2 _ BEN NEWMARKIS _ . ENTRAPPED; TAKEN IN WOMAN'S FLAT Raiding the apartment, they found mo one at home. | Neighbors said a Mrs. Carter lived there. She return-- ed at' 2 a. m. She convinced the police she knew nothing of the O'Banion murder and that the tip The arrest of the two men was a freak off--shot of Chief of Detective Hughes to solve the O'Banion mur-- der mystery in Chicago. Learn of Woman's Flat Detectiveg, running down a tip that the murderers of Dean O'Ban-- ion were hiding in an apartment on the northwest side, racéd Monday night to the address given them as the refuge of "the slayers. f © Ben Newmark, sought for two days by Upited States secret serv; ite agents and police as the 'braing' Of a highly organmized band of war saving stamp counterfeiters, Tues: day night 'unwittingly walked > into a trap laid for him by detéctives. Tom Boyle, brother of Michael J. Boyle, head of the electrical &work-- ers' unfon, was . taken in custody along with Newmark andheld at the detective burean to be questioned today by federal authorities. : BVULLETIN . Chicago, Nov, 12%.--Ben Newmark, assistant state fire marshal, one of 40 + named 4n . warrants chbarging counterfeiting of iLberty bonds and savings certificates, today was re-- leased under $5,000 bonds when ar-- winged before a United States .com-- wmissioner here. Hearing was set Tracing her--~movemen'ts during the aight she sald she had been with a young© woman,. Miss Helen Bvxvn. w model, 'having> a flat at 916 Grace street She said some: thing about two men being "in the _ Newmark, fho was arrested last night on a chance "tip," declared that the charges against him . were an injustice. +0 'The extent to which the ali: counterfeiting plot reached wA# partly -- revealed _ when Peter G, Drauteburg of the secret service ad-- mitted that among the. witnesses agaiinst the defendantwould be the father of a 12 year--old girl of Low-- ell, Mass.,-- who had bought two counterfeit $5 war savings stamps. ELEVEN ~SUSPECTS HELD "I don't have to do anything wrong," he said. angrily. "L bave money--plenty of morey." _ uw / Counterfteit Plot Asieep When the Sleuths Raid. North S *+; of Is now the finest landscape garden Cemetery in 'America. It has the most beautiful.and imposing CEMETERY. ENTRANCE in the country. This majestic portal will stand as long as the pyramids of Egypt. * Its DRIVEWAYS of white imacadam will last as long as the old Roman roads. _ bg Its DRAINAGE system is perfect. Its LOCATION on the Waukegan comerete road, five miles north of Lake Forest and one mile west of North Chicago on the divide between the Mississippi and St. Lawrence river basins, is ideal, It is NOT LOCATED within or on the boun-- dary of a large city, where it would be gure to be destroyed within «a generation or two, but in a charming country far removed from the city's din and dirt and where it always will be a beautiful gyarden place of rest. | It is the ONLY Cemetery which deposits with the trustee of the PERPETUAL CARE FUND the name of cach lot owner, the number of his lot and the section in which it is located in order that any lot owner may "Check up" on the representa-- tions of the management regarding this extremely important feature. It is the only Cemetery in Hlinois which has provided for a continuous and ample income from a PERPETUAL CARE FUND of 50 cents per square foot ($17,000 pey acre) for cach and every Before buying a cemetery lot in-- sist on being shown the facts about *«'perpetual care fund," claimed, consider location as.to desirability and compare landscape work be-- fore going ahead, The ideal Indian summer weather of last week was a great boon to Illinois farmers, judging from the report of A. J. Surratt, federal agricultural statis tician.. The quality of the state's corn crop will be materially improved by the favorable weather, he sqid. Farm-- ers were reported to be highly opti-- mistic throughout the state. Eleven more Arrests were made yesterday by secret service agents in connection with the allgzd coun-- terfeiting plot. Daniel ° rTy, -- & municipal court© bailiff, was among thosé arrested. He was released on $5,000 bail after questioning. f 'William W. Zeige and Samue! Gorgoglious were released on bail after grilling by secret gervice men. Capt. Thomas --I. Porter, chief of the secret service of the Chicago di-- vision, declined to reveal the names of others in custody. Premature publicity, he asserted, already had caused a number of persons wantéd to flee from Chicago. W«A While the Indian sumnier weather probably would not change the quan-- tity of the corn crop to a great extent, Surratt explained, it promises to ma-- ture and dry the corn so as to improve the grade and consequently the 'prite the farmer can get for his product.