oolh PROVE SWEETIN DEATH WAS DUF TO ARSENIC PAGE EIGHT Mt. Vermon, I!!s.. Dec. 10.--The siate's contention that Wilford Swee-- tin came gfo his death from arsenical Damning Evidence Against Hi&ht and Mrs. Sweetin ead Into Records. hinge--was definitely established at the love--pact" trial today by two phy-- glcians. _ A VICTORY FOR THE STATE poisoning the basic point on which the hanging case against Elsie Swee-- tin and Rev. Lawrence M. Hight will The damning evidence was read #n:o the records of this unique trial Qver the unceasing objections of the @efense which for two days has fought with every means at its dis posal to show that the arsenic found in the analysis of Sweetin's vital or-- gans might have come there by acci-- dent--might have been administered ;5 medicine by attending physicians, migzht have been contained in the jar in which the organs were gh;pp_ed tq Chicago, might have been introduced @ccidentally into the jJar after it ar-- rived. And today, as a last resort, the g;lense assailed the qualification of . William D. McNally, Chicago torxologist, to make such an analysis. | But the defense efforts were in ¥ain and in a steady, unhurried man-- er,.~-- Dr. McNally continued the re-- ntless recital of the man of science, «--a recital which may prove the ¥reight in the balance on which EKlsie %nd her pastor--lover swing between te and death. +' Dr. McNally explained the process Df testing for arsenic. Four tests were used, he said, as an absolute check against error. He testified that the liver, bowéls and muscles of Wil-- ford Sweetin contained 3.2 grams of arsenic and that that was only a part Of the poison in the body. _ 22 MORE PEOPLE > TAKEN CAPTIVE IN CANTON, CHINA ©f the poison in the body. _ He defined arsenic as a tasteless, bdorless easily soluable substance #hich made it easy to administer. The death potion, he said, is from two to three grams. Over the protests of the defense, he told an intent jury a downcast Elsie Sweetin and a plainly nervous Lawrence Hight the symptons of ar senical poisoning. He -- described these as very similar to those of ptomaine poisoning, the disease which physicilans who attended Sweetin al ready have testified they believe him to be suffering from. Canton, China, Dec. 10.--Twonty: two more of the thirty--eight Canton Christian College students and teach-- ers who were captured by Chinese tandits Sunday have escaped from their captors and returned to this city today following a short battle be-- tween bandits and the troops sent after them by General I4 Fubh Lin, bandit suppression commander, -- * Two other students who had es-- caped previously were found by a searching party today near Whampos. bandits. Only eight of the. original -- thirty eight still remair in the hands of the & $200,000 FIRE LOSS Bad Are, Mich., Dec. 10--Fire of undetermined origin destroyed thir teen stores here today. Damages was estimated at $200,000. With the exception of one concrete building, an entire block was wiped out. In one respect, Harold Lichty says a bank account is like a new baby; it thrives best, If fed regularly instead of getting hit--or--miss meals. On account of the farm being sold, 1 will sell at Public Auc: tion on the farm known as the Dady & Decker Farm, at Gurnee Fil., on the road known as Grand Avenue, on j A uctiorn Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1924 Commencing at 12;30 p.m., sharp, all-- my personal property consisting of the following, to--wit: e 6/ 20 Head of Springers and New Milk Cows; 2 Pure Bred Yead-- ing Holstein Bulls. (All cattle T. B. tested,with a guarantee of a 60--day retest.) _ FOUR HEAD OF HORSES--1 bay Horse, age 9 years, weight 26 Head of Livestock 1500; 1 black mare, age 8 years, weight 1450; 1 black Geld-- ing, weight 1250 ; 1 gray Gelding, weight 1300. Also 30 HAY AND GRAIN--70 tons choice Alfalfa Hay; 15 tous baled Straw; 2 bushels Sweet Clover Seed; 80 shocks corn; 130 1 8--16 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR AND A BIG LOT OTHER FARMINC MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS . Jones, ProB: ictioneer, _ Earl Washburn, Clerk. Usual Terms of Sale 2 NEWSPAPERMEN SHARE REWARD IN LOEB--LEOPOLD CASE Chicako, Dec. 10.--Two newspapor-- men who worked on the case as part of their regular assignments today re-- ceived $1,500 each from the $6,000 ro-- ward offered in the Robert Franks murder case for which Nathan Leo: pold, Jr.. and Richard A. Loeb are serving "life® and 99 years". at Joliet state --penitentiary. Tg.6L. iz The committee appointed to con-- sider Civision of the reward gave no part of it to police. Otherts who. shar-- ed in it were: Tony Minke, Robey, Ind.. who found 'the body in the cul vert, $850; Paul Kork, head of the signal crew which transported the body to the undertakers, $750; three mebmers of the crew, $300 each; Bar-- nard Hunt, night watchman who found the tape--wrapped chisel 'used to beat in Robby Frank's head, $500. James W. Mulroy and Alvin Gold-- stein, both of the Chicago News, were the reporters who received awards. Goldstein has since gone to St. Louis. 1404 40104 4 0008 sontndfonint ind ebsin cX "pesiir i oniplings s Howard Mayer of the Chlcago Eve-- ning American, was cited for his part in solving the case, but was. not per-- mitted to apply for any, award. Washington, Dec, 10--The Polish cabinet has approved the agreement concluded here for the payment of the $178,000,000 Polish debt to the United. States, the treasury was ad-- vised this afternoon.