Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1924, p. 9

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CAPE KIDNAPPERS INFLOWER TRUCK _ A prominent young couple in Zion re' united _in ° matriage Tuesday \rhen ' Miss -- Evelyn 'Uhiik --be-- ame the bride of Théodore Depew. the marriage 'took ~place in Shiloh a', macle," the coter iny being per-- o by Wilber Gichn Voliva. They ere the youngest couple to be mar-- kd in t@. tabérnocle, It was not & p%>'le wedding but the invited Lc ;. u0t ~be accomodated in GAVE : FRIENDS : THE -- SLIP home of the bride. 'The tabernacle was decorated boau-- in wild smilax, autum2 foliage sd white and : yellow. chrysanthe . The alts. . where the cere-- nomny'--was performed, was a solid of ferns, palms, smilax and with a floral bell suspend-- ad coverhead. 1 _\ Rromptly at eight d'clock the wed-- din m'.'r:: w»nded its way to & altar. brid* was attired in gown of white ~1tin, made .by her-- is < A long bridal veil was carried a "Iittle girl, Ruby. Enlow, also «- +~4 in white. Betty Meyers was Mlower girl, and six of the : bride's riend, three in yellow and three in whi acted as ribbon girlis. Helen Pa _ ... L.zrian Newcomer opened the gates leading to the altar, it ras a 1'ig ceromony and Master Paul Newcomer was ring bearér. "The wodding march was played by is Amelia Nelszson, who nhes been b ot the intended kidnapping they changed their plans, It was the l Tor" thom. "::."'w.."' sted that % for the. clip away in the flor'ct's truck --ed by Potter, Wa kegan florist. ~Searchlights from the top of the Fadio towers and from numerous Au-- tomo! were played on the taber-- ar' that the tip could be. ont " as s--on as the Depews left. No #1 lcion was occasioned * bowever, when the 'torist trick left the gar-- age.: As a matter of hfi"m. the newly married couple slipped C' a rear entrance of the tabernacle to .>> ;«rage and thence into the Iruck.-- Fully ~a cmnntonohuu A patrolling ~Sh: road wait-- ing for the newlyweds but no sus clon was attached to the florist's ruck. * Arriving safeély in Waukegan Mr. Mrs. Mepew found their wn aw-- " waiting them and they proceeded their honeymoon, it their ~own home whir. is com pletely furnished and ready for oc punancy 'at 2706 Kdina Bonlevard. _ KIDNAPPING FRUSTRATED ~A score or more of-- youns men who had planned to kidnap the young EUNERAL HELD MONDAY YOL. XXXIL--NO. 43 BSECTIONX TWO --LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1: Kin of Mrs. C. B. Goor&o, Wau-- _kegan, Lost Life With 28 _ Others When Boat Sank. The body of the groat grandson of Mrs. C, B. George of George's Cate m'mt .lm lg'e. together cwith 21 ' whaen steamer J ered Sept. 22 with all 6°3= hbeen recovered. The body : Stedman, who was the son Grace Close Stedman, mz tifled by his father Horace ~president of the State Bank of may. Wis, Ropert at years *A student of the University of ishand from his bride and hold him ptive over night were frustrated in i®"~ efforts. The couple had intended to depart ' Mr. Depew's car but when they ists who play and sing at this sti u. She won her diploma as music 10r at the age of sixteen years. r father is a deacon in the Zion ECOVER BODY OF PROMINENT LAKE BLUFE YOUNG MAN nain, was a member df .the WL steamer which-- foundered . in Huron, Only tweo of the bodies hbaeen found. The : Stedmans Mlnmundhnfllfi tamed in tenis--annals of 2 t. Zion.Young Gouple to Waukegan After and are widoly known in Ceremony. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT -- Lete County's Big Weeky WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT 'BUM BOAT BAND ARRESTED WHEN RAID IS MADE Peter Johnson, Fox Lake, Fails to Lift AnchOr as Usual and ~~ Sail Out of County. BOUND-- TO GRAND JURY 4o + Aap ie op S ols --Anrnne at $ue, o. . + Bb cce saiize zn e RraGGLIaL * s > SG4A ed Uike 'pirate captives' saboard ship. Later, when. Sheriff Abistrom and Constable C. A. Brune ralded in that ~ At that time the --tates attorney took matters up with McHenry of-- ficlals, asking that the condition be cleaned up. They agreed. . Since then, it is understood, Sher-- IU#f Edinger made countless raids on-- ly to ses Johnson lift anchor on his boat and sail into Lake county where he could not be raided by McHenry officials, * Baturday, it seems, Johnson fail-- ed to haul up his anchof and put his seagoing drink parlor into motion. It was his one mistake and the sher-- iff took advantage of it and raided. CLAIM HUNTERS -- * aETTING "VGLY" Lake county farmers