_ FOX LAKE GOLF-- _ _ > COUNTRY CLUB _>~-- BUYS UP GROUND _ % from Antioch. * -- t Johy Walker from Chicago spent_the , 8k end-?h his parents here. -- s Mr.and Mre. !::..r!'mmuon ent" s ned }4rs: Stra peréents ftrom 'Word was received in Libertyvyille . Baturday morning to the effect that *~*~ _ Fox Lake Golf and Country club, one ------af--the ~aporttest ~goit courses in the $ state, is ready to purchase the grounds on which the course is 1o-- cated at a cost of $24,000.-- The club ,> leased the 120 acre tract from Wii-- _ Mam Britsz for the past two years, _ver since the club was organized © in September of 1923. _ * _: An investment of approximately! Mrs. William L. Manny and baby 'Wmh';.mu madg by the mem-- daughter,. Mary ®Katherine, returned k fl' ::":he."cg':"tm'fl:: bome_' Wednesday: of last week vr:;om house _ etc. br . DE the Vict M tal in -- es oi uon delein RAR o0 10 l p ol .2 "house,. but the entire 18 holes wity|! _ Mr. agd Mrs. Will Poterson and *Water.) CA clarge-- spring bhas been children visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'tapped, so that clear, cold water Peterson at Racine, «wis., Sunday. ifor drinking 'purposes is available at! Mr. and Mrs. E. Thayer caled on the _ &ay point on. the grounds. |family of John Palmer at Antioch one m_:h Bands _will be issued for the pur ; day IM84 WeR ===--spyin n o 2 c ; Anyone interested in a high schoo\ for their own community should not amiss the .wonderful chance that . pre-- wents itself next Saturday, Nov. 2ist, at Avon Schoot House. (Avon School is located part way between Grays lake and Lake Villa on Route 21 ) Un that date and at thart scehool #u.xm_km an election so thal you may vote for or against the new proposed Nigh school distri¢ct. _ A Word of Explaination . Regarding H. 5. District A ' E: -E;_udlea id Society-- will meet j'ffir. and Mrs. W. A. Christofferson Land Occupied by Sporty Golf . The nows vrAits. Leian Darnsiac.o_SQUOdeL Jewels, Worth from | .M taily "or" 35 "Ptee S10/tet §54-- _ Bouree 48 PuFOnISAS by _ necusclen c =___'_ * * c $30,000 --to ----§100;000, -- 429 w the nome of soon wathes: She. § ! _ The Mothers' Club will have a méei-- . .. MlSSlflg at Lake Forest | M. Davis. C'Ub Members' ing at the home of Mrs. .leter siOfTK . Fe* I Roger Williams has been very b:iik * s 0 .. Frday. -- y for two weeks and will have to n 'Word was received in Libertyvyillie ';l:.yand Mrs. E. A. Milton bave been'} h':xni"tl;x':"ntl 'mvv':r'jo.w::nt'hlloevill"nbvzib'd 1or al least & week lonker Saturday morning to the effect that ;n antioch for the past two weeks in ", NN 'CC"L CCYCT JIGWP LWHeY®LUCTO"| Mrs John Cobb is very ill with _ _ The réason we say "wonderful Chance." is because it is --very seldor that a district of this size and wealin can be formed an'd still comply with the law on such matters. This is a Jlarge district and naturaily a very wealthy one. li iakes in the Fox Lake dfktrict, Ingleside, MonaviHe, Brick sehool. Round Lake, Fort Hill, Grays: 'The course is located one and one--hal' miles nort: 'of Fox Lake on the Fox LakeLake Geneva road and overlooks Grass lake. ~A nine hole course was opened for play in the spring ol 1924° and another mine: holes is now under construc-- tion and well on the way to comple tion. The fairways have been plant-- ed wit' creeping bent grass. 'The club has its own completely stocked nursery and through winter work, the second nine will be openmed for play next «pring. omm agcue s 2. m L M e E1 n g c t 'members. A tota\ "Oof '$27,000 has m subscribed.. At the-- present' there is absolutely no indeb--, tedness, the operating expenses of| the club having been kept within, the income. During the two years| that the club has been in exlsmee'? there-- has Pu not one assessment having happened in an adjoining LOWD. zh.