$. . / . and wife et al to G. Jack-- | won. Lot 8, block 21, C. Frank Wright's § adan. wD $10, stamp $1. & 3. Bassick and wife to K. Lovell. Wls 17 and 19, block 21, C. Frank § addn. WD $10, stamp $1.50. & , Wire Fence Co. to K. (ReveML.Lots 17 and 19, block 21, C. hed hk Wright's adin. WD $10, stamp Enumerators Been Named For NU'I'OI Districts County The Bureau of the Census, U. 8. de-- w of commerce, is taking a census of agriculture covering the year 1924. This survey will in tlude all information regarding farm-- ers, their crops, property, etc, and the actual feld work besun on December 1, 1924, in certain localities. Edward W. Koch, of Rock{ford, su-- mfifit of the first district of Ili-- is naming erumerators all over the district to obtain the necessary information. _ . Up to the present time the follow-- ing enumerators have been named for Lake County and now are engaged in visiting the various farmers in their own townships: Antioch, Lake Villa and Newport tawnships--Alexander G. Hughes of "~ch, W¥ q arscummag , N. Lightbody and F. M. Light _ It.,, to G. 8. Baton. Lots a': 5 & block 28, C. Framk Wright's %'.. ¥. m;"_" n ul _2 ¥. Wright to J. W. Brown. Lots &" 8, block 22, C. Frank addn. WD $10, stamp $1.50. . Knight and wife to C. L m':d 4, block 22, C. Wr addn. WD $10, stamp counties all of the districts nd the enumerators are at in others there still are re vacancies. § .__ ; cooneration of the post: tment sample copies of the. have bean distributed |to is and they have been re-- y prepare *heir reports and readv when the enumera-- In most cases, according _ h. this has not been done, be farmers ~de«troying the --without-- reading, --while F them. but gave little 'the matter. ~_ 1 to?av made an appeal to --® to fill out these reports A have the --schedules.> He. t the schedule has been de-- 'jev' shonld* .give some 'the matter of farm values, |and other indebtedness, | acrea=e, crops, milk pro-- S'r'mude. poultry products, to be'ahbhle to give prompt CO. AT PRESENT ruo.mumu-a C. Frank Wright's addn. &dwbucm- $4, C. Frank Wright's . Shields, Vérnon and field townshin=--Charles J. ter of Prairie View. rerator has as yet been r.he district taking in Avon, Wanconda townships. The 1e of the district including ad LAibertvville townships. Warren and -- Waukegan --Leroy J. Slocum of Wads-- id Ela Townships--Peter Lake Zurich: ' places Mr. Koch has ex-- considerable dificulty in imerators due chiefly to te of compensation allow-- the apnronriation provided s for this work is --limited, proeach report is all that ge et al to G,. S. EALON, %, block 20, C. .Frank WD $10, stamp $4.50 ter to C. Cascarano. Lot 7, KFrank Wright's addn. WD iment eta al to J. E. Pritch-- 12 14 16 and 18 and lots 11 } 20 21 and 22%, block. 21, C. ght's addn. WD $10, stamp t information when the ~calls. He urges that this shonld be given cheer-- e ennmerators should be way possible in order eir tedious task. . er, according to Mr. Koch, tmost importance to the it will be to their interest 1 and correct reports. All Lfim he says, will be bsolutely confidential and Ities are provided by law Lg same. + §, block 24, C. Frank in WD $10, stamp $2., addn. WD $10, stamp to K. Lovell aidn to. Deerfcla. 