| Putrick O'Shes and escaped with two | DAtmely, that the experts for the 'state would testify as the state e o i n i n Woiriee uB tor dnieies:" Ausd o ie the big maosy oosr and soet , fif&% .d_.,mxwm side--introduces experts to umfy::; ie n p Rebreporero e ©"Urohn Kubilic®, 14, stood on the| UPTttion on the jury for the simple reason that--if one side puts ' .pulled in fromt of the car the money those in charsge M'mm'n!:z' m&tfinwm _ .="We know it." retorted one of the + "Hold up your hands. CQontronted by leveled revolvers, the ,#unmuam Grebe beside whom the po-- in was riding, salid one of the calmly poked a revolver the . glass--enclosure -- of the Artver's seat abd fired at O'Shes. and fired onse before toppling trom the -- seat. Immediately shooting be eame general and two of the robbérs selzed the money chests and fled back. One was seen to fall s . hss 500L _ The incongruity of introducing--so--calléd medical expert advice A Risks Hail of Bullets To in murder cases was forcefully illustrated in the Holt--Harcq mur-- i .: Get License Number of der case in progress in the local Circuit Court during the past sev-- E5 Bandit Auto .. [}L eral days when both sides introduced expert medical testimony for * ons ts B . | the purpose of trying to prove for the defense that the victim could 'r *~~~~$50,000 > erse then-- --other--hand--similar testimany. 16 _Chicago,: Nov. 24--Six bandits> to--| both instances so--called experts were very decisive in their declara-- day held up an automobile carrying| tion that they felt the shots could or could not have been self-- mmercial Nationk) Bank, shot and| In other words the always--apparent facts were emphasized --Mrs, William Huson spent Friday it the bome of Mrs. Rertha Mech Mrs. Jim Curran spent Monédsy %Mhrr.ln.lhu". . and Mrs, L A. Fits attended Ihe farewell surprise party given in n oihss io Whukoren hondar ATTACK ON CAR spending a week at } and Mrs. Millord 8m w --with the former's . Kéna Smith returned bome z&'.v"&-wlaw ves at Chicago. and Mrs. John Allen and ter Flo motored to Waukegan elatives at Libertyyille. and Mrs Wm. Molidors spent Bell Telephonse company of rville was a business caller at 'uko'?olt'offleolomy. d . Curran and , Mrs. Jim daughter Riinoreo_ spent ay of last week at the Ar and Mrs. Milford --Smith at-- evening at the Harry Al °~ Greenborg of the talent play at tored to Chicago Phursday. j $ "'mo.u.lmmlm.; UL nm YAUI:I Mr. Frask Drammond, Joe. ¥its . f h at Waukegan Thursday evening. varly morning--hours--today, held Mrs. C. :.mmm::u'«mmmm of Waukegan called at the F\07€| eitizens while they attempted to blow Renchan home Bunday. the vault of the First National bank. Mr. O. A. Howard wus & WA8W| They flied in an eutomobile after w,'fl'""."' w George Jones, a stock buy-- y¥ Mrs. A. J. Smith-- 7 7 H. H4. Keivey vr: to Wauconds Monday on business. changed shots with the robbers, but C -fiehl..'*:l"lu}.-nl Ertvren back iota his h¢688. ----* and -- children and Mr. sand MYE| ient marshal OfFde Benham, two _ Mrs. B. K. Thacker is spending a tew d1ys this week with friends and The value of so--called medical experts in such cases to us seems very nil, 'Their evidence seldom geems to create much of an imgression on the jury. for the simple reason. that--if one side puts i-bmfio&fflom'w'mfibm-flma reputation' and the evidence thus is counteracted. The practice of doing this very thing has resulted in jurors looking with askance on the reliability of any of the so--called medical experts. . --_You wouldn't expect an expert for the state to testify any-- thing that would harm the state's side; you wouldn't expect an ex-- pert for the defense to testify to anything that would hurt the de-- féense; and, it seems quite easy, whenever the occasion arises, for ,mumu.nm-wm-mmmm lar side which is willing to pay for."expert" services,. ~ -- _=<© --. Pilings motored io Wieoosa . oo| --AT BAY AND BLQW-- Miss Locile Rosing called on her aunt, Mrs. Ritter of. McHenry one Great Lawyer's Smail Fee A tfuamouns London barrister, whobs fees amount to something like $100, 000 a year, recently conducted a long and dificult cane for a remuneration of lees than 50 cents a day, This was in accordance with an old Eanglish cus tom by which any undefended priv aner Is ontitled on Als appoenrance in _ XKrs. Willliam Frost and > children returned home after spending a few the dock to select any one aft the b risters in court to conduct his case. Libertyville Independ_,ent, Laks County Independent + Waukegon Weekly Sun r dock to select any one of the bar-- 10x16 12518 GARAGES!!" DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN | All material good as new, with new roofing, one service door, three win-- dows and the entrance door, made up ready to hang. See us at Camp Lawrence _ On 22nd St. 14 Mile West. of Shgridan Road 1 Car Let us save you $100.00 MEDICAL EXPERTS #45,.00 18x18 When the central telephone opers tor discovered that wires leading in to tha exchange had been cut whe Ht a red lantern and placed it in the window as a signal to the marshal that ahe auspected something wrong. One of the bandits promptly sashot it to pleces. Sherif Sillls and a fow hardy souls engaged the two patrols in a battle tempt to blow the varit was made. Bo strong was the charge ast of in front of the vault that it pulled of mo-mmumm front of the carrying--fuarni turse and counters before it, and d+-- mnhmmd.