JAWSFRACTURED, _ * 15 TEETH GONE _ INUIFT SMASH John Mesec, 18, of 1120 Wadsworth avenue, North Chicago, employed as a pipe--ftter at the American Lakes Paper company, was seriously injured late Mondgay when an elevator crash-- ed down on his head as he was peer-- ing down the lift shaft. _ _ aCk. John Mesec Crushed by Ele-- vator at American Lakes ~ Lakes Paper Co. Mesec, who was rushed to the Lake County General hospital, was found to have both lower and upper, jJaws fractured, ffteen teeth dislodged, and possible skull fracture. While his con-- dition was uoflod as serious it was stated that would recover but that he would be a patient at the hospital for several weeks. _ He was to undérgo X--ray examina tion today. | | ® 0 n es' ho The accident occured about 5 o'clock Monday afternoon,. Mesec was looking down the shaft when the elevator dropped from above and struck him to the fioor. He was rughed immediately to the hospital where he was admitted thirty minutes later. Mesec is conscious at all times. The X--ray pictures are being taken to determine if the skull is fractured at the base. Symptons point to a pos-- sible fracture in that region. Mr. and Mrs. G. Watson entertained last Tuesday in honor of Mrs. John Wild and and daughter of Racine. +. -- Mrs. James Wilton and Mrs. Claude Bro gan were Chicago passengers Wednesday. _ Mrs. C. L Kutil was a Chicago visitor Mrs, Groummitt bas practically recovered SPECIALS FRESH GROUND HAMBURG STEAK, . made from good beef, Saturday only, pound. PORK LOIN ROAST, ' whole or half, GILLETT COCOA, 1 pound package ... BLACK PEPPER PEANUT BRITTLE -- Order Your Poultry Early for Christmas and Insure Getting the Best Phones 339--340 Earl H. Corlett pound package A N T 1 O C B 20 ACRE CHICKEN FARM on «ood road near Libertyville; $7,000. Terms to suit. Brick Hll"'- choice of Libertyville, having fiv rooms sun parlor. Iiot water--heat. 7 I.n:;?'-lmley lot. $5,000 cash. © Will handle balance. Bartlett _ Realty Service 531 Milwaukee Ave Chas. D. Proctor Insurance of all kinds _ WALNUTS, ALMONDS, FILBERTS, PECANS, BRAZILS, MIXED NUTS s LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Phones 442--M--445--M $ | to mwmvm ..u&'.: and friendsin Asr..l- Little BRuth Glenm of Cicero visiteq To= ..n'.:::heuudum-dv-mu-lr- and 11. 8. Message. The Ladics Alid bazaar and supper held at the Methodist church Thursday aftA-- at the Methodist. CRUFCR IBCIOUSYJ SIMIN -- noon was a success Mrs. Miller and daughter, Adelia, have returned home, _ after _ visiting for two weeks with r.mh Bt. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Mary New York visited tuz: I': .:'nth;h the u:.::i- llie t ettie yY B sevorat days the a week in '_""ffc..."..',; several days the iting friends and barnar at the M several auys yaw puue Mss No T C Abast ) iting friends and attending the Ladies' Ald _ Mise Barah Thowite passed Away at hor ah away & home on Julnnll:l?m( Wednesday night of last week. _ Bhe had been 11 for some time, although only confined to ber bed for ubout two weeks. 'The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Saturday, with burial in Antioch cemetery. Mrs. Berths James Carroll of Chicago -'zlt Thursday at the bome of ber Wu. . and Mrs. J. C. James. We are to say that. Mr u-uhmulo-cnu. although he still has a nUrse. --. Mre. H. C. Cropley of Kenosha visited in A':'uoeh 'l'llunth:':ld ttended the Ladles bazaar at M eburch. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Jensen and daughter visited in Chicago several days last week. Mrs. Jensen spent the time with relatives, while the doctor was attending a veterinary convention in the city, Mrs. Barthel and daughters and Mrs. Lar-- | Hillside cemetety mFPB, DaTCi®! mR mR DT U CIEE fPiss son, all of Kenosha, motored out .Thursday to attend the Ladies Ald bazsaar and supper at the lofl?fl e Miss Edna Peterson was a week end vis-- ;tor"u the home of Mrs. M. Rpanggand and amily . N Mrs. D. B Sabin has been very 111 the past week Lo Wiklaw ~whi has been #ick with Annp Darby Barnstable was born at Mfd -- diesex, Romertshire, England. on . Dec. 4th, 1837, and died Nov. 27, 1924, at the age of 86 years, 11 months and 28~ days. She was united in marriage to Thomas Barn-- stable, of the same place, 'h?n?crtod this life in 1924. She came to A ca in 1866 lnnd «etiled on a farm near Antioch, where she has lived ever since. -- Nine children were born to this union, and seven are still living to mourn the loss of a loving | mother. They are : Mrs. . Eliza _ Cubban, | Mre. Wm. Geay, Mrs. W R. Willflams, Mrs | Herman Bock, of Antioch, and Will, Albert | and James of Chetek, Wis. The funeral 'nervku were held at the Spluorl church Monday aftekrnoon, with burial in Antioch Mrs. D. B Sabin has been very / past week John Sibley, who bas been sick pneumonia, is on the gain at present \r and Mrs. Blue and daughter, ¥ _ Mr. and Mrs, Blue and Ca of Oak Park, spent Friday Amann home. T t over OBITUARY of Cicero visited re-- is able to be about, O with pelatives in ghter, Marion, at the Frank 15c 17¢ 25¢ 30c 20¢ Parential opposition to the mar-- rlage of Jack Durand, :slovted son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott |urand of Lake Bluff, and Miss Jeanette Wilson of Detroit, secretly performed April 16 in Pontiac, Mich., is not the cause of the couple's' temporary -- separation. Mrs. Scott Durand assured friends to-- day. Jack Durand at present is looking for an apartment in a suburb of Los Angeles, and no divorce contemplat-- ed, although they are not living to-- gether, his mother declared. The bride is the daughter of W. H. Wil-- son, a former resident of Chicago. Until a month ago the Durands were unaware of Jack's marriage. #% ROUND LAKE * 4 4# 4 4 4 4 4 4 *% % 4 % 4* 4 *4 % % George Ray was a Waukegan caller last Friday. Miss Clara Amann, Velpa Fitz and Earl Jafohl were in Waukegan last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L A. Fits attended the show, '"Love and Honor," at Grayslake last Friday evening. -- _ 2 Mrs. B. K. Tucker i sspending a few days in Plainfield this week. Mrs. Katie Ford of Grayslake was a vis-- itor in Round Lake Saturday. Little Mary Kennedy spent Monday aft-- ernoun at the Fitz home. Mr. and Mrs, Summner Bauer and children spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Nellie Townsend. _' -- Wl . _ Earl Jacobson returned to his home in Elmhurst to help take care of his fother, who is very ill FA4 Brown' was a Wauanekgshrdlubrdla EdA Brown was a Waukegan caller Tuesday. Mrs, B. K. Tucker, 'Mr. and Mrs Dell Smith and daughter, Valoise, spent Wednes-- day evening at the Wm Smith home. Mr and Mrs. Alooise Diets were in Round Mr. and Mre Lake Monday, Mr. and Mrs STORY OF JACK _ | SEEKING DIVORCE WHY HAVE A "BLUE MONDAY?"" LAUNDERERS, CLEANERS AND DYERS Phone Libertyvilie 67--R. Libertyville and Highland Park RELIABLE LAUNDRY WHEN IT is POSSIBLE TO GET AWAY FROM THE DRUDCERY OF THE WEEKLY WASH. LET US TAKE AWAY YOUR BACKACHE, YOUR CHAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINGERS. Milford Smith, Mr and Mrs. WET WASH 20 POUNDS FOR 95¢ '_ Mrs. Frank Davis and Beatrice of Giray® Lake, visited at the Ed Turner residence .'l'uudny. C. (*/ MeCandless returned Saturday, ac-- companied br his h?cr. of Dawson, 1\, .Tbey came by way of Peoria to see the lat~ ter's daughter, 1| Gifford White was in Waukegan Wednes-- Chat Thompson and son, George, last Tharatey arening 'at the We 'Smile home. and the former's Mrs. Jim Curran, ""T+. uie Loo i H pnoumonts. r8, P m..lfifn.').'.m Tuesday in %:a' * PA m Ar't Anderson was in Round Lake Monday evening. Clayton u-r- of McHenry was a Round Lake caller Tuesday, Miss Clars Amann, Velma Fits and ERarl Jacobs attended a show at Graysiake last Naturday : evening Mrs. Wm. Huson and sister, Mrs. Bud Ford, of Grayslake spent Tuesday at the A 1. Stanford residence Mrs. Mabel Litwiler and children and Mrs Peter Meyers and children were in Wauke-- gan one day this week. _ _ ___ . ~ Ed Luby and Mrs. Ray Rippberger were in Wuukegan three days this week attend -- '.' ', Co'ln .lr.'