'Deed $750, stamp 1. and 4, block 20, C. Frank Wright's addn. WD $10, stamp $1. -- : y ' Anna Sztabi--et al to J. W. Brown. Lot 21, block 3, T. H. Dursts subdn. WD $10, stamp $4. . -- .. °* _ + R. C. Jones to Elizabeth Madeline Cox» Plrt'oto's;c. n}o, A:uoeh QCD $1. Margaret elill and husband F. Caringella. Part of Sec. 15, D«x-g'e\m WD $10, stamp $2.50. , H. G. Peterson and --wife to A. F. Beaubien. Part of lot 8, block 1, Glen-- dale. WD $10, stamp $1. _ F. Kelsey and wife to M: L. Kelsey. Lot 57, Kelsey Grove:subdn. WD $100, stamp 50¢. + a L J. Crisman and wife to W. Har-- rison McKillip. Lots 31 32 and 33, bik 8, Deerfleld Park L & Improvyments Assn. WD $10, stamp $1.50. DECEMBER 12, 1924 J. L Crowder and wife to L. C. Beit, spin. Lots 20, 21, 2%, H. H. Crandalls subdn of part of Sec. 12, Antioch Twp. t _ L. C. Belt, spin. to J. S. Crowder. QCD $10. Lots 20, 21, 22 H. Cran-- dall's subdn of part of Sec. 12, An-- tioch Twp. & Flora E. Willey to B. E. Willey br $10. Lot 3%, Bik 1%, So. Wkgn. _--R, Stamberg to Marvy A. Corrigan #% on jts Deed $1,00. Lots 1 and %, Fort. WD $10, stamp $38. ~-- . > C. Hans and wife et al to E. Q. Berggren and C. E. Berggren. Part of Sec. 24, Hla. WD $1283.75, stamp $1.50. C.._J. Jones to C. Risold. Lot 38, Wadsworth subdn. WD $10, stamp $1. Harriet E. Stanton to F. Dombro and Lucille Dombro. Lot 11, Thomas Stanton's subdn. WD $600, stamp $1. M. L Kelsey to F; Kelsey. Lot 59, Kelsey Grove. WD $10, stamp 50c. _ 8. Eisenberg and wife et al to D. T. Alshuler--and --C. 8. Alshuler.--Partof lot 1, block 11, Org!l Town of Little E. J. Kennedy and wife to Board of Education of Deerflield. WD $24,-- 000. (Stamp $24. 4.43 acres in Sec. 28, Shields Twp. dall's subdn of part of Sec. 12, An-- tioch Twp. C D. K. Brown, widr, to Orissa Brown. WD $10. 5.9 agcres in SW ar of Section 31, Fremont Twp. G. T. Preschern, bach. to Henry Bartel! and wf Jt tens. WD $10. Part of Section 25, Wauconda. D. E. Brown, widr. to Althea Coss. WD $10. Stamp 50c. -- 2 acres in SW ar of Section 31, Fremont, F. A. Homrighouse to B. E. Sim-- mons. QCD $1. Lot 15, blk. 9; Zion City subdn Zion. M. H. Hussey and wife to P. J. Shapiro and wife jt tens. WD $10. Bt. $3. Part of lot 10, Co Cikts Subdn of unsubdivided lands in Sec 21, Waukegan. J. G. Wainwright unmd to E. T. Ellis. WD $1. Part of lot 1, blk. 1. Smith & Adams North addn to Waukegan. Wkgn Pythian Home Assn to Em-- manuel Schwarts. WD $10. 8t. $27. Part of lots 1 and 1%, blk. 18, Orig-- inal Town of Little Fort, Wkgn. Annie Bartell and hbus to --G. T. Preschern. bach. WD $10. Part of Bec. 25, Wauconda. R. A. Smith and wife to G. H. Smith, WD $10. Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12, blk 2%, in plat of Holcomb now Rockfellar subdn in Sections 19 and 30, also part of lot 3 of SE ar. of F. H. Bartlett Tr. to C. 1. Sellers. D $10. Stamp $4 Lot 18, blk. 49, Bartliétt's North Shore Ests Win-- throp Harbor. H. K. Coale and wife to Lew A. Hendse. QCD $1. Part of block 17, plat "D" of Highwood. L A. Hondes and wife to H. K. Coale QCD $1. Lot 2 and part of lot 5, bik 17, Plat D of High 24, DEC. 0, 1924. B. A. Marriott and wft to G. W. Munch WD $1. Lot 4, Bik 46, North Addn to Lake Bluff. P. W. Robaerts and wf to WAith M. Hovt WD #10. St. $5.50. Pt of Lot Marporie: Knappen Waite to C. E. Waite GCD $1. Lots 9, 10 and pt of Lot 11, Bik 2, E. A. Cummings and T4A ' O. Af Barker to J. Lindberg and wt jts WD $10. St. $1. Lot 9 and pt of Lot. 10..Blk®2, E. A. Cuntfimings and Co's Addn. > . & 5 § _ _R. C. Wright and wt to C. Sant! WD $900. 