E}. m om THE. l mums runs IN HUGE mum malt-ed good will on the part ot their tnde. becenee they deserved , it. " their selling glen. end peliciee d veto banded on e definite knowledge of whet we: right, tale end Just and e they hue ndhered to those policies. i, Thole vere teeter! in the establish- - ot n very high credit toting t which the coupon! enjoys. end no , "we". no doubt tor their phe- nom l'encceeehnl growth. The lest. couple ot were heve' mrhed n mu turther development t through the perfection ot e Gotch- All Benet. and whine" its.I "tincture; "lo. the haughtlon i, 'rl'"8iGiir'yiiiiryjyAtePfil' united or line Outed. em tt is woven. The letter hee been the menu ot revolutionizing end binning n no vtrnll tor chnin link fence "autumn. t Through their coneietent methode| a! national edvertieing. the oompeny' in well known throughout the United sum end foreign oonntriee. end "k in iortunnte from e longevity etnnd- point, that the eorporation ere new curing ench n well embliehed end: encceutul bunineee. STARTED IN "ALL WAY l _ ------it. -tstoh .-m"e'""" - STARTED IN 8MALL WAY The Cyclone Fence company which hue come to be the blunt fence concern In the United States had I very meteoric growth after having started in a most unpretentious man- ner. . It woe about twenty-five years ago| that the little company which later; developed into the Cyclone Fence. company. located at North Chicago; It was operated by Lane Bros., John; and Nell, both ot Detroit, who came; on North Chicago to open up the litH It we: operated by Lane Bree, Jenn; and Nell, both ot Detroit. who came: to North Chicago to open up the lit. tle [wary in order to be near a source ot supply of wire namely, at the American' Steel & Wire works. They operated the plant tor a time in the Morrow. building and then within a few years moved to the lit- tle red building on Madison street nee: the Wankegen City Waterworks. 'It was there they opented for e It VII there they Operllou w; .., - - time. ' ulster ttopt Chicngo over the wee: In Bradshaw had been eent down and. l from Detroit to become enperintend~ Mitrtt "Beatrice Wagner ttatt "rtsigned out In the local plant. John Butter- her position in 'trattbstrart and " tttar- SUM, who no. operates . Bott drink in; for some time " her home here. prior " 22nd street and Morrow -- c----------" avenue. North Chieem. we: the first AUTO" is FINED employee ot the Cyclone Fence oom- Herman haunted, Jr., on Chime. 'mnr. Hat worked tor mm" toy w... complement against John Nor- 1tt'Lt'1 ot te,t"d"2,'f't1'," 'ae'lt. man in a cue tried betore Ponce 'pf. ry n o CMO. Magistrate Neweom Tuesday night, About n year ago he resigned there . . _ her-men wan cheated with driving an to "art in the business he now is auttptged in. . Iauto while intoxicatedr He ~woe tonnd Itwu while the Lane Bros. were tryifr. and lined 310 end com. . ml atperatittg the little pleat in 'id','il','lri $11.40. In addition he was ordered gen with Bradshaw as Grrerintemrlt.o pay Leieheid $30 tor demege done out that J. P. Arthur arrived on oelto the tormer's car. It teem that wane. He realized that the 'telC,liiiualy night Norman- In drift: h"- mm... A... m n... tom] com-{south and, when near the Hewtho ItJns while the Lane Bros. were atperatittg the lime plant in Wanke- gtn with Bradshaw as superintend- ent that J. P. Arthur arrived on the wens. He retuagird that the fence being tanned out by the local oom- - - _-. "A_.IL g-A vac-o _...--..