3 VN' P AAZ L/A REZ MATHE . MECCC CC ' __ 10 PERCENT OF THE | _ . " CORN CROP fllilll?'i P ylelds but also a stunted EIUVWI! i/ . the plants that do survive and a C ... sequent reduction iin the size «_ ~ears,' Dr. Burlison pointed out. _' _' _ y'The breeding and multiplication E. } *"productive strains and 'varieties -- \_ baerm that 'are highly resistance _ it M -- y the re x .;-- onl characte _ mnd seed ear _ . ~ ailstance in . d gs one. : problems of @__~_~ _ Caorn Gise: » University of HHlinois Statisties :. Show Infected Seed In & ~ Great Cause Olney, I!1., Dec. 10--Toll taken by gorn diseases in the corn belt states, i# it could be meastred, -- would #lt to ten per cent of the crop, pr. W. L. Burlison, head of the agro-- y dAepartment of the College of fi'fiulture. University of lilinois, "estimated in an address today before #fln institute here. Investigators f e found corn losses varying from Mve to 50 per cent of the crop, be Olney, I!1., Dec. gorn discases in th i# it could be amount to ten per %; $: wfl. G. Atwell visited here fath-- se er, William Sheehan, at the Sacred _<.. Heart sanitarium in Milwaukee Tues-- hss q He was somewhat improved. e n Hussy, son of Mr. and Wws : Mrs. Rush Hussy, had a narrow escape® -- . when returning home for lunch from disease aud to injury from un?ay0'" , able soil was weather conditions is mnow recognized. as a problem de-- manding the.attention and active co-- eperation of experiment station work-- / 'ers and corn growers, he said. § > Much attention has been given to the relation -- that stalk, ear and ker -- 'mel characters of. corn bear to the w." D. Burlison explained. . Res itly the relation which the physi-- eal characters of --the mother plant _and seed ear may bear to disease re > sistance in the progeny has, appear-- _ ed as one. of the most important 'problems of the corn breeder." --' Corn diseases which Dr. Burlison -- Aiscussed .in detail, included scutellum rot; diplodia root rot; ear rot and _ séedling blikgbt:; fusarium root rot *ahd" ear rot; black bunble disease; ,-- miscellaneous : ear rots and molds; mrrl wilf; gibberelia root rot, eaT, rot and seedliing blight and corn The planting 0f _lnlected .l,:.l'l'l*"le***'llvl*l}l *# CLAKE VILLA .:.0.0*&*.*&*******, Bhose who went to Millburn from m MJ evening to attend the in« sta officers for the Masonic and Eastern Star lodges for the com-- Iing year were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamlin; Mrs. M. S. Miller, Mrs. c. w.> Palbott, Mr. and Mrs. R. Manzer, Mre. Delrymple, Mr: and Mrs: E. J. Murrie, 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller, and Albért Kapple. A banquet was given, the w the supper. . And such a supper! All from here spoke 'of the fine work done by both the < Masonic and Eapj.;gn Stars in instali-- -- Ing the officers. particularly good -- time was had. by all who attended. > -- _ Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dix were in Ch+ eago the,first of theé week. TCO T000b Awtiaeh Inst ~1BOOKS Howard Wilton Ms. Milwaukee _ Avenue §hore Line Choice Restricted 1 1MY . . and Mrs. Carl Reinbach and James Leonard were in Chicago Good Meals 50c '~ A New 25¢, 50¢, 75¢ | . fn'j'\;r'y from unfavor-- weather conditions is 4. as a problem de-- of infected seed not stands and reduced a stunted growth of Amusing, Instructive Entertaining _ $500.00 UP TRLEPHONRDS Books for Children tive cover designs that was in Antioch last Homesites at -- North of ! school one day last week. HISB i)) off under a car driven by George M# Crady. The wheels of the car pASS®G 'ovfl one of bhis arms bruising it badly \and just grazed his head. . ' Ben Dix were Waukegan "}0'"" "OR day last week. f | 1 Mr. Wrase is busy overseeing the building of his cottage on the subdit-- _ vision east of Cedar Lake. ! Carl Miller is having & large front -- porch made into a sun parlor. It will add much to the beauty of his home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Startton expect to spend Christmas in their new home on the Antioch--Fox Lake road. ' Jerome Burnett, of Antioch, father _ of Mrs. E. A. Wiilton, came to hber home Tuesday for an extended visit _ with her and her family. Mrs. Wilton ' hopes he will gpend the winter with them. * e t\ _ Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherwood are well i on their way to Miami, Florida. Tee ! Sherwood accompanied them as far &8 ; Chicago, returning home Thursday. | 'Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sherwood and mnroliv&n:hthohome(m!