Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1924, p. 3

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MATT MATHIESEN CASE BLOWS UP; GETS YR. TO LFE After his trial had been in prok-- ress two days, ' Matt aMthiesen, 56, years old former constable at Fox Lake suddenly decided t enter a plea of "guilty" to the charge of having taken liberties with Marie Jeanette, six year old daughter of Fred Nimpfer of Fox Lake. Mathiesen was #sentenced to serve from one to 20 years in the pent+-- tentiary and was to be taken to Joliet 'Thursday afternoon, commit-- ment papers being made out at once Former Fox Lake Constable After Two Days --Trial Switches Plea to Guilty. Mathiesen admitted he committed the act, but claimed that he hbar become intoxicated with liquor that had been served-- him by the father of the girl. Just before Mathiesen decided to change his plea to "guilty" a sum-- mons was issued for Dr. W. 8. Bellows as a witness, but the doc-- tor was in the midst of performing an operation at the hospital. Mathiesen is married. # # % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 % % 4 *# ROUND LAKE * Thanksgiving matinee at three thir-- ty at Auditorium showing Jackie Coogan in "Little Robinson Crusoe." 4 % % 4 4 4 4 4 % % % 4 4 % *4 % 4 Earl Darby, of the Thomas and Dar-- by drug store, was a Chicago caller Tuesday of last week.. Mrs. Elma Peterkort and Mrs. Ada Daley were Waukegan callerts Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A Fitz and Mrs. Emma Huson attended the supper and program at the M. E. church in Volo Friday evening. They report a won-- derful supper and a jolly good time. _ Harold Kennedy of Long Lake vis ited one day last week at the Bauer home. A. M. White left at 9:45 Saturday evening for Florida s Mr. and Mrs. Nells Hoagaard bhave bought the A. J. Gaffga home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown and daughter Lilah were in Waukegan at-- tending a show Saturday evening. _° _ Rena Rosing was a Waukegan caller last week. Miss Clara Amann spent the week end with friends in Chicago. ' _ Velma Fitz and Earl Jacobsen were in Waukegan Saturday evening _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner of Volo were Round Lake callers Saturday. itte and Gilbert and Mrs. Goldy Pfan-- nenstefl motored to Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith and daugh-- ter Valoige, and Milford and Burr Smith motored to Salem, Wis , last Bunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rippberger, El-- nor and Elizabeth Davis were Wauke-- gan callers Tuesday evening. _ _ Miss Velma Fitz and Earl Jacobson spent Sunday witk the latter's sister, Mrs. Louis Schumacher of Barringtor. Edward Brown and Nen Peterkort were in Waukegan Monday. / _ Mr. and Mrs Clarence Luby and daughter, Elinore, move'! .back to this place Monday. e _ _ Joe Davis and daugunters Elinure and Elizabeth, spent Suuday in Keno-- sha, Wis. ons M:. Stinson, of Gary, Ind., called at his farm here Wednasday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen and chil-- 'dren were McHenry callers Saturday. _ Herbert Howard returned Thursday t~ his--home in Danville _ Mrs Gonyu is here visiting her daughter Mrs. Jim Triggs, who has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. George Wineberg« of Chicago were in Round Lake Friday. Archie Brewer and son Leo ~aled at the Curran home Wednesday. _ "M--;.' and Mrs. Jim [--by and daugh-- ter, Elinor, were in Waukegan Sa'ur-- day evening. s Do y --Jac'k' -Enigy and children, Artie and Jean, spent a few days in Chicago last week. Mrs Clayton Harrison and daugh-- ter Sue, of Ringwood, spent Friday evening with her davughter, Mrs. Mil-- ford Smith. Goorge Jenkins of Portisnd, Oregon spent a week at the Valey home. From here he went to New York to visit bis sister, Mrs. Russell Daley. --"ll;.' Lobd--"'ol--lv;fi Elgin, state road in-- spector, visited here Wednesday and Thursday with Ernest Brown. _ . _ Mrs. Milford Smith Mrs. William Smith and Mrs. Geary of Grayslake were in Waukegan Thursday -- _ _ Mrs. Rose Moore and daughter of Chicago spent the week end with her CHICKEN _SUPPER _ DANCE and POULTRY RAFFLE GOHb SUpreN AnD AND TAKE _HOME A TURKEY Fremont Center Parochial School AT M. W. A. HALL IVANHOE ©~-- T ue sday November 25 for the benefit of the Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mrs. Larson spent one day last week with the for-- mer's sister, Mrg. Ames, at Gage's Corners. Mrs. Waiter Sykes was on the sick list last week. F Mrs Ralph Davis and son spent last Bunday with her sister, Mrs. Wailter Bykes. s Ben Wilson and friend, Mildred Ey-- ans, of Bristol, Wis., spent Wednesday with the former's sister, Mrs. Flogd Mr and Mrs Authony Leonard were in Lake Villa Sunlay evenias | _ Helen Richardson, Leslie Russell, 'Leo Richardson an dhbis lady friend attended a show in Waukegan Satur-- \ day evening . FE'mer Hende» sitended the show is Grayslake» Sawraay eveulog. _ . _ Mrs. Leo Hendce and son Le Roy, #pent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. N Kretschmer in North Chicago. _ _ r. and Mrs. Harry Drummond and daughter, Martor, spent a few lays in Evinston last week. Mrs. Mary Kennedy and daughter, Mary, the forme:'s mothes, Mrs Mit-- cheil, Mrs. Chas. Townseud and Ba-- win Bauer, spent Sunday at the Sum-- ner Bauer home. L A. Fitz was called on jury duty at Waukegan Tueeday as4i Welncs day. 3 Stanley Stadti>«>d made + business tri pto Grayslake Monday mo.ring Mi. and Mrs. L A Fits waore in Grayslake one day last week. Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Bell of Spring Grove were in Round Lake Sunéay. ---l'l}: and Mrs. Dell Richardson were in Waukegan Sunday. _ _ _ COUGHS Iicund Lake Monday. _ George Richardson was a Chicago caller Monday. Pp 0oL a ns B _ Miss Helen Richardson visited at Lake Villa Sunday afternoon. _ ';l;. 'avz;;lfl Mrs. Harry Sorenson spent tar, honey and other bealing ingredients which many of the best doctors have found to 'aid in bringing quick relief. For children as well as grown--ups. Only 30c at any good druggist's, °* Dr BELL'S the VWKEDEL Original PINE--TAR HONEY « Peter Wagner of Volc RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE STATION 345 N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone 456 Sure Relief for MAIN GARAGE AUTOMOBILE PAINTING FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Phone 41 Lake Zurich, Mlinois. AUG FR O EL1 C ROCKLAND ROAD. STOPthcdemlnflm'hhgood,oldDr.' Beli's Pine--Tar Honey.® Everybody knows how quickly 'and surely it brings relief. Alithough there have been many imitations of the original Dr. Bell's, it still remains the best, for it is care» fally compounded of just the right pt?pordon: of pine-- OFFIN LININGS Reasonahle Prices. Workmanship and materials ts CGuarantecd. Formerly with Cadillac Motor Car Co. First House East of River. wW. BAIRD BENSLEY As a matter of economy ore should pay more attention to the brake linings. COST MORE NOW ~_-- HIGH GRADE was in Bunday evening at the George Rich-- Mr and Mrs. Roy Turner of Waw kegan spent Sunday at the R. A. Tur nee home. r Miss Bird Hodge of Solon Mills, is a pleasant caller at Prof. Rowson's Dr. Reber and Miss Mabel Hironi-- mus of Chicago were pleasant callers at the McCandless hbome Saturday. They were en route to McHenry. * The nurse visited our school last Thursday. * Mrs Smythe and daughter spent Friday in Chicago _~Mr. and Mrs. Sloan moved into the new Joe Hucker bungalow Monday. _ Clause Junge has gone to Rochester New York for a few days. o _ Mr. and Mrs. Rowson entertained Mr. Rowsen's sister the latter part of the week. -- oo I Public notice is hereby given that the Subscriber, Executor of the Last Will and Testament ofDaniel A. Mad-- den, deceased, will attend the Probate Court of Lake County, at a term there of to be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of January next, 1925, when iand where all persons having claims against said estate are notified and |requested to preent the same to said Court for adjudication. _ _ Mrs.. Edward Larkin ana daughter LilMan, and Velma Fitz spent Tuesday afternoon at the Barney Amann home _ Mr. and Mrs. Merrick were Wauke-- gan business callers Tuesday. _ Mrs. Forrest Thompson and son, Carl, spent Wednesday at the Chet Thompson home. . o0 8+ _ _ Godfrey Pfannensteil underwent an operation for appendicitis at a Chica-- go hospital Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Alward are the proud parents of a &qund-qn. THE -- INDEPENDENT--Largest cir-- culation of any paper in the County. Waukegan, I!1., Nov. 3, 1924. 25--nov 6 13 ADJUDICATION NOTICE LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. C. ROSE, Executor POULTRY SHOW -- DATES ARE SET A two weeks short course for poul-- trymen, farmers and boys has been set for January .6 and 17 in Wauke gan. High School Auditorium at An-- At a special meeting of the Anti-- och Poultry Association Friday, Nov. 7, held at the high school, the dates of Jan. 16 and 17 had been set. for the First Annual Poultry Show. This show, which is to be held at the high school auditorium, prom-- ises to be a great affair education-- ally. Much enthusiasm is being cx-- hibited and a large entry of birds is anticipated. As soon as the fi-- nance committee can arrive at the amount of premium money that is to be given, the awards committee is to publish a premium list that should prove rather interesting to breed:-- ers of poultry in this locality. The boys of the Antioch High School \'Agrlcultunl club offer $25 in pre miums; the Antioch Business club ioch to Be Scene of First Exhibition. 20--DOLLS FREE --20 TELEPHONE 55 ELECTRIC LUMP COAL $5.00 ' FOR JAN. 1617 . