Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Nov 1925, p. 9

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E'.- of Clara's verdic:, there was a sigh i passed through the room. At the con-- P > Clusion of the readinx the women ap~ i + probably finding great delight the fact that one of their sex ha -- acquitted. ¥ .* This trial was one of the best at-- s rummumm <t it was impossaikile to get rootm E.'-- ~ im the court . On «reeral days thrs e *""hlnhw ?9- away from the courtroom, although _ "*_~ smanre than one bundred more seats «_ _ .. _ The 'jury went to their room to dr --~. Mberate at 4:20 o'clock in the after-- ..' * moon and ¥oooked at the doot at 9:05 d * 'elotk in the evening, signifylng that ~ sir--vérdiet had been rowched. 'The has aud attorneys were prosent at '3,'$'mu,-n_thm > _ ~IN HOLT CASE -- * --ARGUE 5 HOURS --~ arid Ithink J will go right --back cA mt'nwfil slay in Wauke 7 Inter; as 'he was walkiok x the sourtroom to the jail the who had neurd the verdict, +6 through the bars, _ -- i burrah tor Art.* _ Al1 MHarcq was the same aon commit-- lal Harcq that he bhas been since the _JWras Included in the general acquittal, ~Puly be had been charged ms an ac *gemmory befote the fact. ; _ _ AKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT -- Late Couny's Big Weekly -- WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN "/* o s oo s o t ie s o t en o oi C spaith 9P Nes d n Te c o t o s o e e +o i i o Pnd uin To o d EN w N ie e seA s ©ie C ut TK w6 mocty < 7% * NOL XXXIII--NO.--48 ~ ---- ~BECTION.TWO -- / L[BERTYYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1925 fl'?mfis"'m' ?a?w ig -- .. After a doliberation ot less than ¥ive hours & jury in the Circuit court Ithur Holt not gullty on the tharge Qf murder, growing out of the shoot Ang-- of Mre, IAllie--Holt in her Fox Lake cottage Hept. 20. Charles Beckman, 72 years old, the #t juror, was the happlest man then it was all over. admitting that wan ready to ko straight bhome. . AsaintaSt | State's" Aitorney 8. H. Miloc*k was present lor the etate to ro-- ghive the verdict, as Col, Broith #as «nablsa to come down. --~_ . _' The head hbeen supplied. " WISTONRY OF CASE :--Mra. Hoit died on the evening c lapt. 20 with three builet wounds in ..l?. and one in the hoad. Ablstrom and States Attor-- A. V. Smith rushed to FPor Lake that same evenin« and took up the rwu.mhvhctfl © t that Hme to the acquiital Hept. 21 the autopsy was held with 'mu.nn-tbomtht Mre~ Holt might havre been a sulcide, ulz.'wtm statement the mqmcunn' MHolt had been with friends during the after-- :dmmmue'mm to dinner, causing Mre. Holt, who Wiiomnet en feil Tee teft tor Chicago, atter argu-- Mre. Holt argued, with Clara and Holt aaying that Mre. Holt went into the dining room to committ «@letde. "--The staté has contended since the i o id tw the body. sn _tour Into the body, and P tirel * }> "x4# -,,";..;;'g; y2% 2z Pnd pe hi hns ons 2. Pnd § 0 * <" oL % C 1% y3 * wte ", yPeb hi P h Ao 4 M sigeg t ; ABain us f 18 t px* s % $ t3 y v o. x _ 26. « -- F1 . 3 s f 3 -- & ¥ . aor mm i n n m Rp c o in + ul e : * s 4 * 4 took two woeeks and +~New-- York "Nor, --Hi~Ithea --Wein-- _ Jomeph m 18 year 614. negro, of Iaks Fo Th TNE worulsty qo today after being bound Jus-- 'ueo'i-nm"u Laké» Forést pn a charge of attempting an assault on a Ferry Halt girl. 