-'- -_-- - pay If: one ot unusunl merit and the result Ins that he interested Joe Biomer with him in a project to buy the factory and start the manufac- turing of fencing on a larger scale. White the Lane Bros. sold out to Arthur tad Slomer it developed that Nell we still ls In the wire fence business in Detroit. SEE! FTUURE FOR FENCE do: . Arthur, recognizing the merit of bet the Lone fencing and forseein; the pi! possibility of ornameitai fencing. In talked the matter over with Joseph tiv Slomer who tcr some years had been too o'er-sting . barber Shop and who'iwl owned the building'now occupied and. be owned by Hoffman Brothers justisu north of the Sun office. Slower and I' Arthur made the deal whereby they' m purchased the Cyclone Fence as-lop'tk erated by Bradshaw and Butterfield. Fh Siomer apparently new the iiiii.iii,,t, vision that had impressed Arthur.81 end accordingly." as reported at the! tt time he immediately sold the Hott. men building and the money there 1' from he put into the industry which tr Inter developed into the Cyclone y Pence plant. Report nlwnyn had it I tttttt Mr. Siomer put in every time he had in the world, taking a fling tl st what appeared to be I good pro- c position. And it turned out to be tl Inch; not only did Arthur mete e t fortune out of the business but Slo- I nor did no himself. l (continua min Pu- tt -iirotGi- .1, that time bud never been credited with having In Inventive mind. However that he had uno- AUCTION Car Load of Tested Cows Monday, Oct. 13th De Lancey Bros. most unpretentious man- Good, young Wisconsin Guernsey; Hor. stein: and Milking Shorthorns. All no fresh milk." or nearby swingers. Every one from an .m looted county. Sixty day retest guaranteed Fair Grounds, Libertyville m SALES Minnow At 2:00 P. M. w. at! In. M nmu. or cw, no now "lull. in the homo ot In. mow- wants. Mr. ud In. Witt Aemm. OVIIII to tho in health at tho (new In. mp1.- In." my ad 14!. Bowl" oe Wuuounda. were here on business on. day Inst wool. Mr. and lthln. Smith went m- oral days ot t week with "than. in Chime ' urn»: In. my Darby and diach- m at Chicago spent and" hero with Johann. Mr. sud Hm Pay Emanuel- m- ited the Moore and magnum an!!!" n Gloom. land". Me. and fhl2.'"g, Maggtamt and son. also In. . Duty. oe Yaw also. but. out 'bend" " an O. A. Rock home. It..." In. wi. am at Chb oard.GiittiiLurattttewm.Bmmr not": home. Mr. and In. D. G. Whit} "t on": "c" U: Luv -l-e_-"'- -_i"_"e" Elmer Buckles In entertaining Ititt mother, who is visiting here from Michigan. _ V Mrs. P. C. Wilbur was a Chlagoi Mrs. P. C. W1 shopper Monliay. bulaiuess Wednesdlj Miss Kittie Methath and mother! let? Monday tor Chicago. where Miss Kittie will undergo an operation ail Mercy hospital., l The card party and dance given tsrl St. Andrew's Episcopal church Friday night was 1 success. both socially and finsncislly. "Another party will be given some time in November. I Mm... George Sweet entertained her sister ttopt China) over the week end. l Miss "Beatrice Wagner has resigned her position in Wankenn and is our ring for some time st her home here. dune Moore and magnum an!!!" irc, Gloom. noun. "in; land tha1'it.'tut"r,utt mnbolho 'i5i,'i"i'i?'t'.liil tt (i',ii,fti,tur'""a"1t"tt 3:; 'iii.aidiu.s.aetttpst8chy 'ee JauGiitiiiiuurattttirmuttr mp "when". LE tum ciiiiiiidi ago the Leishetd'ear. clued himself with c1?thttr and?! they operated their small plant down on Madison street where the "Franklyn Muller plant ls now located, his mind turned to the inventive channel! which had apparently been lylng dormant previously in his lite. He - . . _----= ' .5- "VI - r. - _ -- _n,_ - became the mechanical expert in the plant and wheres the Line fence and machinery had been very prirni-! tive, Slomer began developing idea tor the construction of mnchinery which could turn out the fence to better advantage and make a more substantial fence. It has been large. It felt in thin community that Slo Liners inventive ideas had much to 'do with the rapid expansion ot the if'enee company and helped to put oeuer uuvaucabv mm. m--- - ,, substantial tense. "it has been large' Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ganierewand ' felt In this community that Bio- daughter Mrs. Catherine Zodrow of mer's inventive ideas had much to Milwaukee were here Sunday visiting do with the rapid expansion ot the relatives. 