#4 % y, e ¢ HZma pPONTETC 68 ' «wl guest from s l rail: sAZF M Jg" u " sD :;. ' (CUhe city. -- if ht : wince to ap _' '®iatform to s isw wmg t ux intment s much as a & Th oh 9y PRINCEORWALES _ -- IS ROYAL GUEST O LAKE COUNTY x- Royal -- Highness, Edward of Wales, was: the guest of Uake county Monday. # » . Wike private train, bearing the roy-- wl guest from Duluth over the North ~re ' railrogd, . passed through A _ Monday morning at 8:04 ; mA small <crowd of morbidly 'Fesidents, perWnapd a OQO? in 1 stood on'the depot platform m the _ train : slowly glidged. through 3 "clity. -- if thoi had expected the 'm-tn appear on the observation ¥ to say a few words or wave ..wng they wére do;o" to: dis tment for no one" caught so nnch as a glimpse of him. Afficials of the Northwestern' road Iling taken all precautions to prevent xz fmossible accident here. The, spe dGal was run directly behind -- the regular passenger train. Track waik-- ers were on duty in the local yards tbefore time for the 'special to ar «ago wiu \ _--It was ~*Two th: / #¥he Nor prince c «mt of * xl home 0 ft. -- They -- wplaitters by fou woyal highness self extremely way? His Royal Highn Passed Mh wm in Saps:- cial Train This Morning. _ On request of Charles Baumgard-- mer, specia} officer for the worthwes! ernu railroad, Captain Thomas Booth of the police. department, together with Policemen Herbert Gillis 'and Frue Whittier, were on guard on the depot platform. It had been expected that there would be a much larger crowd at the depot to see the special © pass through. The smaliness of the gath-- ering is attributed principally to the Pact that few knew the exact hour when the train was due. While the special slowed . down slightly while passing through town it did not stop, proceeding directly to Lake Forest where the prince wWAs wset at the depot by Louis F. Swift. KFully two thousand people were on khand as the special drew into Lake KWorest. The heir to the British throne was driven directly to, toe Hwift mansion for break{fast. From #¥here he was driven by autoto Chi-- «eago where a full program had been sayranged for hbim. ° 3 s "--It was a gala day for Lake Fotrest. Kwe thousand persons ggthered A! '¥he 'Northwestern depot to: see the prince come in.: The 8 o'clock train aat of. Lake Forest which usually earries a throng of commuters to #he city, was empty--not a. Lake For-- «emter boarded the train Monday nrern-- Ing--they were . all awaiting> the * Chicago, Oct. 13--The Prince of Wales eats bacon and eggs for gprince's arrival .. Or at least he ate them this mmorning at the special private break: #Kuast given in his honor at the pa-- #: home of his .bost, Louis F, . They were served on silver plaiters by fov: strong ..en and his woyal highness seoio> . o enjoy him-- melf extremely when they came his Bbreakfast! y _ l E know. because | was sitting un-- der a table in the room where no extsiders were supposed to be. And 1 wasn't the only gir}l who Rad creit past the rows of vigilant guards just i. get one good close--up of Eddie® Two of Lake ;Forest's wnest avriatocratic Gdamsels were right guards just i. get one good close--up of Eddie® Two of Lake ;Rorest's wnost aristocratic damsels were right at my heels. "Libbie" Chase, famous for her ¥nterest in horses and riding, and a mysterious dark eyed grirl in a rid-- ing habit, were parked in the but-- ler's ., pantry. Peeking <through a samall pane of glass in the door at the royal party in the breakfast _'fi%'ard Albert Christian George Anwdrew Patrick David took a husky Bite of toast, and 2 e s "M«--o--oh!" squealed "Libbie" as gwhe dodsed the head suue. «ud WAS bearins out a covered silver saiver "Ian't he just DARLING!" and therm they had to duck back again behind another door