'The girl, whose name is with held,. is 15 years old. -- NEGRO HELD--FOR MTTEMPT ATTACK ON YOUNG WOMAN THREE < ARE --ARRESTED GOrmmham contracted to--esll to Bart-- lett for $84,000, and then, in view of the sudden wealth after atrugeling tor years to earsn a living,. became mentally H1. Hiils signature was nac plote the deal, but it could s0t be'ifi"-,-mru::: of misd. That broutbt the need of Now Attornaey Klam Clark, for the Grmmbhams, admits that he will hart to go in court in the December term on a hbill of epecific performance, to get the acthority that tha title and trust companjes . to .clear title "mm-%"m'ufl". §9.500 mortank®. Qrakham paid down a binder on a CGalesburg, Iil., Nor. 24--Attorney General Oscar Caristrom prepared today to open the submission of a "1.."" of alleged graft and vice in Island as selection of lm in th* trial of John P. Looney | the initial contract with Bartiett, and this deal still pends, it is understood. Robinson, of Galesburg. -- His dan-- ghter, Mrs. Ursula Hambiin, her-- self an Attorney, sat with him. _ _ and politician, is char; «nlrser to murder m _: Pour jurors were chosen yesterday. Both sides expect the jury box to. be Alted-- by--wight. hi l regtrenbure wit Bd LOONEY JURY IS NEARLY COMPLETE spirscy to murder Willism Gabel, Rock lsland resort awner. Laoney spekt the Arst day of his trial yesterday in frequent sonfer-- ences with hbis Attorneys, O.-- 0. Askren, of Satatfe, X. M., and R. D. i cudtin ud Audic® M h : ce dn ntr mt as sn e sn' uo , Ia., Nov, 2%4--Cliarence Ol-- uy ou roure mml'.'."'"""'"""""'""""""""'"""'mm'z'mnunh-:m% Gimmatod m' move" ns "a minioh" dot | Pit Break 'have ie Detnber "turing | besty peepenty apmage, . [ "" n 59 ce on in w i mc in t pecer c M | n mveaee mrees |-- arvex Mitkky Inory bare bech h * Pn 2 hk thict of tour stoxoal * PEE* * ED-- of A. AT TMQH pseph Slappey Accused of At-- mmwmw bIHLLION DOLLAR 1088 FOR LOVE BALM i x ®<A%BK i AY TOWNSHIP SUES -- FOR $10,000 IN . --The Rer. Peter Clark Wolcott, D.D. tor 34 years rector of 'Trinity Epiz-- copal chuarch, Highland Park, has re signed becauso» of"Ill health, it was ert Holmes wil wot>--as ~pastor: unstil Ir. Woleott's successor is chosen. Pr, Wolcott is the oldest Episcopal clergyman in point of service in one Warren Road Worker Collects For Injuries From Town; Town Sues Truck--Driver * Now. the towuship, in order t& get its money back, is «uing James Calla han, present of the business, and Mre. MWCM. wite of the deceased John Callahan, who was a partper of James at the time of the mccident. In this case Mr. Hulse ad-- mits that the townsahip will hare to prore the Callaban driver at faulit to wWOLCOTT QUITS H. PK. PASTORATE JAIL BREAK ENDS IN MURDER TRIAL e o s t cnpe on e o o t t > . e en Sm s cgen o e § M Te e uie oa: :: ooA ~~_----_ Your Uncle Sam Is Good At "This ACCIDENT CASF AREK DROWNE dreds government clerks passed + 2 route work, bandit | --Athens, Nov,-- 4.--Fifteon petsons :'.g-., 3','""_ wg:;:r _clai: | were reported today to hare b6®D| store superrisor, in a grocery this 'mumq:'-fl"ummu.m- wm* WA#! chet containing $2,000 in cash. '| heavy property damage, . . metmnaianmmmpmamaoppniasmmmnmian" . & . _ --James Fallion of W Who in Addition to REAPPORTIONMENT OF ILLINOIS IS FOUGHT BITTERLY Epringfeld, lHis.,. Nov. 24--A plan to throttle John B. Fergus' mandamus proceedings fled in the state suprems scourt to compel the legisliature to re-- apportion lllinois, will be mapped out today by a committee of five Semate anud House members from the down-- state. « s The document to be drawn and fit ed probably will be a motion to auash and dismiss Fergas proctecding on the basis that the supremse court is with out authority to compel a reappot-- tHonmeant. 1t is expected to be com-- e4@ probauly will 0e a mouion io quash | . -- Tad iss F o4 the and two' other children, Rosemary, 4, '_M m'.'"' """a"" vith and Ruth, 2%, were burned tf will :'.. """-' "'. t live, physicians salid. ML o. & 0'-"'. 