-- party" and she dropped the Detectives waited for hours yester-- day. Then they tried to force in a door. They were frustrated for a time by a huge German police dog that menaced them. At length they broke down the door, and sprawled put ~on--, a bed, Apparently asleep, were Newmark and --Boyle.-- of "Newmark." Watch Place Yor Hours: -- -- Chief HMHughes, certain the "New-- mark'" referred to was Ben Néw-- mark, ordered his men to keep a constant vigil over the flat of l'tu Brown and to arrest 'Boyle and whoever else called there.: The two men, according to detec-- tives, .said they had been sleepin®g off a #pree and they did not know of ::Q federal charge against New-- ma INDIAN SUMMER * GREAT FOR CROPS SAYS STATISTICIAN < Eleven More Arrests Mrs, Newwmark told him, the attor-- rey said, she had not seen ber bhus-- band for three or four days. Attorney Charles H. Soelko con-- ferred yesterday with Assistant Dis-- trict Attorney 'Swanson regarding bail for Newmark.-- He promised to surrender him today. He said he had not seen Newmark, but that the latter's wife "had retained him. . The warm weather has also been favorable to the cotton crop in the ex-- treme southern counuties. The cotton is reported to be opening rapidly with picking underway. $3 name & _ You can always count ~of~ Lake county beifg involved in all the big events that make eight column "Fib 'bons" in the newspapers. The shoot: Ing of Dean O'Banion, king of the beer "racket," tnxedo gangster, and hijacker, was a summer colonist at Fox Lake. ; 'He maintained a finessummer home there, had $40,000 wortk of automo-- biles, and everything he could wish for--but he coudn't let go--gangland exacted its toll--death at the hands of a rival with a smoking automatic. Deputy Sheriff Stark, whose w#e is believed 'to have ' cofmtiitted sui-- cide because of joalousy o¥er ® Waukegan martlied woman --with whom Stark is . reported to.. have dead in their bhome at Area, LAKE CO. LINKED AGAIN ~ And that isn't all his connection with Lake county, acco';:ding to an-- other theory. C l c One moreé theory is that when Lieut. Schoemaker rounded© up -- the first of the NMomtnrn in eon-- nection with the $1,000,000 Rondout postal robbery he admitted that he got his first tip in Bisen's restaurant when he raided the place, a s Also Believed to Have --Fur-- nisheéd Clew that Soived Rondout Mail Robbery. \ Dean O'Banion was there, There are few in the ufdderworld who would accuse Dean of having thirned police informant, but police believe there fnay have been some, WALTER STARK O'BANION NAD . FOX LAKE HOME JOHN WESTERN, President l7R. L, B. JOLLEY, VicePresident Modern Cémetery and Mausoleum Co. hore Cer lot sold from the first lot to the last one, said fund always to be in possession of a trustee, no portion of which, except the income, to be subject to with® drawal by the comporation. 'The unencumbered as-- sets of MODERN CEMETERY 'AND MAUSOL-- EUM COMPANY now amount to upwardg Of 'A MILLION DOLLARS at extremely conservative valuations, and every dollar of its resources is pledged to the literal fulfillment of this program of Perpetual Care which is PERPETUAL CARE and not mere talk as is the case with some other places of human interment. ' 8e _ It is ONE CEMETERY the management of which does not talk in hazy, generalities, and does not make evasive replies to questions concerning its "Perpetual Care Fund.". There is as much ly; ing and swindling and fraud practiced in selling out places for the burial of the dead as in any, other line of activity, and the liars and swindlers keep out of jail because people do not investigate before buying. Seme men who promote and gn.