for the august gentle men with the silver sapver returned The --_ountess Minotto, tall and w *"!y, in a soft rose sports cos-- #ow«. sat near him. There was a «1 ~»d murmur of voices with the v++----~*"® fow but hearty laugh ris #r ~ *"w»ve the talk occasionally. He s©poke »bout the nice sunshiny morn-- Tmg tnk atso said something about Wls wrip Gdown . from ~Canada. He weether a trifile shy. red apples 4 4 T1 d dcbctubd From the lace insertion of The ta-- Ble cloth which mercifully draped my hiding place, I got a good look «t the hope of England. He sat in the middle of the long table, with Lemis Swift at his right. All 'tos #oon the momeants siipped %y and Tinally the breakfast was The party arose, his royal high-- mass last, and moved toward the hall at their left and from there to the epacious terrace outside which over looks thousands of actres of Skokie wulleyfarm land. 1 picked an aus plelou: moment and departed I'Y' Wise. runping into the debutant Whe were also escaping. -- 1 ran out around the north side of the hbouse and was just pausin® a moment in the shelter of the ter race waln to apply a little much need ed powler to my nose when there was a slight commotion and the arinve. Mr. Swift and the p#ince's mldes walked by. 1 d@ropred my powder puff in the wxcitemem. 1 looked at him and he *Yooted at me. He panged a fraction M a wecond and then walked on with KWs hbost to the marhle «wimmin@ Em in the greenhouse just . north the house itaelf. And 1 know my nose looked just _ I motised as he went across the Wawn that he showed a decided limp Kn hls right leg. He was in a bluse EATS BACON AND EGGS a silver basket full of glowinz SeaTL WAAAE + l ' 'l'w came out and his blondé hair * on the golden tinge #o much talked about. A little white dog was playing on the lawn and be whistled to it and he walked back to the house. it scampered up to him and _ barked del}sht!ully As Countess Minotto tried to put it through some tricks. Fhen the shining big l!imousine wikk <a British and Amrican m on its radiator, drove _ Up. | prince led the 'way into the hous* again and immediately afterwan the party came out with hats and soats and> sped away toward. Chi cago. * And I, the 'little Cinderella whose fairy god--mother with her _ lucky \nnd had protécted me thus far, turned around sadly and went out Following this affair.at Bwift's the party imotored. to Chicago trailed by several carloads of detectives, newspapermen and nlotosnphors. going immediately to the stockyards. Later in the day he visited the University of Chicago, to meet Prew-- ident Ernest De Witt Barton and be the n'uest of homor at a luncheon in Hutchinson commons. Here the onlyiormal speech of welcome for the dbity was made by Dr. Bu't:'n. e e Bs n CCM T ul Sogk 1§'| afternoon a visit to Field Museum is on the program and it is posmible. this will be followed by a reception by the American .Le gion. At 5:30 he will visit Wolcott Bitir, an old friend at the Drake hotel and he will be Mr. Blair's guest at a dinner at the Saddle and Cyele club tonight. After this, he will attend a dinner dance at the Drake _ \ Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor ~ Sunday School at 9:30 g. m. _ German services at 10:30 a. m. Rally, Day of the North Shomw»> Zone Walther' League Sunday afternoon at 3:30, At' Wllmette.xicood time assur-- ed. Don't fail to g&ttend. -- CHRISTIAN SQIBNCE\ SOCIETY Third Flour, First National Bank Bidg. 1 ./. Rev. Guy Smock Pastor. f Miss Ruby Wigumq. Church Organis: --, Sunday School at 9:45 a m. W.G. Wells, Supt. . Ameri¢ca meeds more of a x%: Itone taught her youth. What ean it better than the religious ed-- ucation ~receive din our Sunday Schools? ST. JOHi . EVANG. LUTHERAN Morning worship at 11. The pastor will speak on "Proving and Holding Fast." -- Young People's meeting at 6:30. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "Cities of Refuge.' These evening sermons are evangelistic in tone and warm in wricome to the sinner. ltev. H R. Gwyn. Pastor Services Sunday, October 12 (ith The services on Suhday, October 19 (th 18th Sunday after Trinity): Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist and sermon at 11 &. m. _ _Church School at 10 a. m. day and there will be Ho'j ,Commun-- fon at 7:30 a. m. We . C Preparations are being made daily for' the Mission to be conducted at St. Lawrence's Episcopal church by Bishop Griswold from Nov. 9 to 14. It is distinctly a community matter and all in Libertyville are cordially nvited to attend the servee, which will be seld daily, morning and evening. it is often asked, what is a Mission: _A lh'l}('); is a special effort to turn souls to .and to increase in us all trwa religion. ('It si a forwad move-- ment of a parish to enlist men and women, boys and girls, the old and the young, in His service. The pur-- pose of a mission is to awaken the caneless, and t orevive the faithful, to #save those who by their indifference or deliberate sin are forgatting God. Don't wait to go to church in a hearg». Come now.-- Come especially during the services of the Mission. Tho One Whom you must meet first yourpleasure you may control for a time, but the end comes to all sooner or later. at death is Jesus Christ. Do not shun His loving Tace now. Your business, Services Sunday at 10:46 a. m. Subject, "Doctrine of Atonement." Ernest_ George Timmg»ma@ft . was born in Chitago January 28, 1875. Hy» was confirmed in the Lutheran faith. On June 29, 1910, he was united in holy wedlock with Miss Alma Trep-- tow, of Libertyville, his now sorrow-- ing widow. This union was blessed with one daughter, Dorothy, who also mourns the death of her father. Mr. Tifmerman _ resided with his family in Chicago nutil about a year ago, being empolyed as a commercial artist. It was about three years Aago h noticed himself becoming the vic-- tim of a malady which gradually bereft him of the «se of his limbs." _ For over two years he was not able to walk unasslsted. Since the timeé, just a years ago, when he was brought to Tibertyville, a helpless invalid, his condition gradually grew worse until | auffering on Friday, October 10. Besides the widow and one daugh-- ter, he leavea to mourn his loss four brothers and one sister. Funeral er-- vices were he'd Trom the home of the late Charl~~. Treptow Tuesday after noon, «with interment in . Lakeside cemmetery. He had reached the age of 49 years 8 months and 12 days. + CHURCHES P mairy l An outstanding feature of the present state cam-- er navrenge fiqi iA (polgo ip which Governor Small is seeking re--election is Services Sunday, October 12 (1in that V(}'{'ers as a whole all over the state seent to be rec-- Tiks T9th Sengey apnei ¢anty)~_" Denuong 4 'fact that Governor Smaill's administration Holy Communion at 8 a. m. . ___ 'has been a common--sense administration, --one wherein poid AOthariet gud ~serigon. .at 3 Keen business man has displayed busmess JUDG-- Church School at 10 a. m. iMENT in handling state affairs. fls io Saturday, October 18, is St. Luke's _ Wherever Governor Small speaks the average, per-- . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN OBITUVARY to put it ONE--THIRD OF THE . |®: COWsS IN ILLINOIS |% ARE NON--PRODUCERS | Claim Dairymen Who. Milk Un-- profitable Cows is Unfair to Dairy Industry. Chicago, Oct. 1$,--Onerthird .of the cows in IHlinois do not ptodgna enough milk to pay for theirt and investment involved, , to A. D. Lynch, director of the, dairy exten-- sion and marketing d of the Illinois Agricultural association,. The keeping of these cowg damages the d"rlZd industry "of the state, he de-- clared. > % Sae "The farmer who has cows not worth the milking and sells milk from such animals in competition® with the product: of 'efficient cows is gullty otl unfair trade practice in competition with his fellow dairymen," said Lynch; "The production of these under grade cows which are really parasites on good cows is a vital factor in contrib-- uting to the present surplus of dairy products. They have contribtued to the 56,000,000 pounds of surplus but-- ter now on hand in American cold storage plants. Their milk hamwswelled the fluid--milk surplus in Chicago and legser Illinois dairy districts this sea-- son "The dairyman who milks unprofit-- able cows," Lynch continued, "is cer-- tainly not playing the game square with other dairymen. If such an un-- fair trade practice occurred in the rail-- road industry or stee} game, how long would it be before farmers would start agaitation for--a readjustment of affairs? "Dairy farmers who flood the mar-- ket with milk 6f 'boarder' cows are unfair and unwise daftry business men because they cut the price of milk pro-- ducts for other prodf\acen to say noth-- ing of their own self--inflicted loss." * ~REAJ ESTATE TRANSERS * %# Furnished by the Lake County % T'tle and Trust--Co.. Waukegan. # 220 Washngton St. Telephone 4 R. A.. Miller and wife to H. C. Litch-- field. Lots 32 and 33, blk 1; J. K. Orvis subdn of--pt of Sec 29, Waukegan. WD $10.;stamp $1. 'abté'flunk of Lake Forest to W. J. O'Neill, 'Jr., and Anna Rittner O'Neill, it tens. Lot 34, Green Bay addn in Lake Forest. Deed $10, stamp $1. --»C..E. Shyler and wife to Y. Brosto-- vik and wife. Lots 23, 34 and 25, bik 99,. South Waukegan. QCD $10. _ _ _ W. J. Wallace to H. W. Cook. Lot 14, blk 28, N. Addn to Lake Bluff, LCI. Qcp $10.. _ C H n _ California Ice & Coal Co., to J. J. Morley. Parts of Secs 1 6 7 and 12, Antioch. --QCD $10. .00 C Ct _ 0 ,0 _ "i-. ltl-&a'bein and wife to Village of Barrington. Lot 3, Lamey's subdivision of pt of Sec. 36, Barrington. QCD 1. | _ This attitude pursued by the Goyernor during his campaigh is quite in contrast with the average camfiaign conducted by candidates for governor in the past, Never before has there been a candidaté who has avoided po-- "Mitical discussion and who had. a platform TO STAND 'ON such as Governor Small possesses in this year's campaign. | son is impregsed with the idea that he is not a politician but that be is an alert and careful BUSINESS MAN. In all of his campaign talks he has avoided talking politics, his one big thought, his one big ambition being to carry through TUHE GOOD ROAD PROGRAM of which he is a father. The other candidates on the state ticket as well as the National ticket naturally talk politics in the various meetings; but when it comes Governor Small's turn to give an address he merely réfers to his hope of @arrying through the good roads program and devotes all of his time to discussing the accomplishment of the Highway Department and his hopes for the future in giving Ill-- inois the finest good roads of any state in the Unijon. In all departments of state government under Len Small, -- BUSINESS .TUT)GMEN%' 'and -- BUSINESS IDEAS .has been the slogan lived up to by the men named to office by the governor. Judging by what one hears over the state Governor Small is going to carry this state by 200,000 to 300,000 majority-- in the coming election. There is so little sen-- timent heard in favor of the democratic candikates for office that there isn't one out of 100 persons you talk to who even knows WHO'the democratie nominée for lieutenant @overnor is. _ There seems to be no sentiment excepting "Small for governor" and the governor, hav-- ing