1. "uablo, | Mrs. Ruoff met her death dfter she pleted tomeortow. > No '..'" * ho Fark Members. of the committeo are: mulety «ud had rei o e ue k bentloty use E. beck, DPetatur and|Inf bullding io as efi in t oo Ten L. Sikith, Pokht, ama Wepreseaty | SUthr Loe, _ bhs was ttapped and did tives Traman A. Sneil, Carlinville. M. ie ce oajuee eaturn iemeniirnee ts ete, East St. Louls. loses job as motorcycle offi-- NINETY DAYS! INDEPEND Modern Woo@men from Chicago ar4 other nearby cities will be bere Seturday to participate in the parade und county initistion ceremonies. In the prrade will be a band ot Kilties, composeqg of six bagypipes and two drums, and nine Forester teams. The parage will commence at 8 o'clock in the evening, forming at Genesee street and Grand aveaue, marching south on Genesee to the lwtk knfl Ey maastum, -- where the tnitiation will be conducted. Forester Teams From Away To Join in County Initiation KILTIE BAND TO MARCH Camps from throughout the county tion, which be conducted zr e Forester team: and offiters the Chicago camp of Wobdmen. After the ceremony, fivre reels of pictures wi -- be shown in the gym, and the Wood-- men will then go to the lo¢al hball for a banquat. _ Arrangements have been made to seat 400 at the ban-- MODERN WOODMEN PLAN PARADE AND BANQUET SAT. Detroit, Nor. #4--Mrse. Josephine Ruoft and her daughters, Geraldine, 9, and Mary, 1, were burned to death today in their home in Berkeley, a suburb MOTHER KILLED IN SAVING CHILDREN BANDITS GET 32000 _ w9# «t Rysbaya thus far and equipped with parachutes it Is entitre-- ty probable many lives would have been saved when she crashed to earth in--A& mid--western storm, Lieut, 0. E. Anderson, --army air service, de-- clared today before the Naval Court of Inquiry investigating the disaster. '"It is common gossip around Lake-- hurst," Anderso® said, "that the only two parachutes aboard were there jugt to satisty regulations." In some circles it is suggested that the French proposals were érafted and published by the Freach govern ment with the intention of stirring up -- discusslons retardé rather-- than hasten further disarmament. _ Such action !s expectes as a result ot the publication of Freanch govern-- meuxut proposals that no power shali be permitted to mainta'a --armaments whicih are superior to those "which ciuld be assembled by tha siito at-- thckod and the ceague o%f Nations in defense of the latter." ' remains a matter of conjecture in Kuropean capitals although it is be-- lieved that the apparent questioning of the United States naval power may cause the Washington administration to take more than a passtng interest in the Geneva deliberations. 1 the scrutiny of the Léagus of Nuttons 14 1ts" proposed ronteren. : o8 {nita-- tion ut armameuts, 1t was learned Here toeday. _ _ & n . NN--PARACHUTES _ |CAPT. HINESIN---- _ _--_ oN SHENANI)OA-III-~ COMMAND ATV.S. ~ ~ wpmmcton T7 i lma ine in NAVAL STATION _ anthorized ~by--the Washtaogton Copn-- It is pointed out in officts} circles he~e that the French nanl%lnn cian be inferpreted as an effort to e'tect the fteJduction of the American JFud uty Sherifls were to ride as guards today *"bn the milk trucks of farm ers selliag to the Wieland PDairy tompany .paint here. _A ba:le be tween owners of herds certified as Inspected® und Atound clean by Malg agents and owners of non--{aspected berds is the catse. .were syapended --aftar }zgmr..:."x.m of Pré d to reveme pabteation, MILK PRODUCERS FIGHT IN SPRING LEAGUE MAY PROBE NAVAL POWERS OF --UNITED STATES ¢~«~ % By H. K. AREYNOLDS "UUE EL o.A vn K rag B* Sathieg wteg ie J The Wieland company, acting on orders from health . Commissioner Herman N. Bundéesen, of Chicago, romising to bar milk from non-- L'»oel" cows, had notiled all pro Cucers in their territory that on!y milk from inspect=d cows would be accepted. Seventy4ive per cent ol the herds are so inspected. f France Wants Equal Power With United States And > --~--Rome, Nov, #4.The socialist news 'bapers Avanti and Gtustizia and communist newspaper Unita, which The herd owners who hare not réceirved such certificates banded to #ether, however, to prevent delivery of milk to the plant by the certi-- fled herd owners. Clubs, fists and stomes were in evidence and little milk actuaily reached the plant. To day, it was planned, deputy #heriffs would be assigned to guarantee de-- UMyery and the state agents prepared WILL RETARD MOVEMENT to proceed