& LIBRARY BY SAM INSOLL: JR. S3 8 PACE BCHT in j Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. The services on Sunday, Nov. 30, the first Sunday in Advent, are: Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist and sermon at 11. Church Schodi at 10 a. m. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. 'The boys and men of the Episcopal church throughout the land will fol' lo wtheir custonk:nd have a corporate «©communion on the first Sunday in Ad-- vent, Nov, 30th. The boys and men of St. Lawrence's will take their com-- munion at 8 a. m. Breakfast will be served afterwards in the Parish house. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN °* Rev. Guy Smock Pastor. _ Miss Ruby Williams, Organist. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. W. G. Well's Supt. Morning worship at 11. Subject, *'Fortifying 'Lhy Power." Young People's meeting at 6:30 p:m. Evening service at 7:30. Subject of sermon, "A Friend at the Doorr." Good music and a Christian wel-- come for all. ' 8T. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 'Third Floor, First National Bank Bidg. Services Sunday at 10:45 a. m. Subject, "Ancient and Modern Nec-- romancy, alias "Mesmerism and Hyp-- notism Denounced." Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. German services with Ho!ly Com munion at 10:30 a. m. . Young People's Society meeting on next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The Cook Memorial Library has re-- «gently received a set of twenty books from Samuel Insull, Jr., aamely '*Mes-- hages and Papers of the Presidents." "This is a limited edition, congress having passed a ruolxuoa authorizing the printing of only 6,000 copies. The set will add materialily to the refer-- ence collection of the library, which those in charge are endeavoring to build up this year. Other new books addd rec&ntly are: Gentlemen of Courage, Beauty of the Purple, White Monkey, Rugged Waters, East of the Setting Sun, The Ku Klux Klan, Buried Cities, Lifte and Letters of Waiter P\.;. On the 1t and Off, Book of the Pirates, I'l Show You the Town, Black Wolf Pack, The Boy Pioneers, The Chil-- dren's Homer, 'l'he.rfi:lm Who Fol lowed the Piper Golden Fleece, Moby Dick, Tyv;e. Boy's Life of La-- Fayette, Story of the Grail and Pass-- ing of Arthur, Story of Launcelot and His Companions, Susanna's Auction, Bruce. f ' ST. JOHIL. . EVAWFG. LUTHERAN really nothing better or quicker-- acting for ewosh-. chest colds, bron-- <€hitis, spasmodic croup and throat irritation than good old pine tar and honey. No matter whether the eou{h is dry and u?m. or . loose with much mucus, the pine tar quickly aids in the removal of the rhlofm and congestion which are he direct cause of the coughin'; also relieving 'orenq;l. while t&n oney both soothes irfitation and gives a pleasant taste. -- ue e tk Old--Time Cough _ -- Remedy--Pine Tar -- fi(flg'm lmhytm B The o.r.lllnd fiompound. which has been used in thousands of families for many years, is Dr. Bell's Pine-- "Tar Honey. It has had many imi-- tators, but still remains the best, as it is scientifically compounded +of %m the right proportions of pine ar, honey and other healing in-- gredlems which the best doctors avhtound to aid in glvlng quick relief. It contains absolutely no narcotics or harmful drugs, so can be given to young and old alike. I you want the bost, be sure you .Fet the original Dr. Bell's Pine--Tar Honey and no other. Only 3$0¢c. at any good druggists. % L's YOU will not imiss the money and your enjoyment will »grow as your balance increases. IT WILL BE A PLEASURE | Christmas Club Tor It means a BIGGER %Mt-u for who belongs. IT'E EASY TO SAVE BY EASY STAGES N OUR CLUB DEC. sth to deposit a specified amount every week in our FOR COUCGHS PINE ~ TAR -- NAT'L BANK 84 ce onfi m im nap neny: ~anemnmngnmmemzemeen Our store is fast approaching readiness for the won-- derful display of beautiful, useful Christmas Gifts The Ray Furniture and From the Store with the Christmas Spirit BRUNSWICK PHONOCRAPHS, BRUNSWICK RADIOLAS, SMOKING STANDS, _ PARLOR SUITES, FERNERIES, | SEWING ' CABINETS, BEAUTiEUL FLOOR AND BRIDGE LAMPS, HOOVER VACUUM SWEEPERS, EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS, SELLERS KITCHEN CABINETS, WINDSOR CHAIRS AND ROCKERS, ROYAL EAS YCHAIRS, DAY BEDS, PARLOR TABLES, TELEPHONE STANDS, DINING ROOM FURNITURE, PICTURES, CEDAR CHESTS, W&MMMWWAMMMMMFfiM,M%MTm. j These are only a few of the many articles we are displaying for Yuletide Truly, this is the Store of Many Wonderful Gift Suggestions for Everybody. Makes no difference to us how young or how old that friend or relative may be there is something here that will look real good in his or her stocking on Christmas morn.. Our Suggestions include: > COhristmas OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS Surprising, thoughtful, pleasing, practical But--wishes are not all that symbolize this cheerful season. There's the happy, century--old custom of giving something to some one nearest and dearest to you. . Some gift that will exemplify the truly friendly esteem or Jlove which you hold for him or her. _ TELEPHONE NO. 9--LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS The festive days have come. A time when everybody is of goozi humor. When neighbor wishes neighbor a real, happy Christmas. For that Gift--give heed to the suggestions outlined in this ad, and visit our store for more hints. We will see that you are happily satisfied. Paint Store AIFTS FOR ALL '"For now I am in a Holiday humor.'"--Shakespeare W OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS THAT LAST TO BE HAD HERE