3y _\ . «Pevmond Horenberger had the mis-- @. C i# to break his arm when his car 3 wwie Jntc Ahe ditch just west of the ?". lt : Mor "!' afternoon . . 1 (Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wolf are nicely d 4y# There will be a New Year's gather-- . Img at the church, when a splendid m will be given. ,/!_ The Bunday School of the Presby-- o Church gave the Pageant, "The .. Btar of Bethichem." The offering and % by the chi dren were sent to the j a mission school at Tucson, -- On Year's eve there will be a social ehurch from 11:15 until The Sunday School children of the Kvangelical Bungalow church gave their Christmas program last Tuesday _-- Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Simons will en-- tertain Mr. and Mrs. Merle Garbisch and daughter. Miss Crystal Simons, and Harriszson Norton Christmas day. Emil Ficke is reéported on the sick list the past few days. The Christmas program was enjoy-- «d by quite a number who attended at the school house. : Short Christmas plays 'wetre given, and the primary sgrades had several songs and recita-- tions. 'The pretty tree, laden with the [présents, was the last number and the amost enjoyed by all. Bunday afternoon fire was discover-- 'ed at Roder's Inn, on the Rand road, near Quinten's Corners. The araim was given and many from Lake Zurich Mr. and Mrs. James Snetsinger will entertain a house full of company at dinner Christmas. ~ Ub &4 4 4 4.4 4 * 4 %4 4 4 % % 4 4 1 * D EERFIE L D % #¥ # 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 & % £ % % x x + The local stores were open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of this weok. Mt. and Mrs. Orvi'le Meiners and son of Barrington attended the Christ-- mas program at the Baptist church on Monday* evening. turned out, and soon had the flames extinguished. It was caused by a ker-- asene stove setting fire to lace cur-- taing. and spread rapidly. The dam-- age will amount to quite a large sum. A pew roof will} have to be placed on one wing of the house. u*d'b'vcwtmu program drew 'a large number to the Baptist church Monday evening. The play, "Bringing z Gifts to the King," was given by members of the Sunday School. A mice box of canned fruit and vegeta-- Bles and a;sum of money was collect-- ed for a mission in Chicago. Each «one present was remembered with a Candy cane and apple as well as other gifts.. 'The tree was very pretty and was sent by Mrs. Blankenburg from :lloguln. a former resident of Lake urich. _ The zero weather -- and icy roads have kept many would--be travelers at home the past week. ~ 'Mr. and Mrs. Lee Landwer were Kigin shoppers Saturday evening. Tw'o Men Ar,:es:eq o:l Ct:)arqe of Cruelty to Animals; One -- Fox Laker Taken. #% # 4 4 4 % 4 % 4+ 4 % ¥ % 4 % % 4 * L A KE ZU RICH * & 4 & 4 & % 4 & & &# % % % % % % x Marvin Paytorn is enjoying the holi-- days at home. Miss Hazel Kohl had the Christmas tree and program at her school at Quinten's Corners Monday afternoon. Robert Schaefer, of North Chtcago, who laced a similar charge, was re-- ported as "fined and dismissed" at the sherifft's office. It was stated that he--was in poor circumstances, his wife was il, and that he was to sell the borse to pay the fine and obtain money. --Miss Lillian Rockenbach is home from New York, where she has been | attending school. { on the sick list. Miss Bernice Tucker Jeft Friday to ¥isit at her home in Southern 'Illinois. -- Messrs. Loomis, Deschauer, W. G. Hartman and F. Harkness were Chi-- carna. visitors Monday. Two men were arrested by the sher-- Iff"s office Saturday on charges of cruelty to animals, in an effort to clean up a serious situation that has been presented by the sub--zero weath-- er and inadequate protection for stock. His bonds were fixed at $200 by Justice Hervey Coulson Saturday and be was returned to jail on a mit-- timus. Arnold Tuckno't, of Foex Lake. a teamster, is in jail, charged with leaving his teams out in the weather, rather than repairing his barns. Miss Ida Himmelreich, of the Humane So-- clety, brought the charges. She stat-- ed that he had been arrested before on the same charges and that he had promised to take care of his stock. Fox Lakers, she said, were afraid to take out the warrant for his arrest. His bonds were fixed at $200 by Jus-- tice Hervey Coulson today and he was returned to jail on a mittimus. Mrs. Flora Clarke and daughter, Marguerite, spent Christmas day in Chicago with friends. Miss Bernice and 'William Payton left Tuesday for Crescent City, I!II., to TO PAY FINE FOR CRUELTY CHARGE Jimmie Dymond is reported has moved his family _anhoo! closed Friday, new hbome on West | awain on the Mon-- | Wednesday, Dec. 31, at 8 p. m., the ' watch night service and social. Dur-- ing the last hour of the old year, the | pastor will conduct a consecration service. All are invited. nesday to his home at Cross Plaines, Wisconsin. 