at once with inspection of the berdw of farmers not yet cer-- tifled and the destruction of herds tound to be tubercular or in ather ways unfit for milk production. _ There is a sthtse appropriation of $1,000,000 to bear part of . the ex: pense of destruction of all dissased milk produeing berds. Wahco, Neb, Nov. 21 --The com-- pletion of the jury to try Adoiph Smetak, %2, for the murder of his tather with a hammer was |.. pro« pect a% court reconvened today for the second day of the trial!. Spring Grove. Il\., Nov. #4 --Dep TO COMPLETE MURDER JURY BOCIALIST PAPEAR ARESUMES QuEEN's PAINTER SAILS GROVE TROUBLE . Nov. 241--Had the il}-- pects the| Pemngy!vranmia _ ~ _ ~ _ > its »Q':LQ":&'J."_"!_'_':_'!..'L"P'.'..Z'..'E $1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE cago this morning and immediately proceeded to Great Lakes. Tomorrow be will relieve Captain Waldo Evans, U. 8. Navy, who relinquishes com-- mand by reason of his" transfter to the retired list of the Navy. -- The new Commandant of the Great Lakes Naval Training Station and Ninth Naval District, Captain John F. Hines, U. 8. Navy, arrived in Chi-- eral 'ptb'tu:uon . at Great -- Lakes, where' he is known by former asso-- ciates: as a popular officer of great personal charm, kindly but firm as a drsciplinarian, and possessing rare qualities of leadership. Thesa quali-- ties, coupled with. ripe '#€fpérience as a commanding officer, are~ said --to wmake his selectionmideal tor this im« The selection of Captain Hines 4s said to have been received with gen-- Mar Krie{zso(!', 76 years old, sue» cumbed at the bome of Heary Ha# ted. 2300 Elim aveanpe, Zion, Monday night at § 'o'clock after an ilintss-- of orer a year. Death was caused. trom dropsay. P o Cua t country in 1893 after escaping {from 8Iberia where be had been held pris« onetr for 11 years, He was a former resident of Russia but after @ving up the Orthodor religion be wua® Oxiled to Siberia with thousands of otherse. * NenPSC WERTCC WV fog + , -- After mfnuon fromi the United States: Navai-- Academy at Aanapolis Captain Hines servted in the various subordinate commissioned ranks on board of the U. S. 8. Kearsarge, U. 8. §. aAatianta, V. 8. 8. ;New York, °--U. 8. 8. ~San _ Francis co, U. S$. $. Dorothes, U. 8. 8. Hart«-- ford, U. 8. 8. Michigan, U. 8. 8. Cin-- Max Kriefzoff Escaped Russian Exile in 1893 And Came To This Country' ~~-- Successor To Capt. Waldo Ev-- ans Arrived at Great Lakes BEEN 35 YEARS IN SERVICE North ' F #1 &SS "."' T l A '-'.. ~4 ._i,', e s es _ the Nary .szow: *+ha> -- i*«~*<Gy Hines :; ;--. ,* C wa§" dord in Keatacky on " Septeins ~--*7----"_'-- MAN HELD PRIS _ -- ONER IN SIBERIA --~~~ Ht YEARS, DIES _--_-- MHe was connected with the early chureh (of Dr. cLDowie's in Chicage and afte= Zion was founded be went there where he had since resided. There are no relatives. U. 8. Natal War College at Newport, WAS RESIDENT OF -- ZION Funoral services Nednesday after-- nvon from the Husted home on North Klim aveaue. Deacon O. L Sprecher officiating. Interment -- ia -- Lake Mound. COL. COOLIDGE MUCH IMPROVED Piymouth, Vt., lov. . 24.~--Colon®a John C. Coolidge, father of the pres# deut, had so impraved today-- from the acute heart trouble be dfi that Major James F. Coupal, White House physician, decided to returna to Washington. . _ _ _ _ _ Attormey (eneral Johna G. Nargent will visit Col. Coolidge over Thansks giving and will attempt, it iz amid, to persuade the » president's {father to go to Wuehington for the winigt, vicra. Unusually one side m.l: black and the oth color, and startlia WEAR REVERS!BLE COWNS Monte Carls, Nov, 24. --Revers gowns and reversible hats afe | twinkling of an enc mcenmce n pindicoetciifitin o minis wn w MAUNT POWERFUL ks t Bs ... 00. . SEAAA n eenfpcagereer e m cmd Carolina. After attaining com-- This Morning. : ad --startl tra be omia-;' Ly@ e Fi

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