- £ mond Sherwood _ until the. first of { April. They are from Round Lake. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leonard and & BE * N LAK "At Pm i;. and Mrg. E. Thayer were B Waukegan one day the past week. _ Mrs. E. A. Wilton and Mr. and Mré. Ren Dix were Waukegan visitors one _ Mr. and Mrs. Schaffer are rejoicing _ over the arrival of a baby boy. They . live on the Peacock estate just east -- of Lake Villa. ty * 4 g M s MT. LBG SEEs. MRPCACCE o0 hx son, Anthony Edward, visited at the James Leonard home Sunday.-- _ ~ Doh o ie ie 0: anite 4 > 42000 Mbcoctectenpatdiedtins un it Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodzkins of Chi-- cago visited two days recently with Mr. and Mrs. James Lecard. , 3 The Warren Odette home bas been rented to the Harry Nickerson family. Mrs. Edith Keely of Waukegan was in town Tuesday. -- d a . Mrs. Edith Keely of Waukegan was in town Tuesday. & --_ Bert Grice of Antioch was in town _one 'dry Jast week. f Mrs. Rush Hussy is reported quite i1 at her home. _ 5o . Mrs. Martin's father her, is seriously ill. Chicago was sent for -- A RBC APMRHI P with Mrs. Fred Fowles at Fox Lake on Thlssday afternoon. The .cold kept-- a number from attending, but those who braved the icy blasts report &A very jolly afternoon. Mrs. Boehm went to Chicago Satur-- day. Her mother died Saturday mort-- ing, after an illiness of a few days. Mrs. Boehm remained in the city this week. . -- : ~Louis Koppen was in Chicago last . Monday. -- > . Elinor Petersen was given & party Wednesday evening in honor of her fifteenth -- birthday. Twenty of her schoo! friends and young people of her age were invited. Refreshments were served and a very nice time had by those present. Elinor: was given a number.of dainty and pretty presents by her friends. § _ _ POR RENT--A garage. Call on Mrs. 12. 24w ar 1+ _ TAX FOR LAKE coUNTY MOTORISTS PLAN GASOLINE County Board Sees Way to Re--| duce Indebtedness; Ask Leg-- islature to Back Move. \ A gasoline tax which would _ hit every motorist in Lake county. a8 well as the state was nro~nnsed in a reso lution adopted Friday by the county board in an effort to increase the county funds. < _ . 100 ow itcA KS C. W. Talbott, Phone 125--M CR CPREGI O RCRCCCCCC « + The proposition was suggested .by Supervisor Anstin, of Zion, who de-- clared that jnasmuch as the county needs funds badlv, Late county may he able to work ont the wa«nline tax plan,, which would brin# in a fraction of a cent on every zallon of gasoline sold Bunco Five Hundyed .club met the few days that have e'apsed since it was put up to him, to give an opin-- |' 'on as to the legal phases. } Jupervisor A. W. Vercoe urged te * trenchment in all departments as the | Aindebtedness on money borrowed on anticipation warrents is climbing yearly. He statod. that the chances are no bond issne election could be held antil 1926, and that unles« the taxnavers are convinced that the su-- nervisors would soon find themsalves l!n the same situation a year or so | after the bond Isaue As they now are | in. they would vote down the propost-- tion. -- Me stated that the 'only way to convince the public that tha supeh-- visors mean business when they say thev are going to retrench, is to actually do it during the noxt two years. The Ananias Club. "1 never baw! out my husba @ropping cigar ashes on the ca jerking. back the lace curtain® can wee out or using the guest or things like that, because I wi to feel his home 1@ a place he to 46 Jost as he pleases," said tult hossewlife to her neighbo " uago Amorica®n. _ ; ,' who is visiting His daughter in kE ies on the carpet of lace curtains so he ing the guest towel because I want him a a place he is free leases," said a care her neighbor.----Oht Washington, Dec. 23.