l Legend of St.. Dorothy Toeo True Bt. Dorothy, a Christian martyr of | When we see io the newspaper that _|L _ .. ~ Wes Wourth century, is genera'y pic-- something has come down in price, we K €<~: tured as dropping rotes and fruit from | always find that it's heltom or some-- e following a legend that she | thing cize that we don't need any of -- 1"'300-"-!-." jost at presint--Ohis State Journal, T . Ius, a doubting apectator at ber death. e &* wmmumwmummmw § Aw'mmmfi.fi-am.mu: c #ziay 'not be exceeded without spe-- not --ahare it. "Why, It's too \*»~~--alni--effort.--Bo far as expenso WAS | tate to think of going there,: isn't' --|-- .: ~«concerned,; John-- Mennering bad | it, Dianet" 1 'Keer Thought of That? ':'__..,V..' a . E 18 ' loop,. . .w. noever~ go m 'nmww.w"" iss "ottich dennt MHeal ware'| When there is any place else 10 #o,! oimg, * Mre. : Mannerkny, Bob's _ "_ tesler, hos.just telephoned Jerome | 3° ®® Th®®T" .. . 3 5 5 Shcumainis * 4 imablds "h.t., | "Mot on your lite," he. 1edi _*| ... _ CHAPTER 1V--Continued _ '-- \afe canvess, published by the Star | in 8 braute attempl to appoar alert (I wouldn't it I could.". And Mar . <~Shat morning, show that District|S2d awake. < "Din and 1 just get, forie calmly walked away from the & y John Monnering 4s almost| wide-- awake. about ithis time of: orted youth to pause in the .«\ eartain of re--election. Wallece de--|D'ght--hey, Dint"> -- j as Diane--grew more per-- :...hmlm'b"'" For this loyal: support, he was to sistent. 2 ..> worrying" and bids him "pet|be but poorly rewarded. Calmly, |_"Come on, Bob. Be a good sport. _--_ _ Busy/' It is the twenty--frst Dirth--|leaving him in the lurch, Diane} 'I'll show you the time of your Hife ... Cy of Bob, John. Mannering's 40n, | made for Bob and'slipping her arm| at Calkin's Inn." ~\** --anda dance is being given Sonight | throi u,mm..mkml [w"mu.a. It was -- _ _ MW@the country club. va wwoved that rexardless of-- 'her han . ulin ANULA unt halitia 'har _i'..__nhnntywm.h("!'. ~*] ~Rilesn Had not onty busied herseit > with.the list of guests, but had been C In frequent conference with differ-- _ . sent members of the Club's staf. * _.*. MNow, all this effort had been re-- --~/ WTHEWIFE WHO WASNT WANTED" with irene Rich is a plcturige --* -- o tham came Bob, ftairly radiant "Good night, good bys,"* he cried, but in his eyes lurked another mes-- sago: "Btay, why got" A "Good night--good bys," they an wwered, and in their faces too was written another massage: -- "We don't want to go--give 'us but «n akeuse and we will stay." ® Kren as they waited with rague winily speaking, mmim at-- Calkin's ton t" Muslf,; tonight, setting in Bob M&am| > "Calkin's Iont he : Sione moan of . the -?A Molly, a touch of high life to lvenA mmm%.umu' ' $ * banjo-- and jass, king-- had| . "A slumming party?" Molliy was --omtsumemenmen | 1OMPt@d and yiclding fast. + ~ "Blumming party! Gresat Hear-- §\ . L.« ~~---- «Jflenps, no, thild! We'll dance--Oance flflg ~] |to real musioc--music with pep." + L* <----£] --"At this time of nightt" | AnBaing in Hs mystarions $10088.) . o . uns "Geing home? The very \Uiea~| "PtL Murkerise--~--" Mhe sahot a glance at Thio whose esc Ués were already leaden from want €To be sontinned) temptation in the person of DMane Avacious, she paused in the Aoor-- way of the ciwh house clinging to the arm of Theo Saturn and her gay, careless laugh war lUike the nong of a atren as she gased at the wuliting group without. . ."What, going homet" the eried _ Again that lnugh of Diane's rang|plain. flh._o__";t_Mh- "Ne, Rilty." y n""--"'--li"__a.fi" ".