on the ticket with him such men as Licutenant Gov-- ernor Fred Sterling, Sec. of State Emmerson, Treasurer Nelson, and others of equal prominence the only disceus-- C. E.. Howe and wife to A. E. Phil-- sion one bears is HOW BIG WILL THEIR MAJORITY Be? The way the state and national leaders are work-- ing for the ticket in Illinois today nakes it very evident that' the whole Republican ticket is going to have A splendid majority this year and Tllinois will retain its positioh i the Republican ranks where it has been con-- spicuous for these many decades. A BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ® e e e ". L n. T M oS e regb y S gladngr tono fugmann hiind v.'t".'.":_fi?..fi?.' .i.a' !'n. 'n 4 ¥F. P. Hawkins and wile to Albert Olson and J. H. Carlberg. Pt of lot 1%, %um'- subdu of lots 12, 13,.and 14. Waukegan. WD $2000, stamp'$1. ' ..fi"" O'DMnnelWl anda M. A. O'Penhell to J. T. Erickson. W halt of lot 5, blk 13, McDaniels addn to H. Pk. WD $10, stamp $1.50.* State Bank of Chicago, I!l. to J. F. Gonnelly %dte. Jt tens. Lot 4 in R. Clarence wn's subdn of lots 6 to 10 and lots 21 to 25, Ravinia Forest. Deed $10, stamp $3.50.© 'Laura F. KFinn 'and hus. to Evelyn B. Twentyman WD $10. 8t. $5.50. Lot 12 and pt of lot 5 in Burns subn of Lot 12, Wke&n. i Chgo. T & T Co. to E. T. Harlan & u-? D. Harlan Deed jts. $10. 8t. g.:o 4, Blk 5, Lk Bluff Heights, Lk uff. + L. W. Bracher and wf to L J. Ken-- evel WD $100. St. $11.50. Pt of See. R. W. Churchill and wf to F'. Hel-- mos and wf, jts WD $10. 8t. $1.00. _ _C. W. Rahning and wf to F. Brooke. WD $10. $4.50. Part of 29, Ravinia Woods. .~ _ _ . _ _ _F. Kapple to J. Stadtfield WD $350. St. $.50. Pt of Lot .1 in Seqs.° 29, Round Lake . io. s L. P. Erskine and wf and al to An-- selm Kahila WTD $10. St. $.50>~ Lots 239 and ~30, Blk 3. Qreen Bay Ridge Subn Wauke 7 J. W. Jrion and wft to G. Carroll CGrit'ey WT $10. Lots 2, 8, 9 and 10, Tweed and Wilmington Subn, Fox Lake. ' * x4 3# | ' Cora R. Leonard and hbus to 0. |Richter and Mary. C. Richter jt tens | WD $1200 S $1.50. Lot 16, Leonards Oakwoods Subdn. -- \ _ J. F. Yates and wf to G. E. Johns-- . ton Deed $1. Lot 19 Blk +6, First Addn to Ravina Highlands. C. Carroll Gridley and wf to J. W Irion and wf; jts QCD $10. Lots 2, 8, a and 19. Tweed and Wilmington Sub, Fox Lake. © f R. A. Steinhaus and wf to A. L Brummund WD $10. St. $5. Pt of Lot 26, See,. 21. Waukegan. J. A. Reeves t6 G. J. Dalziel WD $10. St; $3. Ptiof Blk 9 in North Wes! Addition to Waukegan: S. A. Rife and wf to J. H. Gould and wf, its WD $10. St. $17. E hf of SW ar of Sec 35, Waukegan. . Epmma Osborne to S. C. Sells W. D. $10. St. $1,00 Lot 5, Blk 2, Osbornes Second Subdn. °* * B. Lowenmeyer to Dale L. Monroe and wf jt tens Deed $1.00 St. $15.50. Lot 17, Second Ravine Forest J. B.'Martin to F.--A. Neuhs and wf WD $1. Lot 103, West Wkgn. . Cora R. Leonard and hbus to H. Richter and w1 jt tens wWD $2600. St. s3 N0 Lot 9. Leonards Oakwoods $3.00. Lot Subdn. m;t'.uN'l;h;l--n'awl--ndfifif to F. Hotz and w1 jt tens WD $10. St. $40. Pt of NW gr of Sec. 15; Vernon. ie hk ** We t 16, blt 24, Zlon, Illinois. /WD Jt --@ Waukegan Man is Not Held on Charge of Robbing Liberty-- ville Store. from the United Slales known today. h Rodriguez, it was reported on up-- parently : reliable authornity, never rageli ap oe.-- --~heDd § a bim to enter the United States,. (Me. is alleged 4o uive deserted from a ship in Cuban --wfers and from there made hbis to this country. This matter has been reported to States Attorney A. V. Smith--and is being 'investigated. If the nrru prove ts he correct -- i1 be 'sent back to w«.lco. ' Rodrigues was arrested in Cht cago late last week when the police tound in hbis possess . a ~~antity of clothing that had been stolen from a tailor shop in Eibertyville. At the hbhearing before Justice Lyell Morris in Tibertyy .