'They were accompanied Fence company and helped to pmlhome by Mrs. Peter Mowers. Tuesday it on th market as one ot the most." this deck Celia daughter of MI.5 attractive and substantial of its kindgand Mrs Ganiere i'G, united in mar- tbanfmza: I: 1r,rt"dtt,y",2',h,erteirm "airings; to Elmer Barnes. the Ceremony . a e n taking place pt St. Michael's church went to the northern part ot Michi. in Milwaukee. The Ganieres former- tranpnd died at the Soo about tour 1y resided " Half Ihir,'rnovirttit to Mil- lie)?" gym}: wt" about seventy wankee about 38 years 150 Mrs thr- w en e e . . . Mr. Butterfield, who was the first nlere ltg a Bitrter of Mm. Mowertt. man to enter the 'employ of the Cy- -ero-eeee-eee-e-"ee'-T-""r-"-"-"--"e- clone company after Arthur and Bio. . - 'mer bought the patents, has waned "fl - ._._--_V*,..V-M_ 7 -- i -_, itor the North Chicago Foundry cm- l puny tor years hut a year Mo went I into business for himself. He runs 3 _ . s soft drink parlor, filling station. _ I h L tt 1 letc. at 22nd street and Morrow ave- , e e e nae. North Chicago, iraGi, was its Chicago on ; w" . . " ' V . . , 'f 9' ' I ' H -- V _-, w __..", - ' ' - .... M I ' . . 'llmmill '94-'th f u _ sTrCL"f, T, - _""'"':--):::;-.;. w..- -e=5eM=====2=r-u' m 0'..- _-..-.-- . --"- '2 " _ - _--.------ On Ft _ u mu. $l.)1fS l mus mm; 10 BUILD cm T. J. sum & Company Bart. lett Brokers,, Show 600 P. H. Baden. Chicago rod "tnte promoter. with u uncut! "panda. Sunni-y virtually boo-no cm: at tho Villas. ttt Wilson and the IM' ot and known .1 Mom" rod mum Donna Wilson m Gun. -dtng to " Want and. by in [put broker. T. J. can 0 Comm, ot Wuhan. , It I. understood that 000 um hue been purettaaed o.truht and that " more new you": "on options and m Wu an: our rapidly. ' The "on!" bought and - eontraet, " reported. in Wall by Grand anemic. Tolmvh Md. Bet. vtdoro road. and pa up you by Pe not that nun through Geno. "I'VE the high school no mo mum You! "not just out at tho river. With l but low exception "on out. of PON property In this district as when '11 over. - "o' This is the biggest an] over eon- -- plated by Bartlett in we county Fox] although ha ha: been Momma! witth'OR ii, number ot My propoomonl here. ate in the past law you". Pte: .- nG Giiated tint It 'took from' "00.000 to $T00.000 to completu the) purchuse. I ogt'ize";:a,:°aia;;:..was"@1123:535:33; '"27i.' 'Griii I??? cause some of the extremely "NW A t phone Ro equuk '%t or able land In Wilson brought tiiiijtt'lli,, bo ad's i, 1t and four timtya " much " DNDBnny_LM;---------------;-- outside ot the community. . [BOILER my, SALE~WIII gen chap ' Plans are being formuinted for tl great suburban city to Chicago. it in said. One ot the biggest lumber! concerns In the north part of the! state is making an effort 'to get; a site there now, and " in said that} two factories are considering build-i two l-vallvu u.