*-j'fi-* . & -- flls . -- . + o _A sheak 4 mm'm. -- AfV. | |when 1 came in." 'm'l'"'l.fli-.hn' Dians rested a Warner Bros. t »Come on, Bob, let's finish your '_I_'._'L-- | "Come on :-.'lodl.c:tc::lm lmmmm jook 'uhoulder as other Bob, had his way, eyea upod him. J,mm-u Eren at the And, Indoed, from just within the edge of the porch, he hesitated as palm decorated hall, nothing of this t halt minded to tarn Howevrer had escaped the sharp eyes and that imp of mischiet, Diane was not wars of Marjoris, regardlass of the ~-- salow in sensing what was taking #uct that ahe was not alone. " plate. _**What are you going to do, Mar--, ; "Come on, Bob, if you are going." Jorlst* pleaded her companion, 1e whe urged reaching forth from the guarding her with undieguised ad-- ear to tug at his sleere. miration. | StHll he hesitated. Mlh:: on »ot. ('mumm _ "Go home, of course, Billy," she sp6d awAJ Amidet & chords 6f mer-- my altppers and wae upstairs in my Hitls bed in a jify: 'Disne, what time 44 you get in last night? mother asked nexrt day,. 'Tou cad They don't know the meaning of the word late there,". she thrilled.' "IVs the yery best time right now?| rvv :'- -'-.&--'. -w|.-.'t; ¥K 1 stayed out until morning." } -- "Dearte, aurely you harse & keyt" ' Jn the population of Ure at the rate of 8.88 a giz!s shoulder. "Mother must not hear. ~Just be caretul. Ton can yet away with murdat X you a»e earstal 'Why, the other night i wuk daylight when Theo and 1 startad home from Calkin's, wasn't it, Theot" ... "Bute,"* responded that worth vieapily, appareatly still trom the afftects.of the trip. "No body around bet the inilkman--the Ill, ole, brightered milkman" . would have chilled a less persistent Blind was this youth or ha must have remarked her wandgring gane and the uncsertainty of her anewer, "Tith whomt" ABbut mother would hear me = ' --' Fee Saity tor Fish l yer M is Déad wen containe nearly &# | of of } Bob Aushed and his temper Aared : .ms he stared back at Marform®ta But 3 . . J# that day he entered mannhood's ; _ J patate, xouth has its pride,. _ _ _ ' Mean individual One's --notion: ofa hopaleasly . -.-m-m'n.&m': ~| the current magasines fArst, so shel ' | ont the pages. --Buffalo Rvrening Times a Frenchman. This Frenchman was | Scarce, but when it does occur is gon-- a German prisoner in a fortress at | traily of a brilllancy exceeding that of Coblents and with a parasol contriv-- :-M a:zcm ance he dropped safely from the for-- at Parls a collection treas walls to liberty, Back in France of green--tinted @amonds that ie hbeld he pertected the 14en. -- to be of the finest, but at the mussom The British air forceé's use of a para | Very rare are diamonds of the black chute, perfected by an American, ro | and romp--colored varieties. 'The greon calls that the frst lifesaver of this | Mamond is much more common, 'The kind was conceived 182 years ago by | "gramsgreen" --variety, howerver, 's a Prenchman. This Frenchman was | Scarce, but when it does occur is gen-- a German prisoner in a fortress at craily of a brilliancy exceeding that of Coblents and with a parasol contriv-- :-u a:mcm ance he dropped safely from the for-- at Parls a collection treas walls to Hhertr. BRack in FPrance | W grtontintsd Mamonds that is beld 'wfim c-:'.;om'c.:.': mous was Btevenson's character Mares in "The Wrocker." This in sald to have been R. L Btevenson's favrorite charactor, ----+--#or un instant it seemed as if 'ahe would follow bim, bat with an 1 "You must tell me, dhar" paer vating titter. 