( the\ members, The nvenml Lake, Villa was we'l represented at past year from outside players| Gurnee Saturday. -- The Royal Neigh-- was more than $4,000. ~ . |bor todge from here was invited for -- The club now .bhas a membership dinner 'and to spend the afternoon Of 100. However, a few memberships with the Royal Neighbors there. Sev-- can be purchased at the present timejeral new members were initiated and Present officers of the cluwt, are: taken into the Gurnee lodge. President--H. L. Scott. ___________.._ Charles Jarvis returned recent-- Becretary--N. Robinson, Jr. |she went for treatment. Mrs. Rush s M{:r-;:-'-homfiuh- g. » Hussy has also been il} in the hospital Poliowing rectors: G. + sast Wauk were sent fow-- Liany, Hinms Wails L C. Mile. ors oy Ignds from nere. . " , /0 Becretary--N. Robinson, Jr. . Treasurer--Wm. G. Nagle. Following are the directors: G. P Landry, Harold Watts E. C. Miller C. E. Skillin. A.@pD. Brewer, A. H lake, part of Gage's Lake, Sand Lake were located in a village where other and Lake Villa. things might interest them after K# this district is voted next Satur-- school hours. GéHay, you will know that you can have _ There are a few things that the u bigh school that is second to nome voters should remember in casting in the state, excepting, of course, the their votes next Saturday for this pro-- large cities. posed-- district as outlined : This fine school will be possible at A school as good as the best. a very low tax rate. because the terri-- _ A low tax cost because of its being tory it embodies is large in area and spread over a large territory. rich in taxable propertyr. The taxabie = The best of teachers and complete property in this particular district is ness of high school traifing being Increasing each year in leaps and made possible because the proposed bounds, as our tax records show. Fine territors will be of large size and will UCottages and cosily piaces of business be supplie it with funds aot possible in «e being erected. Gas stations are a smaller district. * being installed not only in the vilages . The present and future good road but througbout the entire district. A system and bus service will make wonderfal lake region just 56 infles transportation easy for all. from a city like Chicago. And, as one _ And now a word to the people of Infinential Chicago business man said Grayslake: B long ago, this territory is destin Your committee withdrew shortly z_wum the playground of 10,-- ofter this proposition was under way, D00 people. ~ the reason for which was never fully -- So it looks as if the times were cer-- explained. sataix rine for a good -- Communits It was the thought of the balance ~--One reason that you should not le{ Yhis opportunity get away from you BoK, is the fact that this present con dition is liable to change at any tim:« I this proposed district is voted down g & this district may join other ubo&dis'rlctn Or a new dis-- trict may be formed, breaking up this Jnfln outlined -- distric', build and operate a high tor superiot to its neighbors, ~~COurnes, -- LiAbertyville and J immda, und at a far lesg taxr rate -- Seo it looks as if the times were cer #ainly ripe for a good Communit» MHigh SAchool. And by the way, a nam has been suggested, "Lakes Commun ity Higk School Mrs. Nina Ebrenberg and daughter. istey. have returned to their boms by them _ This of course, is possible. by the size of the dis-- and its wealth in taxes from LA KE VILLA wh (ADVERTISEMENT) .Mr. and Mfs. Joe Pester entertained ~company from Chicago over Sunday: _ Mrs.»Will Persons' mother, Mrs. Me-- Clure, from Gurnee, visited hber last Thursday. > * w * _ city Sunday. Mrs. Laura Ga'legar entertained the Bunco--Five Hundred Club at her home at the last meeting: A very pleakant afternoon was enjoyed by all. . _ s on l nseven w arts m ies conitomame cnerermnc io avas.m > Chicago Saturday 'and Sunday. 'They also had other other guests from the Fi1day. -- 5 g | _ Without leaving a single clue be-- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Milton have be«:n' hind them, clever jewel thieves have in Antioch for the past two Week8 iD | 5yp)op jewelry _ valued %n $380,00u4 artendance on _ Mre. . Wilton's-- fathelr}>----s390 000 -- _ including Oofe Of _ the Jerome Burnett, who h @uite M}WIt! |onvest ang most valued ltl'lnllu;' pleuhisy. . * ul' ... lperfectly matched pearls in the Mi®g Howard Wilton visited his brothe" gie west, from the -- Lake .. Forest Oliver Wilton, and family in Chic@E® npome of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. several days last week. . -- _ 'Seudder. . Henry Curl was a Waukegan visitor Saturday, John . M. Phillippi and family and Mrs. C. W. Talbott were in Grayslake Thursday.. .. ..