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1924. Yard and Office 443 Sand Street DECKER & NEVILLE it % COAL HAULERS WANTED GEO. J. JOBSO N Add $1.25 per ton for Coal hauled in Waukegan $1.50 per ton for Coal hauled in North Chicago OTHER POINTS OUTSIDE ON MILEACE BASIS offers $25 in premiums; the Antioch Poultry Association itselt Will make up the balance of the necessary pre miums. Several dealers and mer chants and educational .institutions bave also subscribed to increase the premiums. Within the next three weeks, it is boped that a premium lst will be gotten out. Anyone in:-- terested, please write Dr. Jensen. secretary. * The short course to be heid Jan. 5 to 17 will prove of great benefit to the members when exhbibiting< their birds, as much can be learned about showing besides the regular course on poultry management. * % % & * % 4 4 4 % % * % 4 *# 4# 4 * L A KE ZU RICH # Mr. and Mrs. Turner and Ray Ston» left Tuesday for Florid# where they will spend the winter. They drove through in an?auto. M: and Mrs. Charles Leslie enter tained their daughter and son--in law Mr. and Mrs. Stone, over Sunday. _ _ "Christ," you all know him, left last Monday to work in Evanston for Guy Farman. s 4 # 4 % % % % *# &# & % % 4 % % * *4 -- --h-l;;.?l-'lora Clark and daughter, Miss Marguerite, returned Friday from @ two weeks' trip to Penpsylvania. _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haas of Volo and Mr. and Mrs. William Hironimus and son, Chester, of Round This is the best II Phone 573 nois Laump Coal LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Lake visited Sunday at the John Hi-- with Mrs. Al Prehm _ About 40 gentlemen attended the men's smoker held Friday evening at the Crystal bhotel --ilm'-";ir--iho chicken dinner and bazaar given Nov. 21 by the Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church. _ Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Rockenbach and daughter of Deerfleld spent Sun-- day evening wigh the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Rockenbach. The Baptist Aid society gave their annual bazaar and chicken supper last Saturday evening in the church base ment. It was a success and much credit is due to the ladies in the fine way the committee handled the work. About $200 was realized, a neat sum to put in the treasury. A num'k; of guests from nearby towns atteuded. Miss Minnie FWapke spent Sunday at home. Miss Della Kropp was home over Sunday. * Attend the bazaar at the Evangeli-- _ *~*'~* 2000 o e cal church Friday evening and buy Visiting M--mbers Cordially in es your Christmas presents. Meet. Second and Fourth W e Miss Rose Tonne spent the week Evenings of Each Month. _ _ end at home. | WILLIAM flm{fl. Prog. _ Invitatinns@ are out for the marriage GEORGE C. 8 Becrotar®, Invitations are out for the marriage of Gussie Meyers, son of Aug. Meyer, of this vilage, and Miss Elsie Lohman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Loh-- man, of Lakes Cornérs, Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, at the Lake Zur-- ich Evangelical church. Miss Helen Framk visited Bunday Waukegan, I. In Gridiey Hall, First Nath Building. Visiting N"?.' G,. C. SMALL, . NA LIBERTYVILLE LODEE Ne. Meets Each M.nday Night at 8 PMRST NATIONAL BANK Visiting Members Cordialily GAIL GRUMMIT, N. 19e WILLIAM M LAIN M LIBERTYVILLE, 'LLW Meets 2na and 4th Tuesday of Month at Gridiey Hall _ Visiting Brother are Cordiz"v u DEAN BENNETT MARY CA Attorney at Law @4 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS _ LUCB BUILPING_ _ _ Res. Phone 13§--M Office Phome | Office in First National Bank ul% ! Hours:--1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p W . Residence on Broadway. opposite Pasi | LIBERTYVILLE, IILLINOI® _ Cattle-- Tested for Tuberculos#s FREE OF CHARGE By U 8. Government Veterinariast O C. Grirnell, Inspector in Char@ Phone 329. Libertyvitie, M Office With Farm Bureau, * CORRESPONDENCE -- SOLICITE 116 South Genese St. ... WAUKEGAN, ILLINOE _ FRED GRA AUCTIONEER A SPECIALTMY $ 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOK _ Res. Phone 2588: CG:age a Reverse Charges on Bu.sness G A' TORNEYV--AT--LAW __ _ Office at Home on Cook Aven®@ . Telephone 16§J & o LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIONIS _ U DR. O. F. FARM AND STOCK SALES . ELHANAN W. COLBY INSUR ANCE Cemetery Work of Every. VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian WILL contract to furnish Iabo# and material on your houwse complete for a set figure so you mway know just what cost will be before starting. 'A Going to Build? LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS _ Phone 217.M . LIBERTYYILLE R. L. GONSALVES MARBLE AND GRANITE Phone Libertyville 145.R--1RA MANUFACTURER OF C'asses Office Hours: 10 to 11 a m., Mo 4 a m# 1 to 8 p i. \ Consul Office Phone 12%; Resa. 181. DR. J. L. TAYLOR Dr. L. B. Jolly _ o 4R( COLUMBIA LODGE No. 131 Prefect. Friday Ni Meets First and This@ vVICTORY AFFILIATER CoUuNneIL _ NORTH | AMERICAN UNION A. A. Grandy ights of Eagh l'um 4 Co ) x

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