----ThRG rOcens U WEWU """""" @2 tha Congress over the holidays brings out ory is advanced tha some interesting situations. One of more amicable and the most noteworthy developments ive to suggestion. has been the lessening of the distance cover that rumors Y between the White House and the Cap-- at the Capitol are 0 itol . Measured with a yardstick, the the truth learned a distance is approximately one mile, A better understan but circumstances have brought the thes, meetings be two within hailing distance. Perhaps, bumiliation for the the greatest contributing factor to this legislators in privi harmony has been the humble pan rors of judgment. cake. It is generally agreed that the staesmanship whi series of early breakfasts with the mark on Congress. President has done more to formulate <-- 'The Senate and legislative policies than any one thiDnE: pressed for tim, it is not an everyday affair f0f 2 uext week. The Ho man to eat flapjacks with the Pres! progress on the AP dent of the United States. The BOY* the Federal depart elty appeals to the vanity of normdl w1 »ey_ntually b men. Even Senators and CongressMeD 'genate, but S@VeTA whose 'd?'l of 'h'h' enlm Wm. ;no' peufllng in 'N -- often sway their judgment considef | giszpase of: Mupcle an invitation' a great honor. 'FThe '"'\' Pines treaty and -- that t)97 8e signaled out for this 8t ! yetq befor., taking tentioif sets. the averafe legi8!@t0" | iynger an agree ' temporarily apart from his associates. Genate a final . He likes to appear in the o o s ie "the postal 'pay yer _u«»-- ia the Chief EXOC""VO °t the «tration mwflw It is not an man to eat fl2 dent of the U elty appeals t« sellor -- Nation it Htowever, there is mu in meetings of this sor mate conversations have impart great f'exibility Mr. Coo'idge, as it give ance with a wide ranfa frees him from insulat« ;he other hand, the co 1 L. 1 1 _.al--fac ing and after break! understanding | of C Senators as to the 01 1,ms of the Presiden O'ldtimers have lik« fast cJats to the con er Speaker Joe Car Senator Aldridge in these two mer contr( of the Senate and I that more legislatio 9, parly. CanLun ' When Senators nowadays are invit-- ed to break bread wigh the President,-- they know that they will be exp,.cted to discuss affairs~of State. The critt-- cism of these meetings heard in the drawing rooms of late indicates taht. the' President has the peychological 'advan.age ov.r his--visitors. It is ar-- gued that Senators and Congressmen whose --.grumblings fill pages of the Congressional Record each day invari-- ably chang, their ' attitude after the FARMERS JOIN IN ___ \ ~BACKING SCHOOLS _ ~ sVSTEMS IN STATE * * UBERTYVIlE rNoOiPBOB( NARDAY, ~~ Agricultural Association Boost Tax on Gasoline to Pay for Education. Chicago, Dec. 13.--An amendment to the lllinois constitution to make possible some later constructive rey-- enue of legislation, A gasoline tax on motor driven vehicles in lieu Of taxes already levied, and an e'xptz <14 02 M BB aX-- ptcbbnintatat s Periat C l on motor driven vehicles in lieu of taxes already levied, and an expan: sion of the present . effort toward eradication of tuberculosis in Ccattle, are to be the three major legislative projects of the Illinois Agricultural association when the state legisla ture meets this winter, according to an announcement made today. "In-- order® to obtain constructive revenue legislation," the annouce ment stated, "it is necessary that there be an amendment to OuUr con-- stitution. The survey of llinois school conditions made during the | | summer inco--operation with the Lili< nois Educational commission reveal ed . that beneficial school changes hinge on revenue alterations. 'The Illinois Agricultural association -- 18 joining hands with organizations '|represenling other industries in the {"state for the drafting of an amend-- ""*"C C omichk owill alow --revenue The recess of White House chat. Thpe age--old the ory is advanced tha, a well{ed man is more amicable and thus more recept-- ive to suggestion. Then, too, they dis-- cover that rumors which irritate th m at the Capitol are often converse with the truth learned a, the white house. Our Washington Letter LIPU DPWPUIR ENN TOOT CC UUC A better understanding is reached in thes, meetings because ty,ere is no humiliation for the President or the legislators in private'y admitting er-- rors of judgment. It is a _ form of stajesmanship which is leaving