o _ > t in Syria are not strangers 5> *to. fevettion," Geciared 'Gesere) Bar. i ce uie t * . ce o enc 2202 _ "Mes 'Committeo on Foreign Affairs.|tacks sauftfered by Col. John C. Coo-- <<~--i@emeral Sarrail did not explain this }dge, 80, father of the président, _~*~~-- Obristian inbabitants of Lebanon, _ ' Mader Joseph Karam, hare been re-- _« * melving arms> from the French and _ .~-- Pare--moving. out against the Cruses. . .--_ ~®@ to Sitdon on board gunboats--and _ Apear to be rapidly zgaining power _ --~* "the situation throughout all Syrta -------- Bo the west and south of Liobanon and h. Lp fighting is :reported : in .progreoss --~-- dn ~morthern ~Merdjayoun -- district, Ait-- «~ --~ 4een miles fromBidon,--where <the -- Mbar East Relief and the Presbyter --~~S%an.Board of Foriegn Missions hive a American ) __. ~ @08 in Germany, have occupiled all vil-- n cnruecmes ~--|| -- * Horse Markets Coming Back ---- ||**"*""M"V"*_* _ _ i"ghft;'u':. h4 4 * mane en 23 F -- BR .. Prsig 5y / ---- |___= . _ $7=~WSR 'VOenp in Tht buvint rewer cof fit ueists ---- _ s _ & _ C ge ; $} ".,3"3:};_\ k mm flr---' y amie . ah . ih Th is oi o. on o on hi o m o k i e mM |, . i. 4 es * eees) _| OJOJ' U P P' T U' TY Heaal°|[°[°L_[L]|. Ghieaso, Nov. 18. --Two . 'bandits «Aae c | se S | : | meavere mm 3+ K4 |--> & 'Tortune 'in jewels:'in the 1e > s ul fat i ss> =='..!.......- s"a"'.' ,_ i Jemrelery © company's > store '-.I!I v s -'?M- g a L \' e --~ Situation--Grows 'Wore Critical Remoamrmem | _1 . a mim|_| | [ T | T/ ]| N3 today "cleverly got themselves pssi . MBre aiso a@vancing to Nabtich, --~Belrut now appears to be 'the cen-- ter of the operations of{the Insurree tlonists who are<apparenttly planning fot a drive on the city, in an --effort to drive out the 'French: = 3 i k operations are Also dn .prograse ORIVE OVUT -- © FRENCH Brown and, gray Flannel One lot dark gray Flannel -- shirts, A $1.50 value ........ Khak!i and Chambray shirts, a«lightly sofled, only a 49 tew left. Special....... 427C Double Elbows. A $3.50 Value.. Shirts. A $2.50 TFHG \ ccupustrcs Wool apun heavy weight Medium Weight Union Suits, Army Wool Drawers and Union Suits, Cotton, THIRD ANNIVERSARY SALE| «unsc eescus "SALE STARTS FRIDAY,° NOVEMBER 20th AT-- 9 A. M. 1.65, 1.95, 2.25 92 90 UNDERWEAR ARMY EAbh4al tit Clizaiadt h. Toipe | __ $1.65 "* _ 05e * ___ 95¢ hz $2.30 . $2.65 meesrcrry * 05¢ Buitcases at Reduced Prices, Black or Brown eryptic statement but he did emphati; .. , . cally declare that England was not|""**" horses of the wagon type welghing 1,400 to 1,000 pounds,.-- 'Prices hbave--ad; «wanced from the extreme depression of two years ago. s m '-- «ow soon the turning point will be reached on the rank --and 'Ale--of 'horses | . ~ is uncertain. _ Previous cycles of horse and mule prices:as 'the age | .----__---- companying chart have veried greatly in length. 'The first lasted~ecleven years. ftrom depresston to depression, the second eighteen years and'the present z: ~ > J# mlready twenty--severf years. It seems logical to belteve that --an upward| _ _ 'tgrsi.in.prices which will last for a decaide or longer will stait before Jong |_ 0 fl"gudhomudmmfl-mhb-mfima «will get 'the benefit of that advance by. the time they reach marketable--age; cCorren Good horses arethe exception on farms today. --It is unthinkable: that good farmers will be content with plugs~for Jong. ... *. * $ Cmnarks tiorse markets are coming back. As both farm and clity --are demanidiagmore Reebhack Agricultural Foundatton based on a--study of the trend in the buying: «power oOf farim horses during the past §7 years _ > * 4 Low prices probably will continue to-- discourage horse--and mute préduc-- 'tlom and cause a falling off in the equine population until:--average prices return, 'to expand in the districts possessing the kind of foundation stock capable of: producing the sort of horses the market wants. Attractive pricesare now' being paid.for all good, big--sound shapely --drafters coming'to --market --and z008 lvogthor Driving Gloves Lined, i .erc_.._.. $1.01 Hip Bootsl,r U. 8., Hood and Converse. Full and three @ quarter length, ._____. $4°65 Fa Canvas foe 1 prn 2o 0 ... 