.'l'.. We ns e s PS Jo Davis and Martin Thelan were in Chi-- cago on business Wednesday. Archie Rosing was a Chicago caller last Monday. Mrs. Mary Huson was in Waukegan one day last week, _ L L y d.i of last week. rs. Agnes Hironimus was called to Volo to help take care of her mother, who is i!1. Bob Bracher and Rena Rosing motored to Chi Monday. Helen Elcnnl-ou and Swede Russell were in Lake Villa Tuesday evening. Miss Ruby Gillings left Tuesday for New Rochellie, N. Y., and will go from there to Orlando, Fla., for !.he yinter. Mrs. Arthur Clark had her tonsils removed at the Victory Memorigl hospital Tuesday. u-fi;; !vh;saen of Lawrence, Kansas, attended the funeral of Mrs. Lawrence and officiated at the services at the ....;'.i.'.;.- B-e-fie Watson is spending few days with hg;]ll}da White. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Denman and sgn Elvin spent Sunday with C. Ames at Gage's Corners. _ _ and Beatrice of Gray® » Ed Turner residence hildren and Mrs were in Wauke-- grave. Mr. Bascom of Newton, Kan., u-.ml the body from Newton to Lake Relatives from Evanston, Lake Worest, Lake Villa and other communities attended the funeral. The Millburn school will give an en-- tertainment at the school on Friday evening, Dec. 12. y 4. for CHLICHES-- TER $ SE pGonD BRARD PILLS in kro and Gorn metailic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon TAKB NO OTHER. Buy of your Ribbon TAks wo OftH our \% Mrgareaes ds pikain traay in years regarded as Best, Always Reliable. 5oLb ay att Druéeists ts EVERYWHERE PEIS o M FoxTHEATRE FOX LAKE, ILL. 'A Good Show Anytime' "Mondona of the Streets" SENNETT COMEDY "Mont Marte" No. 8 Steel Trail and News "TWENTY--ONE" "MICKEY" (DON'T MISS THIS ONE) Educational and Gump COMING ATTRACTIONS WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17 SsATURDAY, DEC. 13 sUNDAY, DEC. 14 time to install a warm air furnace. Do# high labor cost and advancing market, Prepare Now! . Don't Shiver Next Winter Why delay in solving your heating 'gto!:leni_s? Rig}:t "FIRE PATROL" "MERRY GO ROUND" MILTON SILLS d M POLA NEGRI Having bought a quantity of Rudy Furnaces at a low point in th can %lote you the finest furnace job on the market at a very rea! The Rudy has the smoothest, best fitting castings, and is excellec point of fuel economy. A Rudy will save you money every year y Avail Yourself of The Rudy Heating Engineering Service-------- Withc We Also Specialize in Sheet Metal Work SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY Telephone 39 Rudy Says: "It didn't look like rain when Noah built the ark" Bought to Your Advantage _ The First National Bank Libertyville, Hlinois j JOIN OUR 1925 Christmas Club | Men, Women and Children are invited to come in and Join What the different Clubs amount to in 50 weeks: 2 cent Club 5 cent Club 10 cent Club -- _ IN 50 WEEKS YOU HAVE + 25 cent Club-- Deposit 25 cents each week $ 12.50 50 cent Club-- Deposit 50 cents each week 25.00 $ 1:00 Club---- Deposit $1.00 each week 50.00 2.00 Club-- Deposit $2.00 each week 100.00 5.00 Club-- peposit $5.00 each week 250.00 ©10.00 Club-- Deposit $10.00 each week 500.00 20.00 Club-- Deposit $20.00 each week _ 1,000.00 50.00 Club-- Deposit $50.00 each week . 2,500.00 Even Amount Club Plan 1 cent Club RUOY TOP RADiKTOR OPEN VIEW Decreasing Club Plan problems? Right now is the most economical Don't wait until the Fall Rush comes, with Increasing Club Plan dy Furnaces at a low point in the market, we job on the market at a very reasonable, price. t fitting castings, and is excelled by. none in will save you money every year you operate it. ting Engineering Service------Without Obligation You begin with the Largest payment and Decrease each week How Can You have Money Next Christmas? and make regular weekly deposits IN 50 WEEKS YOU HAVE Deposit 1 cent 1st week, 2¢ 2nd , week, increase 1c each week. . Deposit 2¢ 1st week, 4 cts. 2nd week, increase 2¢ each week. Deposit 5¢ 1st week, 10 cts. 2nd .. week, increase 5e each week. Deposit 10c 1st week, 20c 2nd week, increase 10c each week. Everybody Welcome $ 12.75 -- 25.50 63.175 127.50 wbal) wan t af i #% A m tw .g Pig