-- & Mrs. Lois Avery visited 'her sister, Mrs. W; B. Smith, in Waukegan Thurs-- day and Friday. _ Mrs. William Becker spent laht week in Chi,ago with relatives, being caled there by the iliness of her daughter, Mrs. Nelson. L Mrs..Jpe Pester and Mr. and Mrs. John Nadr were in Waukegan Friday. C. B. vwix and William Walker, Jr,, were in Waukegan several days last week in attendance at the Harc--Holt tral which created much interest hbere having happened in an adjoining town. Elizabeth Chrisianson of Grayslake visited Lucile Pester Sunday. -- _ Mrs. William L. Manny and baby daughter, . Mary *Katherine, returned home Wednesday of last week from the Victory Memorial hospital in Wau-- kegan. : s * * ho Lake, Ingleside and Tong Lake por tions. whete sub--divisions and increas ing taxable values are everywhere. . Orabe, at Glenview. Telephone, office 163, or residence 20 J. On all business calls, charges may be reversed. ut Another pleasant thing about this new proposed hifh school district is that the location which is governed by '«w and sMected by the voters (that is, the law says that the location must be so that all will be treated as near equal. as possible. Them a fow loca tions are choseén that waUort be Tair to all. Then the voters selectiml by bailot the location they want.). +Fhe 'ocation wi'l not come in any of the villages of the 'district or real Close to 'any of them. . * This in itself will probably please the parents, for they will know that their children will be more apt to come home promptly when school is over than they would if this school were located in a village where other things might interest them after school hours. All Welcome. Bunday School Teacher--Children, €0o you know the house that is open to all--t~ the poor, the rich, th> «ad, the cbunpg, to main and to wowman, to yo=~n: and to old--do you know ghe i: > I mean*" Small Boy--"Yes, m(« -- he Stationhouse,* . There are a few things that the voters should remember in casting their votes next Saturday for this pro-- posed-- district as outlined : A school as good as the best. A low tax cost because of its being spread over a large territory. * The best of teachers and complete ness of high school traifing being made possible because the proposed territors will be of large sizte and will be supplie it with funds aot possible in a smailler district. n« It was the thought of the balance of the Committee to drop the Gray®-- ake t--rritory out of the formation and proceed, but on meeond thought it wase agreed that in fairness to all that A vote @Should first be taken to see if t was The wish of the majority in Grayslake not to be included in the pre«irnt proposed district before a new territory _ was formed, composed of Fox Lake, Ingleside, Round Lake, lake Vi¥a and other territory. f It is the opinion,of this writer that no one in this present proposed high echool district well ever regret having vated "ye«s" in this matter next Bat-- urday. Nov. 21, 192%5, when in future years. he or she, as the case may be, tan present to F¥our child. or children a'high school all your own, as good add complete as the best, at a very low c3 to all.. . . 4 I thank t and future good road bus service will make easy for all. word to the people of Wodne;.dlu ('ov;alltln; the Bcudd:n; Unbroken by the last of ftoes." gave a ate oween or . s | 15 'couples of Lake !Fomf"r:{'l ot? © This hymn which was sung in church them wealthy and socially promi-- by Mrs. Ra'ph Meyer, Misses. Mabel nent. Lo p s |\Hans and Ethel Umbdenstock and One theory of police is that the| édorph Kalkbrenner Thursday, Nov. thief, who had been informed by an 5, fittingly des,.ribes the pealeful de-- acromplice where the jjewels would parture-- of Mrs' -- Louisa Katherina be found, entered the home in eve-- Umbdenstock (nee Pahiman). _ She ning dress while the party progress was born at Long Grove July 21, 1848; ed and ,slipped upsta®s unfoticed.