THREE PRISONERS . _ AND GUARD ESCAPE; RECAPTURE TWO Quartette "Goes Over Hill" at Fort Sheridan; Guard and Three prisoners and their guard escaped from Fort Sheridan Satur-- €@ay afternoon, according to infor-- mation received by the Waukegan police who were asked to search #or them. Two of the prisoners were re-- €aptured by the authorities at the fort before they cot off the reser-- wvation. but the guard and the other prisoner are still at large and be lieved to be in hiding near Wau-- l'l. 'The guard is Henry Parish, #4, and the missing man is Earli Mansberger.a ged 22, of Philadelphia Mansberger is described as hbaving «dark brown hair, and being five #eet 10 inches tall. No description was obtained of Parish.. Two of t eaptured by fort before wation. but t prisoner are Yn. Is s e 3'.':50 the Mr. and Mrs Harry Stratton had as their guests over Sunday Mr. Strat-- ton's father and mother from Chicago. --'William Walker was in Libertyville and 'Waukegan Monday. y -- Thapksgiving matineé at three thir-- ty at Auditbrium showing Jackie €Coogan in "Little Robinson Crusoe." Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gust entertained Mrs. Gust's father the last part of the Mrs. E. Thayer has her sister and husband,< Mr. and Mrs. Chas Panter, from Chicago visiting her this week. E. J. Lehmann and family were at their home here over Sunday. Mr:; Franks of Chicago visited last week at the Walker home Thomas Gratz, of Libertyville was also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walker several days Jast week.-- Mr. Gratz resides in Liber-- tyville, and tells his friends he expects to go to Klorida for the winter. Mr. Wrase has sold his two lots and garage, which escaped the fire when his house burged, to John Myers. The «©consideration was $900. _ The two fugitives who were re-- «aptured are James North, 25 years «wld, home address Stockton, Il!., and Charles Luckwith. Police along the North Shore have been asked to keep on the lookout for the guard and M&Asberger. _\ Louis Faber is reported no better. Mr. Faber vis'ted her Friday at a hos-- pital in Chicago. _ + _ _ _ > varried In Stock ond 'or Sale By J. C. JEPSON, ANTIOCH, ILL. loss of valuable sleep, often makes fi feel utterly worn--out and use-- during the day, and by quickly weakening the system lays i'ou ?u to the most dangerous infec= ons, ean now be promptly checked ;{e a vcri.limil'e treatment. Peo-- who have hardly been able to rest on account of coughinf spells have found that they can sleep the whole night through undisturbed aften after the very first trial. PAE TWO The treatment is based on a remark-- mble mflpuon known as Dr. King's New Discovery, You simply take a tea-- m-m at night before retiring and «it in your throat for 15 or 20 sec-- nds before swallowing it. The pre-- scription has a double action. It not Omly soothes and heals the soreness and §rritation, but it quickly loosens and re-- eom the phiegm and cong.vatlun which the reat cause of the *ough. 'The result is that you usually sleep as soundiy as a babe the very first night, and the ©cough goes in a very short time. Harry Wallace and wife of Liberty 'The prescription contains mo opintes or harmful drugs. Excellent for children ms well as grown--ups. For coughs, chest colds, hoarsenes#, sore throat, spasmodic ©roup, bronchitis, laryngitis and bronchial asthma, At all good druggists, Ask for LINCOLN LUSK Milwaukes -- Avenue at North « Bhore Line Choleso Restricted Homesites SLINNYSIDE PARK TRACT List Your Property With Us Telephone 315--R LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOS, ight Coughing-- How to Stop It One Man Still Gone. I A KE VILL A HONES AUCTIONEER which, through Res. 186 M ville visited his va, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wallace, t week. -- John Phillippi and family were in Waukegan Friday evening _ Mre. C. W. Talbot was also in Waukegan Fri-- day evening. Our school was not in session last Friday, the teachers being away at-- tending teachers' institute. s The rains of the past week were very gratefully regeived, as nearly ev-- ery cistern, and some wells, in the town were dry. John Phillippi is the proud owner of a hew iWilys--Knight car purchased in Waukegan last week. o -- Mr. and Mrs. Wrase will go to Chi-- cago for the winter. They have just bought a lot and will have a cottage built for them on the north side of Cedar Lake. Mrs. Sidney Dibble visited Mrs Stratton Wednesday. Elizabeth Jarvis has gone to the city for the winter.. s Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheehan were Waukegan visitors Thursday. Those from here who attended the Eastern Slar banquet at Wauconda Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. E J. Murrie, Mrs. Will and Mrs. Fred Weber, Mrs. Carl Miller, Mrs. QQ wW. Talbott, Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. Matsen. They report a pleasant time. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Thayer and Mr and Mrs. Louis Hurd were in Waukegan one day the past week. o Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dix, Mrs. E. A. Wilton, Howard 'Wilton drove to Chi-- cago Saturday. Mrs. J. J. Brennan was in Chicago from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. Allie Kapple has been quite ill but is better at present. Mrs. Wi McFadden was in town the past week, but has returned to her home in Wisconsin . © Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reinbach were Chicago visitors Sunday. ap & _ Dr. Shaffer of Gravs'ake was called here professionally one day the--past week. Indian summer has been most beau-- tiful in the lakes region. 'The smoky _TEN YEA RS _--_-- PROGRESS J. N. LERNARD, Proprietor Telephone*202 --x-- -- Liberty . No pronounced leadership of the I ::'tor.noHl:n:udmhw?m --t power dollar is h".'& m unhc-m quality and decreased price of the w nduct'oé: in prices h.n'n-z your dollar when m: A (fi'w:ln. MM':':IMMQ\'.I':. mt tieiadearone and Ts s ongert lldcn!nv-h..:.v-.t ;.fi %flhhbmmdn as you _ Libertyville Garage Tickets on sale from Nov. 28, 1924, to Dec. 3, 1924 Final return limit Dec. 8, 1924 Take advantage of the low fares to visit the metropolis of the west.' There are many things to interest you: . _ Theatres, Grand Opera, International -- Live Stock Show, Horse Show,. Parks, New Field Museum, and. othéer attrac-- tions to K¥iit any taste or fancy. See the new $75,000,000 Uhion Station now nearing completion. %f Price, 1914, 1000 Low Fare Excursions _ CHICAGO For fall information about the redeced fares and train service, ask any ticket agent Mitwauhee & St. Paul Jpr Evonemtcal Tranaportatitm TO PUGET SQUND=--ELECTRIFIED _ The Stewards met after the morning |service to plan for the financial can-- vas. The envelope system has been adopted for those who care to use it. Patterson recently and hazy atmosphere nas been more dense than usual this fall ies E. A. Wilton instatled a Blue Ribbon wiliking machine at the farm of J. M. LAKE VILLA M. £E, CHURCH unday School at 10 a m. 'Morning mervice of worship at 11. Dr. J; Hastie Odgers, the Dist. Supt., will preach, and conduct communion service. The first quarterly cunference will be h :ld at the close of the morning service. The young people held an election o fofficers last Bunday. The following were chosen: President, Lester Ham-- lin; _ secretary, Margerette Manzer; treasurer, Russell -- Boehm. <-- Officers are still to be elected for the follow-- ing positions: Director of Sunday eve-- ning meétings, 'director of social sery-- ice, director of socials and director of music. thirty days.~ J. S. DENMAN, y Secretary. Lake Villa, IIl., Nov. 1, 1924. 46--2t MILLBURN .FIRE INSURANCE ASSESSMENT NOTICE _'The directors of" the Millburn Mu-- tual Insurance Co. have levied an as-- sessment of Three Nollars (3.00) per thousand, to cover the losses of 1924, amountinge to $19,354 65-- Amount of said assessment will <be mailed to members by the Secretary within Young people's meeting at 6:30 p.m Those between the ages of 12 and 20 are especially invited. The evening service of song and inspiration at 7.30 The Sunday School board will meet at the parsonage Saturday Afternoon, Nov. 22, at 4 o'clock. Sa%y, Nov. 29, at 7:30 p. m., the ANC unity Social at Barnstable's hall. This social is given by the offi-- clal board of the church, ;-tuf'u.t?n. is not to make mony-- or Iat'sedgot better acquainted. You are invited. » TaflYnn'Md'M'* 1914 5,006 1915-- 13,500 1916-- 64.682 1917--125,399 1918-- $1,814 LUIBERTYVILLE INDEPRBDENT, THRSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1924. Libertyville, HMlinois Prices {. 0. b. Plint, Mich, Price, 1924, 510 1919--151,019 THE INDEPENDENT----ONLY $1.50 YEAR _ Highest Qaulity Insurance of all kinds Phone 154--M BE Good News for YOU and Your Friends-- THE CASH AND CARRY MARKET 545 N. Milwaukee Ave. LEONARD C. Chas. D. Proctor (Formerly occupied by the Libertyville Department Store) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 RITNER BUILDING I wish to announce that on LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS f 99-- Lowest Prices Most Courteous Service l "4". 49 4¥+v ", | _ «e 3 \K'; v ",._',' h P\ / / k EL will open for business in the LUBERTYVILLE Phone 200--] | COLLINS & DOANE COMPAINY MONUMENTS and Mausoleums DOWN BY THE ELERCTRIC STATION Liberty ville, Illinois