4 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gunokel and son LeRoy, are visiting Mr. Gunckel's par-- ents at Galeaburg, 11L Miss Laurel Stryker arrived home Friday from Le Mars, lowa, where she is a student at Western College. Mrs. C. B. Childs, who has been vis-- iting her aunt, Mrs. L. _C. Hole, tor several weeks, returned Thursday to her home in Boscobel, Wis. Third Floor, First National Rank Blde. Third Floor First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Services Sunday at 10:45 a. m. Subject, "Christian Science." "BT. LAWEBNCR'S EBPI8SCOPAL RBV. H. B. GWYN, Pastor. Christmas Day will be celebrated by two services:-- * ut Holy Communion at 8 a. m. ; Holy Eucharist with music at 10 am Friday and Saturday the festivals of 8t. Stephan and 8t. John, Evangelist. There will be celebrations of the Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. . Mrs. Sarah Adams is spending the holidays at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Kimbark, at Ravenswood. Mrs. Sadie Beckman returned Mon-- day evening from a two weeks' visit with friends in Michigan. Miss Virginia Easton, who is a sen-- ior at the State Unifversity, is spend-- ing her vacation at the home of her father, E. P. Easton. Willard Benson, who has been in the navy, stationed -- at Philadelphia, re-- turned home Thursday. Mrs. F. J. Duffty entertained eight little boys, in honor of the birthday of her son Richard. Mrs. J. Carlison entertained the Wii-- mot school Progressive club Tuesday afternoon. The club held the apron, towe! and bakery sale at the Wilmot school Saturday evening. The Men's Club held the regular meeting at Masonic hall on Tuesday evening. k . Mrs. Alvin Knaak entertained at a luncheon Monday afternoon. Robert Pettis is building a bunga-- low on the lot he recently purchased on Haze] Avenue. & | CHURCHES Morning worship at 11. Sermon by the pasto:. Junior and Epworth League at 6:30. Evening song .of service and wor-- ship at 7:30 p. m. FIRST _ METHODIST EPI8SCOPAL ARTHUR W. MOHNS, Pastor, Sunday School at 10 a. m. E. A. Koehn, General Supt. f Sunday, December 28th, is the Feast CHRISTIAN SCIENCS 8S0CIETY The Ray Furniture and Paint Store We Wish for You a Mappy Christmas at the home of his grand--| e Karch, returned Wed, WE EXTEND TO YOU OUR VERY BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY SUCCESSFUL AND PROSPEROUS 'of the Holy Innocents. The festivities will continue, services being held. at 8 and 11 a. m., with Christmas music. German services New Year's morn-- ing at 10:30. ; In the afternoon at 4 o'clock, the children of the Church School and their parents and friends will gather in the parish house for their little Christmas play, under the direction of Mrs. Gwyn, for the singing of the old carols and for the Christmas tree. No, just because Fire Prevention Day is past, you are not justified in being careless on the other 365 days of the year. ~ v It was stated at his employers' of-- fice that Bantgart probably will be laid up for a month. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. W. G. Wells; Superintendent. Morning worship at 11. The pastor will speak on the passing of a year and the meaning of a new one. Young peoples meeting at 6:30 p.m. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "Christ Seeking Now." Good music at both services. 8T. JOHN'S EVANG. LUTHERAN RLMBER C. KIBARLING,. Pastor Sunday School next Sunday morning at the usual time, 9:30. . English services at 10:30 a. m. _ The Ladies' Aid will give a party to the members of the congregation on the evening of December 31st, the last night of the old year. Everyone is cor-- George Bantgart Buried Under Load of Bathtubs at Lake Georsre Bantgart, 35 years old, vu' seriously injured . Friday «morning | when a truck he was driving tipped | over, burying him under a load of ; bathtubs, which he was bauling trom' the North Shore line freight depot at | Lake Forest. I Bantgart, who is employed by the B. & A. Construction company, of j Lake Forest, was removed from under the lqad of bathtubs by persons who | witnessed the accident. 