1Iota 1 and %, Pearson Stockey & Hogan Subdn. wi jts WD$10. St. $60,. --Pt of Lot 1, Lincoln Heights. -- > onl O. Soderquist and wf to O. Sand-- strom and F. B. Bairstow WD $1. St. $12. Pt of Sec. 29, Wkgn. _ > R.B. Evans and L. C. Bvans to C. W. Hart and wf jts WD $10. St. $2. E hf of Lot 8, Blk 12, Exmoor Addn to H Pk. 9. % : \Elizabeth I. Powell to P. Kiesow and wf jts WD $1. St. $1. Pt of Lot 18, 8 Trs. Sub. -- W. H. McKillip and wf to L. J. Crisman and Beéssie C. Crisman pts $10. St. $6.00. Lot 1, McKillip Briar G. G. McBridge and wf to Emma B. Kelly WD $10. St. $3. Lots 7 and $, Browns Subdn. + C. Foote to S. T. Foote WD $10. A Lodt in Sec 15, Vernon. z> M. Church and wt to L. Brandoniseo WT $10. St. $3.50,. Pt of Sec 14, Deer-- feld G. E. Pett and wf to E. G. Turner and wf jts WD $2,000. St. $2.00. Pt of Lot 10, Blk 6, Exmoor Addn to-- H Pk. Kate --Hubbard Johnson to ~Mary Hardwick Wood WD $10. St. $5. Pt of Lot 3, 8 Ravine Bkl 26, H--Pk. | _ J. C. Hertel and wf to C. Footé WD $10. A Lot in Sec. 15. Vernon. DEC. 8. 1924. y J. N. Heath and wf to C. M. Lind and wife jts WD' $10.. St. $1. Pt of Lots 53, 54 & 55, Washington Manor. J. Gordon to J. A. Wilson and Amy J. Wilson jt tens WD $10. St. $2. Lot 10, James Gordon Subdn. W. H. Iingle and wf to G, Whit nire and wf jits WD $10. 8t. $156. Pt of Sec 28. Newport. . _ N. A. Olsen and wf to and wt jts QCD 310. Pt Fremont. A; Vendley and wf to L. Krenek Sr., and L. Krenek Jr. jts WD $550. Lot 13, Shady Lane Subdn. J. Mozrlo and wt to 8. Taylor gd wt QCD $10. Pt of Lot 9, Bik 3, Tt fanys Third Addn. . * H. Manss and wf to E. Franzen WD 810. 8t..$2. Lot 3, J. L. Tweeds Snbdn. M. C. Decker and wf to H WD $10. St. $1. Lot 78, Gages Lake Subdn. R. L. Thorsch and wf to J. Oltusky WD $10. St. $7.50. Lot 1, Blk 3, Sand-- stroms Subdn. = M. Oltusky and wfto 8. Taylor and wf jts WD $10. 8St. $2, Pt of Lot 9. Blk %. Tifanvs Third Addn. W. J. Scott and wf et al to HB. Bn-- zarth and wf jts WD $10. St. $2. Lots 124, 125 and 12%6, Lincoin Heights Subdn. . J. Oltusky to R. L. Thorsch WD#$10 8t $2 50. Lots 11 and 12. Bik 4; Sher-- idan Terrace Subdn. ** State Bank of Chgo to A. Dunas Deed $10. St. $2. Pt of Lot 17, Second Addn to Ravinia Forest. Ellen W. Flint et al to Annie H. Wood W.D. $13%,500. Lot 12%, Blk 71, L. Krenek Sr., and wf et al to A. Kucaba Jr.. WD $10. Lot 13, Shady Lane Subdn. E. L. Clavey and wf to R. J. Clay-- ey WD $10. St $10. Undvd one--third int in E hf of NE gqr of Sec 31, Deer-- field. Anna K. Cluever and hus to F. H. Miller WD $2100 St. $2.50. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, 'Blk 1. Meakins Subdn. A. Kucaba Jr., and wf to L. Krenek Sr., and wf jts WD $10. Lot 13, Shady Lane Subdn. WD $10. St. $10. Undved one--third int in E hf of NE ar of Sec 31, Deerfleld. F. L. Clavey and wf to °H. T. Clavey of Sec. 29, 8. Zable Deckers M. Nielsan and wt to R. Bundo & M. G; Bundo jts WTy $10, St. $.60, Pt of Lot 17, Cribbs Subdn. M. Nislson and wt to T. H. Bundo .uommun«nucg'c:t ©t #t0A, Pr aft Lot 17. Cribbs e Bubdn. G. L. Miner and wt to R. M. Johna-- ton and G. F.Johnson jts W D $10. Lots 10 an 11, Blk 4, First Adn to Ravinia Highlands. Ee 1 8t F. H. Kuebker and wft to G. T. Hel+ muth WTD $10. 8t. $35.50, Lots 10, 11, 12, 13%, 14, 17,; 16, 17. 18, 19, 20 and 21. Bik 2%, Co Cliks Subdn. uC s R. L, Thorsch and wft to N. Fishet W."D. $10. Lot 7, Blik Sandstroms Subdn. . N.rlhcr and wf to R. L. Thorach w $10. Lot 7, Blk 1, Sandstroms B. Lowenmeyer to K. K. Adams and sister Jt tens Deed $1. St. $2.50 Lot 11, Ravinie Forest,~" R. R. Chatfeld--Taylor and wt to Margaret T. Farmer WD $10. 8t. $4.50. . Pt of Lot 1, Blk .1, G. L. Wrenns Addn to H PK. ar. and NW ar of NE ar Sec 10, Ela. and wf jts WD $10. Pt of Sec 13, Grant. f a C. C. Sanborn to H. K.; Coale WD $10 St. $2.50. Lot 2 and pt of Lot 5, Blk 17, Plat D of Highwood. , V. Trevisan and wf to M. Levitan QCD $10. St. $1. Lot 5, Blk 2%, First Addn to 'qg.vinu Highlands. M. Levitin to C. M. Trevisan QCD $10. St $1 Lot 5, Blk 2, First Addn to Ravinia Highlands. P B. Lowenmever to F.C. Knight and w1 jt tens W Deed $1.00 St. $1.50. Lot 250 Bonnie Brook. . M. A. Crane and wf to L. H. Himel-- reich and wf jt tens WD $10. Lots 11 and 12, Blk 3, M. A. Cranes Addn to M. A. Crane and wf to L. H. Himel-- reich and wf jt tens WD $10. Lots 3 and 4, Blk 3 M. A. Cranes Adn to Area. M. A. Crane and wf to C. Frenzel W. D, $10, St. $,50. Lots 105 and 106. Crames Subdn. > v . e c* 4 ~-- Grace Singer to H. R. Gentsch and wl jt tens WD $1.00 S8t. $12%.) Pt of Ser 35, Deerfleld. -- °E.~ W. Butterfleld and wf to Nettie McClun WD $10. St; $.50. Lot 17, Blk 2, Channel Lake Bluffs® §Qubdn. ._C. H. Miller and wf to G. F. Stie fenhoefér WD $10 St. $2.50.. Undvd one hf int in Lot 21, Heises Subdn. Mary E. mnton to L. P. Montgom ery WD $1000 St. $1.50. Lot 1, Stan-- tons Long Lake Subdn. > > ' ~>~ V. Trevisan and wf to M; Levitan QCD $10. St. $1. Lot 171 Sd Highland Addn to H Pk. * E. L. Hansen and wf to Violet C. Hoerner W. D. $7500 8t. $4.50. Lot 2, Blk 2, Applebees Subdn E. L. Clavey and wf to F. D. Clay-- ;yl:V'D $10 St. $30. Pt of Sec 35, Deer-- eld. ~ M. Golden and wf to N. Birkhaug WD--$10. St. $.250. Lot 7, Silver Lake PK. > _ €19u& 0 0C . _ .J. FMigher to L. L McCartney and wf jts WD $1. St. $12. N hf of NW G. Greene--and wf to Lottie C Ur. bain WD $10. St. $3. Lot 1, Greenes Subdn. tadeg F. Grabenkort and wfi to G. Hein-- richk QCD $1. A strip of land in Sec to 'M. Levitan to C. M.; Trevisan QCD $10. St $1. Lot 171 So. Highland Addn L P. Hanna to F. Keyser and" wft WD $1 St. $4.50. Lot 32, Blk 3, T. H. Dursts Subdn. & G. 8. Farmer and wf et al G. Her-- man Sr. QCD $1. 