- age such places find it expedient not to use their names in the newspapers nor on a single scrap of paper issuing from their offices. * NORTH SHORE CEMETERY has upwards of 40 varieties of beautiful trees and evergreeng and an equal number of blooming shrubs, more varie¢ties than any other 'American Cemetert. " & The Roses of NORTH SHORE CEMETERY: North Chicago, lIllinois A Stearns T--pagsenger. automobilé was destroyed by fire Monday night on the road ne@r Grubb Hill, near Antioch, The matter was reported Tuésday to the sheriff's office. Accord ing to the license number, the car be-- longed to a Chicago man. There was a gallon can near the machine which 'apparentiy 'had bean used in filling the gas tank"af the auto. It is be-- lieved the machine caught fire when the driver sought to fill the tank. : According to d@elegates héere tha larmers bureay, the National Grange and the Farmer's Union, asked . by President Coolidge for an expression of their desires in the matter, ~are unanimously in favor of Taber's ap pointment. o f ty billion dollars, said IOuise J. Ta-- bar, of Clolumbus, Onic, aster of the. * Eombing ta% Rurdeng Iraq to: the s *4 < to. the decadence of agri¢cultur6: and. always :l."m;km :lto':tch o it e w they bhave been imposed," he deciared. is Tg 3. . "During 1923 more than 1,100000 workers left the farms.-- The cure for this state 02.!" wil.mm-mr%, adherence sound business. prin ples and not through legislation. Cooperative .marketing and predac tion were urgel by Taber to make farming profitable. He asserted also that farmers of the nhtion stand for _ Taber has been grand master of! the national organization for six years. * P Atlaatie City, N, J., Nov, 12. --Rep-- resentatives of taillons Of farmers in the United, Stwtes were present today when the Natio®al Urange convened here in annuat sesglon. . ® values have shrumk more than twen-- M apeeenerl, mecitcaly #; the 19th amendment. -- Tuber is being boonied by represcoR-- gtm of & million farmers in the ed States to succeed the late Hentry G. Wallace as Secretary of Agriculture. AUTO DESITROYED | BY FIRE ON ROAD Agfiywtul"e a_t Meeti fig o URGE BUSINESS PRINCIPLES REAVY TAXES HAVE CUT FARM YALUES IN 3 YEARS--TABOI Head 'of ~National Grange is Boosted for Secretary of ANHH UUREVE . R. DALZIEL, (President of Lake Céunty State Bank), Treasurer MABEL CHOPFE, Secretary "~~-- The rate of interest your money will earn, if placed in the Preferred Shares of this Company. 4 _ 'This Company is paying dividends quarterly. 4 The next dividend will be paid on January l1st. _' Income derived from an investment in these shares is Free of personal property tax and also exempt from Normal Federal Income Tax. ' * ~~These shares may be had either on a cash or monthly pay-- ment basis. i The business done by this company is increasing rapidly, « ._«Why not become a partner in this business by purchasing some of these shares? | . -- We would like to talk it over with you. f ' _ Bend us your name and address on the coupon below and wa pvill have our representative call upon you.. . _ _ § A Matter of Interest to You 13, 1924 Without obligating me, please have your representative eall upon me regarding your 7% investment. e Name Address give inestimable delight to yisitors from June to late October and this year hundreds were in bloom after November lst. « The early LOT OWNERS could now sell their lots for three times the prices paid, and similar advances will be realized on those now being pur-- chased. NORTH SHORE CEMETERY has lot owners in, and has had funcrals from, various portions of Chicago--even from South Chicago and Cicero-- and from every North Bhore town and village from Evanston to Milwaukee. . " Plans for an ADMINISTRATION BUILD-- TING of classic architecture are now being prepared. The first unit of a first class, GREENHOUSE range--75 feet by 36 feet--is mnow being erected for the accommodation of its patrons. & _ s NORTH SHORE CEMETERY has had trans-- fers from 12 cemeteries--one indication of the ap-- proval of the people of our territory. __________ _ _ NORTH SHORE CEMETERY NURSERIES have upwards of 40,000 trees, shrubs and evergreens for transplanting to the Cemetery and for sale. For further information, prices and a view of this extreme opposite of a temporary "grave--yard,"" also. for a look 'at our unequalled record books, we suggest a visit to our office. We send autos free to R. R. stations at North Chicago for all who come by train, upon receipt of telephone call, North Chicago 1007, We a . =0 w 0 0 *n' are immmen. EOAKEAEEIHRE -- Every place of interment not protected by an ample trust fund is doomed to destruction. NORTH SHORE CEMETERY is for people WHO CARE. oA COUPON &1 ¥ #