19¢ Special .... @beed J Artisan +8 h o e 8 , than $4.50 This Sale weight, 15¢, 3 pair............ & Army Three Finger Mit with Leather Paite, worth 4 , #h oes, goodyear welt. A $5.00 rubber nea@3.95 10 . Dossoh -- Heary speciar .... $2.95 10 Doten Marching [Etee ) ol 3 10 . in i vned CC ut es nogiany . */% ' $1.29 #+ «un 4 08 84 waagts + » awe SHOES! ----SHOES! -- --SHOES! _ $1.95 _ $2.35 $3.95 ARMY & NAVY STORE || '~ATTACKS _ m c emn . dxiyc y . $1.00 $6.50 _ 35¢ Lunch Kits; Complete with Thermos e tt .8 $3.95 . Bple,. Only a _ 25¢ feow Genuine Army gar-- Double Field Moccasin style shoes 4.50 value "*__ $4.65 _ $2.95 P CV Cloth Dress Gloves, Purchased from the Farweoll Sale, 3' $1.00 YRHLD secsncccorenrmesmacees € L k * it timet: specta) ... $1.20 g:'ck| Leather Mits, with Jersey gloves, long [,., 3 '" "~ ,:.--'" ('.:.- .:{Vvv'{ _A:._:-."t _ Taw ~edvoncrt gohardor N not Te $3.85 Re *e GLOV ES Canadian _ Officer's Hi--Top Shoes, Heavy One Dollar--Off On Any Pair of Hi--Top Shoes. Moceasin Style year Rubber Soles a:: .:lnh. Officer's ~ H+--Tops, Only a tew left Overshoes, One Buckie. | T 1 _____ 19¢ _ 23¢ $6.95 U."C. Xrmy Wool Bocks, 1000 pr. "be Ailk Socks, Also silk and wool socks, Special.... Rocks, 206 vralus. This Sale Army sand Nary Cotton Bocks, 15¢ pr., 2 pr. ... { -- ul & fvnmenntannnd § & j J" M Nov. 48. --T 'bandits, r ws'v:;nu-h ;:-wfim :| Bandack mam"m a ~locked .door into <the (place, but thai» Wiinartura a-- mimant® lataor "was Spanish are tow-- on the defensive. and~ Abd:K¥Krim is taking tull ad-- vantage of. the reapite in the Aght-- "Ing due to the weathér. | :_-- --=~ #war in:far from ended, acording to a dispatch to'the Morning Post from its UMEINHE : 2 > : Ne« ~ssun s ns nme n hn ie age i o Sue se c * A. sikigle® antper~ can hold up com-- munication-- Tor days, the --corresponm :z :: *;~ 3 ® TIRAFL _ --UALL -- O# S# A J SA SA ® ing up two men on & towel suppily wagon, trussing them up in the 'back of : the--rvehicle, Mwfld the Heor of <the store toweéls: on Leather Voests, Sheep Lined Coats Moleskin, Corduroy and Whipcord Coats*at Reduced * lkl'?lr lmx/.i':g; ', y H~ a f i# s TE F & l , Louts ~Sandack, -- when_ mozl * & f * hMz <jowels from the vault each z. scA is accustomed to keep the doors s -- & "a 4 z only emplO¥@8.--QOT --R@F--|] :--_--------.----_--.---- m l3 --~ M 1 ~fli .: L...~-- ; ; P# Th handits enat nast him by hold-- Je ~. % * X. ' Ohieago, Nov. 18%.--Two . 'bandits, ms'b::m'h'-:*'h_m N..l Tleverly got themselves M a lo'chulm into <the (place, but their @eparture a moment later 'was Blanket Linsd qA Th bandits got past him by holg-- SWEATERS a& moment later was| -- ©--C~"*~*~ < 0_ _ $1.95 * 25¢ } I| -- CHAS. BERNARD, Proprietor * 59¢ . (A Stx --B + o ce .-----FF------YW"-FY-_-'-'--'--"--.- World's Greatest Values -- . :--_-- Eoeryone Says It --Sales Prove It / _ :>* Ee ~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ! |--~-- _ _'~-- OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS _ ___|__. =--«~~«~~-- --sassed on to i $ . ; : ---- \Quality made Eesex, with Hudson the largest selling "Six" a mmwmmfiw K rAinffen ores t TO Srarr MEMORIAL ' F.,..""" ow RALIEFUL that their lives G had been spared and an ample harvest reaped, the Pilgrims set aside the first "Day of Thanksgiving" in 1621 . . . They knew nothing of the comfort of radio, the convenience of gas and M&,ooon, m, we have much to be thankful for. RATEFUL that their lives t3 * 765 at | paralysts; He'had been iIl 'Hive years. by one HMeme Cervice Duparement in b4p