1 "Wel, thent* the universe. 1 Ignoring Dianes Marjorie moved tc I" "Bob" she sald propristorsahip, "yc Uttle domfort in it. Eren at the edge of the porch, he hesitated as t halt minded to tarn Howevrer that imp of mischiet, Diane was not talow in sensing what was taking xhX VA ,mnnmmflamn' | "Nobody has any strings on me, mwuhmu- he declared hotly. more Eilleen thought of Bob's trip Diane tittered. nmnm:w'hz_..y | "Well, then?" she inquired Of| Threy's car at that moment she the universe. would have found warrant for even _ Ignoring Diane and the r08t. \ prestor anzloty. _ -- Marjorie moved towards them. ___|~ Hait asieep, Theo was in no con I~ "Bob," she said with an sir Of| gition to drive. Under his drowsy proprintorship, "you can't go." guidance the car rwerred so badly | Again Dimne's giggle was a be}> |tnst gven Diane was mored to ob-- lows to Bob's tempoer, What rgBE | jeetion. | And .nymu-mm after the Aeparting car, % her 1tps trombled and a asob caused The protty little party dress, which ahe had donned with such Joyous anticipation, to quiver as the leavres | "Come on, Bob. Be a good sport. I'll show you the time of your lfe at Calkin's Inn." ' Marjorte's eyes rounded. -- 1t was 'as _1¢-- sha ennlda not halleva har [ A»> loyal KRenchman, Theo lifted his heary Hds and grinned. | ""I¢ she has strimgs on --you, don't and gave a derisive laugh. . Bob! 1 didn't know that 1 was Gazing straight at Marjorie, Diane seemed to read a cnallenge. Sud-- let us 1#A4 you into mischic¢t, as 1t she could not believe her ' "Ob, Bob!" she cried. 4 . The group on the porch turned. The heary pertume of her was in, his nostrils, and the warm touch of her soft form agninst his body as wheo reached for the accelerator; with her too and the big car leaped about Bob's #«houlders and «nug-- yling up to him. "You drtve as i thets werse some brains in your nut. Now show me what you can make the old bus 40." + "Theo is Eriring Uke a boob.". Bob shook his head, lost in his own Tboughts. = i e e o Et the North Shore Line., For full mation, ask P ne | fldnpftenpstn tenrerybat Jnt io ob "Shaake siesd hon and R. R. Co,, 79 W. oy. Heo'll ditch as surse and @idn't they dear?" continued Filee®, ,'| y ang enthusiastically. ~ "Especially dur> ' | ag the lait ing that last dance. And the din-- tershalt, at more delicious than that 1oo?". ol'. and Still Marjorie was .s!lent. . > moved ~to "And those Wrench pastries,.di4 | he*will be you try themt" \~~,. ~.. . f Bervice Co Marjorie had, but now sorrow had -- --|~ ~Miss Bes embittered their imemery, f and Bunda; "The punch, you--liked that too, the Dartmo didn't yout" * . Mrs. Ha: Engroszed as she was in the eve number of ning's delights, so ope sided was. --| noon in ho the conversation that even Eileen | 48Y. . . marked it. ~Casting a sharp glance Mr. .and at Marjorie, she sWiAdenty seised . | moYed to t her by the shoulders and twisted mz_.: her towards the lights. ° ":""' . *Meriorte, gou are erying! What _ | yine caneg Ju the matier, deart" > "M+. "hnd -- Stifing a tell--tale sob, Marjoria sol teft H ~--**Tell me, is it about Bob? _ Whait .. L. w »__a crowd and went to dunce." send for my car. Wo'll stop and~ got Bob on our way home" h l puugey ~~ «m oys aieo sn icti . .Afi on ~=... on copite in t on «o. conpntizaticty.. ... e nartie uns ze done?" > acc * y . | on friends here last week. : BtHUH "Marfor!s "shook . her head. % Vic Mason is now at alsted Rileen. "I'm his mother, L _| some Hime at the home of her daugh of. carse and prudence> that: you claim to be, Diane, this mother's tones were no compliment to you. "To Calkin's Inn--alonet" : In Dresden in to be sean the most pot: fect specimen of this colog, ~:=z--s0 much to meo--maybe 1 can promptiy. *"I've looked for h-' everywhere. 