8 23 ft of N 46 ft of Lot 1, Blk 11, Org! Twn of Lt --Ft. DEC. 17, 1924. W. Schumaker of wf to J. Mazlo & wf jt tens WD $10. St. $3. Lot ©60, First Addn to Washington Pk. Harriet E. Price to C. C. Crain WD $10. St. $23. Pt of See 27, also Pt of Sec 34, Fremont. C. C, Crain to M. P. Byrne and wt it tens WD $10. Pt of Secs 27 and 34, Fremont. t F. Wright and wf to E. R. Aulson WT $10. St. $1.50. Pt of Lot 1, Blk 8, McKays Addn to Lt Ft. * i His father ownes a large tract of land> surrounding Hastings Lake, and Mr. Hastings farmed it for mhany years prior to leaving for Nebraska. He was prominent in Masonic cir-- cles and was a member of Antioch lodge at Milburn. . Besides his wite he leaves one son, Fred Hastings, at Boulder, one daughter, Mrs. Nellie oRbertson, at Fremont, Neb.. He was an uncle of A. J. Hastings, for whom Hasting Lake near Lakeo Villa, was named, died Thursday morning at his home at Bouler, Colo., following an extendea illness. (He was 86 years old, and one of Lake county's pioneer resi-- dents. Mr. Hastings went to -- Bouider about 20 years ago, following a stay in *Nebraska for some years. -- He had been afflicted for many > years with asthma and for fThat reason went to Colorado. MAN AFTER WHOM WAS NAMED, DIES A. J. Hasti J. AASH Uctogenari Suocunmm Morning After Long lHiness. ELECTRIC . LUMP COAL $5.00 This is the best Hlino's Laur:p Coal 4; \ c Add $1.25 per ton for Coal hauled in Waukegan $1.50 per ton for Coal hauled in North Chicago OTHER POINTS OUTSIDE ON MILEACGE BASIS Yard and Office 443 Sand Street COAL HAULERS WANTED GEO.--J. JOBS O N ~Mrs.> Mabel Chope and Miss Irene Chope of Waukegan spent the week end with Fome folks. + Miss Esther Rice of Michigan is spending her Christmas vacation with ummmumm age here. A duughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Denman at the Victory Me-- morial hospital Dec. 19. , Mother and eHild are doing fine. ; There will be no Christmas enter tainment at the church this year. -- J. H. Bonner is able to be out again, :l'b:h' been iaid up with three broken the Weich families "at Rosecrans, T. 8. Bonner had a radio installed in his home for Christmas. v Mrs. Warren Hook is suffering with rheumatism. Miss 'Mary Dunbar, Millburn teach-- er, had a Christmas tree Friday after-- noon and gifts were exchanged. Miss Dunbar will spend her two weeks' va-- cation at her home in. Wisconsin. . 0. Douglas and a brother--in--igw Rubie Gillings is at Orlando, . for the winter with Mrs. Her-- Phone 573 |__A Little more haste in court would : mean fewer hasty acts that bring peo-- ! ple before the courts.. M ¥y5 OLDEST Y.M.C.A. ----_ _ MEMBER IN LAKE . _ H A. Lyon, Lake Bluff Oe-- Mflulmlm ber for 55 Years. Harry A. Lyon, aged 80, of Lake Bluff, is believed to be the oldest known member of the Y. M. C. A. in Cook or Lake counties. Today while rummaging among some papers, yelb low with age, he came across a lite membership certificate which was is sued to him by the Chicago ¥. K. C. A., on Feb. 15, 1882, nearly 43 years ago. . Mr. Lyon joined the "Y" 18 years 'before that, however, his Arst membership card being dated Jan. 81, 1869. Mr. L¥on was norn the year that the ¥, M, C. A. was founded in Eng-- land by George Will{ams, in 1844, who held the first meeting in an up per room of his wholesale warehouse in London. The idea spread so rap-- idly that in 1858 the, Chicago "Y¥" Wankegan, M wl hab c td [ €: f Es ¥4 Cw §]