4 He was removed to Alice Home Hospital, where, it is reported, his 'njur'es are quite serious, and he may be suffering from internal hurts. So ar attending physicians have been unable to determine if there are any broken bones. a ... also march into the church for a very short service around the Uuristmas tree. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN GUY B. 8MOCK. Pastor. Miss Ruby Willlams. Organist TRUCK TIPS OVER Forest Friday. <46 o "dont 'W GUARANTEED HOSIERY--Samples, your size, free to agents. Write for proposition paying $75.00 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; must wear or replaced free, Quick sales, repeat orders. International Stocking Milis, 3407 Norristown, Pa. 44--tt plete line quality Auto Tires 'and \takes it A real bargain Phone 212.J Tubes. Exslusive territory . Exper-- m":::a& ience not necessary. Salary $300.00 . LEGAL per month. _ Milestone Rubber Co., 'A: East Liverpool, Ohio. 52--1t | L 1 HEAEALIG 4 WLAERL * Ab es e as The su't of ilirdred. Wallnce, of Libertyville, against Edward Wallace, was dismissed Mon. in cireuit court, as was also the crossbill fled by him, both for want of: equity,. . Wallace, who was charged with drunkeness, WANTED--Man with car to sell com-- CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH, derital gold, platinum and discarded jJewelry. Hoke Smelting & Refining Co., Ostego, Michigan. 46t1 DRESSMAKER--Mrs. Chas. Brown. 632 N. Milwaukee Ave. 49--4t WANTED--More people who want to sell something thru the want--ads of The Libertyville Independent. Classified Advertisements AGENTS WANTED TELEPHONE NO. 1 never seen him intoxicated, offered to o. F take her back but she refused to ' Dollar and a half wheat will bring Jm to everyone who depends upon the farmer except the man who ':wlulim upon agricultural dissatis-- LOST--Tuesday mornlig, three bow neckties. © Finder return to Mrs. L. E. Blythe, 202 E. Cook Ave, 52--1t FOR SALE--Lot 58x240; shade and fruit, all improvements; Lincoln Av. Only $1500. Sellers & Petersen, 2t Tully Radio Set, in cabinet,. First $35 wIll be entitled to now fruther sup port from Wallace. FOR SALE ---- Three tube Bremmer _ ADJUVDICATION NOTicE Lyel!l H. Morrie, Attorney. Public notite is hereby given that the subscriber, Executor of the Last Will and 'Testament of Oren I. Luce, deceased, will attend the County Court of Lake County, at a term there-- of to be holden at the Court Hopse in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of March ~next, 1925, when and where all persons having c aims against said estate are notified and requested to present the same for ad-- judication. GILBERT T. LUCE, Executor. Waukegan, Ill., Dec. 15, 1924. YOUNG MAN WANTS PERMANENT ~ place on dairy or general tarm. a FOR RENT--67 acre farm within mile of Antioch III. W. H. Quinn, 927 OrndAu..Wg.m. 50 3t FOR SALE--Pure bred Seotch como{ pupples. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St. Road, 2 miles west of Liber--| tyville. Phone 678 J 2. 45 tt | FOR SALE--Gray touring car; good condition; price reasonable,. Call phone 139--J. + A3--tf _ Wm. F. HAFEMANN AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE J FARMS FOR SALE Libertyville, Merry Ckristmas THE HOLIDAY SEASON AGAN AFFORDS OPPORTUNITY OF I WISH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS YOUR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR AND WISH YOU A MOST JOYOUS CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. THAT THIS COMING YEAR WILL BE FILLED WITH GOOD HEALTH AND PROSPERITY. -- L. A. MURRIE isbing vou LIBERTYVILLE, -- ILLINOIS Milwaukee Ave. Tire Shop MILK AND CREAM And life was all a game Of merrimenit and friendfy sport ; And so we wish for you * Christmas of the jolly sort, And a Happy New Year, too. Each heart was full of childlike glee In the Joyous Land of Used--To--Be Cbristmas FJop Brestings L ay | to get a good oar for little m .,_;lum'fl?:'m Phone ILLINOIS trade on a new Chev sold at a reasonable to get a good ear for Quick service. _W. Bai: Rockland Road, first house River, Libertyvilie, HL _ WE HAVE FUNDS IN ANY AJB FROM $3,000 UP, TO. LAKE COUNTY FARMsS. f §%, PER ANNUM. REASO! COMMI8SS!10ON AND -- ATTRA PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES. DIXON, GURNEE, ILL. cmmnnnnnmmnmnmnnmmmmnemmenmemmmnnmmmemnnnpnnmemenmensenmenennnneatamen MONEY TO LOAN--We bare sid«;rable amount of spescial 1 loan on improved ftarm or g MONEY TO LOAN _ *J ¥ 4