« Monday Rod rigues claimed that he merely had purchased the clothing of the .real thieves who agreed *o sell it to him for $200. On this admission the charge of robbevy was changed to that o +~en p~~~"rtv."The charge may not be pressed if it is found t*~*+ Rod'~--~-- can be deport-- ed. GURNEE CELEBRATES | ROAD OPENING The Business Men'® club of Gur-- nee will give a free 'dance and en-- tertainment at the Woodmen's hall in Gurnee on --Friday night to cele brate the opening of the Grand ave hue road under the viaduct in--.the middle of the town, Jigg's De Luxe five piece orchestra will furnish the music. Supper will be served extra and a big time is anticipated. ' The road is now open um\e:'tho viaduct except along th# sides 'where some work is still' being done but the --r night. DENTISTS END The Northern illinolis Nentists so ciety Friday ended their conven-- tion, and awarded the 1925 confer-- ence to Dixon, ILl The election re-- sulted as follows: °* Y pr. E. E. Grabam. Lake Forest, nresident;: Vice president, Dr. Z. W. Moss, of Dixon; Secretary, Dr. E. E. Walker, of Rockford; Treasurer; Dr. Fdmund Noyes, of Chicago; Chair-- man of the Program Committee, Dr H. R Rove'sted, of Elgin: Chairman of Clinic Committee, Dr. C. L Dan-- FOR RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY iels, of Aurors. FOR SALE--Pure cider vinegar, 50¢ per gallon. (Hocking Valley silo filler in first class condition. . Pure bred Scotch Collie puppies. Bergeron Stock Farm, on l'de St. road, 2 miles west of Libértyville. . Phone 878--J-2é 39--t FOR SALE--1924 LIGHT 81X STUDE BAKER TOURING CAR. ~BRAND NEW. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE, $850.00. REASONABLE TERMS TO RIGHT PERSON. BEST BUY OF THE YEAR. CALL AT LIBERTY-- VILLE GARAGE. « " 89.tf wWHEN YOU HAVE THE NEXT AUVC-- -- tion salé, either farm or househbold . goods, telephone or write William g.:| Schreiner, McHenry, Ii1 Phone '!;_R: FOR SALE--Two teams and hatness. MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con sid. rable amount of specia) funds to loan on improved farm or city prop erty. We invite your dnquiry. First Natio_.al Bank, Libertyvills® 10--« _.Call Saturday and Sunday at the De Vault Farm. # 41--6t FOR SALE--19%% Reo Speed Wagon, with dump box, in perfect condition. $500 for quick sale.: Hillside Resort, Foxr Lake, I!1. Phone 134--M. 41--1t BOILER FOR SALE--W!Hl sell cheap a newly tubed high pressure yerti-- eal boiler, 37 in. grate. Apply Gard-- ner. care E. E. Tolman, Ridge Road, Lake Forest, T1 FOR SALE--Hot Blast heater for coal wood, almo? 'new. H. Brockman, 61 Lincoln Atenue, Libertyville. Tel-- ephone 140--M. 1 40--3t FOR RENT--Modern ephone 220--R. FOR RENT--To couple only, 8# room modern home, furnished; in choice part of Libertyville;' for December, January, February and March, at $60 a month. Apply at Independent offleoé 40--t FOR SALE--Modern bungalow on a corner in south part of Libeftyville. $4,000 cash. Bartlett Realty Service. Telephone 442--M. * 40--tt HOME ON S8UNNYSIDE PLACE ALL.MODERN,. BEAUTIFUL 60 FT LOT. TWOCAR . GarRaAgE, g$7780 8SELLERS & PETERSEN. 1O@T----About three weeks ago, a sum of money on Milwaukee Ave., Cook Ave. or Brainard Court, Reward. In-- quire at Independent office. 