> ('baftised ia the same year and con-- Another is that he gained entrance,firmed in the Evange}:cal church in into the room by scaling the wall. ;1863. June 29, 1873, she was united 'The jewels were kept in a dresser. im'hply wed'ock with George Umbden. With <an expertly handled jimmy,"'stock, the well known village black the thief forced the drawer without smith. "This happy unfon was blessed leaving a mar' on tbe_ m-ar] with three children. All her life she BUTMIAEB--~..a~ ~ --_ ~_~u +~s--~.<~-- lenjoyed the best of Rhealth and work-- The theft was not discovered until Thursday morning, when Mrs. Seud-- der sent --a maid into her boudoir for --her watch. TECqTIVD . "+ SVE ---- Sm . _AHC _ Hasrietnn s 2 ]'Im cnroe Chiures, Au HCl HiC SHne SuriNh-- ; sseto. . .. ..=s. 2** . Abnd0yed the _best of health and work: L --ram comteanite t omiton To _1 Sntpe cor onb intes tare c ho i tig e se roneintennne ns rrecgy ie HEemaot cs ns s roemeceh wraamnteie ons uce suraing' thieft nbtained a barnin with: forty. Church. foved and respected not onily around the neck four times, and weeks was ,onfized to her bed. Com-- fastens with a diamond--studded plat forted and strengthened by God's inum elasp. _ _ ' *'wod and prayer, she passed away Furglars broke into two other plac | Monday, November 2, 1925. es =»t Lake Forest during the night,.| She reached the good age of 77 tixing a rug and--other nmflg'}mmmmmr'""--q Tram the--homs of A.~ Trumbull on| Puneral services took place Thurs-- the Waukegara road near Deerpath day, Nov. 5, beginning at the hous¢ at vsvenue, and a Ford coupe {from the 1 p. m.. Rev. Carl A. Stadler spoke A moment later the maid came running back, crying: "You've been rodded. Your jewels are gone.'. & JIMMY USED . -- Mrs. Scqudder immediately notified her husband and police. e L. R. Bebr res'dence on the Wauk> gan r--ad just south of the Armour ext al e 'The jewels were kept in a dremr.I With <an expertly . handled *#mmy,"! the thief forced the drawer without: leaving a mar' on tThe wmWbugany; thief. obtained & barpin with: forty-- Church. Toved and respected not oniy {ive ~matched--diamonds, s --diamond-- by hor immediate family, but as well studded 'pin . of eross design, an a by her numerous=tr'epds and.--neigh: inner ring of immense value. ]bo_n & > a VALUABLE GEMS STOLEN, PROBABLY AT SOCIAL EVENT Police believe that the thieves, mingling with the crowds of society men and women at the opera, saw Mrs. Scudder-- wearing the. Jewels. She attended the opera one night this week. S e The necklace, extremely valuable, is of sufficient length to "be wound around the neck four times, and fastens with a diamond--studded plat-- inum clasp. _ 3 / Botb' familiee were away Mr. Bebhr when notified of the {urglary, said 1» woull arrive Saturday morn In= i« see i( anything besilos the Tord was stolen. Missa Myrtle Peterson c' Chicz was home over Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephencon «.e lving in the Jas. Savage houhe on Main street. having moved from the Pesat fiat on Vi,toria street. se > A comic opera will be presented at the high schoo! Friday eveningk. Nov. 20, under.the auspices of St. Ignativs Episcopal church. O The first meeting of the P. T. A. of the school year was held at the grade school last Monday evening. After a short program given by the pupils of the school, Dr. F. 8. Morreli gave a talk on "The Care_ of Children's Teeth." There was a good attendance and many new names "were added to the memwership roll. Such a showing is very e.eo'q'lng .lg Jhe officers « *'_There will be Thanksgiving scivicas at the Methodist church on Thursday morning, Nov. 26, at 10 cclo,k "Tuesday evening. Nov. +i% tgr Ray*! At the Trambull resideorce, 'the burglars took away an oriental rug. a ba. pin, *«o gold canes, a piir of opera glasses and other articles. We have installed a complete outfit for charging batteries, and are prepared to put your battery in first class shape. All repairs made by men who know how. Bring your battery here and have it tested free of charge. . ' Willys-- Knight =« Overland Battery: Work A K T 1 0O C H H. Deitz, Prop. Rest Haven Garage FREE AIR AND WATER All Work Guaranteed Sales and Scrvice Station our times, and weeks was onfized to ber nd--studded plat-- forted and _ strengthened -- "Wod and prayer, she pas two other plac ' Monday, November 2, 1925. uring the night.