH _« TO PRESENT YEAR The division of the year into menths, which are exact multiples of a seven--day week without a fractional remainder, will greatly simplify the assembling of meteorological data, ac-- counting and paying in business and indugtry generally, computing interest, and making many financial and other reckonings based on the calendar. Busisess men are in favor of an exact number of weeks in a quarter, and school terms and recesses could be arranged with much less disturbance to the curriculum than ft present. It is belicved that there will be no insuperable diffiiculty in arranging a consideration of the matter hy repre-- sentatives of the Roman, Angelican and Greek and other churches, and leading astronomers, if an interna-- tional congress or council is called, either through the League of Nations o¥ some independent nation, such as Switzerland or the United States. If such a congress succeeds in. taking action before mfi, the nearest year In which January 1' falls on a Sun-- day under our present system, 'the change car be instituted without in-- convenience. a step forward of, enor-- tance in the bistory of W. J. Morganstern «n' family of Oak Park were visitors over the week end, guests of Commander and Mrs, Dovie. . J. C. Jeweil and family who--have been visiting in Nashville, Tegn., have returned to theirm--residence at the cor-- ner of Prospect and Maple avenues. ' For some time past the village au-- thorities have been puzzled over a lot 'ot petty depredations which bhave been ' committed within the village limits. All of the windows in the septic tank house on the beach have been broken and the propert oetherwise Aamaged. Several ropberies have also been com-- mitted andg-- &n investigation has devel-- open the fact that a regular®and of young boys are the guilty pariies and it is only a question of a very short time before the young ruffians will be brought to justice. They are known to the authorities and their arrest will follow in a few days. It seems that a lot of young hoodlums living in Chi-- cago have made it a business to visit the north shore towns and villages and taking advantage of the absence, of the summer residents who have re-- turned to the city, proceed to pillage the homes. Two houses on Ravine avenue and one in the extreme north side have been robbed recently and in each case the robbery has been com-- mitted by the boys. It is the determ-- ination of the Lake Bluff authorities to punish these 'Gepredations te the limit. +It will make no difference whether these boys are residents of the village or not. The authorities are determined to stop this Petty thlevcryl at once. 5 The last dinuer dance of the Coun-- try club will take place Saturday night at the clubhouse. s + Mrs. Thomas Draper of 471 Center avenue, who has been im Atlantic City for the past six weeks, returned to the village on Saturday. > Alfred Somers of Ravine avenue has returned from a businesg trip to Springfield. -- An idol may be undefied by many ac cidental causes.. Matziage, in partice lar, is a kind of counter apothesis, as a deification inverted. When a man be-- comes familiar with his goddess she quickly sinks into a woman.--Addison, The village board will hold a spec-- ial meeting Tuesday night for the pur-- pose of nmng\nJ the proposals for the bids which will be opéened within the next ten days for the new water works. The board of local improve-- ments have perfected all their plans for the immediaate commencement of the new improvement. _ Mrs. Otto Kreuizberg of Park Place and her daughter Marguerite sailed on Saturday for France, their ulti-- mate destination being Paris where Miss Kretzberg will spend the win-- ter abroad. Laurette Taylor in "Happiness" will be the film attraction at the Village school on Friday night. ENGINEER KILLED WHENFLIER HITS STALLED MACBRINE Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 24 --One man is known to besdead and a score of others are reported injured, several seriously, following a crash on the Michigan Central railroad between the west--bound Detroit--Chicago flyer and an Automobile, on Hawthorne <Paper Mill crossing, east of bere, today. The locomotive turned over twitce, drag-- ging nine steel Pullmans off the rails into the ditch, The one known dead is Arthur Adams, the engineer. He was killed instantly. 'The freman, whose name has Aot : ascertained, was taken to a | zoo hogpital with injuries which physicians feared would prove fatal. s A re of passengers, thrown from tholr";ok weuffered minor injuries. So far as can be learned the automo-- bile which caused the wreck was un-- occupiled, the passengers having ap-- parently forseen the wreck in time to leap out. LAKE BLUFF * ~--NEWS ITEMS Familiarity, Ete. 5 Cw2m o °9D a chany o m a mm : PERSHING GETS $22,000 PENSION }th OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, * By BERT BALL + / --ENational Crop Iniprovement Service.} :Ism«;:mm-mm \&-- clearing of stumbs is a regular ?buueu.nngmtorvmulbu to pull most the stumips with a good wire cable in a very-- stmple 'mechanism. -- $tumps pull easiest o+ mdns rnptitimine qpmatmmmenicy Afagik SX The J via Chicago & North West-- etn H. R., or North Shore Milwaukes Electric to North Chicago Station. ExeeHont our effice. Come out any day. Come to the Canips at LARGE STOCK of HEAVY TIMBERs, WINDOWS, PLUMEB-- ING, etc, at less than ONE--HALF ACTUAL VALUE. ~Write TODAY IN m 1 han / We /-- ONEsiate "a croar MWP o § VALUE. ~Write TODAY . */ PMeoe . t for our 1 &E I '-. . it FREE HMustrated /AA0 A g B C A T A L O GLAEZEE _ ; . For your convenignce \@*¥@Z , then it is necessary to use dyna-- mite or some other explogive, but if you are troubled with stumps, get the stump literature from your ag-- -flcnltlrlleflhncrtn-m:m,_ dealer in wire cables and. other John J. Jershing, who retired as General of the armies of the United Btates on September 12%, will con-- tinue to draw his full salary> of $22,000 a year in retirement, under a ruling handed down by Comptrol-- ler General McCarl today to plow and Phone 2187 S ® &# &E € c it takee) C--MuttttltfttttttutttlauitttttlttErattiltn "%00 Stabt .In at de hotel mzuu-mm',-,m Uncle Rben, "but de head waiter will soon make you think different.* important one in army circles, as usually the net retirement piay is Axed at 75 per cent of active~pay with no alowances. SATURDAY ------ 6:30.P. M. Continuous until 11 P.M. SUNDAY ------ 2:30 P. M. VAUDEVILLE It's a Way He NEWEST PICTURES Admission 15¢ & 50c Continuous until 11 P. M. HIGH CLASS North Shore Gas Company North Shore is being offered to you through the 7 per cent Pre-- g ferred shares of ' ' © The North Shore Gas Company 2 AReally Sound Investment The demand for gas increases each year, thereby, assuring a continuous substantial market for this Company's product. '-- Backed by the stability and future of the rapidly growing The business of this company is that of supplying gas--A nec-- essity--to the people residing and doing business along the North Shore from Winnetka to Waukegan. Get in touch with us at our nearest office and let us explain th's really safe investment to you. C Gas, the fuel of a thousand uses, has become so important to everyday lifé that a modern civilized community could not exist without it. ez 2008 OAE es sn Without obligating me please send me full par-- ticulars regarding the 7%, investment of your com-- pany. © * L = COUPON Gentlemen:-- Name...... Address . .u" Lendon, Bept. u---lom'- that said King Boris of Buigaria was assassinat-- wn'ummmm-.mpu . J over on the Servian press, acegqrding * DENY KING BORIS IS ASSASSINATED THEATRE m mt And So? I Know, A Show, Let's Go! . Admission Low A Beau, A Walk, A Call, Waukegan, lIllinois ~4 Even the Bulgarian newspapers were taken in, said the dispatcb. They printed full accounts of the alleged erime, claiming that a--servant stab-- bed the king to the heart and shot three ministers who were conferring with him. n to a Central News dispatch circulatcd here this afternoon. Dorhb!;dug' his summer home in Varu.niluz L