42--1t want ADs| (Continued from Page will be opened by Friday MEET; ELECT b--room flat. Tel-- 4041 1) became 41--2t VC ! rold STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, ss: -- / 3 i G.:| 1, J. 8. Gridley, Cashier of the above--named bank, do solemnly--swear that g.pr. the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. aul J. 8. GRIDLEY, Cashier. www Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of October, 1924. aue mx¥c 4# TTTTOO Watare' DPuhlin for cash. W!"w.d?o independent, Libertyville, IIL -- 412t independent, Libertyville, II1 -- 41--2t 'ADJVDICATION NOTJCE FOR SALE--Boston bull dog; female; | the Bubkcriber, Exeeutrix the Last pedigreed stock. Phone 423--R. | Will and Testament of Clement Ham-- curmmmummemnmmmuummrmumumu--------------|ol, 46c04800, Will AttGNd the PFODAtGC FOR wr ."l" and m'!c"n of Lake m' at a term ter,pears. M.C. Wirts, """t'tw to be holiden at the Court «emememenmmanmenepmentmmennmeemens smmmmnnememmmmememeee | oe _ _ 40 CMaialstwam in aaid OMnnntv FOR SALE OR TRADE--One 17--pes--' senger Janesville bus body, mount--| oduuouwnmwgmlly' equipped -- with . starter, . generator,| lights and ne wtires; not drlvu"m'i 800 miles; just the bus to haul l' children or passengers. . Also have several fine Beagle boun&l eight months old, ready to--run rabbits, O. L. Stanley, 421 Lincoln Ave., Wauke "8STOMAX RELIEF », *"The Wormley Company of Roch-- elle, IIlinois, makers of Stomax Relief, a remedy for gastritis or other stom ach trouble, will send free to the first three persons living in Libertyville, who drdar, a bottle of Stomax RelieL. i ADJUDICATION NOTICE _ Public notice is hereby given that the Subscriber, Executor of the Es-- tate of Emma Maxham, deceased, will attend the County Court of Lake County, at a term theteof to be hold-- en at the Coutt House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of January next, 1925, when and where all persons having <--claims against said estate are notified and First National Bank, of Libertyville 4. U. 8. Government securities owned : a Deposited to secure circulation (U. 8. beicte siodnittih: it dn Pnbroinrn Nok es i ocb acramndinlt cepini e raninnainin n macaminit n al uie O ... 200. c ecnsse on en h orrntiaon sh y sn e ninarbagane s ann mm aniee s us inmcommmaneen an ons auane ons on namnn nnoecomcn en 11 842.53 _5....Other bonds, St0CKB, SOCUFiItiGB, OLC......................__.__--_--oocemesiecaiee ces 156,883.25 6 Banking House, $21.200.00; Furniture and Fixtures, § 3 25841 24,458.44 8. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ...........____.___.__._._._-- 24,500.28 10 Cash in Vault and amount due from national banks........_....... 69,871.96 13. © Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting ie vi \_ _ Total of items 10 and 13 15. Redemption fund with U. U. 8. Treasurer ... 11. 18. 19. 20. 13. 26. 21. 24. 28 of assets of this bank or surety bond._..__._......._._._.._.__. Total of demand deposits (other than bank de j posits) subject to Reserve, Items 26, 27 and 28...> 281,653.76 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings: 32. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed)......... 84. Other tiM@ G@@POBitS ................___..___.._________________ccicccccsosolcessames m« Total of time deposits subject to Reserve 6e uie 28 Located at Lake Zurich, . Sta 10th day of Oct. 1924,> as ma state of Illinois, pursuant to law. 1 Capital SEOGK (1).........cuuedecsccrssscerrprersreeresrrnrrenspne e u6n es 49e k6 664 p uk4 s6u++ 9 Aily UA . W 8 -- Undivided PrOfits (Mét) (8)........«ssuapeme emmmmmmmanemanemen, -- 2060,28 4 . Time DepOBit® |(48)...............c.ciommemmmmimmmnimsmemenmas | 11,0807,86 6 _ Demand DepOBit8 (4b) .......................csuummemmmmimmiermmemcene... 118,008,16 8 ReBOTYO ACCOUMtB (6).... ....sssos se eppee snn n nenennnereereevenenfenennneenvereenes 1,416.71 1, A. J. Crawford, Cashier of the State Bank of Lake Zurich, do solemnly nurmmowomnmnmmdumm um.mm-mmmmummmmx mmmmtmm-flobmtflwdhflh counts, State of I!linois, pursuant to law. ko J. mmnb.m nAw ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, 88. painier 8 bed )nd sworh to before me this 15th day of Octib:. 