Mrs. Emma Eberling of Elmburst was perhaps latally injured at 2:30 p. m. Wednsday, Nov. 26, when the auto in which she was riding with Leo Paris, crasbhed into another auto be-- tween Libertyville and Wheeling, fracturing _ Mrs. Eberling's _ right knee, bruising her severely . and causing internal injuries, wrecking both automobiles and breaking Paris' Mrs. Emma Eberling Suffers Broken Knee and Internal Injuries. cars came together and Paris and Mrs. Eberling were rushed to the Lake County General hospital in Waukegan. Paris told the ofticials at the hospital that he had no idea how the accident occurred. He said he remembered nothing about i. Mrs. Eberling at first said she was the wife of Paris, who is the head of a construction company it Bloom-- ingdale, I!l. Later she game her name and her address as Elmhurst. When it was found that Mrs. Paris, claimed to be under the influence of liquor, was driving aA KFord coupe and ran into' a Buick coupe owned by a Wheeling man whose name was not learned. The HIDE IDENTITY IN BAD AUTO CRASH AMl aums of $25.00 and under, cash; ever that amount, six months' time . will be given on good, approved, or _ mood, banakable notss, bearing 7 per FARMING IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, MACHINERY, ETC. 1 Deering Grain Binder 1 Deering Corn Binder 1 Deering Grass Mower 1 International Side Delivery and Tedde rcombined 1 Hay Loader 1 Hay Rake 2 Hay Racks . 1 16--Disc Grain Driil 1 Fertilizer Spreader 1 Double Disc for Tractor 1 14--Digc Pulverizer 1 Corrugated Roller 1 Springtooth Harrow 1 Four--Section Drag 1 Corn Planter 3 Riding Cuitivators 2 Walking Cuitivators 1 Gang Plow 1 Sulky Plow L * Waliking Plows 1 Garden Plow 1 Garden Cultivator 1 Potato Planter £ Manure Spreaders 1 Silo Filler 1 Bob Sleigh 2 3--in. Tire Truck Wagons 1 Light Wagon 1 Top Buggy 1 Republic Truck 1 Gas Engine on Truck 1 Fanning Mill This machinery is all nearly new and in good condition. 1 1000.--!b. Scale 2 Corn Shellers 1 Clipping Machine 1 Step Ladder 1 &mail Ladder 2 Morse Blankets Odds and Ends of Harness 2 Feed Trucks 1 Bull Staff 1 4.Morse Whiffie Tree 1 4.MHorse Whifflie Tree § Double Whiffie Trees § Noeck Yokes 2 Cattlie Racks sent Interest No property to be re-- moved until anttled for. ?zfi i ~TIhe \g a "l.{gli\ Healt h]fl Bs®""> Habit . - <-- y l Dr. ?Lonh Pasteur, the mi-- IP embe mleurh toge hi d _ 39 Tx) ?l:oh('oouna'i:ehu m the TERMS : tiken to the Oak Park hoapitai and he called: the Wetsoltband _Pe terson ambulance and the woman was taken to Oak Park which, as she explained, is neatrer her home. Mrs. Eberling suffered some deep} lacerations about the face and @yes, and was believed to be in a voty' serious condition but insisted on be-- ing moved. The whole accident was| shrouded in mystery and a desper-- ate effort was made to cover up| the facts. The hospital authorities| declared the man was under the influence of liquor, but he, was ai+| lowed to accompany Mrs. Eberling| to Oak Park. | tion, Paris insisted that she be Paris' car was towed to a garage in iLbertyville an dthe Buick was towed to Highland Park. Action in the matter is delayed until further possible development in Mrs. Eber-- ling's condition. 4 4 4& & * & n 4 & & 4 * & $ t 4 %# * PRAIRILE VIEW * Mrs. Fred Stahl spent last Sunday with her son, Charles, and grandson and great--grandson, Wesley, all at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Stahl. _ Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Voss entertained their sons from Chicago over Sunday. Miss Florence Maether spent last Thursday and Friday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Maether. ml-{o-;vk'oten spent Thanksgiving and also Sunday at home with his parents | and his radfo. Last Saturday night he| 2 Wheel Barrows 1 Wagon Water Tank and Sewer Pump 1 Galvanized Water Tank 3 60.Gal. Gas Tanks 2 Large Kerosene Tanks 82 Grain Bags HAVING RENTED THIS FAm Ylll.l. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, ON THE CREENBRIER FARM, FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE "FOLLY FARM," LOCATED ON THE ST. MARY'S ROAD 1 MILE EAST OF LIBERTYVILLE, ON ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 21 HEAD OF PURE BRED, HIGH GRADE GUERNSEY CATTLE This herd is under Federal supervision, passed clean--T. B. tested in February and will be sold on a sixzty day retest. 2 PURE BRED BULLS--1 4 YEARS OLD AND 1 SIX MONTHS OLD. THREE NEAREST CGRAND DAMS ON SIRESSIDE AVERAGE 822.5 LBS. FAT IN ONE YEAR; 2 PURE BRED COWS; 1 PURE BRED YEARLING; 1 PURE BRED HEJFER CALF SIX WEEKS; 10 HIGH CRADE COWS, 1 FORWARD SPRINGER, BALANCE MILKERS; 3 TWO--YEAR--OLDS, MILKING; 3 YEARLING HEIFERS. THESE ARE LARGE TYPE GUERNSEYS, WITH GOOD 50--HEAD OF LIVESTOCA-- BUTTER FAT PRODUCTION. 1 PURE BRED PERCHERON MARE, 10 YEARS OLD, WEICHT 1400 LBS.; 1 PURE BRED PERCHERON MARE, 8 YEARS OLD, WEIGHT 1 PURE BRED PERCHERON SHOW MARE, 12 YEARS OLD: WEIGHT 1600 LBS; 1 PURE BRED PERCHERON --SHIRE MARE, 14 YEARS 0 1600 LBS.; 1 PURE BRED PERCHERON CELDINC. 6 YEARS OLD, WEIGHT 1600 LBS. . pes AVO FROELICH, Auctionser GREENBRIER FARM 3 BROOD SOWS 24 PURE BRED DUROC HOGS \ Miss C. Hodgkins and Mrs. W, 'Lockhead called on Mrs. W. Stancliff 'and at the Bert Small home last Sun-- 'day afternoon. O 1 a | Mr. and Mrs. Kalkbrenner of Pala-- 'tine moved into Miss Emm La Frants 'thome Thursday. s got P he hopes to get '"Bla" and Mra. J. and Mrs. Harter, Victor Sauer and Martha Mr and Mrs. Bluhm . enatertained and LiNit of Long Grove, left Monday their daughter over the week end. : &: California, here they will apend , omm cmmncrinantssin usnn cccmetmnene es winter. |WHEN YOU HAVE THE NEXT AVC-- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stahl and lit.le: tion sale, either farm or hougehold son, Wesley Earl, returned to their goods, telephone or write William G. home Thursday evening. 7 Schreiner, McHenry, I1l. Phone 93--R. Rev and Mrs. Carl Stadler of Long Grove visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Voss Wednesday. Miss Florence Maether spent Satur-- day night with her cousins at Grays Laxe. e -- Mrs. Charles Voss : was a Forest Park visitor Friday. * ks _ Ilda Krueger of Libertyville spent Friday with Mrs. Ida Stelling. _ . _ Mrs. M. Ball and son of Des Plaines visited at the A. G. Maether home on 'Thanksgiving. a > €20l _ Miss Flossie Knedler is laid up with rheumatism. We miss her and hope she will recover soon. Mrs. C. T. Mason and family. enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tulley and family, also Miss Lena Heinsohn of Everett and Miss melfer of Liberty-- ¥ilie Sunda yafternoon and evening. Mrs. Ch.r'ieo 6turm went to Ggu:-- lake Friday to have dental work done. Miss Emma La Frantz of Long Grove visited with Mrs. Ida Stelling cay Mr. and Mrs. Klepper enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinner with their son and daughter on the farm. . "Dode" Bt'nclm' was called for U 8. jury service in Chicago Tuesday. C. J. Lerschberger has been appoint ed census taker for the agricu'tura' census to be taken in, this district. He expects to start his new work at once, as b'anks have been supplied the farm ers in advance so they might have guffictent time to acquaint themséives with the auestions. ° f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis of Chi-- cago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Stoerp. Mr .and Mrs. Mac Mason entertain--. ed the latter's parents and aunt, Mr. Phone 200--J COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS Lot o 1 Alfalfa Caps Quantity of Woven Wire HMHay Forks, Ropes and Pulleys 1 Hand Timothy Seeder 1 Lawn Mower 1 HMHouse Moving Jack ' DOWN BY THE ELECTRIGC STATION and Mausoleums FIVE HORSES 4 SPRING GILTS COMMENCINC AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., SHARP | WHEN YOU HAVE THE NEXT AVC-- tion sale, either farm or household goods, telephone or write William G. Schreiner, McHenry, I1l. Phone 93--R. | * and Honey Beat S NO W'S In thousands