~ PARIS -- The Journal today said that Vicente Blasco Ibanez, Spanish novelist and enemy of Spanish mon-- archy, was égending airplanes to fly over North Spain, dropping Republi can propaganda. $y Tsadore G. Luc Yice presigent a.mmm.m»q nu' the© citizens lnv;'l'--e-;t--l-;fl; -o-a-t' of a bank in Des Moines. 1a.. skipped out when an examiner came around . I haven't seen my husband for a month. What do you suppose he's doing? ( ahoe counts, the examiner Say8, Were about $100,000 short, -- Lucchesi, ar-- rested in Memphis, Tenn.. admitted there was a shortage, but deciared it would not amount to more than $10,000. ° He -- blamed . roadhouse parties and other "high life" for his plight.. Horace Moercer thinks people are like shoes. The cheapest ones squeak the loudest. »04 He--There is an awful rumbling in my stomach--like a cart going over cobblestones. . She--iIt's probably that truck you ate for dinner. Just my luck, nnod..flg Zion doe-- r, "to locate in a community where Thirty days probably. POLES TO PAY DEBT LIBERTYYVILLE INDEPENXDENT, THURSDAY. Fancy &iKlOver Bweaters with Caps to . match, : White, blue, and gray, navy and: ;zold,h purrle lam}.l silver, etc.> Just the gift -- t | . f for the gehool ightl . |/1 > 00 0c PM eW o A surprising display in pretty holidgay boxes. Specially priced at the box-- > . / and colors and come in all sizes, Gifts any wo-- man will appreciate at-- Women's splendid Kid Gloves -- in the : f ancy Gauntlet style with 'em-- broidered backs. Blacks Beautifully made-- of silk net and lace in various ways and prettily trim-- med with ribbons, -- These caps are dainty gifts and are sure 'to find a warm welcome. _ Dainty Silk Hose are gifts that please any woman and we're splendidly prepared to serve you with a wonderful array in all the wanted styles and colors. . Hose you'll be proud to give at-- The new wool Spats which can not be seen when worn under allk stockings and yet givé ample proteciton ngainst --all sorts of weather. Nude«-- ashade in all % alzon at --.-...............'..........'."...........:.',,m * :: ~--Fancy Sweaters $2.98 to $3.98 Women's _ Boudoir Caps "b¢e to: Women's Kd Gloves Gift Suggestions Abound In Every Aisle of Waukegan's Cheeriest SILK HOSE FOR $1.85 "° $2.98 Gotham Invisibles 15¢ to $1.00 «4) The famous Daniel Green Felt -- comfort -- Slippers with turn over cuffs var-- ied shades ~pmaniee . * ... Dainty félt Slippers, some pret= tily trimmed wth ribbon ' and some boot style........ slm in The Slipper Gift Brings Thoughts of Home Comfort Women's Slippers --| Men's | Women's Slippers Children's Slippers | LA ¥~ L \ .'"J k ? ' | ® P ta j Two. 'wonderful groups of three piece Sets of splendid French Ivory.--* Each set consists of a splendid: mrror, brush and comb.: Some are plain white and some are trimmed with amber, Gifts that will be highly prized at---- _ -- . * ' Individual pieces for 'gifts. Included are Brushes, Combs, Mir-- rors, Hair Receivers, Trays, Files, ._tc_.. _.t'-.--- f Aus Y 24 : © 0 <-- (G 5 & i N g «i [( o y f ,' 1"" tA "\14!\//_'""! j 'f'\' fl Sss C\ f Te iss . niooeadt . e " ugwf]f > A . beautiful combination of, Yilk Crope and m\t COrepe in all the wanted They're beau-- tifully. made and trimmed: at= Lovély Step In#, in the" wanted n Exquiz.te Mist > reopoaRareseas--se || "MAuuTun EVERY WOMAN DELIGHTS _ ©| m ESE IN SILK UNDERWARE 1| n ie ns --$1.00 to $3.50 $2.98 to $10.00 DECEMBER 11, 1924 at hand made Gowns, dalatly trimmed, IS ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE »% ~ 195.50 to $6.50 i, Slips, Bloomers, Camisoles, Pa) new shades and beautifully made FRENCH IVORY Philippine Night Gowns Dainty: Bilk Underwear Tan Vic! Kid Slip-- pers with rubber heels in' Everett btyle. Blippers that are sure to please the most patticular $3.50 to $4.98 Ot lovely h?fi vrepe . a84 Radium Bilk. ey're beautifully made in tailored and fancy pat-- terns. _ All arse full cut at---- Handsome felt Slippers, with soft Elkskin soles. They. are in all} shadeo and have Bltinr & Cuffs at ... $1°45 Pajamas and" Petticonts ade. --Ideal gifts at Attractive -- Felt -- Slipp leather soles and Lambs wool lining, sapetial ai Men's Slippers $1.79 and A spécial lot of superb Perfumes in all the wanted odors, They're in Beautiful Gift bottles and are specially priced BQQ qs at the bottle May _ DAINTY GIFTS FOR .|| _ is homs _ l Perfumes for Gifts ;:.cy 'rn:t--u'tv ~FTowels Wwith Blue, nk and. Lavender --bordera All over signs. ' Great values at-- $ An attractive nssortment of excellent :3 Rugs in many colora and pretty Jacq patterns. Appropriate gifts at=«= _ . 4. Robes 'Are Useful offer :ov 'rnr;l(:rlir 20 Bi 3.98 to 18.50 _Stationery is always & welcome gift and we are showing a wonderful line in handsome boxes in all sizes. And all the pretty new tints. Priced from-- 'An unusual showing of stylish leather hand bags and purses in 'every im-- aginable size, shape and leather. They're in want-- ed new styie8 . anua . a splendid holiday gifts. $1.75 to $2.98 © -- $1.25 to $3.50 35¢ to $1.75 $1.98 to $9.98 Bath Rugs 25¢ to $3.98 Hand Bags at=--= es, 'An Christmas nome Lace Trim 47 584 'Teal