1 was certain 1 would find him with you. John eapn't get Ut Leaningrad, In fhct, they ars as Anmiliar to the inbabitants as erop-- ons of Venarins arse to the popoln MHon of Maples,© _ -- ~ "With Diane Bledsoe?" Disciple m mt 2 . SOm . Aeei t xB -- Sm Reanee. +.2 A | ~Her unbeappiness hidden by the shadows of the porch, Marjorie did ------s0 much to mo--maybe I can . | The--Gagemere clubMouse was al* 1 ----" » moststeempletéely destroyed by fre "Bob's gone," sobbed Marjoris ® last Wednesday night.. It i# thought "Gone--gone wheret" ' -- Mrs. Barsh McClintock of Round City Often Flooded {To be continued) * 3 That Mrs, Wm. Richardson of 1i4berty-- * ¥ille called on friends here Monday, orln Mr."and Mfe. P. W; Newhouse and l Mrs. Bert John=on entertained the members ot the Cemetery society and * | several triends on Woe@nesday after-- ' 'was served and all ~departed birthdays. She was the ) ot . | --Mr,. and Mrs. Margquis Bhaffer visit-- ed the latter's sister, Miss Lila Bat-- . | tershall, at the Lakeside hospital, Chi-- cago, Bunday. Miss Battershall is re-- covering=--from a serious operation, A number of friends gathered at the, «home of Mrs. Chas. Beckwith on Mon-- ':, mfignn"'. anni «s M' versary. At: »m'&na' afterncon a delictous lisgh sportsman has become so tame that it eats from the same Mash ab the greyhound that captured it * Miss Bess Wagner spent Saturday and Bunday in Chicago allutx . Mrs. Harold Hucker entertained a ' In Slavery Days BReveral aristocratic families of York owned ® slnres each in -- §1000Renmard! ===*=a Egypt chas afforded--more : examples of coloseal work than any other coun-- try, It is said that the Great pyramid contained 7,000,000 tons of stone. pumber of children -- Saturday after noon in honor of Ruth's eighth birth-- Mr. . and Mre. Jatk Waters have moved to the Geo. Schlosser house. Villa called on friends here Sunday.| _ _ he*will be employed by the Public Mrso. L G. Smith was in Chicago on Queer Com 1%:,@"} Direct to the heart of Chi-- 1 renog thares in cpren -- 4 montmammnindiiepoine 4# setvice returning from thc ~j&mm: "_iuo--unoke,' e, no IN ADDITION--47 Chi Unequalledafter--theatre ser-- 3 cago --Milwaukee trains 6 vice--nine trains leavhg.t; daily. j | Loop from 10 p.m. until 1 a.m. Save money; use a 25--ride or 10--ride ticket Same half-- » Same half--hourly express _ £ Clean, comfortable trains; Soor.. Have--an al wunt to be in the meaps IH have to go out back.of 4be | in some mental bospitals. garage to smoke fy pipe."~--Cinetre| ._ _ _ _ _ """""*** "m es, chile, why don't you let 'bumflqluhfino §o ~long youh 'Teet won't de 3 THE GREAT LAKES NAVAL < -- TRAINING STATION CGlazed sash suitable for storm sash glazing in Porches, in a1 shape, 956 and up. ' 64 a pasle WRECEKEING | o. .. Hew Wall . at a man's Apnlernles Moukt --QOpportunity's Way > "Opportunity. sometimés. makes 'a mpoimigint c ME "....J <."fl.'f"_>r.¢',"--. Many Hibernating Animeals --_~ Among the Wibernating animals are bears, crocodiles, ground hogs, porcu-- days, is still the only. method 6# |