| She reached the good *--Trumbull on FPuneral services took pla We are Agents for the | Funeral services took place Thurs-- day, Nov. 5, beginning at the hous¢ at 1 p. m.. Rev. Carl A. Stadler spoke words o fcomfort to the mourning family in German, based on John C:' 39 and 40, and in English front Rev. T: 910 The church building--was fil} ed to overfiowing; many and costly floral pileces gave testimony of the friendship and love for Mrs.--Umbden-- stock and sympathy to the bereaved husband and children. Many relatives . and friends from Chicago, and Mr. and ' Mrs. A'vin Pahiman from Fairmont, Minn., attended the fungral., i She is survived by her husband, who very keenly feels her loss; her son. G. B Uumbdenstock, and,wi'e, who for 17 yeare.shared the happy home life; her daughters, Mrs. m. L. Krueger, of Long Grove: Mrs. William Schley, of Libertyville, who, being sick, could not pay th» last tribute of love to her . dear mother; by two grandch idren Mrs. Waiter Gosswiller, of Long Grove : and Miss Mabel Sch'ey, of Liberty ville: also by six brothers -- Henry. _Pahiman, of Biscay, Minn.; Herman Garret and FErnest, of Paéatine; Wi+ liam, of Wel,ome, Minn.. and John of Lang Grové:" by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Beaker and Mrs. Emma KJeinschmidt, . of Palatine, and by many other rela | tives. . Charles Gosswiller, Stephen Keiler, John L. Hans, M. Kraus. A. ; Maether, and John Keller were the ; paPbearers. L ous Neighbors of the Antioch lodge had a great meeting and took in more than 35 new members. <ALhe Antioch team put on the work in a very creditab'e manner. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Gtideon Thayer, who have been-- spending -- the past two months at Chetek, Wis,, at the homes of their daughters, Mrs. Vickers and Mrs. Hembrook, have returued home. _ Mrs. Vida Mooney and family mov-- ed from the farm last week into the Savage flat on Main street,. _ _ _ Miss Belle Hughes of North Chicago spent Sunday at the home of her par-- ents, here. * . "Asleep in Jesus, Dessed sleep. From which none ever wakens to week A cal mand undisturbed repose, ' ¥ Unbroken by the last of ftoes." e SA e nc ie se e e in n ngeclet agpi ce neatant Mrs. Fred Brown, who has been very poorly for the past few weekh, is on teh gain now. _ -- a2°7 «s =r2 In 1923 she and her husband were so fortunate to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, .erijeying the epmpany, congratulations and gifts of their many relatives. This fall she vis-- ited, in company of her husband, re} atives. in Minnecota. After her return she took sick and,for nearly three Interment took place at Long Grove cemetery, where the remains were laid to reht with scripture reading, prayer and benediction. & "As'eep in Jesus!' O for me May such a blissful refuge be; Securely shall my ashes lie, . Waiting the summons from on high." . THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1925 OBITUARY Phone 632--W--1 Capt. William Smith, for many years a familiar figure on the Lake front, where he was engaged in the _Aside from Richard, he -- leaves three cther brothers: Frank of Mas-- sachusetts; Charles, of Davenport, la.; and Henry, of Los Ange.es. He is a'so survived by his wife and five Culildien: Heriy, Chester, Josephine, William: _ 3 » Capt. Smith. who was -- apparently in robust health up until Saturday, undrewent . an operation for a rup-- ture at the hospital. Sunday mor» ing. Although of strong physiquie, ho failed to rally, dying at an early hour this morning.