* to 0h Bs ty + Mrs. Frank W. Hatch, 67, was Klli--| 8 her -- brother--in--daw, . Fred C was injured when the automo | & @f Frank W. Hatch overturned | T § went into a gitch, it was learned |a & Thursday afternoon. All are |8 whipently known and reside in the |D » neighborhood. n "Whe Fraok W. Hatch family res:des L cA Richmonda road, four and |f 'lé,.,,--" miles west =' Antioch, and |i n A Hatch, brother of Frank Hatch, | 1 avides in Antioch townschip. automobile party was on route | ( atate fair at Springlield and |, mecident occurred NeA Bloom-- | ; m 'Tuesday night of last week. _ C Hatch's brother in law, Fred--|| Ack Hatch who resides near Grass | f miws 'and is one of the Trustees of |-- tke C arsity of Illinois met serious tr: in the same accident. Other | ¢ of the rnty which included Pramk VHatch, his daughter Miss Lau | y: WWiatch and Miss Elien Baker, A _h fim, escaped with slight scratches. _ Wir. and Mrs. Hatch and the other 3 of the party and left their f on Tuesday morning to go to Gr Valley. IIl.. for a visit with j daughter Mrs. Pasquale Allen. ing this visit they had planned to drive to Springfield to attend the State Fair. . NMrs. Hatch was riding on the rear 'weat of the car and was instantly _« Mrs. Hatch had resided in the ~me borhood nearly all her life and been most active in the social . M _ef the community. She is sur-- m by her husband and three ters. Mrs. Pasquale Allen of Greem Valley, Mrs. Euzent McDoug-- amll residing near the village of Wil-- mot. Wis. and Miss Laura Hatch. \ _' The body 0f Mrs. Hatch was 'Frought to Antioch Wednesday aight. t is believed she suffered injuries to her spine. She is believed to Wuflered an attack of, heart % as a result of the shock ." her injuries. Funeral Friday 'mfternoon at 2 o'clock from the res-- genger Saturday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Per%acmnn and Mr. A Mrs. Donald Smart motored to * Delis in Wisconsin Wednesday of , eek, returning home the last of the week. \"Mre. Mary Gehrke of Hammond, lInd., is in Antioch visiting friends. -- Mrs. J. B. Mooney of Ellis Avenue, Chicago, visited the past week at the Bome of his aunt, Mrs. Sam Strahan. \Mir. and Mrs. Arthur Everett and <hMdaren moved Tuesday to Chicago. * Mrs. B. F. Naber entertained her aftatear Mrs. Anna Bates of Chicago weveral days last week ~~H. J. Barber returned home Satur-- diay night, after spending three smonths at the home of his sons, Fred and Chauncey, at Chetek, Wis. < . Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and whildren of Chicago motored out Fri-- diay and spent the week end at the thame of their mother, Mrs. Maragrel eeeeeiet OE 2 Mrs. Emil Kletecke returned to her Lhome the_latter part of the week, aft-- er apending several days at the home o hber parnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Van aEPCECCCC Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dibble enter-- #ained relatives from Evanston Sun-- day of last week. Miss Addie Schofer was a Chicago passenger Monday. Miss Beulah Harrison was home #rom Union Grove over the week end. ¥Frank Hunt and Ray Webb return-- ed tast Thursday, after a trip of sey-- eral days to Mammoth Cave, Ky. 1 LC l1 00 malsq Ese ENV e Last Friday night being the 73rd anniversary of the Rebekah lodge, the focal lodge observed the date by hav-- ° tE wek 00 AOMDOL ¥ng a home coming. A !ATFC crowqi attended in spite of the bad weather. | Miss Julia Lewis of Eagle Rock, €alif., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Weindel last week. Richard Kaye has been quite sick with sciatic rheumatism. Miss Elizabeth Webb, accompaned *Ury the Misses Mary, Hermin and Kaiherine, left the latter part of last wr--* to attend the state fair at Bm wfield. The Misses Herman and &%~~r wre there to represent the coun-- %y ta fhe sewing demonstration. They wecetveld the highest awards at a con-- #Hest td at Lake Villa. Tfi--n Woodhead was a Chicago pas _ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phillips are the m parents of a little son, born on ¥. Sent. 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chinn and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smart are spending seweral days this week on a trip to $Wikagara Falls. Bunday, October 5, will be Rally FPmy for our Sunday school and the Church. There will be special music and all our members are urged to be present. Let each bring another friend ar neighbor, and begin the fall term Wwith fresh energy and more determi-- nation, after teh vacation period and Chea rainy season. _ Willam Lemm is erecting bungalow on his place. _ mwika'm the echool house have been puttied and given two coats of warnlish, toh cellings painted, the fipggra scrubbed and tha basement put Un ship shape. Now, let's keep