PRETTY MRS., MARION CHESS, daughter of Hong Kong, China, banker, and bride of first Chinese to win marine engineer's license, found that husband's absence at sea interfered with family Mah Jong game, so she went into San Francisco court and secured divorce. . * 0x @7 LEFT IN HALLWAY.--Only clue to identity of this pretty baby, found in' New York City, was, "Bernard," and note reading: "I had to do this," pinned to blanket in which he was wrapped. > <(Int'l Newsreel.) "LOVE LAUGHS AT SMASHUP.--M Han Francisco honeymooners, plunged ¢ sutomobile. They took machine apart at to top, rebuilt it and went on their way is nephew of"Ado|ph Busch, of St. Louis. . Een arg: By : * 4A .2 22 e 20 (Int'l Newsreel.) is iip 6 L 9'). 4(# A Y\ TA wide ED' c d Mrs. Eimer Pleper embankment in their of clift, carried parts ard Chicago. Pieper (Int'l Newsreel.) HELENE CHADWICK, Hollywood, Cal., motion picture actress, has just been notified that the Verein Deutscher Kuenstler, of Berlin, 3ermany, has chosen her as typical American beauty in inter national tbeauty contest in which there were 3,000 entries. "VANESSI," New York dancing star, has been secretly married to: Henry ' Treat Chittenden, Princeton graduate, former diplomat, New York lawyer and Democratic politician. ___BVELYN _ NICHOLS, sister of Anne Nichois, author of "Abfe's Irish Rose," has returned to Now York from toug of Kurope. (Int'l Newsree!) «t a) News Service.) o «h €D 2s (IntT Newsreel.) HIGH CASTE INDIAN GIRLS FROWN OQN BOBBED HAJR, gam.lnx to Shelomith Vincent Lucknow, -- Indian student at Radcliffe College, 'Oambridge, Mass-- (Int'l Newsreel.) MRS. -- CRAIG BIDDLE, -- social leader of Phila delphia, has an-- nounced engage-- ment of hber daughter, -- Laura tabove), to Wil liam Rhinelander Stewart, Jr., Har-- vard graduate and member of one of . New York's oldest families. * (Int'l Newsreel.) YoU'VE GoT To B_I DOUBLE JOINTED if you want to do stunts like little Beatrice Shor-- man. of Brooklyn, N. Y (Int'l Newsreel.) _ THRILLS AND SPILLS APLEXTY were furnished spectators at annual metereyvcle hill--climbing coniest at Cedar. Grove, N. J . where John Steele, of Paterson, N. J., is shown going over hill at top speed. (int'l Newsrgel.) / i. OLDEST CHURCH IN WORLD, built on slope Mt. Ararat, at Erivan, Armenia, by St. Gregory in M be M'ILIIG' wel EDVIVEEMR PRD NCOA OPOW 000 0 OS A. D., is' to be restored according to these plans by Armenian Christians of Los Angéles, Cal. ' _ (I~t'l Newsrecl.) '"SAFETY FIRST!'Y--This thrilling "wreck" in whicl staged by Southern Pacific railroad af Florence, Cal., in against motorists who try to race fast tu'hp to grade cro built on slopes of 0 ; "wreck" in which no one was hurt, was Florence, Cal., in motion picture crusade trains to grade crossings. (Int'l Newsreel.) .DPowN, -- BUT ~NXOT --OUT.-- Jessic Roberts turys on big smile when ber injuries are meutioned, after being thrown® in big indoor rodeo in New York City. . (Int'l Newsrcel.)