-- -_-e" ing. it is doubted. however. that any grout effort will be nude to build nu Industrial center. as the land taken over and under option is prob ably as beautiful for residential sites " nu In the county. I Twemy-one Lake rounty land own; on, came in on the deal. it In reportw ed and the urgent plot In thout' 408 ms while the unalleat vu less than tut are. _, I Bartlett just completed marketing the his" Dady tract west of Wake- xan on Greenbay road and In identi- fied with another deal a short du. vance south of the Dady tract on the same highway. He is probably the outstanding 1nd broker in CM- cago and the: middle went. . _ The price Def $200.00 LAND DEAL IN COUNTY IS RECORDED Two huge deals. one in Htsmanm . V Park and the other on Green Bayigm at Iggrtyvme, dim!!! Er'! road. between Lake Bluff and North.' mun-y, m an ' " Pf,' Chi cage. were recorded lute Mon- g month. Apply at andependent otnqe. , dar. . I ' 40-tf i One deal ig for t160,000 and take! imn BALTib--Mtsdern bun l , plow a l 1:10:12"; 'tl, 'gre'w 1J2fdr','ll '; corner in south part of flel't,t'd. l, wetst of Green Bay road. and north $3,000 cub. Bartlett Realty Servtee. of the E. J a E. railroad. Thin liuimJ southwest of North Chicago. Theipon SALE on EXCHANGE FOR A transfer "Amado by Mr. and Mrs; Hou'kA lwacre. wemmpmved /,,e.,r,reAf,1,tr,arsa'," lot'?,'.-',,' spud M; 'ff Jam thoroughly equipped with good iiii . t J >19 :1 '"i'd'l t 'll F Implement" and stock (Guernsey (ISO. 0 o m " _ aker, a BO or "cows), together with ttll the necessary " cago. {feed for the coming winter. All prop- _ ---------..e- _-------------- o 'erty cienr of ineutnbrtusee. Possession Ltsctd' £1? . gugicfz"dgoQ"f, my time. illu.'"ir mg?" tie,' a??? ' ' . ' necessary. . . or IIS, res, . Milwaukee, were here Sunday visittog TelephonL 184-1. 4thtt One deal is for in about 200 II known as the C west of Green B of the E. J & til, southwest of N Acres Bought. The Letter Way-ir and the Better Way DURING I 924 we not" be re- eutral by Mu: dr mand for service to add6C000uutruttep to ourustevn. Switch- boards, cable, vim, poles, Instrument: and other equipment for the" Methane: must be bought and put into service at hither levee!" ma- terial and] or than the mum plant. C'aMtal for this pur- poscrmut boobtained. on which an adequate return must be paid. I under option " prmr -'"""""-r--'-""'"= rm for residential .1... glam: BALB---Hot mm heater for em! county. I vood. nignttet new. M. Brocknnn. Lake rounfy land own i161 Uncoyn Avenue. ubertyVme. Tel- l the deal. it 13 report. Pe"' "ef {Mt If,,) Jt swpdwaystlGtitwas V" . the only wax. Buttheart 00313331924 tf,ltetit'treri,i,igt,a/l',eoeg an: 1','ledf, T. lost tn the ms. of mod, gp/da New to ern business life. , f one: "ruritstem.&eritch. The telephone way-a 07:3: tge,, :33; better way, a more Jr- tr ' Md other equipment tyma,l way - has en br ft", Methane; Its place. must e on: f an mt into service at More and.more, Long tetg,l,','h',t',r, ma- Distance 13 doing the iit2"gfieo;/ah,'J'. work of the poean., Diwali" this 'ttr. and the social and busi- 'titat',,',',',',,':'.',',':',': ness letters of other dec- I',,",',',',' 'l'd','hl' ','l'l'l th are being recflacegl ' V y the social an bust- .0. mess telephone calls of , v' to-day. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY III-L .Y'TIM acre varied through! in Highland l, m- ---'"."e"---'-" 'lrl,liiii we. m. Phone 13m. an withlmn BALE-Jrhm ugh rude Hoi- hen Item heifers. Two with alive. by hide. one to {reason loom: E. Wilcox. from. Ann, Ill. Phone 637-34. ___ (I-tt fiiiiiiiiiii'ii; 'i"ijii"i"iill' 'ttn---"- par '30-. Mttnhtnq Van: mo ttiiiitiittmt-oedtttt hm tieuiotettottttorrF. norm iiGriiiiGri.uuEartrt._rtuiyle was! at "helium; Phone '"ce; -----""'q"-'"'-c-rT=i.; F0. aAL.--t9iM LIGHT "X .700. "KER TOURING CAR. IRAND NIW. PIIOI FOR QUICK BALI. -tratt, ttttA-ABI,." Till! To 'ttat4T PIIOON. IIOT BUY OF THE VIAR. CALL AT "III-m 9tictt an". warn you run THE an? we- tlon I310. either turn or limo" we. tet-tthet" or Wm W1 .0. .schreum. Ilene-r7. m. PM" '.'E THE letter way was a good wav when It was Gif a In)!" 'i"'ai'"iriiai7FGru-st Mme-I. ariiTiiirdiyuimtndar"ttt'lt Yum Parm. POR tgAIar--t"8 Ek Speed Wagon, with dump box. in perfect condition. 