it that Tv. We can If we try. "B. W. Amall, C H. Kruger and Geo of Prominent Antioch ner Killed; Brother--in-- 1 Law is Injured. | tANK MATCH . | D IN AUTO-- _ | MOBILE CRASH H A LF D A Y of the bad weather. wis of Eagle Rock, the home of Mr. and was kill Btanclift b Troop Com Miss Me! coupe now too. Won going to E a new ACHIEVEMENT DAY FOR VOLO CLUBS SEPTEMBER 12 ACHIEVEMENT DAY We ncA d C P0 0 CBPRA 000 Twenty--three members of the two' Volo Girls' Clubs had an Achievement | Day Program Sept. 12. Over 100 peo-- attended. The girls gave a fine pro-- gram and had a very large exhibit of their work on which they received many congratulations. The club work has made a big hit in the Volo com-- munity and parents and girls are full of enthusiasm for the good work done. Great credit for the fine showing is due Mrs. L. V. Lusk, Mrs. D. V. Wait and Miss Esther Russell for the un-- }tiring work performed as club leaders. This club club has set a good pace for [any club in the state. dshrd lshrd lshrd les FOR your convenience we maintain and anerate 28 retail stores where informa-- X' ?op-e;:;tefizf!vreiafl stores where informa-- tion about the services rendered by this Company may be secured. . ' In each of these stores there is arranged for your inspection a full display of .el'e'cted gas or electric appliances which the Com-- pany guarantees. These may be purchased for cash or on monthly payments with your service statement. Serving 6,000 cqu;re- m:l-c;--:ibi_;t;e: and towns--with Gas or Electricity For Your Convenience --28 Retail Stores ALLEGED AUTO THIEF FREED ON PLEA OF OWNER PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS | -- Mrs. Ernest Ptannenstill of Waukegan Gets Man Freed in Evanston. Ernest Pfanneustill, employe of a Waukegan garage. has recovered his Ford coupe which was stolen in Evanston on Wednesday, but he fears that be has lost his wite, tor she is alleged to hbhave gone away with the man who was arrested by the Evan» ton police on a charge of having tak-- en the car. The case has every indt-- cation of being one of the strangest triangles that has developed in Wau-- kegan for a long time. Mrs. Pfannenstill took ber trouw-- bles beftore Police Magistrate --Max Witkower of Evarston Thursday night. She erplained that she had> been riding in hber hbusband's car #th Lee Hagerty of the Lafayette otel in Evanston, a {former ,, drug clerk in that city. Hagerty. it seems, sent Mrs. Pfannenstill into a drug-- store oposite the North Shore hotel in Evanston on Wednesday noon to huy some ice cream. While she was inside he is alleged to have eloped with the car. * WPPR CE ERCIET pRPVCC i I !;v if he would kiss Mrs. Pfannenstill and make up. the charges wou'd be 'wn-hdrawn. Hagerty did. Then-- \ "Bv the way what's the matter . with your own husband?" the magis-- trate inquired. « s ud to guall o vhea 'The police were notlilied ANU 9"*" Haserty and the car were located the following day. That accounted for the fact that Mrs. Ptannenstill ap peared in Kvanston . police -- court Thursday night. "I don't like to think of him--being in a cell." Mrs. Pfaunenstill told the masistrate. "Could vou help me find ount, if he loves me?" Macistrate Witkower to'd Hager-- ERERED MMEWPRTCTOTCTY "He's too good for me,. judge I'm j going to get a divorce." } She and Hagerty left the court to--, day. * ~ ' This morning P'annenstill left 'tor, Evanston to claim his car and drive iC AppIIalIwoo WLILIl UJIGC AZRLA _ nots. MibiindPs ©enmiien c minnP Snb CR tees. These may be purchased Company. A rack of electric lamps, show-- n monthly payments with your ing sizes, shapes and colors available for ment. your use, is also on display. You are cordially invited to visit the Public Service Stores No. 14 inaoerieoofct.tcmonhabovtflnCompcny'd THEO BLECH, Dist. Manager. lice were notified and both and the car were located the day. That accounted for that Mrs. Ptannenstill ap in Kvanston . police court Waukegan, HHlinos we maintain and _ The sales force in these stores fully under-- s where informa-- ctandstheappliamesandwilladvisewith rendered by this _ you so that you may select the type suited . to your particular requirements. + there is arranged _ These appliances are correctly designed and iisplay of selected manufactured to give good service accord-- which the Com-- ipgtomda'dsoetb'yfi\egg'md"g- the Public Service Com-- pany of Northern Illincia The announcement that Charles A. Coffin Modal for 1933, is a tribute to this Company operates as well as the service it renders. in it back with him.; He also planned to And out vntuduop-co!lhrvuo. _ Friends say that they cannot un-- derstand the affair. They say that so far as they have known Pfannen-- still and his wite always have been on the best of