its mark on Congress. _ The Senate and House will be hard pressed for tim, when they return uext week. The House has made some progress on the appropriation 'bi'lé for C 2 ___1 Aanartmanta 'These bills to BY WILLIAM DALEY N. E. A. Cortespondent This farm having been soldf This farm having been sold; and for that reason Public Auction my personal property on the ple the William Stolzman Farm, 3 miles north of Li the Bulkley Road--first farim east of Milwauk comencins at |2:30 P. 90-- Holstein Cattle Three with calves °00 CHICKENS dn _ "wo" k. . _ARe MA t 1 HAY and GRAIN-- ---- 20 Tons Timothy and Clover, Mixed; 150 Bushels Barley Implements and Machine 1 MOWER. 1 HORSE RAKE 1 SEEDER 1 SPRING TOOTH HARROW 1 3--SECTION HARROW 1 CORN PLANTER 1 DISC _ 1 SULKY PLOW 2 WALKINC PLOWS M U PC M n lpesscitiaieciyeintteaimiets ie L THE USUAL TERMS OF SALE JOHN HUIRCZEK, Prop. Shoals, "~HORSES~~~ i5 Head ofrHiglLGrade M XCEACRE S L C 0 000 ho ce I ' it + a ue . w e \ 3 f age--old the HEAD OF GOOD WORK HEAD OF LIVESTOCK n sold; and for that reason, I will sell at ersonal property on the place known as i Farm, 3 miles north of Libertyville, on first farm east of Milwaukee Avenue,on FRED GRABBE, by side; WAR VETSHERE _ _ MUST ASK BONUS BEFORE JAN. 1ST Warning Is Issued to Local and Lake County Vets World war velerans of this city } and Lake Caunty are warned that i' they have not already made applica: ! ons for their state. Bonus that | N they must have their appMecations t in / the© hands of the board . at | 1 @pringfield by the first ot January.|| A1 avrangements have been made 80 | that th's can be accomplished eagily | as application blanks will be avail--], able not only hbere but all over the|| Proper forms for use ot heirs of |, state. | dead veterans as well as living ex--| | service men have been sent in quan:| "tlty to American Legion posts, : Red | Cross chapters and other agencies | throughout the state in order that no one entitled to the compensation pay-- ment need be delayed in making ape plication through lack, of blanks. > 'The last bour rush of tardy appli-- 'ranu has already begun, according to | Palmer. P Eamunds., chiet clerk . of | the board. who reports incréased. \ number of applications being received .' Aaily, Mere placicg of an application .jn tha mail nrior to Jannary 1 will not protect the: claimant. he fixnmn- t ed, it being necessary to havfithe ap --' nligation in the bands of the board g . hefore that date. Ag. voterans have ; had: twa vears to file: for the bonus}. 1 he. nredi¢ted practically all ,,emmed y to It wanla have their applicatians g :, in ,by. tho. zero Rours.) c SS C.cs e = The total numrer oft claims approy' «* »" to= navyment. to date is 251.328:. A a tmtal . of. a 178. cla"ms have been dis cwawed -- The --highe't-- claiu_xu._numtget tmtal . of. 9. Y P¥ FE8L1 U3 sNowed : The higshe «ctually paid is _ 278 ments bave totalled ~ For p_h"e your & Independent. the following property to Wait No Longer. gpringcrsi Lake County . citculation vour advertisement 'in. The 25, 1924. + balance milkers. t of claims approy: ) date is 251.328: A 'ms have been ais-- shest . claim .numbet 9. 998. The pay-- led $51,6406.386.50. 90 * *@hP 4P , to-- wit: . wWHY: HAVE A "z| c«RBLUE MONDAY?" beartiest wishes tor a WMerry Cbristmas a Fappy and Prosperous 1925. We assure you of our sincere a'pm ciation of the cordial relations bave existed between us$s during -- the past year, and of our carnest etforts to | the end that the e sam ¢ _ -- ~ wHEN TT is POSSIBLE TO GET AWAY FROM THE .___. _ DRUDGERY OF mwmvwm us LET US TAKE AwWAY YOUR BACKACHE, : YOUR ---- HAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINGERS. _ . .. LONE MAPLE DAIRY ---- RELIABLE LAUNDRY: MM e Apepeags 21\ Phone Libertyville 67--R. _ Libertyville and Highland Park ~--WET WASH _ _ Pure Bred Holstein Friesian Phone 232--R ship & 06 o 0 d h .. wl h iret _ may be continu thr'ougb:ut the comhtg year. QLD MLL CARL E. RUDOLPH Prop. _ Car of APPLES now on track at _ NOTICE! AREA. For:good quality and price we cannot be beat. | 6 COME AND SEE US% AND SEE OUR GOODS fi W. E. VOLKMA__NJ THREE COWS, 2 BULL CALVES I i oiate | caciiiee ou We cxxflld our Phone 607--J-- 20 POUNDS FOR wou e smm mm y $y ** %