are complain-- Ing that hunters are paying no atten-- tion to the signs posted on fazms and are even shooting some of these signs to pleces. Authorities have been ask: e1 to, be on the lookout for viola-- tions of the laws. Many farmers havs placed signs preventing. hunt-- thg after years of experience with Runters caused them untold damage when they opened their farms to them. 0 5 s ces ais SA Grayslake man was fined 315 I&d'y by Jus:'c~ of the Peace Wil tred Hall for shooting rabbits ont $25,000 DAMAGE SUIT IS FILED Minnic Klettke, Aled -- suit in (the Clreult Court late Tuesday, against George B. McBean ' and . wife for $25,000 damages. All the principles Uve in Highland Park.. The declara-- tion charges that the MoBean auto-- mobile was driven in a careless man-- ner by the owner and thab it ran and fractured the skull of the who also snys she re ot:auflon Injuries, ~The alleged to have occurred March at the intersegtion of Laurel and Sh John Avenue, High-- land Park. C. W. Scarborough of Fort Wopth, Tex.. who was a member of ns @a: mwygnuotutwmluhn-nMc.ww Island, has been frozen to death near: Point Barrow. He was working on an assignment for a motion picture cencern. This picture of, bim. mmmmxbm.mmum{umnswrm A wild ride in an auto ended in a wer--bed, says a nows diapatch from Explorer--Cameraman Frozen About Six Feet Under short time before J. P. ARTHUR AND WIEE TO HUNT < ---- LIONS, THGERS Waukegan Millionaire's Party to Invade Jungles With Arm-- TO BE GONE A YEAR J. P. Arthur, former president of the Cyclone Fence Company, and his wife are planning to hunt big game in Africa this winter. . This anounce-- ment comes as somewhat of a sur-- prise to Waukegan friends of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur as it was understood.that they would spend the winter in Cali-- formia. _ +» *L C£. k2 __NWith the racent sale of the Cyclone Company to the United States Stee! Sarporation Mr. Attat "_'g'g; take life easy, espucially "c r: of the fact: that he is flo-t: to be in tha millionaire class as%. a tesult of the sale.> While Mr. Awhur has spent considerable time hunting big game. in the northwest it was not general ly. known that he had Aspirations to. go after--lions, tigers and-- other kings of the jungle. The Arthurs will be accompanied, it isz understood, ty a California couple and they will have an unique car for invading the wilds or Aftrica. Mr. Arthur's Calitornia friends aro constructing an automo-- bile on the order of a tank and It is expected this vehicle will be able to negotiate the desért and rough coun-- mmen,mqmwumm It will be thoroughly armoured and will have sufficient room to store: & large quantity of provisions and equipment in addition -- to a . large amount of gasoline, in case they ox-- 'plou vountry where they are unable to replenish their supplies often. _ Mt. and Mrs. Arthur and thiir California friends probably will be gone a year sand it is expected 'they wilXl return with many trophied"of the 533,186 CLAIM OF DISABLED VETS ARE DISALLOWED BY U. S. Central Department Starts Review of Many Claims Re-- fused by Government. Washington, Oct. #.--A review 'of all disaliowed claims in the véterans' VETERANS ARE SUFFERING bureau, amounting to more than 500,-- 000 will be carrie out on an o%ténsive pilan as speedily as possible, director Frank L. Hines announced today. _ _ Several'.weeks Aago the Alsgbled American veteraus' through National Commander. Frank J. Irwin, brought the matter up to Director Hines'as the most urgent proposition before the bureau and an: 'f-'v'u':wul.. de veloped there are , 58%,106 of disalowed claims. _ Irwin belioves that many of the disabled men have not received benefits. either because they became discouraged by m or else are unfanilliar with the Johnson bill which has many liberal: ising clausos that would include many men who were barred under previons General Hinea has asgured the vet erans organization. that he wilt con-- tinue to expard the force having this review work in charge until the task 4*' 0 0 " m iage . .' ie 224 2. lth a hn in it w at ind escA Aiie: srnta in 44 l w wintt 5> w aws. :4 n a struck cass in the cw-s General Hines has asgured the vot| Coprt today entitied: The Village of erans organization. that he wil} con versus Raston, in which the tinue to expard the force having this sooks to constrict | a sewer, review work in charge until the task was allowod to objec: is completed. * tors. Vida, Rdward and Hat ahowed the :-l.l:'" in the muu v'? .m::n'ane:'"'i 6 C¥ . t. Ab AiWMaraont diatrict .'3'.3"""___ fin.. gm wetsea allowad $500, difarent district Bostaon 17,008; Philadeiphia, . 