8500 for quick sale. Hillside Retort. WAN'rWN-Alir1 ' Sentra' .. hee- i;iGririmGriGliir,. ho Sunny din. ners; plenum home; ee' Inset. Lake Forest. 111. "1-;Qli itihed high pressure verti- cal boiler. 87..in. grate. Apply Gird- ner. can E. E. Tainan, Ridge Ref, TAKEN UP-A better, in my pasture. Owner may have same by calling at my home and paying chased?r Wm. 1. Fish. Lake tritin, lik Telephone Luke Wita 134-1. as: TOR BALE OR RENt--A ISO-core] I dntrr and truck tam. loomed close 'to Antioch. Good poll, no into had. l :Modernly equipped ,rlth electric litrht yysd running water. Convenient to the manna" district and schools. Bub. (division property; would bring good) iretumn for purchaser. For lufomt-i Alon address 150. care Independent". .' Won RENT-Modern 5,501.. that Tel- 3 ephone 220-R. ttr-tt FOR RENT-TO couple only, 8-room modern home, furnished: in choice part at Libertyville; tor December, Jenner-y, February and March, " 860 a mopth. Apply atJndependent "ttt ' 4 t FOR tgALB---Modern bungalow a corner in south part of Libertygillle. $3,000 cub. Bartlett Realty Service. Telephone 442-11. 4thtf UINcoLN_h0SK f - AUCTIONEER -r' Telephone MS-R LtttERTYViLLE, ILLINOIS. - UM" 4tat 4t-2t l T ' tttttttttttttttt "itirti'itttretttttttt't, Gooii'énidic (Econ; ' do." Untold at cm "on! no not m with and". hue. In!" and et "than" was: bu Madly with Rem Honel um lun- ur tture. 40-tf I Ill. aut' In Lax-coco Hum: ne- tmcd Stu-Hy Mann: "up 'Ut Dall In Wisconsin. where any up"! pe buoy-con. t , mt mulch-cud the "at". {to on!" Us m: that by "an" .m 1mm» tt - a. m w. and Iii. Nick Gum: and their dnuatttom. Adam at but. ot Wuv hm ad _ mu. or Km were and" "on: " we Wiltov It. and V's. haul.- WOMEN": and the hum-'3 .'IO bu. Hrs; but!" Mayor. we»! Bxtvtat vbi- "have." CW- _ __ - Lake Front Property . FOR SALE 1' A Splendid ProiseAr to Subdivide for Resort Puiposes or for A Huntin g and Fishing Preseive. ELLERS & PETERSEN 0 w k S w"! Art's Beautiful Northern Wisconsin ssltsllsNN0hNN,.SyNNS,' (iiiiiiria," by In, all In. Jo- hnn- a! Volt. ", l .m- out and (any at Wuhan m My vtqttom the we of Il',','. 'd'r'tt,uff,1'MllLt'. --------"""- l no" on 'U$t$ty0ttt. MOI. I Moo on swam/mot men. ALL locum. IIAUTI'UL co " her. moan "not. and f nun. a nun". tt,2t'dl'1'l'rllldl'tflrl; WMMMIWO' ,,oetiewtotrtpthtqrittttra.Mte noon and South Dutch. Thu '70:. Jun out an! "In: at Wuhan: - My visitors the use of Mr. 2rttu'telu) noun. rtststietNetetootrt-tt' xiv" that', the 'gtstt-t-irM8tteixetettte and wtitandre-nteteCietttir ot. d-ed. mrttt "and the Pronto Court an» County. "tuf- tlnroottobo bold» "9100!!! M a ANUOICATION NOYIGI ' the Libertyville, Illinois. 310 acres on chain of lakes, one mile North at Wood, on C. a N. W. Railway' and on Federal way 32. Coonto County. Wis. A fine 2Uhing id a dandy shallow bathing beaeii. Some 50,000 1 big virgin timber. This land adjoins several tin acres of virgin timber. a state preserve. Aenutih ing hilly country. A fine combination-bitt I good fishing, bathing beach. Close to both " auto transportation. Big game ciuntry-deer, ducks, geese. anridg'e and gtouse are plentiful. . 39E Can sell the whole 310 acres for tM00--$3,000 can balance" on easy payments of ten year} " 6 per cent. . Other f st, oss' Wuhan. In and Count!- VIE a?" :65" ts "W 'ibef g js'isef' thw " "xi. 'iiov' mm oit5 sf attractive real estate bargains. , - mo" 0m k 11ts iis ty. SEE OR WRITE If " :21} no" W'" "tsl f st' ibr ken. one mile North 05 Lake alway and on Federal High- Win. A fine 2Uhing lake' and t beech. Some 50,000 feet of land adjoins several thousand state presefve. Beautiful roll- fine combination-bitt timberi [cum-n www.mongm M01083 - She? w- rail and