terms. § ©>>a Mrs. Plannenstill gave the Evan» ton poltee her address as Grayslake. The car itself has a Round Lake vehicle tag on it. HOLD NEGROES IN NORTH CHICAGO'S DOUBLF ROBBERY Jim Thompson and Ed. Taylor Held While Police Seek Third Jim 'Thompson and Ed Taylor, ne groes, both of SBeventeenth and Com-- monwealth avenue, North Chicago, are being held in connection with both the Frank Gruzka tailor and jewelry shop and the Mike Gadia butcher shop robberies in North Chi-- cago within this last week. -- A third negro. known to the police, is being sought as the third man in the case. Chief of Police Frank Tiffany u{" terday located a lot of the loot en trom the tailor shop in Tavlor's room in Thompson's house and while both men profess absolute ignorance about the roods. they admit that the third man brou--ht the stuf to the house. The nalivre are with ho'ding the name at the third neeto nntil he is appre horndoa -- They believe he will be tak-- pn eenm Thq--n--an and Tavlor are being held under a charge of having stolen goods in their possession and will be held until the third man is taken. Chief Tiffany believes he has broken up the robbery circle in arresting the negroes. . About ha'f of the clothing and jew-- elry taken from the Gruzka place has been recovered and as it was only money that was taken from the butcher shop, the poli¢e have not yet decided that the same men pulled this Company in com-- Thid award was made to Wght and power com« panies of the United Nght and power for the convenience of the public industry ." Negro in Case CUS KRUMREY, Local Rep. Telephone Libertyville of electrie MACKEY A SUICIDE IS OPINION FROM ~-- _ CORONER'S JURY Find Hospital Patient Cut Hole in Windpipe While Tempor-- arily Deranged. Joseph Mackey, 54, of 3227 Emmaus avenue, Zion, came to his death by committing suicide while temporaril-- ly deranged, according to a verdict found by the coroner's jury: which probed the death Friday at the Wetz-- el and Peterson undertaking rooms. An autopsy revealed that there was an incision in the trachea, commonly termed the wind--pipe, which was 'contrary to the opinion of physicians and nurses who had cared for the t in + int hake Gousty »Geheral at the hospital Thursday. . Dr. L G.~Wrackett, who was called to attend him, testified. that the wound, which was made with a razor, was not deen and that it bad not penetrated to the trechea. I 4(400 k e dsc n ts d e lt 2+ 8 > 'The nurse, who followed Mackey into the room because she noticed he was acting in an unusual manner, de-- clared that he struck his throat with the razor in hber presence and that she was forced to disarm him. Hospital aids attended the man im-- mediately, and a doctor was called. _ Mackey dTéi the next morning after a series of hemorrhages similar --to ones he had had sotmme time pro!lon. CEREWW EPW PCO Pem s Om IRCgs F He was a tubercular patient. and had become very despondent over his condition, and had expressed the opin-- COuUuiLPOM;, EEHAR PAE AORE ECC t 2 35 ion that gveryone was against him. according to witnesses at the in-- quest. e t 0 e e a d s '\lv-t. Coroner J. L. Taylor, who conduct-- ed the inquest, stated that: it was likely that d€eath was due partly lo shock brought on by the man's action. Next Friday will be observed by Waukegan Chapter Royal Arch Ma-- sons, No. 41 as Antioch Day. At that time the degree will be conferred upon a number of candidates, all from Antioch. The ceremonies will begin early in the afternoon. | J. N. BERNARD, Proprietor Telephone 202 ons _ Libertyville, Illinois If You Want a Real Herd Sire Out of a wonderfu) young bull, read the tollowing descriptive matter of our herd sire Whose heads are carefully selected herd of high producing cows His sire, COLONY POSCH NEWMAN, is out of the former world's record cow, Madam Posch Pauline, and by a son of the former world's record cow, Margie Newman. BELL FARM POSCH PRIDE Ouvnl-tloth:.-od"am a million mh&uuntun for almost every transportation requirement. . --; _ _ Insurance of all kinds * Phone 154M LIBE Libertyville Garage mum economy find that | 2UPIRDC Commercial C Chevrolet delivers lowest aver-- mwm'"'"g'_"" &W@;";&' Ficher Bodies on all Closed i Those who want and for quality get it in d:'w&.e't _ The World's at least cost. > s Lowest Priced Those who must buy for maxi-- PRIDE. JOHN L. NICHOLSON & SON Birchmont Farms More Than a Million In Daily Use COLLINS & DOANE POMPANY o MONUMENT$ f and Mausoleums Phone 200--J Chas. D Proctor powN B¥ THE ELECTRIC sTXAr1On. , Superintendent. . _______ _ INGLESIDE, L Telephone McHenry 632--]--1 (Under Federal Supervision) 4ONOR ROLL 1923--1924. and b: Qurertor Touring Deluzs W%m wwtm MCL Express Truck Chassis . 550 !fihub--lwlh& Libertyville, Hlinois LIBERTYVILLE 410 *