- at % 1. m. and eroussd the town by a_rolley of shots in the public equare. MMMMm «bouted that ag--one would be who etayed in their homes. Jones did not heed the warning. HUin condition is not serlous. The v.:wmm.u '7' t + marched to the rear room o the biank The UP BANK VAULT Ne MHelp There out -- into .. the 2 Car houses are not 'A fine sheer quality with a reputation for wear. In eenuerge i 3c MT;&nmd"rlh.Pruqth rench nude, gun-- f metal and black, Featuring the newest shades--to harmon-- acon ~ ze suiy Qhet accessories. e world than wug omm ) I don't waste Phoenix Al--Silk Hosiery i it --~Atlanta | at $1.50 to $2.50 in great variety. #74,00 v@««\ 1 Matchless For Gifts! -- Threse and four--plece suits I'H' al}wool noviaty ~ruaitings. k-.lcpuu_gpg | | In A Special Selling [ '1 Boys' Suits and Overcoats $7.98 |\ Chil --Jren's Wool Dresses r . For Holiday Wear s &A $2.98 to $5.98 **This Store will be closed Wed-- ---- nesday evening as usual at 6:00 P. M. and remain closed all day, Thursday ---- Thanksgiving Day. ;" Rubin's All--Silk Hose cnitton $ 1 .P5 Ful . __, Here are the sort of cloth©s that gladden parents' hearts and cheer --the )'W'fi'"" as well. Made to the strictest specifications ev © submitted, they offer more vilue per dollar than #as every presented by this or any store,. s ie BEHIND THE SCENES Christmas bustle is already here. Rubin's buy-- Unpacking Box After e y C o m 2o o phc es NNE <>| _ $19.78 Dresses Now... .. :. :»15.80 * _ B Already many of our departments ' gu- Dresses Now....~..« . $23.80 yarg offer gift suggestions, ~ | ~*~~~1 _ _ $35.00 Dresses Now........... . $28.00 i--F --Busily , $2.98, $5.98, $7.98 | . 0 sreoats for the boy--her-- ring bones,: beathers and All: won 1 bheary overcoating ma Er&fly.hcychiapolunmt frivolous sort . . . . s ts simply tailored and beautifully finished a a & . . There's a delic¢ions thrill in chooting . . «+ even if you are not to wear them yourself. Charming things to wear underneath that s} be chosen now while stocks are fresh and new there is plenty of time for careful selection. ~ "The Best Stove ~On the Novth Shove" _ Rizes for the boy # risite Gowns . . . . Adorable "Teddics" So Many Clever Novelties That May Be Had In Sets. Children's wardrobes need a careful looking over at this time of'z:u. There must be dainty little frocks for all holiday festivities coming so soon now and Heavy frocks are needed for winter--time school and play--time. ol'Spo::'wookuh:tbomyfi.m'::dm colorings in plaids, checks com-- 12.'30.. unusually becoming to childhood. Yet the prices are very moderate. Of Fine Quality siks -- |-- Bas #1 c hora aoear i o tos varv Hac ano the Christmas Is In Sight! And Many, Others at $10.98 _ RUBIN'S SEOOND FLOOR . Selling--Entire Stock of Winter __ |___ °_ $79.50 Winter Coats....... z "7." w-lc C"h.......'. 'aw Winter C"ho.oooctl 4 * lm w.* C"bo..'."'l.l TH® DRESSES-- ks 'ImM M;uciuz THE COATS---- We consider this our greatest sale of the season. Women who have shopped and haven't found the correct Coat or Dress for Thanksgiving !amsut surely finding them in this ul'l'iy at twenty percen savings. Search where you and you will not find a more interesting .Iiopl;y. . Coats and Dresses | _ m Winter w.o.ttoio:rom mm w." C"t,'.oorooo.m m.w Will. Cflu...n...mw mo" w.* Mo # 00070 #l:e om $79.50 Winter Coats . . . . . . . .$63.60 m-m Wfi" M.o,u.'oom< lm m C"ho.o:o ovcoulmm lm Wfi"' Cub...'u:-.._.;lm.w * o'o-t:u.o'glm.w . $28.00 omw Om . $63.60 .100.00 There is a special trilute to the fine taste of the recipient and evidence of a gift of the correct and attrac tionery that may. be chosen here. * Of Metailic Faile and Velour Felts in Lip--stick Red & Wanted Colors ' earry out the metailic note that is so domt nant a feature of Winter modes. SBome are wrapped closaly in turban strle--and plerc-- eod with a gold or silver arrow or finished with a stunning rhinestonse ornament. Flowers and fruits sllvered or gllided ars trimming for some. There is a variety in the assortment that makes selection d¢-- Uidedly satisfactory. And it is a selection that may be made very economically for the pricing is Aecidediy low. nesday evening as usual at 6:00 P. M. and remain closed all day _ Thursday ---- Thanksgiving Day. For Holiday Affairs || $ Fine Stationery New Hats .. Poke Shaped Hata Ars Draped With $1.00 to $4.50 BILK§--MAJN FLQOR at. ¥#