of families it has been the custom for many years to k"s ¥lno tar and honey Il'l'l on h:a or coug'l':'l. chost ooldo.' hl;on; e| spasmodic croup, ?d oa! urlt':hou. Our mothers knew that it was good, that it often broke ns the worst cough in 24 hours, and And now we are told that in spite of -oforl medical discoveries there is still no better or quicker cough n-odly. Doctors a' the pine tar quickly loosens and removes the PHONE 306 iiit it could be given to young and ol Aliko.h:. it contains no nar-- cotics or harmful drugs _ _ 109 phie¢ anda congestion tnal equse tUG cou' , also healing soreness, while the honey not only S'vu & !::'usnt taste, but helps so0o irfl= on. + The original compound, made up many ¥0ll'l ago and used by mil-- lions o pooplo'rwn- Dr. Bell's Pine-- Tar Honey. his is scientifically composed of just the right roror- tions of rlno tar, honey and other quick--act ng. healing -- ingredients which the best doctors have found to aid in quick relief. If you want the original and ths best, be_sure you 'og Dr. Bell's Pine--Tar Honey and no other. Only 30c. at any ?lctly loosens And Tremores LNZ phiegm and congestion that couse the good druggists. L. M,. PERPPEA, Manager Libertyville,?lllinois ow FREE LUNCH AT NOON ' _ 1 BOAR, 1/ YEARS OLD 4, 1924 1 Tiling Scoop 1 New Wire Stretcher 1 Pipe Vise , A Lot of Baskets, Shovels, Forks, Rakes and Spades 50 Lbs. Twine LINCOLN LUskK]I AVG FR OE LT AVCTIONEER Telephone 315--R LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, Effective December 2nd, the Ford Motor Company announce '&Eéj new low prices on all Ford cars. A reduction of twenty--five dol-- _ lars on the Fordor Sedan and lower prices on all other types make Ford cars even greater values than ever before. | oi on 'These are the lowest prices ever offered in the history of the Ford Motor Company. They create a new standard of value for motor car transportation. §EE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER . .9 uMB B hm P t : THE UNIVERSAL CAR ~ MR > | E 4 .@ T :j;_ ~'; # + # t PE : .3 ';1. ® t ~ is > % y o / old i i 8 iate: 7 us t . 4 hek O cA : 33 pB es * :: # 2. dn \,, t @7 s N h .oR pab. yo o ¢ s w i 'v{ \ - Detroit . o and Stack 100 Bushels Oats 70 Bushels Barley 30 Feet of Silage 40 Tons Alfalfa Hay in Barn Fordor Sedan . . . 660 Chassis . . . . . 225 e-- _ Truch Chassis . . 365 All Prices F. O. B. Detroit D, WEIGHT 1500 LBS.; 14 YEARS OLD, WEICHT HAY AND GRAIN NEW PRICES JOMN ROVUSEK, Cierk Phone 41 Runabout . . . Touring Car . . Ccnpc & & + & Tudor Sedan . . Ne OE * ® U # §E TCTST Touring Car . . . 290 cflllp. $00 k00 e 0 e e '" Tudor Sedan . . . 580 F"'.r &d.fl * e + 'CO Chassis . . . . . 225 Truch Chassis . . 365 16 FALL SHOATS rael Detroit FARM AND STOCK SALES A §$260 2 Double Unit Bull Milking _ Machines, complete _ ___--. _ --_ 2 Cream Separators l ca 1 Double 'Tank for Washing botties 1 Large Butter Churn 1 12 Bottle Babcock Tester **te 1-- Sink _ 2s 2 Steam Boilers R 1 Milk Cooler 7 Milk Cans 2 Milk Scales 4 2 Milk Pails and Strainer 5 Milk Bottle Cases Quantity of Milk Bottlies _ 1 3 h. p. Electric Motor 2 Sets Heavy Harness, new 1 Set of Old Harness 4 § Collars 5 Fly Nets 2 Feed Bags POULTRY SUPPLES _ .. 1 2000.egg Incubator, complete x 2 60--egg Cyphers Incubators °_ fi 1 Feed Cooker j 1 Bone mf s # * 2k 1 Feed Grinder g 1 Oate Sprouter e 4 Shipping Coops x: 12 Show Coops % 4 Smail Chicken Coops ,3 2 Portable Chicken Coope s 1 Broody Hen Breaker 1 4 Self Feeders i Drinking Fountains. Feeding Pans _ and Quantity of Lamps 2 COME EARLY--ALL SMALL AR-- . TICLES WILL BE SOLD BEFORE 1 Royal Stewart Range 1 Perfection Oil Stove Oil Heaters 1 124t, Extension Table j\ Large Writing Desk + 1 Underwood Typewriter 1 Victor Viectrola Porch Furniture is 4 1 Lot of Rockers, Chairs, Tables, Dressers, . Bedsteads, Springs Mattresses and a lot of Other Things too Numerous to List. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC._ _ DARY HARNESS NEEDS $ t uie us ;fi,&é{& e *¥ ol t x\ 38 *4