LIBERTYVILLE LODEGE No. 95 Meets Each Menday Night at 8 o'cioe: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG Visiting Members Cordially invies GAIL GRUMMIT., N. G| WILLIAM M# LAIN SBec's _--~_ CLIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOSR Meets 2na and 4th Tuesday of E+ : 'Month at Gridiey Haill. m»'.mhor .re Cord: v Invite } N BENNETT MARY CARNEY :; vICTORY AFFILIATEL COUNCIL NORTH AMERICAN UNION mu-mun Cordially Invites. Meoet. nd and Fourth Wednesdsa Evenings of Each Monthb. . WILLIAM STOCKEY, Pres. GBORGE C. SMALL, Becretar _ ._-- ~Office@With Farm Bureau. Cattle Tested for Tubercn:ns ----FREE OF CH ARCGEF _ Cemetery Work of Every AYTORNEY AT--LAW Office at Home on Cook Avenu Telephone 163--J Mice in First Natio@a! Bank Builg:~ Mours:--1 to--3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m ssidence on Broadway. opposite P; LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, "RED GRABBE AUCTIONEERING t U. 8. Government Veterinaria C. Grir nell, Inspector in Char»> pme 329. Libertyvilie, + _' _~'A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. _ WAUKEGAN, ILLINOEG Res. Phone 2588: Office 344 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIONIS FARM AND STOCK SALES LUCE BULILPING Phone 13§ M Office Phon»-- Attorney at Law LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS8 YETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian INSURANCE | LIBERTYVILLE, {LLJNOIS MARBLE AND GRANITE Phone 217--M -- LIBERTYVILLE Going--to Build? wu contract to furnish labor and material on your house complete for a set figure so you way know just what cost will be before starting. R. L. GONSALVES Phone Libertyville 145.R--120--R 116 South Genese St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOH MANUFACTURER OF p AcmE came no. +/PrVORCE GRANTED DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office Phone 1%%; Res. 131. Offiee Hours: 10 to 11 a a., 1 to 4 a a 1 to 8 p. a. Throat Qlassese Boientifically Fitted Prefect, COLUMBIA LODGE No. 131 MYSTIC WORKERS Dr. L. B. Jolly Charges on Business Cab F. BAIRSTOW Eye, Ear, . A. Grandy . W. *¢ A. Corresponden SOLICITE Two divorces were granted Thurs. in cireuit court, one being the sen-- sational case of Lemon vs. Lemon: It will be recalled that Mrs. Esther Lemon charged her hbusband, Ed ward Lemon, of Zion, with attempt-- ing to blow up their home with dy-- namite if she started suilt for di-- voree against him. -- Lemon later was sent to prison on a charge of dynamiting his house. The porch was blown ofl'_. Mrs. Lemon was granted a detree of divorce today.' A divorce was also granted to Joseph J. Macek from Augusta Ma-- cek of Waukegan, on charge of cru-- elty. Macek is a but'cher, _ % % % 4 * * * % % % % % % % % % A *®-- _ LAKE VILLA * % % 4 % % 4 % % % % % % % % % % % Mrs. Carl Reinback attended a lun-- cheon given by ber sister, Mrs. J. H. Ebeler of Chicago, Thursday. She re-- mained in the city until Sunday. Mr. Reinvack drove to Chicago Sunday to attend the foot ball game and Mre. Reinback returned home with him. . Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leonard are rejoicing over the arrival of a h'b; boy, born Thanksgiving morning at a'ciock. * Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard were in Round Lake Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leonard, and to see the new arrival, Anthony Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilton are re-- ceiving -- congratulations from their friends. Robert Wilton and Louse Gelden were married Nov. 24. They live east of Lake Villa and are well known and esteemed by their many friends here. , M se * ..'?':'l'fl"ia;.é'beehan and Dan Sheehan were Libertyville callers Saturday. Mrs. Louis Hurd has been quite ill the past week. * Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller. Mrs. John T. Gleason attended the funeral of her busband's brother in Chicago. Just a week later she re-- ceived news of the death of her broth-- er in Milwaukee and went to that city to attend his funeral. . ' Mrs. William Gelden visited in Ken-- ong Sunday. ' rt Grice was in town several "days last week. _ Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Atwell have made extensive improvements on their country house, adding a new, furnace and having the interior redecorated. Wiliam Walker, Jr.. attended the pow wow given by the R. N. A. Satur-- day evening in Waukegan, when 25 new members were taken into the or-- der. He could not speak too highly 'u( the good time and entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. R. Manzer, l.r. and Mrk. E. J. Murrie, Mrs. Deiripple, Mrs. C. W. Talbott, and Mrs. Carl Milier attended the Past Matrons and Past Patrons event at Millburn Thursday evening. They report spending a very pleasant evening with the Eastern Star members there. Mrs. J. J. Brennan was in Chicago Saturday. Mr. Brennan returned with her and stayed over Sunday. Joe Brenna nwas in Chicago last Saturday. -- Mrs. Charles T. McCleery died sud-- denly Tuesday afternoon at her home on the Busse farm, of heart disease. She was in Lake Villa shopping the day before. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stratton attended the funeral Wednes-- day: The body was taken to Bluffton, Ind., for burial. -- 200. 0 0 cqlate.2 im Cfiéfigo for a few days Chcago for a few days. ® Thursday there was quite a scare at the school house when the chimney burned out, but no damage. Mrs. Dan Sheehan and Mrs. Roy Farman visited Mr. and Mrs. William Sheehan Sunday. o Plompicu d L. aw k3 ECC IIORNE T IDTCIICE Mrs. H. Stratton entertained -- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hesem at Chi-- cago Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller had for company Thursday Mrs. Miller's grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Mill burn, and Mr. and Mrs. Joy Summers and family of Chicago. 2L ~ _ w ol 2222 avra AFTER THREAT TO DYNAMITE HOUSE _ Mr. and Mrs. He visiting ln,Kengsha. VIBIUIEIR® MAE WAR CCC _ Mrs. Henry Petersen and Mrs. Pet-- ersen and Will, Jr., were visitors in Miliburn Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher have moved from the flat over the Bartliett home to the rooms over the residence Dr. Eugene Wright and a friend of Chicago were out to the doctor's home one day last week. They were busy planting trees and making changes in the landscape. P 100020 L2 rtaad ta _ Paul R. Avery has the house the past cold. LINCOLN LUSK J# AfiTIONIIR *¥\ C 3158--R Henry Petersen are wee been confined to week with a bad IWLLINONS, Practical Gifts for Every| Member of the Family| When Santa Claus makes the rounds Christmas Eve | he will be the cheerful messenger of Gifts from our stock. The | sort of gift you like to give and the kind that is welcome by | the recipient is here in this store--ready for your selection. | ww FRANK ho M Everybody Appreciates The n paee yade qo page age se paie age waee sE aral en ue NOeE We orel afe ahLe w We HhC se se se ore enc m onl t || DECEMBER 11, 1924 hrigtmas 19924 /--$ HARDWARE 4 hi tb