1 1t 310; Atlianta #1,00 T y utss 21,993; Bt. who was a member of the ex ored Tank--like Auto w a York ® GIRL KMLED BY NORTH SHORE BUS IN BELVIDERE ST. a| INCENDHARY Elisabeth Tonigan, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; William Tonigan, 212 Bo. Utica street, meot instant death early Tuesday evening under the wheels of a North Shore bus at Bei-- videre and Utica streot. Elizabeth Tonigan, Daughter of . Towmh'n...floa'tf Commis-- sioner, Meets Death. POLICE ARREST DRIVER Robert_ Vipond, :23, of Lake Forest, the driver of the machine, was held for the death by police, and gave bonds of $2,000 before Police Magis-- trate WailterTaylor two hours after the accident. 'The ebarge was man-- slaughter abd the hearing was con-- tinued until Oct. 28. ~~~~=~*«-- This action was a mere formality. Etates Attorney A. V. Smith, advised of the death, authorized the reiease ot the man in bonds. Vipond drives on what is known as the "Grand Avenue Bus Line" He had' reached the intersection of Uti-- ea streat op> his west bound route along Belvidere street. ------ . ... The machine gave a lurch, be ex-- plained to the police, and he saw a flash of blue.. The brakes--wese jam-- med on and 'he discovered he had struck a chfl% This was his first idea that such a 'had . occured, he said. He had miles an bour. Paul Smurovez, of 317 Powell ave., balted and h& and Vipond placed the child in the Sz:uroves automobile which speeded to the Victory Memo-- rial hospital. Dr. J. E. Walter, who followed, found the girl had <~been dead some minutes. .« »J*% The child was lying in the street when he walked back. =~ -- > The truck wheel had passed over the chest, crushing the ribs and punc-- turing the lungs: The body was tak-- en to Wetzel and Petersons under-- taking rooms. Patrolman Frank Herod, who was cglled to the. scane, found --the street light was. out.~ 'The ~street. in .that section was dig@nally dark. Tha road there, th%n_ _ pared, is bumpy and marrow. Vipond, in discquszing . the along elther~czido.of --the siree{.. Ho um&.m came out Arom ~be hivd a 'dir." She was struck» by the P wost ndep o t ooo C Mr. and Mtrs. 'me to the hoapnitat immediately. abow-- school room, that gave her full name, the plece of paper, presumably from the The name was written in the child-- ish scrawl of a schoolgirl of her age. * Vipond is not a new man with the North Shore line. Ho has been in the employ of the company for the past eight months. Immediately after the accident Thomas Deely, one of the officials of the city lines, relieved Vipand from duty, and obtaining his trelease, let tho man go home. 3 'The father of . m deceased, recent-- Iy elected Tbad imisstoner for the towuship, is widely known through the c_ount'y. -- Funoral atrangemonts Aare to be an-- ""The. Sersh . Showr srapdmoth & . Bara wer, er of the child, had been with her on the south side. They were return-- ing in a bus and the girl get off at Utica and Belvidere stroots. Mrs. Shower cautioned her. with a-- "Beo *On her way through the business district Mrs. Shower noticed an am-- bulance pass the bus. .She became alarmed and called the Tonigan home and found Elizabeth had not return-- ed. An investigation brought out the details of the tragedy. ' Danville. II1., Oct. 22%.--AN invex-- tigation of "the fire that destroyed the uncompleted shaft and works of the Devalley coar company oR the Urbana road six miles west of lfi ville 'l'agndly. disclosed -- the that the 'fire not only was incep« diary but that the bottom works wera dynamited before the fire start» 00. Persofs living near the mine sthted that they -- heard _ mulfled nolse® sbortly before the upper works burst into flames. 'rhalouwmu;fi ~ without any insurance. | was intended for local. saloa DEERFIELD ALLOWS kl FOR LAND TAKENE | the French ch, Anore, mm-unucf:mm Samn-! wore, patron of gardoner®, because an | Ann in Paris, the Hotel de St. Flacre, .. was the Arst station for th@ hire of . * How Word Originated been going about 20 FIRE PROBED left MARK TWAIN'S OLD HOME BURNS BOW N Reno, Nev., Oct. 28--Destroyed by fire, the old Schanitzor House, said to have at one time been the home of Mark Twain, was in~ruins today. The structure, recefitly kuown as "Motor Inn," and patro®ized by mem-- bers of Reno's divorce colony, was vccupied by Mark Twain, when the famous humorist was a reporter on a newspaper published in Virginia City, Nevada. TWonty years ago, the house was moved here from Vir-- winia City. 2 CHILDREN DIE _ | IN FIRE TODAY .Butler, Pa., Oct. 22--Two children of Patrick Mabhoney, Louis, 3, and Leona 1, were sufiocated to death today when their home was damag-- ed by fire. 