----The allment at first seemed trivial, and was boliev-- ed to have been caused by a strain. "apt. Smith was hbarn iz S Jo-- seph, Mich., on (O'ct. 6, 186% He had beer. in Waukegan 31 years, engaged all the time in the fishing business. He and his , brother Richard hbad been <associated in the fishing busi-- fi;fi--fi" i.': _i'f m' mnavncgrele _:;'H i'.':'_'ir'}--mm. Capt. Richard Smith, died this morn-- ing at the County hospital. o ness for Miss Belle Watson is expected home this week, after two weeks spent with Mrs. W. 8. Denman in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Denman called ¥%4 # # 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 *# Several from this vicinity attended the R. N. A. meeting at Gurnee last Saturday. f Mr. and Mrh. Charles Strohal mo-- tored to Chicago Thursday. E. W. Fuller of Racine. spent the week end in Millburon. ' HOUSEHOLD NEEDS \ At Money--Saving Prices CAPT. WM. SMITH _ ILL SHORT THE, DIES IN HOSPITAL Well Known Commercial Fish-- <erman _ Passes Away <After Operation. Miss Marion: Neahaus BELOW ARE LISTED A FEW ITEMS FROM OUR BIG STOCK OF EVERY--DAY NEEDS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. NOT OLD STOCK NOR SPECIALS BOUGHT FOR SALE PURPOSES-- BUT GOODS ON SALE EVERY DAY. YOU HAVE AN OP. 12--Quart Galvanized Pails A splendid value for _.....___.......-- Water Tumblers, nice and clear You can buy them at each............. Johnson 'Liquid. Floor Wax, _ Per quart., IJc;. petf pinL............_..3 Universal Vacuum BottJés, s Needed in every home, only....__._ * Sure Catch Rat Traps, Better than-- poison; each...__.____ Steel Wool, the large size, _ One of our best bargains at._.___.... Gold Band and Decorated Coffee s and Tea Cups per dozen.......... Old Englishh Tea Pot, In black and brown, each........_._._ Coleman Mantles for Gasoline s Columbia Hot Shot Batteries, -- s Can be had here for..................--. 100--foot Clothes Line, good for s 5 years, with the handy reel......... Best Ever Round Dish Drainer, Very handy in the kitchen, at.......-- Wilson Gas Toaster, cannot be beat for twice the mMoney....,....__~_..__--: Hardware PORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY AT THESE PRICES: PHONE 17 _ sW i Gas Toaster, cannot be beat Parrot Seed, vifc the money....,....._Z__._...... zoc l Per--POUpQ .----<--serger =i l re:n=myom ces ieces. 3 All West Bend Aluminum Ware 10 per cent Discount' FRANK H. EGER _ of Chicago ! fihmunm.fifl.k'g.fig?ik EY ll : _FYVEO;:REP : now contains _ Miss Ruble Mllings is making ber home with her brother in millburn. f _ Moreeggs, biggereggs,bettereggs, _ ____ .. ' . chicks,'lower mortality. Kight 1\ & . _ new ways to more poultry profits. Libertyvilie, L. «* Antioch Milling Co., Antioch, I!L 8. L. Tripp Lbr. Co., Mundelein. Tibbetts Cameron Lbr. Co., Round Lake, H!. M. H. Hussey Lbr. Co., Lake Forest, IH. . Emil Geest, Aptakisic, 1H. A, J, Merchant Co., Waukegan. Wm. F. Franzen Lbr. Co., Murric Bros., Russéli, !!. $1.00 _ 9c _ 10c $1.50 $1.00 $2.15 $1.35 *_ Plumbing DECKER &A NEVILLE . 29¢ _~ de 58¢ 50¢ 14--ounce Solid Copper Wash Boilers, fOr ... 2.zlzzzzs Large Size Stationary Wash Tubs * Kith Wood Handles,....._....... work like e charm, Griswold Tight Top Dutch Ovens, note the prices: No. 10, $3.75; No. 9, $325 ; No..8, $3.00; No. 6........ sz'zs Double Bottom, Rope Handle: Galvanized Bushel Baskets....... sl 'zs_ One and Two--Quart--Milk, Pitchers, ReRICEU 19 ..... ssm vempienns. 50c Gold Band Covered Vegetable bubes meycegoe * _ $1,00 Six--piece Food Containers, a separate one for Bread, Cake, Flour, Sugar; ° n 7: Coffee and Tea .....__._____._._...__. * N Large Gray Granite Tea Kettles No. 9 Size Copper Bottom, Char coal tin Wash Boiler......._..._....... O--V--B Stainless Steel Kitchen Sets. &9 44 A rare bargain at .. LIBERTYVILLE m .-dm & m Evans Feed Co., Highiand Park. Whulln? Coal & Lumber Co. Wheeling, 111. s * J. H. Patterson Lbr. Co., Lake Zurich--and Wauconda. Lagerschuite & Hager, Gurnee Lbr. & Coal Co., _ ~ Gurnee; I!!. Barrington Lbr. Co., Barringt _ "Inner _ _--Hose" *Silk and, wool zephyr weight, full length. > $1 a pair __T5c -- $2.95 Heating ©$1.50 35¢