1924. --€ SBAL . Istary Public. CHARTER NO. 6514 .' DBI YVBHIUG) .............«<A«umacsscrmoensoncecsprennenencenconmciopncnstnnnen b All.other United States Government securities-- (including premiums, if any) .......______--. Tota Undivided Profits ____....____.______ _ $28,180.78 a Reserved for interest and taxes accrued 8,067.14 b Reserved for dividends and losses._... 2,972.75 Total C Less Curreni CApoChuBeobd, INUOICMLMRREME MRMIAM MAMMME t MR OE C Circulating NOt@S OUtStRNUING ....__..____._--_--------.--= s ces <=~ > Amount due to State banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States and foreign countries ... Certified Ch@CKB OUtStANDUIME ,...=..._.____.__._._..._cccccccccomeasske= Total of Items 23 ARNDG 24........_._.____...___--___z_--« 12,8" Demand Deposits (othsr than bank deposits) sgubject (deposits payable within 30 days) ; . Individual deposits subject to check ...____._.___._...._. Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other Capital stock paid in . Surplus Fund ... DupsCriveu anu BWORMn UV MERMVET CUZ C SLe mve ar +eTrre I m----'tufl: * ELAIE M. HUSS, Notary' Public. H. MILLER, J. L. TAYLOR, ALBERT BAUER, Directors. . the State of lilinoils, at the Ciose of Busines: [ + . REsourcEs Loans and discoynts, including rediscounts acceptances of other banks, and foreign bilis of exchange or drafts sold with indorsements of fOf MONDOY DOFTOWO®G)y\ ..................... leosenccccuccccccsemenmcnennenecccnnemmencencem State, county or. other municipal deposits secured by p!euo Items 32 and 34 Loans on Real Estate(1A)............ Loans on Collateral Security (1b) U. 8. Government Investments (8)............... Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (B) »vsvessesesssssseccssesccense.. _ 4,925,00 Due from Banks,.Cash and Other Cash Ruoureu (7, 8,9)......... 84,020.18 Total ReBOUTC@®.......ssse ssm A _A 3. 4 TR ... 3c Autca andn tentvn ts cmeninteiionte C l wicaes t ved for dividends and losses.... ' 2,972.75 39,221.27 Current expenses, interestand taxes pald .. 5,473.65 . State Bank of Lake Zurich _ evevssvenscevecsser sencenseentercnssererevenenevnren e« rennannh* .5 _--_ (Official Publication) Report of the condition of ARESERVE DISTRICT NO. 7. Report of Condition of the State of Illinois, at the close of 'business on the made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the oy»rerrporneseeiurisecpicnnevitste cal s rer cenciene o. PCY AYE 8. Treasurer and due from LIABILITIES LIABILITIES RESOURCES w LINCOLN --LUSK House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of December next, 1924, when and where all per-- sons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to present the same for adjudication. . _ sesascassesce ces e84+ 60 8 008600 ___-- COMBLIA HAMEL, Executrix Waukegan, II1., Oct. 8, 1924. #%--oct 9 16 23 MARTIN C PEAAA AOOCOOATATATITO TT AAAAdduidiibabainbiniubtibs PP e eeenierabdbinhiidbdidbdhich es e wige s + ++® sueee en ee en en aie e be cb e ie d a 60 a w cce en en n e w eb m en en d d nen n 6eb ooo en e e ne n en one | t annaia ie nand nav e n e 89 66 7.-.-cc-co-o-o-t..oo.c-o-ooot"-l'.ov..n"o'.o ' ds AVCTIONEER Telephone 315--R LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. sesscnses ces ce seede s 20060 644 buvee0 one n 60 secse ces ons bewee s ns Ahe8 vee on s en oae aae bav s en n e nabue c +8 To o seeeassee ea 6 se0ee 660400006 048 sewe me n ae ne o e ne n ne e + +0 --$35,000.00 _ 42,842.53 304,845.68 12,818.40 _.$738,095.46 _.........$ 35,000.00 to Reserve $738,095.46 ..... $226,067. 49 ..... $ 25,000 00 | ..... 10,000 00 | $381,987.59 78.29 .$ 22,550.00 . 6,889.76 266,622.16 52,896.35 251,049.83 $5,000.00 38,.1717.62 35,000.00 11,508,08 1,340.32% 1,750.00 1,500.00 193.12% 31.00