'The mother was serious-- ly burned trying to save the chil-- dren and is in the Eutler hospital. Another child of the family was burned to death five years ago. SENSATION IN DIVORCE CHARGE *-- Edward --C.--Wallace of Libertyville today filed a crossbill in Circult Court in the divorce suit in which Mildred --Wallace is cross deiendant. He made several sensational charges. Wallace alléges.that on Sept. 3rd his wite was intimate with a man named Oharles at Orystal Lake. He also aleges that she. kicked him and threatened to kill him at their home in Libertyville. { Julius H, Sinykin | Genesee at Water Street . 6 Corresponding Reductions in Our ' Furnishing Goods Department. " Our First Anniversary Sale Everybody Wwho has come in during our first birthday celebration can't help but be efithusiastic about the unusual values we are giving in furnishing goods and hats. Without a doubt this will be the biggest and most important sale for men this Remember this is not an ordinary clearance sale just to get rid of DUOULIILQALLVIUL VEILLL S XENZ U PMMM NEZL WEREMIENAE s t e t o m c n h D P td a lot of left--overs. We have nothing but brand new, fine quality merchandise to offer. We are so happy about the tremendous mwmo!ourfinty"rinbmhmth&tmjnfimttom everybody in on our first anniversary celebration.: That's the reason for this hig sale. Come in--today--and let us show you what we have got for you. Bring your friends too--just to look if you want to. 3 . 19¢ 4 Is A Big Success. ONE TRAIN DAILY TO RUN AT PEKIN Poking, Oct. 22%.--The American le-- gation joined today with four ather leading powers in -- instructing the senior commandant of foreign troops at Tien Tsin to run onée military train each day from the»coal mines at Tien Tsin to relieve ~ the fuel shortage in the foreign colony. Ow-- ing to the Chinese civil war, there has been no movement of coal from Tien .Tsin and the fuel problem sas become serious. Mary Willis of Dorchester, Wis.. learned to recite the aiphabet, count to 50 and do a little reailing and writing when she was a year old. Now, at the age of 13, sihe is a fresh-- man at Northland College, Ashland. Wis. Mary wants to be a gymnasium tercher when she grows up. Students' all wool two--trouser Suits, sizes 33 to 38. Values to $32.50. f SUITS AND OVERCOATS 195 130 $35 Values to $35 Values to $49 Prodigy $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE 23.175 GOLDEN WEDDING OF-- MR. AND MRS. ALLEN DIXKON HELD Prominent and Lifelong,. Resi-- dent of Qurnee, Rosecrans and Russell Celebrate. ey¥d The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dixon life--long residents of Gurnee and Rosecrans neighbor-- boods was celebrated Tuesday a% their hoime in Gurnee, in the preés# enee-- ot about 68 relatives and a fow friends. All of their children were present, in addition to the brothers and sisters of both Mr. and Mrs. Dir-- on. Their sons and Caughters pres-- ent were: Mrs. Lena Winters . of Rosecrans, Mrs. Dora Smith of Gur-- 68 IN ATTENDANCE nee, at whose home the four o'clock supper was served, Miss Floy Dixon, at home, and Mrs. Stella . Vose of Hickory. 3 zy es _ All of Mrs. Dixonis brothers and sisters with the exception of J. B. Bennett, of . Belvidere, were prosent. These woere: Mrs. William Murray of Kenosha, Mrs. Isabel Griffin, of Jowa, Lou and Grant Bennett: of North Prairie, and John and Burr Bennett of Kenosha. Mrs. Dixon is the eld-- est of the family. 0 0 > 0 0 __ _ __Boih of Mr. Dixon's tfo sisters, Mra. Mary Murrie, of Waueregan. and Mrs. Eva Murrie of Kenosha, were pres ent. They have 20 grandchildren. Mr. 'and Mrs. Dixou are both enjoy-- ing good health abd Mr. Dixon . who has been a farmer practically all of his life retired only this year. . __ SHbg . PPE ESVE CAAAE s +oh o en T In accordance with the request of the celebrants no presents were gir-- en. Mr. and Mrs. Dizon were mar-- ried at North Prairie bhalt a century ago and resided there ? many years and then moved to ussell -- where they lived for 25 years. The rest of the time they lived in ~and around Gurnee. wl We ¥ wh 2+ Waukegan, N | P Values to $45§ 3+ We < o s in ue

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